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Dream Interpretation: Help ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Help? Discover the significance of seeing a Help in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Help appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This symbol is an explicit representation of the assistance that you need in your life. It suggests that you are more than your current worth, and it's high time you recognize that. It represents the vulnerable situations in your life that can only be overcome by accessing the undiscovered parts of yourself, which will help you overpower the obstacles you have in life.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Notice who you are helping and who is helping you in your dream. This will bring direct insights into the undiscovered parts of yourself. By growing and developing them, you will become more than what you presently are and thereby be more capable of handling life's challenges.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of seeking help may evoke feelings of vulnerability, dependence, and a desire for support. It may reflect a need for assistance or guidance in navigating life's challenges. This dream could also elicit emotions of frustration or desperation if help is not readily available. Overall, the dream may signify a longing for connection and a recognition of the importance of relying on others for help and support.





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Dreams of users containing the word Help

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14 Jul 2024

Abandoned home


I had a dream where I fell asleep in the car and I woke up and my mom and brother left so I waited because I figured they be back to come get me, it looked like I was in the parking lot of an apartment complex and I started getting nervous because no one had came to get me, then the car started driving in its own and it turned out of the complex. I stayed calm because I was sure someone would help me and as the car was driving on the road really fast I was kind of leaning out the door screaming for help, then the car started running people over and there was a bunch of car crashes and fire and people were really injured and some were even on fire. I was finally able to get out of the car because I suddenly realized I could've just opened the door. Then I ran out to check on the people and I told them to let me go get my stuff and I'll come back to help them walk and so I went and got my stuff and I asked the people why they were by a car that was dangerous instead of running away and it was a couple I was talking to and they said it was because one just found out the other cheated and I agreed that that wasn't right and then I helped them go get help and woke up

14 Jul 2024

Waking up


I was in a classroom that was familiar in context but not visually. I have never been in this classroom in real life but it did look familiar, The teacher was also familiar but not familiar, she was familiar because she was supposed to be my real life history teacher from highschool but my dream didn't have any indications this was history class, my body just automatically knew it was in and outside of them dream, but in this dream she looked like or actually was Madison Beer. I walked in a little late from breakfast downstairs in the cafeteria and was going to my normal spot next to my best friend but half the table was missing and my chair was gone so I sat in my other friend's who was absent chair. I was doing work and was a little behind everyone else copying what was being shown on the screen into my notebook, the teacher who was sitting at my table with me and my friend who was originally absent was making fun of the fact I wrote the wrong date on all of my previous pages in my notebook but it wasn't playful teasing, it was like she wanted to embarrass me in front of the whole class. She pointed out my mistake and started laughing and pointing it out to other kids in the class so they could laugh at me too but while dreaming I didn't notice this so I was also laughing at my mistake. The last thing I remember was a group of 3 boys walking in, one walked over to my table and was talking to the teacher, he then started to go through my work and asked if there was anything he could do, I said no to his two suggestions since I was already done working on one of them and was currently working on the last one. The boy noticed my first page wasn't completely finished and was missing two sentences so he offered to wrote those two last sentences, I said yes since I couldn't hear what the two last ones where. The teacher got upset and asked me "You're really gonna let him do your work?" I was explaining to her that I already did everything, I just couldn't hear what was said so I agreed to let him help and when he was finished writing I would erase it and then rewrite it so it'll be like I did it, I suggested that thinking it would be better and maybe calm her down, we went back and forth and the boy got uncomfortable and said he was gonna take off, the teacher said something indicating she wanted him to stay but he said politely said he was fine and then left. The teacher looked at me, said something and then gave me detention, she was upset that I made the student leave even though I didn't do anything, I was hurt and felt really sad that this teacher did not like me and was tearing up over this student I have never met before so Inwad apologizing and trying to understand what I did wrong, I offered to do whatever she wanted me to do to make it up to her and she said not to talk to her for the rest of the day so I said "ok" before I stopped talking to her I asked her if I can take the last piece of work I didn't finish home since class was over and she snatched it away from me indicating she was gonna grade it regardless of it not being done, I then asked about the other work and she shook her head no while looking back and walking away, I shook my head in understatement and stopped talking to her like she requested, I asked my friend where to put our notebooks and class stuff and he was showing me where every item goes and then I woke up.

11 Jul 2024



A man who I trusted was babysitting a very large cat. It looked like a lynx and the lynx was very aggressive but he wouldn't put it on a leash so it was allowed to just go around and up to people and it kept coming up to me and trying to attack me and I kept turning to the man and shouting, why aren't you helping me? This keeps happening and there were a ton of other people in the room too who I knew and I trusted. They were all people that I felt close to and the lynx was really only coming up to me and I felt like I was sort of on my own to like guard myself from him and at a certain point the lynx turned into a human, like a girl who looked like a cat and then back into the lynx and nothing happened, it didn't hurt me. I was able to like protect myself from it but it just didn't go away.

8 Jul 2024

Best Friend


Best friend and unknown/faceless friend hanging out until unknown friend's mother starts to fight best friend for unknown reason. I freeze and start to shake, speechless for most of it, but I could feel the pain. It ends in best friend dying, me fawning to go call for help, unknown friend staying and trying to pull her mom off best friend. Fight took place in a car, which ended up with the windows smashed, drivers seat bloody. There was also a random 1 minute side dream right after an abrupt end.

7 Jul 2024



I was at work and a gang broke in stole money and kidnapped me sliced my throat told me I was one of them now and I was able to escape them go to the hospital and report to the police later I was healed and at home they broke into my house while I was taking a bath and shot at me they missed no one helped me I woke up feelings hurt and crying

2 Jul 2024



i had a dream about my ex we were outside then my mum came and we hid from her but then he went and chased my little brother and then we were walking with my mum and he helped her with stuff

1 Jul 2024



so in the beginning we were hanging out at valet me and this girl but her and i are friends i think? itโ€™s my work acquaintance, antonio and im getting annoyed by him bc heโ€™s being overly goofy and im just not in that mood he has to go to eat and no one is there to cover him so she offers us to cover him and im like well no we donโ€™t know where the rooms are also we werenโ€™t given clearance for the carts idk if you need to be on an insurance to drive the carts we donโ€™t have my work friend and valet supervisor, abelโ€™s permission so i kept saying no until he gave us the ok then i look around to maybe have someone go get abelโ€™s supervisor to cover or sid some guy comes up to us and itโ€™s my crush, silas and im like !!! silas! i grab his hand and pull him to us saying we need his help and im not sure what to do. he said antonio knows better and shouldnโ€™t be trying to leave but that heโ€™ll clock in when heโ€™s scheduled. antonio takes her and the old lady on the cart and silas pointed out i was laying my head on his shoulder and i went to separate but didnt notice our hands were intertwined. i created space between us then i opened my arms for a hug which he took and i said i missed him. we hugged for awhile. a long while. long enough for abel to clock in show up and ask if he was interrupting. he looked slightly different but i asked if he was happier. how was the trip? things like that but he just kept looking at me and abel was like โ€œsheโ€™s asking you questions, buddyโ€ and then silas got all yappy

22 Jun 2024



Last night I dreamt that I was a mystical person who wore a long black cape that had special powers. I was respected and people came to me for help.

21 Jun 2024



I went to the prison and the people teased me. As if they could build a better prison without my help When I wanted to get angry, my brother came and told me not to get angry, instead of getting angry you should help others who know better.

19 Jun 2024



I accompany the seniors (elderly). There I heard them exchange experiences One of them, Grandpa Alex, told me about how unique Prophet Morris Cerullo was when he anointed and imparted to the congregation. When the event officially started Grandpa Alex was embarrassed and didn't want to go in so Grandpa Alex was forced by Gusdur ( Fourth President of Indonesia ) to enter the venue. Finally, I helped push Grandpa Alex and escorted him into the event.

15 Jun 2024

Movie Theater


I was living in LA on my own. I was young maybe in my 20's-30's and I was going to the Dr.'s. I was riding a red bike through the busy streets and I couldn't look up the address and ride the bike at the same time so I pulled in to a parking garage to stop and pull up the address on my phone. When I did that a valley came up to me trying to help and when I told him I didn't want help he grabbed my phone and we struggled for it. I was so mad! He just wouldn't let go. Finally he did and I went into the building to complain about him, but everyone was so busy they didn't want to listen. Finally, I got a hold of someone a man and a woman who worked there. Everyone was wearing a red and black uniform that looked a bit like a porter from the 1930's. It took a long time to convince them that the man had grabbed my phone and was fighting with me, but finally the woman said, "Why won't you believe her when she tells you this? Listen to her!!!" I felt better that someone believed me, but the man still wouldn't do anything about it. Finally, I gave up on getting any real satisfaction, and realized that I wasn't going to make my appointment. It started raining and my red bike was out on the terrace. I wanted to get it in but couldn't. The building I was in looked a bit like a movie theater on the inside with plush red carpets and lots of stairs everywhere, white walls, black railings. The men working there all had black hair and I think they were Asian. The only woman working there was white with sandy brown long curly hair ties in a low ponytail. We could see the terrace through a wall of glass doors. Some would open and some would not. I began collecting things because I noticed more and more of my things lying around. Once the rain cleared I went bAck and forth taking my things outside to put them with my bike. Soon more people started coming and they brought their things in suitcases. It seemed like suddenly we were in an airport but the building looked the same. We were all waiting and waiting, sitting on the floor, crowded together. I gave some candy to some little girls and when I saw their mother, a small black woman with curly hair, I said, 'Im a bad influence." Someone behind me started talking about Sidney Portia and I said, "I met his wife on a plane. She was so nice.". When the woman asked more, somewhat skeptically I said, " It was his second wife, after the kids were grown. We were flying from CA to NYC.". This seemed to convince her. Finally, some kind of transportation arrived and I realized it was the next day and I wasn't sure where all my things were. I was afraid they'd been stolen but they hadn't. At that point I woke up with a song from my childhood that I think my mom used to sing, in my head.

15 Jun 2024



I had to have a kidney transplant by my ex. I spoke with a friend at my house I helped him, I felt good and loved

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