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Dream Interpretation: Attention 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Attention? Discover the significance of seeing a Attention in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Attention appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This represents an area of your life that you are focusing on. If you are struggling to stay focused, your mind is reavling an area of your life that may not be as exciting to you as you previously thought.

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🧭 Direction


What has your attention? What is your mind telling you to focus on? It is time to adjust and evaluate what you have been giving your time and energy to. Perhaps you are less interested in something than you thought and need to be paying attention to something else. Listen to the wisdom of your dreams!

❤️ Feelings

This dream evokes a sense of curiosity and intrigue. It suggests that you are seeking recognition and validation from others. You may be craving attention and desiring to be noticed for your talents and abilities. This dream signifies a longing to be acknowledged and appreciated for your efforts. It also indicates a need for validation and affirmation in your personal and professional life. Overall, this dream elicits feelings of anticipation and a desire to be seen and heard.





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Dreams of users containing the word Attention

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14 Jul 2024



I was walking around a zoo and I walked into an open panther pen and walk out and quickly close it so the panther can’t get out I walk a little further and walk to the bug zone and quickly get out of it before a bunch of bugs get attached to me and then walk to the Bambi zone where we take care of the orphaned animals and injured animals when suddenly 4 animals come rushing in because 2 tigers are chasing them and attacking them the guard dogs come barking and scare the tigers off and we examine the animals and fix all the pens the belong in especially the tigers

28 Jun 2024

Dark Room


I dont remember a lot. But I remember being in this room with lots of people getting ready for my wedding. I remember my family being there. I seen this girl I know her in realy life but not very well her name is Erin. Anyways I realise I've left my 2nd wedding dress at home(this makes me very stressed) then she pulls out a dress that looks simlair. I thought it was my 2nd dress turns out she was showing everyone her wedding dress for her wedding this.made me very annoyed as this is my wedding only.i should be wearing white and no one should be taking the attention away. Everyone crowded her and gave her.loads of attention While my sister prepared to chuck red wine on her. The room was dark I remember. Also the wedding horse carriage I hired didn't turn up.

26 Jun 2024



I was with my adolescent clients and their mother at this place, that had so many activities and other outdoor events. It was in the afternoon, during the sunset when we arrived and we first chilling in a musical theatre that looked old fashioned. While we were still there, I came across this different atmosphere that happened to be a fish market and there people around and a bunch of rats each way I turned. I’m terrified of rats, so when I seen a bunch of it I started screaming and running away —my scream sounded weird. It was sunny outside, and I kept going to this chill out spot where eventually a lot of different guys seen me and started trying to get with me. I enjoyed the attention, but it was this one guy I didn’t really find attractive and he was eventually the only guy around. I came across an old client’s son who looked a little younger than he actually is, plus he was hanging around guys in my age range which excited me. I was chatting with them, and I was asked why I did I stop working the son’s dad even though it was something out of my control but I didn’t feel like explaining it so I said I don’t want to talk about it.

12 Jun 2024



I was in a shoe store I used to work at looking at shoes. There were really cute boots and sandals and I was enjoying myself. Then there were these bratty kids running around climbing on the shelves and just destroying things. I told them they need to stop but they just told me they don’t care. I told their mom to control her kids and she told me to fuck off. So I told the sales associate and she said there was nothing she could do. So I started to throw jewelry that was on the displays and saying “well it doesn’t matter because no one here cares!” But then I felt really bad so I started cleaning up the necklaces and apologizing. Then I woke up.

27 May 2024



Needing to take care of an infant

25 May 2024



Dad bought Christmas presents for us I was in the Portland press herald a five page article for my help during the crisis and dad said how beautiful I was in the pictures, and I really was! Mum said I must’ve been using my fake personality cause no one likes my real one. I knew it was dads last Christmas and I left with him to go to his house and he had an Ashley Nikki aunt Jackie Grammy all there because of the storm and when we got to his house we noticed some of the neighbors lights on and he seemed relieved to get everyone out of his house lol There was an old iron boat but it caught fire and sunk We were being held hostage during the storm some where my cousin Daniel was there the elevators wouldn’t work in the pictures I had a beautiful smile and face and the article stated they were looking for me and used my full name. I tried to read the article aloud but mum wouldn’t pay attention

23 May 2024



I had my old friend group over. They were giving me extra attention and being kinder than normal. While I was doing a chore they built a small car that we drove around my yard

29 Apr 2024



My dream was about my boyfriend Nick. He told me that his coworker and friend Will would be picking him up extra early the next day so that the two of them could go do something together before going in to work. Which would leave me home alone, seven months pregnant, caring for our two year old toddler alone. I felt upset about this, but didn’t express those feelings FULLY, only minimally. In my dream we were living in our old home in Middlefield again, which was our dream location, but also where we both endured a lot of dark times. So after telling me his plans to hangout with his friend, and ensuring me I could trust him, he grabbed a bottle of wine and filled up a to-go coffee mug with the wine. That set me off completely and I just lost my temper. I started screaming and yelling at him, telling him not to come back, that I would be gone, etc. I remember trying to cry in my dream to show him that I was feeling very hurt, but no tears were coming. I KNEW that I was being crazy, but had no control over myself. Then, my old boss of eleven years Hiroshi came knocking on my door. I was surprised to see him since he moved to Hawaii, but I let him in. Hiroshi was trying to ask for my assistance with something on his phone, and I could barely keep my attention because I was still fuming about Nick. When Nicks ride got there to pick him up, I threw another fit, secretly hoping that he would change his mind and not go hangout with Will. It didn’t work. I refused to say goodbye to him, I said mean things to him, and he left with Will.

9 Apr 2024



I was on the beach in a hut and I’m taking care of two flower pots but this huge wave comes and messes the flowers up so I close the shutters in the hut to keep them safe from the waves. I show the flowers to a lady and she says they’ll get better with time

9 Apr 2024

Childhood home


I was with Kate at some sort of dining hall that looked like my childhood home and we were trying to split the bill but it was taking us a long time and there was a line behind us. I ended up paying $900 and she paid $160 and I wanted to ask her if we could split it more evenly but I didn’t know how to ask. We also saw a girl crying because she was overwhelmed with taking care of her child. But she was still trying to be polite and say hi to everyone. My dad was also there but he was asking me to do crazy tasks but I was confused

9 Apr 2024



So I’ve had this repeat dream at least three times in the last couple of weeks. I feel like it is my mom who buys me this house, but this house is really in bad repair and it needs a lot of work and I don’t really care for it. It seems the house belonged to a coworker of mine that I really did not get along with , nor did I like. as I’m looking around the house, I noticed that there is a feral cat. now, I can’t stand cats and I’m highly allergic to them and even a little afraid. but the real estate agent is telling us that the cat has to stay with the house. I am shaking my head thinking there’s no way I’m letting a cat stay in my house if I have to live here. I’m thinking to myself the whole time that I do not want to live in this decrepit old house with a feral cat.

8 Apr 2024



I lost my youngest son and I was a terrible mother because I was crying but not looking for him because I didn’t remember where to even look. It was like I didn’t care but I was crying uncontrollably. And I forgot to pick up my other son from school when I remember I rushed to go to the school but I had no missed calls it was horrible.

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