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Dream Interpretation: Computer 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Computer? Discover the significance of seeing a Computer in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Computer appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

A computer in a dream represents your mind and how you process information. It can also symbolize communication, logic, and problem-solving skills. If the computer is malfunctioning, it may indicate confusion or frustration in your thought process.

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🧭 Direction


Think about how you are using your mind in your waking life. Are you processing information efficiently? Are you communicating effectively with others? If the computer is malfunctioning, consider seeking help or taking a break to clear your mind. It may also be helpful to practice problem-solving skills to improve your mental clarity.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a computer may evoke feelings of curiosity, excitement, and empowerment. It symbolizes the desire for knowledge, efficiency, and connectivity. This dream may reflect a need for intellectual stimulation, a thirst for information, or a desire to stay connected with others. It can also represent a sense of control and mastery over technology. Overall, the dream of a computer elicits positive emotions associated with progress, innovation, and the potential for personal growth.





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3 Jul 2024



I was in America and was sitting in a computer lab with Mason and Dan. Aside from Dan, everyone there was friend my failed study abroad trip. I asked Mason in person at this moment if we could still be friends. He said "of course dude, I think everyone is being dramatic." I also asked Dan and he said "Of course dude. I've grown attached to the eye bags you give me" and he laughed boisterously. Riley walked up to us in a weirdly vibrant outfit and said "Oh my God, me and Eleanor shared a passionate kiss." I was grossed out because I didn't need to hear that, then Eleanor comes up to Riley and says "let's do it again" And I turn my head away. Someone, a stranger then asks, "Is this woke?" "No, it's love," I sigh, "I guess they love each other."

3 Jul 2024



Dream So there was this guy with blonde hair that would meet me in dreams but really he has dark hair and the blonde guy was like an avatar he used to greet me. He follows me around like a ghost cause well I think he cares for me and he’s worried about leaving me alone. He kept trying to kiss me as the blonde guy and I kept turning away cause I felt really really embarrassed. He’d get this really sad look about him then act like nothing happened. The dark haired guy watched people be mean to me. He couldn’t seem to do much about it other then hover closer or knock on walls. He smelled nice, I just felt like I really really wanted to touch him. Cuddle. But he was an invisible ghost when I was awake. I wanted to hide my face pretty badly I was so scared he’d find me ugly. When I went back to sleep I saw this guy with dark hair messing around on computers. Some lady said to me, “Well there he is” Later there was a bunch of strange noises and I was barely awake, but I was in a hospital bed with 2 women fussing over me. The dark haired guy came into the room. He had a really long beard. I was like 😃 beards. I was so out of it. I kinda reached toward him and he held my hand for a second but quickly left the room. I was confused why he didn’t stay. I was bored while the woman were talking so I looked around the room and saw some choccy milk hanging on the door. I think it was for me. It made my heart melt a little I also started helping people move into the undercity. Underground caverns that kinda resembled the sewers. I watched some kids die from the flooding.

27 Jun 2024

Abandoned home


I can't remember the beginning of the dream but I was with Dr. Shields one of the first grade teachers. We ended at my old babysitter's house even though she passed away years ago. We were talking in the kitchen and then Dr. Shields walked away. I went into my old babysitter's bedroom looking for something but I couldn't find it. My sister and someone else was in the front room talking. I went up there and like it looked like the living room but it was just things out of place. I walked into the hallway to the area which was the dining room. The dining room table was no longer there but the curios was filled with stuff and then it was some large trash bags filled with things. By the curio, was a computer and and some stereo equipment. I tried to detangle the wires so nobody would trip and then I placed it inside the curio. I then got up to sweep as it looked like it wasn't swept for awhile. My sister came in the room to show me a picture of us that our baby sitter had in the room. Then she was like you're cleaning? Yeah, I told her, it just felt right to do. Then she was like what's in those big bags. I peaked in and told her it was some of my old clothes.

27 Jun 2024

Video Game


My dream from last night was really weird. It kept switching between two separate stories that weren’t related to each other in any way. The first story focused on Dream-Me doing daily tasks in unusual ways, while the second story focused on the apocalypse and how fictional characters were dealing with it. It was so strange, because I would watch myself write an essay or play a game or go to the bathroom, then watch the worlds that fictional characters live in get destroyed. At one point, Dream-Me was hanging out with her boyfriend and reading an online book to him, when my dream suddenly cuts to Homer Simpson from “The Simpsons” trying to survive a tornado while his town is getting flooded. The whole apocalypse thing ended with a bunch of cartoon characters from movies and tv shows swimming around in the now flooded Earth, while Dream-Me was in the living room playing “Tears of the Kingdom.” Also, one of the characters from “South Park” was missing their face, and my dad found a way to play “Tears of the Kingdom” on the computer instead of the Nintendo Switch.

8 Jun 2024



This is a continuation of a previous dream where I saw that friend J from the family vacation. This time I went to a mall to print some documents for a thesis. I chose a nicer cafe with good ambience as the salad was fresher and less watery. A friend S saw me and decided to join me for lunch. Then J came and wanted to join us but S was displeased. A girl whom I did not recognise came and told me J liked me. J was shocked and denied. We sat together and started to chat. I found out that they wanted to go to a cheaper place but came here as they saw me. The topic of the thesis came and my friends mentioned they chose the topic based on friends' parents' recommendation instead of researching about what they were interested in. When it was time to make payment I went up to the platform with high heels and walked gracefully to pay. Later I left to print documents and had to squeeze with people to get to the printing shop. After that I had to run errands for my parents as there were guests at my place. Later when I finally reached home I realised I had printed incorrectly and had to make amends as my professor was difficult to please. I saw many round tables with different people sitting together and I could recognise faces from my school days. Then I saw J sitting at the extreme end of a table and the girl who came earlier was sitting with him, along with many others. She suddenly pulled me over and said J did not like me. J and I was shocked and I left feeling embarrassed as everyone thought I was rejected by J. I sat with another friend W and explained to him what happened at the cafe and also told him I only regarded J as a friend and I did not understand why the girl had to say these things to me. Later I ended up seeing my childhood friend D who were doing very well and traveled back and forth to overseas each week for business. He gave me access to his room for printing and modifying my documents. But when I reached his room people were already using his computer so I had to ask the girl who was using his computer to help me amend my documents. I found it difficult to guide her verbally so I asked for control of the computer. I was experimenting very quickly and I tried undo-ing some changes but it somehow affected her work as well. So I decided to compromise and made simple changes good enough to print out for the submission.

29 May 2024



I was transporting some butterflies outside in a tin but I didn’t realize they were drowning in milk. Once I noticed I quickly poor the milk out and nudged them outta it so they could breathe. 3 butterflies and it looked like they all would make it. I met him. At first I just felt arms holding me, tightly around my waste. He was laying on top of me. But then I’d feel him squirm a little and I got excited- His hold on me just kept growing tighter, he kept rubbing me- like massaging almost. It felt like he was trying to hold onto me for dear life. Later on I was looking at a computer- but it was turned off. But when my eyes focused on the black screen I didn’t just see myself. He was behind me, wide eyed and still holding on. He had a very youthful face and I think black hair. And he saw my face too. I got so scared tho cause I couldn’t feel him that I immediately dropped the laptop. Later on he was laying in bed with me again and I slumped to the floor to talk to this girl and she was like, wanna try a sleep exercise? Basically what she did was hooked me up to a tv and whatever I focused on became reality on the tv. It was kinda scary but also kinda fun.

22 May 2024

Stolen car
Video Game
Movie Theater


My dream started off with dream me playing “The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.” I was exploring one of the depths entrances that was right next to a stable. While I was exploring, my character, Link, got frozen by an ice enemy. He fell down to the bottom of the depths and suddenly entered a mine shaft from Minecraft. I warped my way back up to the top of the depths using the fast travel method, but it broke the game. Characters and items were glitched out and the game was completely broken. I tried loading a previous save to before the game broke, but it didn’t work. Then, a giant flying whale came out of the depths and started threatening the NPCS. I defeated it and the game suddenly went back to normal. Afterwards, I turned the game off and left the room. Then, my dad walks up to me and tells me that we’re moving. Next thing I know, we’re in an apartment building in Ohio. It was winter and it was snowing. There was a hole in the ceiling that let the snow inside the apartment, but no one seemed to care. The next day, my friends and my boyfriend came over and we all watched “SpongeBob SquarePants” on the tv. After it got dark, everyone said goodbye and left. I hugged my boyfriend before sitting back down on the couch to continue watching some tv. I searched through the channels and found that one of them was playing a movie. It was halfway over, but I watched it anyway. I fell asleep while watching it, and when I woke up, I was in my dad’s car. It was sunny outside and the clouds looked fluffy. My asked my dad where we were going and he told me that he was taking me to the movie theater. Once we got to the movie theater, I noticed that my childhood teddy bear was in my dad’s car, so I grabbed it and took it with me. (I wanted to keep it safe.) The two of us walked into the theater and sat down. Then, the movie started playing. I quickly realized that the movie was the same one that I had watched last night. I didn’t say anything though, instead I just watched the movie with my dad. The movie had some pretty mature themes in it. It was about a hero falling from grace and losing sight of himself. It also talked about death and the afterlife. It ended happily, but it was a bittersweet ending. After the movie ended, my dad and I walked back to the car and went home. Only, we didn’t go home because my dad’s car had been stolen! We called the cops and filed a police report before walking back home. Instead of walking to the apartment in Ohio, we walked back to our house in Texas. Once we got there, I started playing a game on my computer in order to relax. My relaxation didn’t last though, because my dad started talking to me about school shortly after we got home. I quickly answered his question before going to my room in order to relax again. Then I woke up and my dream ended.

22 May 2024



I had a dream where my mom had just bought a house for our family (me, my mom, my brother, and my sister.) It was a beautiful and still furnished home. There were three bedrooms. I helped my brother find a bed that was comfortable for him and he fell asleep. I also found the master bedroom and designated that room to my mom. I then walked into the third bedroom and noticed that it was still very much full of life. There was vibrant decorations still up, memories and arts and crafts on the walls, trophies on the selves. It felt like a young person’s room and it was decorated similar to my taste. The bedding was still there which was strange. I decided to try to sleep in the room but something was gnawing me to explore it deeper. I started to inspect the room closer and noticed that the computer in the corner of the room was really old. It looked like it belonged in the 90’s. The computer had a rounded back and it still had Windows XP running on it. Why had the prior occupants rushed out and left so many personal belongings? That was odd to me that things seemed frozen in time 25+ years later. Why had no one lived here since then? Is that why my mom had been able to afford the house? I then started reading some of the journals that were still left on the desk. In one of the journal entries, the prior occupant of the room had detailed paranormal experiences. One of them included a severed hand that had grabbed a visitor once and had scared the children on numerous occassions. There were a lot more entries so I gathered what I could find and rushed downstairs. I found my sister still awake in the living room and showed her what I found. My sister confirmed that she sensed there was something off about the house, she kept looking at the corner of the room where she couldn’t see anything but sensed there was something watching her there. I closed my eyes and put my hands up infront of me to sense the energy of the house. I did sense that there was dark energy around me, and set forth a force field of protective light around the house in the effort to expel the darkness around us. It lasted temporarily but I could feel the dark energy coming back into the house. I deducted that it was likely because the dark energy had a strong and long term attachment to the house and that’s why my protective barrier wasn’t holding. I held my sisters hands and asked her to set intentions of light surrounding her. She did so and our protective energy was stronger, but I could sense the dark energy was fighting back. I realized that we needed my mom as well. I called her over and the three of us held hands and we casted light around us, and my mom's energy was so powerful that this time, it stuck! I realized that it was possible that the dark energy would still to try to come back to the house so I told my family that we should only stay at the house for a short time and try to back out of the sale. I was also interested in investigating who used to live here and to see if we could find out more about what happened to them and see if we could meet them. The dream ended after we deciphered who the author of the journal entries was and were trying to figure out how to contact them.

20 May 2024



Walking up sky steps. I see a cloud coming- I will get wet. And the rain begins- I hide my computer under my shirt. Come up by the back part of student union. How did I get there? I walk along road. Hope I won’t get hit. Then I’m in a hallway in Noble thinking about where Tricia‘s office could be. And Kalin has his cows all lined up in the hallway. One of them is messing with the copier. It’s so cute and she’s also kind of messed up some boots. Expensive boots . Kalin doesn’t know what to do with them and so we just leave them on the counter. But then Shana off appears and she’s looking at how much they cost. And we are talking about how I only have one semester left until retirement. And then I remember that I need to tell her that I can’t make it to the Michael Franti dance party. Because we will be in Monterey. And then I’m walking on the sidewalk in the rain.

19 May 2024



We were in a war room, on the ocean. I was an engineer who needed to maintain the fish between movements. I also helped out a lot with security, by making people access badges. I was heading down and my access badge had its chip removed. We landed my old neighbor hood where I was helping a few people get their vehicle unstuck from the mud. I was so focused on helping, my computer and books fell into the mud I jumped over to save them. My part time job was beauty and styling while landed here, I was doing a wax for a face. I didn’t find it weird that there was no person attached. I was about finished when Trump walked in asking for his face. I kindly told him to lay on the table for the finishing touches. He proceeded and I completed the wax, he paid my bosses and went about his business. I entered back to the ship and began inspecting the fish, some were dead and not removed; making others sick. I began to clean each tank carefully and quickly. I looked in the next tank over and it had many more fish than necessary, I asked the man looking after the tanks and he replied “those ones were dying so I took out my favorites.” I was confused and began to cry, they were all precious to me- how could he pick favorites?

16 May 2024

Phone call


Super weird. Kept waking up all night between dreams. First recalled dreaming about yoga, something online and bought something off someone and they were beautiful photos, with naked bodies painted in different colours so their bodies were covered. I woke talking in my sleep. Then I dreamt of being back in childhood bedroom, I was with my current partner sleeping. I woke early in the bed, kept getting woke up in my dream just like in real current life. Some kids were knocking on my door really early in the morning and I thought they were calling for my son, I didn’t know them. I saw that the computer had been left on, and realised my partner had been on it. It was a brand new Apple Desktop. The fan was humming really loud and needed to cool. There was a video playing but I don’t know what. Someone was talking and I could hear them ask me something and I answered back in real life. I got up to turn it off, but the desk fell apart and the mouse and headphones fell on the floor. When I moved everything, I saw the back desk had melted against the wall. Dan woke up and asked what was happening. I asked him if he had used it and stated that he would have gone mad if I’d have gone on his laptop without asking first. We looked at the melted desk. The kids were still outside knocking on. We looked out, there were about 5 of them, some on bikes. They saw us looking, I thought it was around 3am but I looked at the clock, which was the same clock in my current bedroom in real life, and the time said 30:80, like time was backward. It was so strange. The kids started shouting obsenities at us and throwing rocks at the cars. In the bedroom, there were camping gear all over the floor ready for the weekend. We were going to an island to adventure. I was excited. I started tidying under the desk, there were so many old notes ripped up. I panicked and put them back in the bin. Dan then got a phone call, it was on a piece of paper instead of a phone. He passed it to me to answer. I tried pressing everywhere on the shredded paper, but it was wet in my hands and I couldn’t answer. Then I figured out how and listened. It was my mum. She’d been minding my son while we came here. She was trying to ask me something about what we were doing and when I was picking my son up. I told her we were camping. She was fine with that. Then the kids outside got worse. I opened the window and shouted at them, swearing, telling them to stop throwing rocks at the car. It was my mums old Mini Cooper on the drive. I was bothered that they were going to damage it. Then someone opened the boot. I saw it was my uncle who I don’t really ever see. He reached in the boot and said hi up at me. I was surprised, said hi back and apologised for my shouting as I thought it was the kids. He laughed saying it’s fine. The kids continued, they mentioned my brother who I don’t like. I told them this house no longer has anything to do with him. They asked why. I told them he’d moved long ago. They didn’t believe me and asked where. I said a few streets away, then corrected myself and said no actually it’s near Darwen now. I couldn’t remember. My uncle laughed again, taking everything easy, asking if I don’t know where he is. I said no he used to live around here, and I could imagine the streets, but then he moved. I kept feeling like the house was my own old personal house since moving out. I remembered I was still on a call to my mum. I woke up.

13 May 2024

Breastfeeding a baby


I was lucid during this dream. This dream took place over multiple scenarios. I was in peoples homes just chatting. I did not know them. I had one scenario where I had a little baby and I was breastfeeding it. I had a dream where I was outside and there were two moons. 1 large and one small. I decided to jump off a cliff and I started flying for a bit. I had one dream where I saw water and I jumped into it and fell through to an underground computer area. It was a place where they design dreams based on your whole personality. I talked to the tech guys there dnd they were very cool and invited me back. I had a dream where I was in Galveston island and the Seawall had changed. There were many mountains in the distance and the seawall was made of sandbags. I wanted to swim and wondered how we got into the water. Somebody told me the water was cold but I wanted to try it anyways. I saw people sliding down and going over the sandbags so I did that. When I did the water was wonderfully warm. I had some sex too. Nobody I recognized. I just wanted to feel dream sex. There was also this one scenario with a little rejected man. He said he was a demon because in his life he was bad and nasty. I told him to leave my dream and he did. I went back to the underground computer analysis center a few times and looked around. I felt like I was running out of time to be there because I was going to wake up any second so I was trying to hurry.

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