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Dream Interpretation: Exercise 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Exercise? Discover the significance of seeing a Exercise in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Exercise appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This is a symbol for growth, your relationship with the world, and your sexuality. This suggests that you need to work on building yourself up. By growing, you solidify your place in the world, increase your forward opportunity and your sexual passion and connection.

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🧭 Direction


This symbol indicates that you should consider what parts of yourself need to grow and develop. Though this process may be painful, by pushing yourself, you will increase your health, opportunity, connection with others, and sexual creativity and power.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of exercise may evoke feelings of motivation, determination, and a sense of accomplishment. It signifies a desire for self-improvement, physical fitness, and overall well-being. The dream may also bring about a sense of energy and vitality, as well as a feeling of discipline and dedication towards achieving personal goals.





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Dreams of users containing the word Exercise

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5 Jul 2024

Being fat


I was very fat and I was disgusted with myself. I wouldn’t eat and didn’t stop exercising. I didn’t want to stop until all of the fat was gone

5 Jul 2024



My husband and I are in a repair shop. My car has a dent and is being repaired. I am not wearing a top but rather a vest. It does not close. There are a lot of people in the waiting room. I recognize one as a teacher I used to work with a long time ago. She is wearing pants with a bikini top. She looks like she has lost a lot of weight. She and I start talking about exercise and she tells me she is doing Pilates. My husband gets called out to pick up and pay for the car. The teacher and I talk for a bit more. She gets called out as well, as she is leaving my husband is coming back. I tell him to say hello to Nicole, because he met her once. He looks very confused and is looking around. She tells him hello and he still looks confused. I walk over and take off my vest which just leaves me without a top. It’s ok to be topless, but nobody else is. A lot of people are staring at me as we move into a large room filled with cars. We walk around looking for our car, and there are still a lot of people staring. I slip my vest back on. We find our car but refer us a lot of stuff around which will make it difficult to get it out. Th we e are some ladies close by who are selling items and I go to them to ask them if they might move their table. I also want to invite them to hear about my business, but I don’t actually talk to them, they are busy talking to other people. My husband becomes very sleepy and wants to take a nap in the busy garage. I am very thirsty and want to leave. We have a large empty 5 gallon container of water so I carry it out and head home. I know I won’t be able to fill it with water and carry home because it is too heavy. Walking down the street there are three people sitting in a front yard talking about a band they want to see. I hear the name of the band I like and listen to find out where they are playing. The 3 people are watching me and I’m worried hey are going g to take my water jug and wonder if they are looking at my best. I keep walking. There is a small amount of water in the jug. I left the keys with my husband so he could drive and then realize I need the key to get in my house. In another dream I am in a crowded room doing Pilates. It is hot in the room and the instructor is seating a lit. She is not wearing the traditional instructor attire but she is wearing shorts. When she demonstrates a move I see her panties and wonder if anyone else does. I continue to do the exercises and they are difficult. My leg become tired. I am in the middle of the crowded room and everyone else is on the perimeter. I get up to use the restroom when I see that the restroom does not have walls but only curtains. I try to move the curtains around but they aren’t long enough. I cannot wait and sit in the toilet trying to be discreet. Some children ride up in a bike and stare at me. I coke them for staring and tell them to go away. A lady is close by and agrees that me scolding the children was the right thing to do. I get up and am going to leave when I see a lady waiting in line after me. When she comes in I am other ladies to help me shield the woman from an audience. We hold up large rugs to help cover her space while she goes to the bathroom.

26 Jun 2024



Well Satan, me, and my stuff elephant son Harold were fishing and Satan told me and Harold that we are going to catch fish and I caught some and the ones that I can remember are they have scales reading Strong and Powerful with red lettering as if it was bleeding. Satan told me that I must continue with this exercise to help myself and others since he sense that I can’t trust myself and others.

26 Jun 2024



I'm at the training I was last week, and I'm on one of the last days, and me and another girl, we are not participating in an exercise. And we're both very tired for some reason, so we're settling in very uncomfortably, watching the others, and there's a mountain of jackets. So the other girl is sitting down already, falling almost asleep, and I'm going to grab my things, and I want to go to the mountain of jackets with some pillows where I want to sit down. And as I move towards there, she's kind of crawling towards the spot, and tries to sit down just before I get there, and she had seen that I wanted to sit down, so she really just went there to take it from me. She's tiny, I'm a bit bigger, so I'm not having it. So I try to push her away, and this pushing away turns into a massive wrestle, where we each other, we become pretty intense. So I see myself biting her fingers, and it's a very slow and calm wrestle, almost the other group will not notice it, but we're fighting tooth and nail for this. And I say something to her, she's like a gent settler, I say something to her, which I forgot now, I say something like, that's what you get when, and I don't remember what I said then.

7 Jun 2024



I got my periods at some midnight and then I got up in the train with my favourite youtubers as their manager, and there were some fans inside it wearing different movies costumes. Then I told one of the youtuber that I want to start dieting and exercising so he said that it is amazing and if I need any help I can contact him. then I came back home and all of my couisns and aunts were their and few of them had gotten their periods. Then few workers from a site came to our house for some rest at it was very hot outside. Then I met a guy from my school and we started dating and he was very caring! I drank some soda but then my class teacher saw us and few friends of us in the ground and complaint about us to the principal. then due to all this we missed our school bus, and then somehow my boyfriend fell on the ground just beside ours and there was no way he could get out so I promised him that I will get him out at any cost.

7 May 2024

Hair Loss
Washing dishes


I was in a house that I didn't know with people I didn't know but seemed friendly. I was talking about old businesses I had and was looking at computer code from 1999 and 2000 on a disk. My hair was falling out in patches on the top of my head. I then was young/late teens and was wearing an apron tied around me. I was in a pub in a queue. I went back to the present day, I was older, fatter and was doing the washing. Sorting clothes into piles ready to wash. The group of people were talking about exercise and how they were running 5k.

5 May 2024



I was at university as a student, not staff. Vu Dang, my teaching assistant during my undergraduate was there. He was teaching about the importance of exercise and environmental devotion. The lesson was in a field but there weer o ly 3 of us in class, myself and another woman and a man. The man was making claims that he couldn't do housework. I called him sexist. He got mad and said he wasn't being sexist. I said that the idea that men are incapable idiots is sexist. That his parents had done him a disservice by sending him into the world unable to care for his home, as a burden to any woman he got into a relationship with. That if he was committed to being unable to do housework then he'd better also be committed to earning enough money to ensure his life partner can be a stay at home spouse - if that's what they want - so they don't have to work and be the primary house manager at the same time. Vu and the girl applauded me, Vu clapped so loudly that I had to shout to be heard. The boy was grumpy after my speech. The wind started to pick up and class dispersed. I went into the milking parlor where my dad used to work to find my work colleagues sitting down having tea. They invited me in and I said yes but let me just grab some things. A couple more classmates showed up and two of them had colds. I commiserate with them and went to go get something from the other side of the field. As I went I could hear them talking about me, saying that I was weird and not good enough to be friends with Hannah, my work bestie. I was frustrated by this talk but I could only hear half their conversation as the wind kept blowing their words away. I wondered if Hannah would defend me if they said this in her hearing. It reminded me of the mean girls that used to be at parties when I was a teenager. I brought back my stuff, said I hoped they got better and went to the parlor for a cup of tea with my colleagues. As I was entering so were the cows, and I called them all beautiful ladies and gave them some fuss. One of them wrapped her tail around my arm and pulled me in for a hug. I had to detach myself but she trued really hard, then I went to sit with my colleagues.

27 Apr 2024



I don't know, but thinking about going to the store, I want some spaghetti. Yum. And I'm walking. I haven't really exercised this week. Shame on me.

4 Apr 2024

New Job


I had a dream where my old school and my new school mixed together. It was also mixed towards the end with my house, and some apartment the dream started off in PE where we had to do our daily exercises all the kids get together and exercise thing I met a guy that I didn’t know, but I felt connected to him somehow , we held hands and he asked me what my name was, but I wasn’t able to tell him but when me and this guy were holding hands, my friends told my ex basically my ex was in my dream he didn’t really do anything he just looked at us and I know he said something but I can’t remember what he said. Also when I went back to the locker room I was naked but I had a towel on and the locker room was about to close so I had to go so basically I brought myself my towel and I was walking to my next class down a path and these group of guys were sort of flirting with me, but the thing is these guys are the guys I’ve known since basically elementary school in fifth grade and he don’t really talk to me. They do like to joke around sometimes but we haven’t talked in a long time then when I was trying to go to the bathroom to change, I walked into the wrong bathroom and then the teacher walks in and I am hiding and then my cousin is the one that noticed me, his name is Jeffrey so my cousin Jeffrey tells me just say that you have to get food and go to the other side where the girl bathroom is I was like I was kinda in shock but I was like OK and then when I was getting up to leave the Teacher saw me but he just said go so then I went around to the other bathroom then it started raining and then I saw two police cars and they were just driving around. I don’t know they had sirens on. then, when I was done changing the setting changed to where it was this apartment and my house so I knocked on one of these doors and a lady answered. It was a lady I’ve never met before but she was nice ish I apologize for knocking on her door and she said it was OK and then I started walking and I ended up in my backyard I saw my dog but instead of one of him they were two of him and then I looked in the window and everyone looks sad. I don’t know why I wasn’t even gone that long but then my mom opens the door and she gives me the phone and she says talk to your grandma and then that’s when the dream ended.

4 Apr 2024

New Job


OK I had a dream where the settings started at my old school mixed with my new school mix with some apartment mixed with my house ok so the dream started when I was having PE and I think I’ve had the stream before last year where we would do a whole bunch of exercises, but this was different. I met a guy that I didn’t know that was really nice and we held hands then when we were holding hands, I had my friends in my dream and my ex in my dream after that he was gone but I felt connected to him somehow but the thing is I didn’t. I don’t think I knew him and he never told me his name. He asked mine, but I didn’t get the chance to tell him and then when I was going to the locker room, I think I don’t know what happened but my clothes were like off like I didn’t wear any clothes but I was holding them and so I wrapped a towel around me and I walked to where my next class would be in a towel and there was this group of guys that I that I know but I never talk to them. They were sort of flirting, but in a friendly way it was kind of funny but I get to the bathroom I go into the wrong bathroom I go into the guys bathroom then I see a teacher walk in there and then my cousin Jeffrey walks in there and he’s like OK, you gotta go so I was like OK so he’s like just make it look like you need to go get food and then go to the other side and the thing is that this side of the school looks like a familiar school my other dream that I had a long time ago and when I get up I’m scared I kind of freeze in the guys like just so I go and I’m scared that he might like tell another teacher so I make my way to the other side of the bathroom to finish up changing and then I see two police cars just with their sirens on and they’re like driving around. I was like wait this is weird, I was going to my class and then for some reason my class ended up mixed with my house that I live in now and I saw my dog but there’s two of him and my mom was on the phone and she was talking to my grandma and then she told me to talk to her and then my dream stopped

2 Apr 2024

My crush
New Job


I was at a hospital for high risk and special needs kids. I don't know if i was one of the kids or just there to help. It was all so new to me. I'm pretty sure I was there as an adult to help, but I was just observing for the day. We took the kids to the zoo for an interactive day. We all got a special tour of the facilities and even got to watch them feed the hippos. They gave the hippos watermelons and it was amazing to see them crush the melons so easily in their mouths. The even let a few of us toss the melons into their mouths. It was so cool! The dream shifted and we were back in the hospital. Apparently they had a second of the hospital where they kept some dogs for the kids to play with every so often. One of the new dogs was having a hard time adjusting to the environment and one of the men caring for them asked if I might be able to help. He took me to the room they were keeping her in. It was just an empty room with hay on the floor and a food and water dish. The man said she's too big for the standard kennels so this is what they came up with. She was a russian bear dog who was donated from a shelter that aslo couldn't keep her due to her size. The door to her room was one of those doors where the top and bottom halves can open separately. The man opened just the top half so we could look at the dog. When I saw how massive she really was it was no surprise they had to give her a whole room. She was about 4ft tall at the shoulder and so fluffy it was no surprise why they called her breed bear dogs. She had so much energy and seemed very agitated and even came over to snap at us as a way of saying to back off. I explained to the man how they could improve her living situation to make her more comfortable and explained that she'd need A LOT of play and exercise daily if they wanted her to calm down enough to work with the kids. I suggested we got another man to help us take her on a walk to get some energy out and then do some light training while someone else upgraded her room. The man said that was a good idea then called for some help with the dog. I knew we could train her, it would just take time and patience. I was just watching her pace about the room when I woke up.

29 Feb 2024



I dreamed I was with a healer. For sister umoja ivi collaborating with Elder umoja ivi. Soon he said that there is medicine, I will put it on your hand, then you will look at your palm, after a while you will see someone and then you will order him to come and talk to him. He put the medicine in my palm and then I looked, I could not see anything. After a while, when Grandpa came together, it seemed that he was very expert in these matters. Iko was preparing some things so that we could continue with our exercise, she was preparing the pot and growing as she cut it, I was just as excited as the house was shaking. Soon he said that I will put this Daya in the palm of your hand and then watch if you see someone there, then he will become a monster, tell him to run and come out here, let's talk to him. I said ok and he had to give medicine and then I looked at the palm for a long time and I saw signs like someone wanted to happen but he couldn't happen. Again, I felt fear. After that, MY brother came and he was explaining his experiences there, he talked about things that made me more and more worried until I couldn't continue doing the exercise. He used to say that one day I put this medicine on my palm and then I saw someone and I told him to come out and let's talk here. He appeared, but we were just as we were. Another time there were many monsters surrounding us, tall and scary looking, then when I was talking to the monster that I called, I saw him grow bright. I entered my body and then I found myself back where I grew up. After that, I was filled with anxiety until my sister saw that I was starting to feel fear. He said there is another good way to call them and be quick, you will not feel fear. He had to direct me and I told you that you are looking into my eyes when you see that I am changing and becoming an old man. He started talking to me, I looked into his eyes and soon I saw that he was changing and becoming an old man in his eyes and then I started talking to him and told him all my problems. But from then on, I don't remember what I talked to him about.

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