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Dream Interpretation: Internet ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Internet? Discover the significance of seeing a Internet in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Internet appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

Dreaming of the internet symbolizes your need for connection and communication with others. It may also represent your desire for knowledge and information. Alternatively, it may indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed or addicted to technology.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Consider how you are using the internet in your waking life. Are you using it to connect with others or to escape from reality? If you are feeling overwhelmed or addicted, try setting boundaries for your internet use and finding other ways to connect with people. If you are seeking knowledge, consider taking a class or reading a book on a topic that interests you.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream about the internet may evoke feelings of connectivity, curiosity, and excitement. It symbolizes the desire to explore new information, connect with others, and stay updated with the world. This dream may also bring a sense of empowerment and possibility, as the internet represents a vast realm of knowledge and opportunities. Additionally, it may reflect a need for communication and staying connected with others, as well as a desire for convenience and efficiency in daily life. Overall, this dream can generate positive emotions associated with the potential for growth, learning, and staying connected in the digital age.





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2 Jun 2024



I begun to cry about Pei Pei thinking of her being in the city all alone this time last year with the smoke ๐Ÿญ and smog in my waking lifeโ€ฆ.. I accepted the boundaries and consent of what to talk about she actually wanted me to be in love with crypto and Bitcoin refused. She asked how I was after my hospital visit a year ago and I liked that she worried about me. I just cry sometimes because I see the pain in her eyes on the internet in her pics.

11 May 2024



I was at a party and there was a mishap. 2 twins and I had to carry a box back to their house, and its in a lake. We went over on a cliff with surrounding cliffs and just jump off. We went into the house and it was night and the house was completely dry. My dad looked younger when he came in to help out. I left and got saw their ggoodbye water dance. I went out to go to an evil high school. I tried to find the location on my phone but I needed Wi-Fi. Then I saw a giant town full of streets and it was restraints instead of houses. I went into one to get internet, but there were bad kids in it. I parlour up on the second floor to avoid them. I dropped my phone on a couch. I got it, and got tackled into the table by one of the bad kids. I got him and punched his face and got out the front door. I ran into another on and dropped kicked him and parkoured on more restaurants. Then I found 3 of my friends and told them to help me find internet for the map on my phone, but the bad kids found me and then I woke up.

7 Apr 2024



I was in some hair show but was supposed to be watching a lash class at the same time. When it was done and I was supposed to buy a package to finish but my internet wasn't working. The lady who did the class was mad. She was behind me and the person in front of me was trying to get my attention to move so she could see behind me. My friend Eli was in the hairs how and told me not to worry. I was at a table eating chicken. My dad came out of nowhere asking whose food was on the table. I said mine but he can have some. Someone showed me a video of me and the lady next to me having a good time laughing but I seemed drunk so when she tried to talk i didnt realize it and she had to tell me it was her turn...i stopped and then kept laughing

12 Mar 2024



I dreamt about the kpop idols who were talking me in my previous dream but this time it was the other way around. We were at my house with a group of people and them and a game was played where they had to escape me and go downstairs to the other and text them. I was luring him upstairs and acted really creepy and he ran and I grabbed his foot and tried to drag him to me. It was very scary and I canโ€™t tell if he was having fun or if he was also scared. Even though I was the perpetrator I was really scared myself. He got free from my grasp and ran into my room and held the door closed and I chased him and tried to open the door but he was stronger. Then I realized he would have any internet connection in this room and so couldnโ€™t escape because he needed to text someone to win. So I said things like โ€œ oh honey come out here.. donโ€™t u care about me? โ€œ trying to lure him out and he actually opened the door and I tried to catch him again but I was so shaky and scared and weak I couldnโ€™t get a grip on his leg when he jumped over me. I realized that although my job was to prevent him from escaping and winning, I also didnโ€™t want to play anymore and really wanted to leave.

9 Mar 2024



I saw a huge mirror in the midst of a forest, turns out I was camping with a group of several people and was playing with ball with two people near camp. One was a tall Asian man perhaps a Korean I guess named hijesama and another was a girl whose legs seemed very weak so she was using a pair of crutches. While we were playing due to a hard throw suddenly the ball goes abit far from the camp so I decide to go there to bring the ball back. When I found the ball i noticed that I was experiencing some weird vibrations but I thought it's just because of a sunny day and due to tiredness that my ear might be ringing. As I was lost into my thoughts hijesama and the girl with weak legs reached me from behind and surprised me, they asked me why I was taking so long to bring the ball, I said I don't know I just started feeling weird so they started looking around and as hijesama was a very tall person compared to me and the girl with weak legs he said he could see something in a distant area but he couldn't exactly identify what it is. So three of us decide to go towards it. On the way I took the phone out of my pocket and noticed it wasn't working so well and started lagging. I thought it's just usual problem that I have with my phone so we kept going on. As we got near hijesama could see that it's a very big object so he started walking faster in curiosity, as we got more near me and the girl with weak legs could also see it. It was beside a small uphill so we approached it from side rather than top. We were surprised to see that it was very big mirror with golden frame which was rectangular but curvy at the top, as we approached it from side we weren't exactly infront of it. Suddenly I remember and tell hijesama that I have seen something like a video in internet long time ago about such big mirrors in random places but I don't remember the details. Then hijesama expresses that he knows about the video too. And then we decide to search up about it internet so I open my phone just to notice that it's brightness was at it's lowest and was almost impossible to see especially as it was a sunny day. So I tried to slowly increase the brightness but in shock noticed that it was decreasing back to low automatically, even after several attempts the phone was acting same and even started lagging. All three of us were shocked by seeing this, so the girl with weak legs says that we should head back to camp and come here with the entire group later. I agree with her and tell hijesama let's go back this place doesn't seems right. The vibrations started increasing and all three of us could clearly experience it, I keep saying hijesama let's get out of here..! But he kind of wasn't responding like he was just froze in the moment and can't stop glaring at the mirror even if we were not infront of it. Suddenly I see that the girl with weak legs starts panting and running as fast as she can even with her weak legs. So I pull hijesama once but he doesn't responds so I start running too, and I hear a creepy voice saying the boy will be with me. I was so panicked that I didn't even look back or anywhere, i just kept running until I reached camp in a completely sweaty state. My body was burning hot so I grabbed a water bottle and completely finished it then I started looking for the girl with weak legs in camp tents but she was nowhere to be seen, i understood that she fell somewhere by probably tripping over by a rock or something. But I didn't have enough guts to go looking for her alone. Then i scream everyone to gather together but very less people notice and respond. Then i started looking for a alarm which we had for emergencies, turns out it was buried in soil so I grabbed a shovel and started digging just to see that it's not there. A guy chilling on a chair nearby told that it has already been extracted from the soil but not used yet and tells about the guy who has it i quickly grab it from the guy and press it, this time everyone looks towards me as it was a very loud noise so everyone started gathering. We decide sitting in a large king size tent and held a meeting. I was telling everyone what happened and I got snapped out of my dream. After waking up i noticed I was actually in a sweaty state and was panting.

1 Mar 2024

New Job


I was at work and got a phone call on the work phone. My coworker handed me the phone and said that it was Steve, my old boss from my first job growing up. Steve and I had/have a great relationship so I was excited he called but thought it was random and odd. I excitedly answered the phone and asked why heโ€™d called. His voice wasnโ€™t as chipper as mine. However I couldnโ€™t understand what he was saying. He had to repeate himself several times, finally, I understood what he was saying and he was calling to let me know that he had called the cops on me and they were in their way because he knew I had stolen some of his information from the internet. I was puzzled because I hadnโ€™t done that. I told him I didnโ€™t do that but he was persistent. Finally I realized he was being serious and range overcame me. I was angry and I asked him why he was doing that too me. I began shouting and telling him there is no way this true. I was almost in tears and my co workers were wondering what was wrong with because it was so out of character to be angry and shouting. Customers came in and I had to stop yelling. Then the dream ended abruptly. Not sure what came of him calling the cops.

14 Feb 2024

Roller coaster


Going on an elevator too the underworld. Someone said there would be better internet connection. Down there it looked like dirt tunnels and Victorian paintings on dirt walls. People had mummified skin but dressed Victorian. I tried standing on a dolly to switch places with someone and learn about their life but collapsed. There was some threat to our safety down there but we ended up safely not letting haunted spirits get to us, we eventually came back up with messages to the universe. Then went on a roller coaster

29 Jan 2024



Two influencers that I like were in my friend group. We were on the school yard and people suddenly knew me, because I was in an Instagram post of a YouTuber that I recently started watching. A guy that I used to date commented under it and said: โ€œhow does it feel like to be famous?โ€ and tagged me. But for some reason, I still had my username that I picked as a child. Another internet friend of mine tagged me under it too. On the school yard, the people, for some reason, didn't like the one influencer that I was hanging out with, so me and the other influencer left. We walked and we passed a big tree with apples and another big green fruit. She picked me up and I tried to collect the big green fruit on the tree. I was very self-conscious when I was laughing, because I knew that the people on the school yard could see my teeth, and in real life I am very self-conscious about my teeth.

27 Jan 2024



From somewhere, a monster appeared. It was nondescript in appearance, being something of a mass of shadowy matter, but it was massive, towered over cities easily, and it floated, gliding across the continent of europe and rained lasers down on all the major cities of europe, I think starting from russia outwards. I was there when it first appeared, in it's first city. The monster had a standard procedure when it first appeared in a city. It starts with destroying all telecommunications, meaning all phones, radios, news stations, internet access, ensuring news of the monster was difficult to spread and harder to verify, leading people to doubt its existence and therefore not prepare for its next attack. Then it indiscriminately slaughters, attacking until the city is rubble, and its people are dead, any attempt to strike back against the mosnter is useless. I first saw the monster approach where I was in a rural russian town. Everyone understandably panicked, thinking the end was near. I refused to die like this, and instead fled, telling orhers to run. The monster was incredibly slow, meaning running on foot was a possible chance of survival. I fled into the countryside where a girl was, on a motorcycle that had broken down was in an argument with her friends who looked to be abandoning her. Something about her behavior told me that it was something deserved, so I kept running. She followed me, running alongside me, turning into an impromptu partner in our retreat. We convinced a local school to flee with us. We were refugees now, going across the continent of europe and making a stop in france so that we could fly to britain. There I had settled down a little, being held over in some kind of hotel complex waiting for something. I had tried to tell people of the monster, but they just laughed me off, the monsters tactics had worked. Suddenly the monster was on the horizon, and people once again began to freak out, a mass exodus fromt the city, while looting to take what they could. Suddenly, the queen was before me, and I was escorting her to safety. She told me somethings of the local sites, and asked if I ever thought about joining the police. I said no thanks, since I wanted to help people as I saw fit, not unconditionally. She understood, and I got her to safety. The last moment of the dream came as I got on a plane across the atlantic, flying to america, where i had heard that they were working on a device that could possibly impede the beast.

25 Jan 2024



In my dream, I found out my best friend died. In real life, my best friend is very much alive. I woke up and fell back asleep several times and each time Iโ€™d fall back asleep Iโ€™d immediately have another dream where I found out by internet, phone or through a friend that my best friend was dead. The dreams felt so real I checked on him immediately when I finally woke up for the day.

3 Jan 2024

Sleep paralysis


I had dreamed that I was sleeping in my bed and my internet had gone out and it caused me to wake up because it turned off my night light and caused my Alexa Echo devices to act up but they started blinking red which they normally did not do then all of a sudden I looked over and standing in my closet was the Grim Reaper he said to me oh don't worry I'm not here for you I'm here for him and not his head towards my next door neighbors place and said I'm just hanging out here with you until it's time to which I had heard my neighbor start losing her mind and screaming oh my God he's dead he's dead he's dead then I was pulled from my place and I was at the guy I was seeing's house going to get into the shower and I almost fell in pain and he came in and said are you okay you better stop being a conduit for death or you're going to lose that baby and then somehow I wound up being pulled back into my own bedroom where the Grim Reaper proceeded to say to me oh you didn't know yes are a connection connection for the souls to travel through and that is why I am here with you and when you pass on you will do the same job that I do for death and when I woke up from this dream and sleep paralysis everything that I dreamed about came true my neighbor and her son passing away my internet and the power going out and flickering everything except for me being swept over to the guy I was seeing house well later on throughout life about 6 months later I got pregnant with his child and I don't know what else to think because I've had many predictive dreams in my life usual about who is going to pass away not to mention being awake and seeing a person and knowing they'll die soon in my head then do or even as well as being visited by spirits during waking life also I was never afraid or scared in the dream but I did feel a bit of hurt /sad upon being told to stop being deaths conduit like it was something that would break my heart to do

26 Dec 2023



I had a dream that my family and I were traveling for some reason, and that each time in each plane something would happen. For example one flight a woman was getting mad at everyone for no reason, she was how the internet would call her a 'Karen'. Further into the dream we get home and I get my grades from school back, I got a bad grade (4.7) but it says it's a passing grade while normally it's totally not. Then I went outside, there was snow and the snow was soft and warm. My dad came outside as well and we just laughed about how strange warm snow was. And last a package came which contained LED lights along with the black purge mask of the main character in my book.

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