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Dream Interpretation: Google 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Google? Discover the significance of seeing a Google in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Google appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of Google symbolizes the need for information and knowledge. It may also indicate a desire to find answers or solutions to a problem. It can also represent the need for communication and connection with others.

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🧭 Direction


Are you feeling lost or uncertain about something in your life? This dream may be telling you to seek out information or advice to help you make a decision. It may also be a sign to reach out to others for support and guidance. Take advantage of the resources available to you and don't be afraid to ask for help.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of Google may evoke feelings of curiosity, excitement, and a desire for knowledge. It represents a thirst for information and a need to explore new ideas and concepts. This dream may also bring a sense of empowerment and confidence in one's ability to find answers and solutions. It signifies the importance of staying connected and being aware of the world around us. Overall, dreaming of Google can generate a sense of wonder and the belief that anything is possible with the right information at our fingertips.





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Dreams of users containing the word Google

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5 Jun 2024

My crush


I had two dreams tonight. One involved a new version of Spider-Man 3 from 2007. The actors were slightly different and the story involved a lot more action and in one part of the story I reminisced about a girl I had a crush on. My second dream involved me trying to search for the movie After Earth with Will and Jaden Smith with through Netflix, Best Buy, and Google.

30 May 2024



I sat down in the back seat a limeo that was taking me to school and 2 girls who I avoided in the school got in and sat next to me. Like a the nice person I had to be, I talked to one of them. We started making conversation when we were heading to school. When we got there, we went to library to hang out for a while. We walked and chatted for a while when I was playing it cool. She showed me something funny on her iPad. Somehow I felt like I seen it but I haven't. Then it was end of the day, so we went to the bus lot. I asked for her number and she said "I'll send you it through Google chat." I said goodbye and tried to find my bus. It felt like an actual date.

21 Mar 2024

New Job


Firstly, I saw myself going on our car and instructing the voice assistant to turn on the music player. Then, I saw myself pressing the buttons on a petrol pump. I pressed some buttons whose first 2 numbers were 35. But I remember the amount of petrol I filled to be 345. I filled the petrol however some petrol even fell out. I then saw that our family was going by foot to buy a new car. We were going to multiple car showrooms. And, at last we went to a car showroom named something like- Realme... However we first went to the shop beside it. There we meet another family. The family had 2 parents and a child girl who was in her adolescence maybe but was a little short heighted than me. Then my mother told the story of her grandfather to the shipowner regarding his ability to predict future events and gave the instance which was somehow connected with that shop. We and their families made something very small and asked the shopkeeper to keep it in 2-3 separate transparent boxes. I took the remaining chocolates from one box and emptied it and gave it to the shopkeeper. I even said my father to pay the money of the chocolate sto the shopkeeper. I then shared it between me, my little sister and that girl. I and that girl were eating the same candy which was something colored in a gradient. I was somehow getting attracted to that girl. After I ate the toffee, I asked my mobiles Google asistant to save it's name in the notepad. I then moved following some sparkling glitters on ground. I was then accompanied by someobody whose gender I can't say. Maybe a boy. We went to a lake or something with water and was meditating while holding a bar with hand and rest of the body floating on water or air. Then, something took place, I can't remember. From 3rd person of view, I saw a yt page with videos of the same event just the fact there were doraemon characters inplace of me and that person. I was getting call from my father to comeback and hence I fixed a tool which was round. And upon fixing and joining the two ends of that round tube, a transporting medium or way came. I came back to my room. in real life where I study or spend most of my day. However that person's tool even came back with me. That was even broken. I picked a piece of paper and wrote do mend it. And put it with the tool and dropped it into my tool so that it will get transported to that place.

20 Mar 2024

Make Out


In my dream I was in a garden with a pond that had koi fish. Every time somebody came into the garden I tried to hide, I was pretty good at hiding too! They were beetles in the garden, I'm terrified of beetles, it's legitimate phobia. Not just normal beetles, there were beetles that look like they were made out of gold. I kept trying to pick up those gold beetles, every time I did they would bite me! But then a beetle made of gold flew and landed on me without biting me, I googled it, that kind is called a Hercules beetle. The beetle started to sing to me, and I started dancing in the garden. But then two of my sisters Tabithìa and Bree and my Aunt Da rushed into the garden and tried to take the golden beetle and I fell backwards into the koi pond. I woke up then.

5 Mar 2024



April and I were on her old apartment when we discovered this interesting phenomenon. Everytime one of us removed our shoes, the lights would come on. We thought maybe it was motion sensors. But we tried other actions in several parts of the apartment, unsuccessfully, to trigger the phenomenon. Only the act of removing our shoes had the effect of making the lights come on. I told April that I thought this was like the story in Exodus with the burning bush. Perhaps the act of removing our shoes brings us into God's presence. She was uncertain. She Googled the phenomenon then looked a bit surprised and handed me the phone. I looked at her search results - it said that lights turning on or off wad often associated with supernatural phenomenon. I believed this proved my point - though I also suspected the article was referring to ghosts.

27 Feb 2024



I was going on a date with my wife Trina. We were in different locations so we were going to meet in downtown San Antonio. As we drove into downtown she was in the car in front of me then was walking in a 5 point intersection which had a high rise building under construction. As Trina walked near the building basically underneath the construction area several men started to fall and they did a total of 3 men but they had safety harnesses and didn't fall to the ground. Several parts of the construction did fall to the ground although no one was injured. I then found myself walking in a neighborhood with many beautiful shady trees. I was lost now and needed to find Trina for our date. I walked down a neighborhood road that had a bus lane on it. I ran into an black woman who offered to help me get home as she knew how to get me ther once I explained where I lived.bshe seemed a bit over weight and semi-homeless if you looked at her from that perspective. She was able to get me home and came to my house which was the house I grew up in. In my childhood room which I shared with my kids. I told her my back was hurting and she offered to give me a massage and she took off all her clothes to do this. At first I was aroused and excited for a second then I realized she had unattractive breasts and was extremely overweight and that she might have a mental disorder. I then realized I needed to get her to leave my house but she begged to stay just one night. I started looking for my cell phone to get a hols of Trina but I couldn't find it. As u looked for it I found myself in downtown San Antonio the town I grew up in. Then I found my phone but the entire screen was cracked and I could not dial out. I ended up sleeping on a blue sofa that Saturday night near some homeless people who looked more like people you would meet at a greyhound bus station. I woke up on what seemed to be our blue sofa but I was confused as to how it ended up on the sidewalk in downtown. As I woke up I found my old Bible in my hands. It was the Bible I have had for over 25 years. It looked just like it does today. It was worn and tathered and missing its letter cover. I asked a you man sitting behind me on a different sofa if he put it in my hands or did he know where it came from and he said no. In that moment I thought that this may have been a miracle from God or else who and how would have given it to me as no on but Trina and I know about that Bible. I then realized I needed to get out of that predicament and I tried calling Trina using Google voice command and the phone ended up calling Annie's restaurant which at first I thought it was my girlfriend from highschool but it was it was the restaurant. Then I asked a woman who had come over to sit on the sofa next to me if I could borrow her phone since I had allowed her child to sit on my sofa. She did now but didn't give a good reason. Then I asked my son Dawson about his phone and he said he had it and that it was charging on an outdoor outlet behind the sofas. The weird thing is there seemed to be a square hole that may have been covered by a metal screen cover but it was gone and there was now sand/dirt and a bit of trash in it and we had to jump over that to get to his phone. I got the phone then walked over to the sofas and my blue sofa was gone and I didn't know what happened to it. I then I walked around looking for it and found a fancy restaurant that was about to close as it was late at night so they were giving away really good food to the patrons who were there late and were about to leave and they thought I was one of them and they gave me a great plate of food. I then went back to where the sofas were and all but my blue one was there. I then called Trina and she picked up. She didn't seem to know it was me at first and then I could here her respond to the knocking at her door and it was room service. She and her girlfriend who was sharing the room with her had ordered room service and they were so pleased and excited about it she forgot I was on the phone. I kept yelling into the phone but she was busy enjoying her breakfast treats.

11 Feb 2024

Light (Not Dark)


I had a dream that I went to Reading festival, and the stage was really small, and somehow I managed to get backstage with a couple of friends, and Green Day were playing, and they were setting up their equipment, and they were building a barrel, I don't know why they were setting up the equipment themselves, but they were asking us what colour our hair was, and we were telling them, and then it got quite dark, and one of my friends was flying a drone, and she was getting worried because she couldn't see the drone because it was so dark, and it wasn't hers, and she was worried it was going to crash, and she was going to get in trouble, and then I went to go get a drink, and it became light again, and I tried to get back on stage, but I thought I don't really care because there wasn't a lot going on there, so I was kind of just sitting at the front of the stage waiting for them to start, and I thought I would text Paul, and I couldn't find him in my phone to text him, but I eventually found him on WhatsApp, and I thought I'll just dictate my message, so I pressed the button, and I chatted into the phone about what I was doing, and when I went to send it, it had actually just searched a load of things on Google, and I was really struggling to send him a message, so I had to then find him on WhatsApp again, and just send him like one sentence at a time, and send it, but he looked like he'd never sent me a message, but anyway, and for some reason everyone could see my knickers, my skirt was lifted up a little bit, so I was trying to pull that down, and then I'd ripped my top, so I was trying to fix my top, I'm so sorry about that.

27 Jan 2024



For the longest time I had a friend and we were inseparable until one day they just stopped contacting me...and never did so again. Then I was blocked on practically everything and I didn't notice until I looked them up on Google. I tried interacting with their siblings as to what happened but was never given an answer. I keep having dreams lately of them coming back and trying to explain themselves and I think it's just me trying to process letting go of them but I also feel as though I need some closure, as they left one day without a reasoning and when I've tried contacting those siblings I either got no response or they acted like they didn't know what I was talking about. I just wish I had an's been nearly 2 years since they contacted me and I think about them often yet haven't heard a word from them. At one point I decided to contact their siblings saying it would be the last time I do so as I felt I was being somewhat obsessive but I genuinely think it's just that I want an answer. Even if we don't start being friends again I just wish I knew why they left.

29 Dec 2023

Car Crash


okay so i was on my way home with my mom on route 22 from my bonus grandmas house, and he got into a really nasty car crash. some ‘people’ and ‘firefighters’ came to help, and they dragged our car to a side road. they then dragged us out of the car, barley alive, and took us into someone’s ‘house’. it was not normal at all, it was like these people were from another universe, and using some sort of power to their advantage. they dragged us into their house, and me and my mom instantly got better. we had no broken bones, burns, or anything. it was like whatever force field they dragged us into put us into their timeline. so we are in this house, it’s HUGE inside. there’s tons of kids, adults, of all ages and genders inside. it looked like a foster home almost with just a lot of people inside. anyways, we go in, and they put us in the garage. they have us sit down at separate round tables, and clean ourselves up. we eventually get tired of waiting, so me and my mom ventured off into the actual house. and it was nuts. but we go in, and the owner of the house immediately introduced themself, i say themselves because i swear this thing could shapeshift. i’ve seen them as a man and a woman. so i eventually got away from this thing, and ventured off to a group of people about my age. they tell me their story about how they ended up here, and they were all similar. car crash, nearly dead, and dragged into this strange house. they told me the rules, everyone is to be in bed by 8pm, no phones, no contacting the outside world, and no leaving the house. i instantly got a bad feeling about the house. everyone inside was victims to what was to come. we all heard a little kid screaming bloody murder, and this group of people i was with was like “that’s where our lives are about to go to. they prep us for their dinners and to sell us.” i thought they were kidding at first, but i knew i had to get out of there. i tried finding my mom, but she was already getting along with the house owner. i just watch her from a distance, as i’m trying to sneak onto my phone and texting my bonus dad that we’ve been kidnapped. i literally remember texting him “HOW DO YOU SHARE LOCATION” “PLEASE HELP US” WE GOT INTO A CRASH” “PLEASE”. he didn’t believe me af all!!! he shared a video that showed me how to share my location, but it was way too long and i was just getting more anxious and annoyed by the second. i replied and said “THE VIDEO IS WAY TO LONG JUST TELL ME!!” and he started telling me how to, but i couldn’t read it. i got even more anxious and upset, i just said “NEVERMIND ILL JUST GOOGLE IT. CANT YOU JUST TRACK THE AIRTAG?!” and he replies asking what all the ruckus was. the house owner was over my shoulder at this point so i could do nothing but pretend i was playing a mobile game or something. once the house owner left, i immediately went to share my location, and all jason said was “you’re lying lol. i saw you walk at graduation today!” i was so confused because i had graduated at least 8 months ago. what did he mean he just saw me?! i tried explaining to him this house i was in, and he didn’t believe me at all. i told him to pull up and send police, but when they came, the house looked like no one was home. i said “HOW ALL THE LIGHTS ARE ON AND IT LOOKS LIKE A CIRCUS IN HERE!!” he sent me a pic, and he was right. it did look like nothing was home. i texted him and said “fine, if you don’t believe me, then don’t. we will be dead by midnight.” he laughed and we stopped texting each other. by then i went over to talk to my mom, and tried to tell her what had just happened, and she was brainwashed. she was saying how much she loved it here, and how much she wanted to stay, and how she’s even got a thing going on with the house owner. i told her she’s completely wrong, and that the people running this house was gonna kill us by midnight. she just laughed and said whatever. it was then 8pm, and everyone ran up the stairs to find a little nook to ‘sleep’ in. i tried to stick with my mom, but she was kissing the house owners butt so i just took off without her. i found a black woman about my age, and asked if i could chill with her for the night. she said yes, and told me what the rules are for the night. you can stay awake, but you’re not allowed to make any noise, talk to anyone, or go on your phone. the lights turned off, and the only source of light was under the huge window we were under. she then pulled out her charger, and plugged her phone into the outlet and hit the charger with her blanket. i asked “do you mind if i charge mine too?” and she said “no i don’t, just keep it hidden. don’t let him catch you.” i plugged my phone in and it buzzed. i looked up at her panicked and she said “shhh don’t worry it’s okay, the house owner is a little dumb. he thinks it’s his workers working.”. i noticed the house owner walking around, and me and this girl hid our phones. she pretended to sleep, and i just grabbed my mini sketchbook and pencil, and started doodling. the house owner was right over my shoulder, and i felt nothing but his negative energy coming into my space. i felt so anxious, tired, and depressed when he came into my space like that. it was like he was sucking the life out of me. he eventually moved onto the next few people to check on them. i remember the next morning in the kitchen, i peeked through the blinds, and i saw another house that wasn’t there before. it looked the same as the one we were in, but it was filled with firefighters and fire trucks. they looked like the people who had saved me and my mom from that car crash. the girl i had stayed with said “you’re not supposed to look out there.” i quickly looked away and snapped the blinds back and just looked at her confused. she said “they’re in our dimension as well. but we aren’t supposed to know. they’re helping these house owners pull in victims. they are the ones who actually caused most of these peoples car crashes, including yours.”. i just remember feeling so depressed and shocked that this was even possible. she told me she knew a way out, but it was very risky. i don’t remember what happened after this, but i remember dragging my mom out of the house after she had just almost been killed by them, all bloodied up, and i said “i told you so! now let’s call for help.”. so i guess you could say that girl’s plan worked. i remember trying to tell the police what happened, and they immediately got the fbi and whoever deals with parallel universe shenanigans. they were working on an investigation before i woke up in the waking world, but they finally believed us and kept an eye on us and that area 24/7 so these shapeshifters from a different universe wouldn’t claim another victim or try to kill us.

25 Nov 2023



We were with a group of friends on a trip and it was war or something, we needed to escape so we ran into the jungle. My ex got shot and one of my friends ran quickly to him as if thy were a couple. She grabbed him by his hips and hugged him. I gotmad at her cause she in fact knew how hard my heart was broken. She was laughing at me for being upset so i started to call her out. We were fighting. I told my ex to go the other way and wait for me. I still have feelings for him. Me and my friend continued the fight and i got to my ex. I started to call him out and fight with him too. I think i fought with him to and is said something like ‘hi google,leave’. Than i was awake;

20 Nov 2023



I were in my school and then it was a train school and I were enjoying it but then there was second train and in that train was 4 of my classmates 1 girl and 3 boys and I said hi and they said also hi and after it there started a game and I lost but then I got to the first train and there was the school and some minutes later there was another game but I lost again and I also again got to the first train but later they weren't playing games anymore and we got to the apartments for us and there was a rules and it said no phones no Google maps and the rules was like really strict and there was also my older sister and we got a room togeter and there I get my phone and started playing and I did tried to find out where am I but I didn't find the Google maps and no long after the strict teacher found out I'm playing so she get me to stay on a place and grabbed my phone and put it on a place I couldn't go on so I couldn't get my phone but my sister still had a phone but then she told me to don't use phone but then she put her phone on my bed and then there were 3 phones and I thought that geting my phone back it a good idea so I found where my phone is and get it back and then hide it under my bed and then there were teachers in my room discussing something and on my bed were still the phones so I again hide the phones under my bed.

15 Nov 2023



I dreamed I was at what was my job. And all I remember Is that i worked on an extremely high and steep cliff. And it was snowing and there was a ton of snow on the ground. I wondered how they expected me not to accidentally fall off the cliff and the snow made it hard to see sometimes. I saw a couple of friends from my old job running around and assumed they worked here too. They were going on their lunch break and I'd already taken mine but I said screw it and followed them to the vending machine. Behind the vending machine were some pecan swirls and cinnamon rolls that were just for my department. So I grabbed one of the cinnamon rolls. They were in plastic bags floating in water. They were huge and I started walking away in the snow and somehow after a bite I got coated in the icing. I was like damn..then kept eating it but it tasted old and freezer burnt so I threw it on the ground. I decided to head back to wherever I was supposed to be. I think I was going to the room I was staying in. I was on this automatic treadmill thing like they have at airports and was laying on my stomach or something and it was taking me down the hall and I was looking straight ahead with the bottom part of my face being covered by my arm and at the end of the treadmill thing was a pool and Justin Timberlake was sitting there making intense eye contact with me and I made intense eye contact back and it was kind of a joke. I got to the end and got up and laughed and was like "I'll need to call my mom and tell her you're here. She'll freak out" as i was walking away and grabbed my phone and he laughed and I looked up a lil higher than him and billie eilish was sitting there on a throne looking chair and I said "omg well now I'm the one that's going to freak out. I love you." She laughed and told me to come closer to her and she asked me for my phone which im assuming was so she could take pictures of us. I pulled it out and set it to record and she was talking to ther people for a second. I didnt want to be starstruck and ruin the moment by recording everything but i also wanted video evidence and to remember this moment forever. She grabbed my phone from me and went to kinda take a selfie with it and i was worried it being on record was going to throw her off but she put the phone down and continued talking to whoever it was. I was trying to be normal around her and looked around and saw alot more fans around now. I kept trying to tell her things I'd planned to tell her if I met her like about how the song "I wish you were gay" means so much to me and also was trying to show her how i was covered in icing hoping she would laugh but other people kept trying to talk to her so she didn't hear me and I understood so I dropped it. I did manage to ask her if she would sign my arm so I could get it tattooed and she seemed a little nervous so I told her she didn't have to if that made her uncomfortable but she agreed. She started to sign my hand and got nervous. I was thinking how I didn't plan to get my hand tattooed but honestly I'll do it if that's where she wants it. She crossed some of it out and said she'd try again. I looked at her and told her she can do it later if she preferred and for some reason she didn't have a shirt on all of a sudden and her boobs were out but I didn't look at them. She said nah and continued to write on my hand and her shirt reappeared. Then my roommate sydney was there next to me and there was a bunch of other superstars leaving a room behind us and I was looking at them hoping I recognized any of them so I could talk to billie about it but I didn't and I was like "damn it must be so chill back there" because it was the vip room and billie was like "haha yeah it is" and she got up like we were going to leave and she asked if she still had my phone and I said yeah and was looking around the seat she just got up from and found a phone that was crushed and she said that wasn't mine and I made it apparent I didn't pick it up because I didn't want her to think I was a crazy fan that would steal from her. And I found another one and it also wasn't mine and then she said she had it so I turned and got my phone from her and Sydney had billies phone. Billie told her the password was "Tool" and I was like "Tool, like the band?" And she said yes and Tool is one of my favorite bands so I laughed and Said "omg I love you. You're so cool" I remember thinking how people tell you not to meet your heros but this was going great. She started to walk out into this hall where it seems a festival has been going on and my heart sank because I may never see her again or get the chance to hang out with her like I have been. I tried to follow her in the crowed while trying not to make it obvious because I didn't want her to think she made a mistake being nice to me and now I'm stalking her. She went into a room and I lingered a little past it and was using my vape about to give up. I looked down at my hand that I thought she'd only wrote "wish you were" then crossed out another line. I was gonna look at it and decide if I was going to get the incomplete sentence tattooed anyways but I realized she drew alot on me. She had drawn a frog and a sea turtle and completely colored them in and apparently didn't like where she drew them so she wrote "redraw here" and drew an arrow to the other side of my wrist where she thought I should get the tattoo I guess but she had already redrawn it there. There were other little drawings and none of them I liked too much because they had nothing to do with her but I was going to get them anyways. I went to go sit on a table to Google if sea turtles were billies favorite animal when I saw Sydney my roommate and she seemed upset. I'm not sure why, maybe because we had been there later than she wanted because I was busy hanging out and trying to find billie but I already decided I'd give Sydney my car keys if need be and I'll Uber home if it meant I could possibly talk to billie again because the crowd had died down alot and billie came out in a big white t shirt like she was getting ready to go to bed and she had a friend with her and I was sitting at my table looking sad that my roommate was upset with me, thinking maybe billie would come ask what was wrong but I definetly wasn't going to approach billie anymore. I didn't want to bother her but it felt like she was purposefully staying within proximity of me and she kept looking at me. At first she sat at the same table as me and I was trying to act nonchalant. I had alot of stuff in my hands so I was trying to organize it hoping she would talk to me and then after a minute I looked up and saw that billie had moved to the table behind me closer to Sydney which wasn't a huge deal because now she was facing me more but it made me sad she didn't talk to me at all when she was sitting next to me. Then I woke up.

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