Dream interpretation about Friend, Drunk, Mad, Moving, Father, Laughing, Internet, Attention, Class, Front, Hair, Chicken, Eating, Food, Ask
I was in some hair show but was supposed to be watching a lash class at the same time. When it was done and I was supposed to buy a package to finish but my internet wasn't working. The lady who did the class was mad. She was behind me and the person in front of me was trying to get my attention to move so she could see behind me. My friend Eli was in the hairs how and told me not to worry. I was at a table eating chicken. My dad came out of nowhere asking whose food was on the table. I said mine but he can have some. Someone showed me a video of me and the lady next to me having a good time laughing but I seemed drunk so when she tried to talk i didnt realize it and she had to tell me it was her turn...i stopped and then kept laughing
Dream date:
7 Apr 2024
Emotional tone:
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