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Dream Interpretation: Ghost 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Ghost? Discover the significance of seeing a Ghost in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Ghost appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Seeing a ghost in your dream can represent a part of yourself that you are afraid to confront or acknowledge. It can also symbolize unresolved issues from your past that are haunting you. Alternatively, it may indicate a feeling of being disconnected from the world around you.

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🧭 Direction


Take some time to reflect on any unresolved issues or emotions from your past that may be affecting you. It may be helpful to talk to someone you trust about your feelings. Additionally, try to connect with the world around you by engaging in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of encountering a ghost can evoke a range of emotions, such as fear, anxiety, and unease. It may leave one feeling unsettled, haunted, or even terrified. The presence of a ghost in a dream often symbolizes unresolved issues, past traumas, or a fear of the unknown. It can also represent feelings of guilt, regret, or a sense of being haunted by one's own actions or decisions. Overall, this dream can leave a person feeling deeply disturbed and in need of understanding and resolution.





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Dreams of users containing the word Ghost

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15 Jul 2024



I dreamt that I was dead, and an invisible ghost. I watched to see what people would do upon noticing I was dead and was appalled at what happened: Instead of having a funeral, everyone threw a party! My mom said to everyone how happy she was to not have to take care and homeschool a backtalking crybaby, and went back to work as an acupuncturist. My dad sold my piano and other belongings to buy another house in Vermont, as well as adopt a new son. And my sister was ecstatic to have a new brother, and said that I was the worst brother ever because I didn't play with her all the time. Then my Grandparents also said what they hated about me as everyone cut cake celebrating my death. I cried and went to what was left of my area of the bedroom, and haunted it. Then after a while I woke up and cried.

9 Jul 2024



I had a dream where there was 2 of my dog?? And one was t responding to the name or anything and I couldn’t find my really dog after it started to tell me to hurry and run or something. Then I looked over and realized that the basement door was wide open. I called my dad and begged him to hurry home and he goes “why?” And I told him, he didn’t say anything else, and then when I saw the basement door open I woke up. Side note that outside of the dream there’s this ghost demon thing in real life that lives in my house which is 200 or more years old. If the basement door is open it gets out, and I had previously been afraid it would get my dog or me, you could hear crunching sounds of bones of some kind and that was in real life. So this was a nightmare about it.

7 Jul 2024



i was admitted to a psych ward in the 1960s and there were these girls there in my bunk thing and some of them told me their actually ghosts and died in the late 1800s and to see their ghost self i had to touch their face and it was so vivid and creepy

7 Jul 2024



I end up in this game like thing and when i get to this garage with a abandoned train I met a boy that's around my age maybe a year younger and we talk for a long time and he is apparently a ghost I end up with my mom and we are.driving through these crazy train tracks and ghost trains hit us Let me just say I've never been so in love with a person in my dream other than that ghost boy "Will"

3 Jul 2024



Dream So there was this guy with blonde hair that would meet me in dreams but really he has dark hair and the blonde guy was like an avatar he used to greet me. He follows me around like a ghost cause well I think he cares for me and he’s worried about leaving me alone. He kept trying to kiss me as the blonde guy and I kept turning away cause I felt really really embarrassed. He’d get this really sad look about him then act like nothing happened. The dark haired guy watched people be mean to me. He couldn’t seem to do much about it other then hover closer or knock on walls. He smelled nice, I just felt like I really really wanted to touch him. Cuddle. But he was an invisible ghost when I was awake. I wanted to hide my face pretty badly I was so scared he’d find me ugly. When I went back to sleep I saw this guy with dark hair messing around on computers. Some lady said to me, “Well there he is” Later there was a bunch of strange noises and I was barely awake, but I was in a hospital bed with 2 women fussing over me. The dark haired guy came into the room. He had a really long beard. I was like 😃 beards. I was so out of it. I kinda reached toward him and he held my hand for a second but quickly left the room. I was confused why he didn’t stay. I was bored while the woman were talking so I looked around the room and saw some choccy milk hanging on the door. I think it was for me. It made my heart melt a little I also started helping people move into the undercity. Underground caverns that kinda resembled the sewers. I watched some kids die from the flooding.

29 Jun 2024



I was at a ski resort with my sister and Jojo. we got on the chairlift at night, but it wasn’t snowy and there was no snow on the ground. We were surrounded by pine trees. Each of us had our own chairlift I was in the front and then there was JoJo and then there was Sadie. There was some eerie feeling about going down this chair lift at night and all of a sudden when I looked back, I saw my sister as her self standing down on the ground behind jojo and I. I had no idea how said he got down there but me and Jojo are still on the chairlift. My sister looked at me kind of sad and disappointed that I was leaving her, but I I had no choice. I was still on the chair and she said she’ll meet us inside the ski Lodge. As joão and I continue going down the chairlift somehow JoJo’s chairlift started getting closer and closer to mine until she was nearly on top of me. I remember looking up at her and knowing something this was going to happen. All of a sudden, a dark ghostly figure sucked itself into my mouth from JoJo. When it entered me, I felt a whirlwind in my body. I try to stay calm and just let it play out, but it felt like it wasn’t going away unless I fought it and forced it out of my body. I felt as though the fight matter because it felt like I was almost fighting with myself. I would pin it down, but it’s still one to come back at me and it almost felt like it was a part of me. When I finished tussling with this thing, I woke up in my bed and outside my bedroom door was still dark out. I checked the clock and it said 4:38am. I saw an old high school classmate biking to school with a small backpack and a school bus getting ready to pick up kids which felt strange because it was still very early. I went back to sleep in the dream and that black go, figure came back again, and the tussle began again. I again tried to just let it go by and threw me in my body being stronger than it by encompassing love but again that black ghostly whirlwind into my body wouldn’t go away until I fought it off again. In my dream, I woke up again and was walking in a underground parking garage. One of my ex-girlfriend walked past me. We didn’t say anything. We just acknowledge each other and continue going on our way. I want to take the elevator up to my room and accidentally went to the floor above my room, which was floor 7 instead of floor 6. When I got to floor seven, I walked out, and saw an old classmate and friend Alex Bailey, who was playing with the soccer ball and realized that it was my floor and walked back into the elevator, and I was caught by surprise because there was a black guy in the elevator. It scared me he laughed, and I asked him have you been here the entire time he said yes And I had no idea he was there I was surprised that I didn’t notice him. I finally made it to my room again and went to lay down and yet again the dark black ghost came to my body and again I had to experience this whirlwind go through me as I tried to just accept it, let it go and take it course, but it seemed like it wouldn’t stop until I fought it so I fought it again. When I woke up again I woke up to a muscular black guy in a hot tub behind me that looked like Jamie Foxx. Then all of a sudden a black lady appeared in the hot tub and they started having sex. As I finally woke up from the dream in real life, I felt disappointed that I wasn’t able to allow this black ghost in the whirlwind created to naturally pass through me. I also noticed that I had a tightness and contraction right where my heart chakra is.

27 Jun 2024

Running away


i had a dream that we was in the school but it kinda look like a charter school and we was in there just doing stuff and then a practice lock down happen and then a actual happens and we all had to run out bc the person was coming to us. Then my dream switched to this place it was like a place with a lot of people and markets and i was in this Asian market just shopping around and it was a guy i saw and he switched in between realms like it was a ghost realm and i switched too and i saw more people but they was ghost just shopping casually. So then i shopped around and left and i teleported home I HAD A PET DOG Chihuahua AND A PARROT And in my dreams they was so close to me and i was in my regular room so i was basically taking care of them and in my dream i was sleep so i went to sleep with my dog and he was so close we fell asleep together and i was holding my parrot too and then i woke up in my dream AND MY PARROT WAS GONE I WAS LIKE WHERE TF IS MY PARROT OMG AND THEN I WAS SEARCHING EVERYWHERE UNDER THE BED AND STUFF IM LIKE NOOOOO and my mom came in was like she was on the bed with you i don’t know. but then i searched it up and everything like my parrot disappeared what does that mean help and i finally got some help and was like parrot must’ve went outside to build they own nest and then i realized it was a small nest at my window but my window was closed so i hurried up and open my window to wait for her and then i saw her just flying around and it was another parrot it was blue and i was screaming from out my window PARROTTTTT with my one finger out so they can go on my finger. But anyways the blue parrot came and came inside my home and then my bby came i felt so connected to it and she came inside too and she was sniffing out the other parrot and stuff but the blue parrot wanted to leave so i just let it go, AND I WAS SO HAPPY MY PARROT CAME BACK I WAS PETTING HER AND EVERYTHING AND SHE WAS LAUGHING AND SO HAPPY, AND THEN I THINK I WAS GIVING HER STUFF TO DRINK AND THE PARROT TURNED INTO A HUMAN BUT I PAID NO MIND AND GAVE THEM FIRES AND JUICE AND WATER.

26 Jun 2024



In real life, my cat died about 12 days ago. I had a dream that my girlfriends dog Kaia (whom I live with) had to be put to sleep too via euthanasia, but we kept her body. I was traveling without my girlfriend on a train but it was mostly an airplane. I had the Kaia’s body on my lap kind of like someone would have a stuffed animal with them, but I was eating parts of her face. She came back to life awaking from the euthanasia and I felt extremely guilty for eating pieces of her face. I knew my girlfriend was going to be sad. I also went on vacation with my family and we all moved into new apartments at the resort. I went into the bathroom there and there were ghosts in the stalls.

25 Jun 2024



I got my first apartment. It was haunted by a ghost who made people feel so awful that they committed suicide. I went out to get something and left my front door unlocked. When I got back, it was wide open. There was a man sleeping in my bed and 3 young girls ages 0-4 in my bedroom as well. I already knew that the bedrooms were haunted so I woke the man up from his nightmare and made sure he was alright before telling him “this is my house” Then, I transitioned into a large room with a trampoline for a floor. The ghost was holding me and others in the room, including monster hunters Sam & Dean Winchester. We learned after looking at a few deaths that the ghost would make us do and feel the opposite of what we wanted to feel. So to escape, we had to say negative things and try to feel negative feelings just to stay alive. Eventually, we lured the ghost out of the house that she brought us to, and was able to capture her and get her to cross over. After it was over, I remember hugging Sam with the sun rising in the background. I felt safe in his arms and I didn’t want to let go.

25 Jun 2024

Haunted house


A group of people of navigating how to get out of a haunted house except one of them gets possessed and ends up killing the others. One by one, each person starts to be picked off by a familiar voice except the familiar voice is of someone that got possessed. One person is murdered by being flung up threw the air and coming back down (this person was on the back of another that was crawling through a space). The person crawling is killed too. A kid that remembers one of the others is killed two after a ghost possesses the person the kid is familiar with

22 Jun 2024



THIS NEXT DREAM WAS FROM 2 NIGHTS AGO In my dream last night, I was in this palace that would randomly morph into my human home, like they were in the same place. There was this guy-he was kind of feminine with long hair. I thought he was really hot. I think his hair was purple in the beginning of the dream he looked just like a kid-like me. he seemed real protective of me for some reason. He had a mean personality, I liked him a lot though, I kept reminding myself "just as a friend". he had super Duper pretty eyes. I think they may have been multicolored or something. I don't know why, but he gave me dragon vibes. He seemed to get mad at everyone, but me-but he did get annoyed with me. He followed me around a lot for some reason. I was trying to teach him which shit, but I was too fucked up to really say anything (as in high) I couldn't really tell his reaction to this. like he was annoyed, but he wouldn't leave. It felt like he just kept mentally calling me cute. I met a lady online and we met up at this massive underground garage, talking about ghosts and malicious spirits. She had really pretty long dark hair and a surreal face, truly gorgeous. She seemed really nice too. We found each other through our phones. while we were walking/talking we saw a scary ghost and ran away together. Around the end of the dream, I was upstairs in my bedroom and this time, the guy from earlier-he was much older, his hair cascade down his shoulders. He had a real tall build, but a thin frame. when I got in bed, he crawled in beside me and laid on his side facing away from me. I don't know why but my body kept like unconsciously trying to cuddle him, but every time I put my hand on his waist, he snapped at me. I had to hold my hand against my chest, so I wouldn't accidentally touch him. the problem was, I was pressed against the wall and he laid so close our legs, and probably my side touched his back. I felt pretty bad- I mean he seemed really uncomfortable with touching, but his presence seemed to put my whole body at peace so it felt really nice laying next to him. I wanted to touch him so I'm not sure what's wrong with me. I'm not sure exactly what happened next but I think he brings me to some kinda alien ward jail. I don't know why I was there. I was pretty scared. He told me I wasn't allowed to leave so obviously I tried to escape, but I was too pussy to completely leave because I felt like I was in big trouble or something when I got back to my room, another bed was moved in and he was standing beside it calmly (yet his energy screamed pissed) I felt really scared. He said I needed to be punished. I needed to be spanked. I almost felt like crying. I went and sat by the foot of my bed. he kept trying to say something like don't be scared you'll like it but I didn't believe him. he doesn't even like me touching him now he wants to hit me. I think he hates me, though he looked a little panicked when I walked back into the room. I'm not sure why. I think something went wrong at his job. I wish he just give me a hug and be my friend. Why does he wanna hurt me so much when I'm obviously scared. he felt like a warden. like a pretty monster that wanted me to suffer, why did you lay next to me if he dislikes me also for some reason he had the aura of what I assumed to be a dragon he smelled like the sun feels pleasant and warm.

21 Jun 2024



me, sage(?), random dude go into a house to investigate ghost sage is ghost(?) separated from sage walk around dude falls asleep off and on on the couch, we have small evidence, i tie a shoe and out it under the couch, ghost unties it. i go outside to the car (little beat up black car) i turn ut on and start rolling up the windows, i see someone coming close they catch on fire while still walking but when the windows are all the way up the fire stops sage calls tells me to "use extra clothes to dress up like a person they love people alone, take your first two rights and your first two lefts. keep that pattern till you reach the main road. dint mention anything about me or my cousins we gave 5 siblings each the same ones and it'll make them show up.when you see the school drive towards granite street. do not ho to either if our houses. do not look at the people you've already passed five times and di not get behind those who have passed you several tines." and then i woke ip

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