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Dream Interpretation: Shopping 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Shopping? Discover the significance of seeing a Shopping in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Shopping appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol reflects your desires, needs, and choices. Often it reflects the opportunities that may come into your life or have already entered. It suggests that you have too many options on hand, and that is making you overwhelmed. It also symbolizes skills, possibilities, and a new life phase.

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🧭 Direction


Examine your emotions in the dream. They reflect how you actually feel in life. Are there any choices that are causing you anxiety or stress? Stay calm and only select when you are ready and confident. Trust your heart as it will lead you to the right path.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of shopping can evoke feelings of excitement, anticipation, and desire. It represents the pursuit of material possessions and the satisfaction that comes from acquiring new things. This dream may also symbolize the need for self-expression, indulgence, or a desire for change. It can bring about a sense of pleasure and fulfillment, as well as a temporary escape from reality. Overall, the dream of shopping elicits positive emotions and reflects our innate human desire for pleasure and gratification.





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15 Jul 2024



I was shopping in a store browsing at clothes and food. I was with my family, two aunts, some cousins, and my grandmother. One of my aunts left and got in the car with my grandmother. I followed them outside and saw there was a cop yelling my aunt to put the car in park. She could control the gear shift and she accidentally stepped on the gas and the car went into reverse very fast. Me and my cousins were standing around stressed out. The car backed out all the way into the middle of the street and another car hit them. The person in the other car was honking them repeatedly but kept driving super fast and pushing my aunts car out onto the highway and the all the down the highway until they were out of our view.

14 Jul 2024



Last night I dreamt that I was shopping for antique lace wedding dresses with my sister.

14 Jul 2024



I was in a store with aparna and monisha. That store had dresses and jackets, it also had necklaces and statues. I had gone there to purchase gift for my friend sahitya. I liked one jacket. I asked them for a large size. That lady kept on saying "your size will be more",but I didn't care. I still put it on and it was perfectly fitting me. But I did not buy that. I looked for something related to harry potter and bts, but I didn't like anything there. Aparna and monisha were shouting at me for staying very long in the store. I did not give them any answer and just stepped out. I was in church street. With me was ninja Hattori, kenechi, shinzo, and shishimanu. I told them that, only me, kenichi run all alone and you guys have a companion to run with unlike us. I was in my room. I was pregnant and with aarav. The bump was seen. I told aarav that I want to be a doctor and started to cry. He was calm. He said that he will take care of me. He also wanted me to pursue my career. I told him that all this was too soon for me. All he said was yeah I know. I then told him that I don't want any of our relatives to interfere, all I want is you. He just smiled and he hugged me. I hugged him too and cried, while he was consoling me.

8 Jul 2024



I had several dreams kinda rolled into one last night. I was on a family and friends vacation. Some people I recognized some people I didn’t. But it was overall a fun dream! In the beginning it wasn’t as fun. I was feeling really anxious and uncomfortable and kept hearing something about shadow crystal and smoky quartz. In my waking life I had been thinking about moving my rose quartz pillar in the windowsill next to my bed and replacing it with my smoky quartz point. Anyways my anxiety was getting worse and worse and I couldn’t find the smoky quartz. In my dream I was checking all the places I’d thought it was in my waking life like my backpack pockets and things like that but I couldn’t find it. I finally found something similar to it on my husbands bookshelf but that one had some yellow inclusions and I didn’t know what they were but they were very pretty. The only way I k ow to describe that crystal was almost alien with the circular yellow inclusions almost like bubbles that have bubbled up from the inside. As it it had been boiled and then flash frozen to maintain the bubble shapes. It was really cool and also not what I was looking for. Finally I ended up locating my amethyst crystal and when I picked it up it was as if all the anxiety just drained out of me and I could finally breathe easily. It then switched more to the vacation vibe. There was one part where we were in this open air space with a bonfire and some music playing and lots of children running around. And there was one kid who had grown attached to me. Idk if it was my kid or somebody else’s in the family/friend group or what. But I seemed to be either in charge of that kid or had developed a bond. We danced and played and when she was ready to sleep I would ask her or she would tell me and then we would get comfy and I would rock her or lull her to sleep. I could actually feel her in my arms and feel when she laid her head on my chest. It was nice. Then it skips a lil and I remember it was me and one of my friends, I think it was Audri, decided to have a girls day the last day. Did some shopping which was nice cuz I never really get the chance to buy things for myself. And then went to a bar. There were some people that had came with us on vacation at the bar already. For some reason I was fully ignoring one of them. Like at one point I completely turned my back to them and I still don’t really know who they were. We enjoyed our drinks at the bar and at some point ended up moving to a table. The bar scene changed ever so slightly to include a children’s area off to the right and some comfy massage chairs to the left. We as a group were discussing the plans for that night and apparently My husband, Marty, had setup all the plans for it. Everybody was really excited! Then some kid started freaking out and screaming just throwing a huge tantrum. He was a little white boy with blonde hair and I think he also had blue eyes. Maybe age 6 or 7. We didn’t know this kid but it turns out the children’s area was mostly for orphans and this kid was an orphan. Everybody was like one let’s get out of here this kid is ruining the vibe. But I wanted to stay and see what happened because I was curious. How would the caretakers handle this?? His tantrum ended up bringing him over to my table. And I was able to calm him down. To me he just seemed troubled and like his feelings were hurt. He asked for some of our food and I did give him some but then he started acting pretty mean and we talked about it and he calmed down. But then it happened again as we were getting ready to leave. He wanted to come with us and we had told him know so he was being mean again. So I took him back over to the play area and told him why he couldn’t come with us and that he was being mean and he started crying and screaming he was sorry. And I left and didn’t look back but I remember thinking this kid is just so hurt and and lashing out I hope somebody chooses to love him. Once outside of the mall area I saw my dad and he was saying we should hurry back to the hotel to get ready cuz we would be leaving for the Marty Night soon. He also dropped something and I saw him pick it up while he said this. I also remember that we were standing on a slightly curved declining area during this convo. He also told us some people may already be ready and waiting outside so we hurried along and the. I woke up.

8 Jul 2024



They reopened Payless shoes and my former manager was the manager again. I was still employed, they had just forgotten to give me hours. So she calls me and asks if I would be able to work. Well my husband is currently unemployed so I said yes and jumped at the chance. They had me working the whole next week. It was a small storefront but familiar. A woman came in looking for a dupe for lands end slides and a then a man was looking for a driving moccasin. He paid, with a $200 dollar bill which was real, but I had a hard time calculating the change. I thanked him for his patience he at first said no protein came back and said he was annoyed but it’s okay cause he saw I was flustered. My manager basically left me to go out with this guy who was a friend of maybe more than but they were going on a date to a college game and I was left in charge.

4 Jul 2024



Getting supplies at Home Depot with my friends

30 Jun 2024



I remember I had a dream, I was at my cousin's (A boy) house... I'm in my room and it seems like me and my cousin are on a hide and seek..But all I know is, everything was in chaos. Their house is quite spacious and so I was going in and out in their room... My cousin is running here and on.. Then, I remember my aunt and mother taking us shopping. We're allowed to get toys/things we like as long it cost ₱500.. Instead of getting some toys, I got a book. I went to the counter and the sales lady mentioned the books were written by someone named "Edgar Allan Poe" whom I've heard somewhere before. I have two books to choose from, and I get a pink and blue. I chose the blue one. I was enthusiastic about the book and bought it. So, My Mother was intrigued and surprised by what I got. Which is the book. There are things inside the book like a pen perhaps.. but that thing is elegant and old fashioned which interests me even more.. and it caught my mother's interest too. She asked me if she could borrow it I said no.

30 Jun 2024



. So I dreamt that we were going for a trip in South Africa. In the dream, I was also a leader. I was also a prefect. I remember it like in high school, but this high school looks like the ones that are in abroad, the white countries, the westernized countries. So I organized for everyone to make sure that they have packed everything and they are leaving. I can remember that we were doing shopping or snacks before we left. I can see we have a shop in our school. Days before, in the dream, there is one of our classmates, a child in our school who had been murdered. Her name is Carol. So that day before I go and board the plane, because we also have a plane in our school in my dream, I am called by the voice announcer that I should go and see a certain teacher. I can remember this teacher. This is a teacher who addressed me in my high school in normal life, that I go and see her. The girl who was suspected is someone called Patricia who was in my school, in primary school. That is the only place I can remember. So I go to where she is and she tells me she is not the one who has said anything to the teachers. So I go there and I question her. Then I go looking for the teacher's office. I think that is where I woke up because I cannot remember anything more.

30 Jun 2024



We're going to H&M. I'm there with a friend and with my husband. And my husband starts grabbing all those things. All those clothes and bags, that I find really, really hideous. And the more the friend grabs stuff, my husband grabs all those things. And I'm getting more and more upset. Because I feel like he's buying the stuff that I told him not to buy and that doesn't look really good on him. Like silly t-shirts with big prints and three quarter pants. So I'm getting really upset.

29 Jun 2024

High School
Old friend


I went to IKEA to buy affordable work clothes but the shirts were like $50. There were two really like stylish ladies in their 40s (older than me) shopping together next to me and they were chatting about all of the drama points in the new season of L word (this does not exist in real life but I wish it did) and I laughed was like “wait I haven’t gotten there yet!” And the girl who was talking laughed with me and understood and paused the convo, but the other one was annoyed that I butted into their conversation. They went down a nearby escalator while I tried to close the interaction awkwardly shouting to them something like “normally I wouldn’t do that because y’all’s conversation is none of my business, but L Word literally is my business if you know what I mean! Haha!” Then I tried to get a shopping cart but there was only one clean one and it was really weird and hard to use for what I wanted, and all of the rest of the carts had like food ALL over them. IKEA doesn’t sell clothes. In another dream, I was with an old friend Ashley from after college whom I haven’t talked to in a couple of years. We ended up at a Wendy’s and we maybe worked there for a second?? The cashier was like “can you please check yourselves out?” Because they were so busy. Something like that. We didn’t mind and it was fun. Separately from that, I was at a high school friend Erica’s house and she had a friend over, another woman, and I wanted to have a three-way with both of them. I think it didn’t happen because I wanted to take a shower and I was able to do that, but there was nowhere private to get dressed and this was an obstacle for some reason. Much later, maybe a separate day, I ended up beginning to get intimate with her dad whom I did not know (in real life I am not interested in men sexually) and then his wife found us and I was momentarily afraid I had made a huge mistake, but then she liked it and wanted to join and have her first queer sexual experience. I found her very beautiful and attractive. She was very feminine. This got interrupted but then my next memory is that on a later day, we tried to make it happen again. The father and I got started a little bit on our own and then planned to go find her to invite her to join because that was the way she wanted it to happen, but I missed out again because the sex didn’t actually happen. I can vaguely remember what it was like beginning to get intimate with her, but it’s more like flashes of visuals just of her skin.

27 Jun 2024

Running away


i had a dream that we was in the school but it kinda look like a charter school and we was in there just doing stuff and then a practice lock down happen and then a actual happens and we all had to run out bc the person was coming to us. Then my dream switched to this place it was like a place with a lot of people and markets and i was in this Asian market just shopping around and it was a guy i saw and he switched in between realms like it was a ghost realm and i switched too and i saw more people but they was ghost just shopping casually. So then i shopped around and left and i teleported home I HAD A PET DOG Chihuahua AND A PARROT And in my dreams they was so close to me and i was in my regular room so i was basically taking care of them and in my dream i was sleep so i went to sleep with my dog and he was so close we fell asleep together and i was holding my parrot too and then i woke up in my dream AND MY PARROT WAS GONE I WAS LIKE WHERE TF IS MY PARROT OMG AND THEN I WAS SEARCHING EVERYWHERE UNDER THE BED AND STUFF IM LIKE NOOOOO and my mom came in was like she was on the bed with you i don’t know. but then i searched it up and everything like my parrot disappeared what does that mean help and i finally got some help and was like parrot must’ve went outside to build they own nest and then i realized it was a small nest at my window but my window was closed so i hurried up and open my window to wait for her and then i saw her just flying around and it was another parrot it was blue and i was screaming from out my window PARROTTTTT with my one finger out so they can go on my finger. But anyways the blue parrot came and came inside my home and then my bby came i felt so connected to it and she came inside too and she was sniffing out the other parrot and stuff but the blue parrot wanted to leave so i just let it go, AND I WAS SO HAPPY MY PARROT CAME BACK I WAS PETTING HER AND EVERYTHING AND SHE WAS LAUGHING AND SO HAPPY, AND THEN I THINK I WAS GIVING HER STUFF TO DRINK AND THE PARROT TURNED INTO A HUMAN BUT I PAID NO MIND AND GAVE THEM FIRES AND JUICE AND WATER.

27 Jun 2024



I remember being in Primark with my mother and there were also some other people I knew and I wanted some nails but my mom kept getting angry and saying that she will buy what she wants for me, not what I want. Anyway, so it happened that the nails she chose looked really good on me and they were do natural. They were in a square shape and looked like real nails, with a dirty, smudged, slightly visible french tip, and I was so happy that I finally have long nails(my nails are actually really short), when I woke up I looked at my nails and was dissappointdd when I realised it was a dream.

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