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Dream Interpretation: Figure 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Figure? Discover the significance of seeing a Figure in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Figure appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

To see this symbol in your dreams means that there is a being in your life or a part of yourself that is currently unkown. When we see someone from far off, they appear only as a figure. This illustrates how when we are first discovering a new part of ourselves or a new realtionship in our waking life, they are not yet fully known.

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🧭 Direction


Though you may initially feel fear when seeing a figure that you cannot distinguish, or someone that is hidden in mystery, remember this is an opportunity and a time for growth and exploration! Be encouraged, you are strong and capable, allow curiosity to dispell fear.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a figure can evoke a sense of mystery and intrigue. It may leave the dreamer feeling curious and intrigued about the identity and significance of the figure. The dream may also elicit a sense of uncertainty or unease, as the figure's intentions or purpose may be unclear. Overall, this dream can leave the dreamer with a mix of emotions, ranging from curiosity to apprehension.





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Dreams of users containing the word Figure

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18 Jul 2024



Had a dream that me and my boyfriend were in some sort of national park and as we were getting out of the car, two girls jumped into the seats that me and my boyfriend were just sitting in be at the driver seat and the front passenger seat we kept walking because Eli didn’t say anything so I figured he knew them from work or something and I asked him I was like do you know them he said no so I went over and they weren’t sitting in the front seat anymore. They were in like the back hatch laying down so I woke them up and told them to get the fuck out of my car And they did and so me and Eli kept walking in the national park and we stumbled across what looks like an abandoned airport. Somehow we lost our group and we were walking around the abandoned airport. I all of a sudden realize that my period was starting so I went into this bathroom Attached to some sort of laboratory room while Eli went out and got me a tampon from the car as I was sitting there the bathroom door started to slowly open and all the lights went out. I could hear this whispering it sounded like a whole crowd of people were whispering, and then the lights went out, so I turned off my flashlight, and I could see a figure walking towards me, but it ended up being Eli with my tampon and that’s when I woke up

28 Jun 2024



So I was dreaming that we were on our farm, the farm in the Kalahari that Hazel Raven sold. It's my family and my husband's family. I'm dreaming that I'm going to the karal, which is in the camp where the house is, and we need to work cattle. We need to get the cattle in the karal and work the cattle. I'm going to the karal and what I notice is there are three or four horses in the karal, but there isn't a gate that can open to let them out, and it seemed to me that they've been there for a while. So I start working to get them out of there, and when I come to the last horse, I started to stress because I just knew this was a horse that my father paid a lot for because it's a very good riding horse and tame, but because the horse has been in the karal for a while, it was biting and kicking me because of its frustration, and I'm trying to help it to get out. And as I was busy, my father and brothers and my husband, oh, and my husband's mom and dad, they come walking, and the first thing I see my dad on his face, he's very angry at the horse, he gets the horse out of the karal, and as the horse was running away, he whipped it out of anger. And I was sad because I didn't like it, but the people, my brothers and my husband's mom started to laugh, my husband was looking confused, and me also, but nobody said anything because we have to work the cattle now. Anyway, as I was looking, I saw a dark figure in a cloak that nearly represented the Grim Reaper, but nobody else saw this figure except for me. I noticed it going from the ground to the sky, at least 300 meters in the sky. When you look at it, you can't see its face, but then suddenly you see a skeleton face. It was drifting around the sky, opening and closing its arms, like when you want to hug somebody. Then my dreams skipped to where we were in the garage of the farmhouse. It was evening, everybody was working in the garage. My brothers and my husband were working on the motorbike, they were dirty and full of oil. I was standing at the entrance of the garage with this figure, talking to it, I was saying stuff like, no, you'll fit in, don't worry about it, just take your cloak off. And as the figure took its cloak off, it was a young boy with darkish brown hair and darkish eyes, but you could see... but you could see the youth in his eyes, on his face. And, yeah, I was just comforting him that he will fit in and everything, but he didn't fit in, nobody wanted to give him something to do, and he wanted to do something. He kept asking my brothers and my husband, he kept asking my brothers and my husband, I can do this, I can do that, but nobody wanted to give him something to do. And then the dreams skipped to where we were all sitting in the living room eating, but he was sitting on a chair all by himself eating alone, and that's the whole dream.

28 Jun 2024



So I was dreaming that we were on our farm, the farm in the Kalahari that Hazel Raven sold. It's my family and my husband's family. I'm dreaming that I'm going to the karal, which is in the camp where the house is, and we need to work cattle. We need to get the cattle in the karal and work the cattle. I'm going to the karal and what I notice is there are three or four horses in the karal, but there isn't a gate that can open to let them out, and it seemed to me that they've been there for a while. So I start working to get them out of there, and when I come to the last horse, I started to stress because I just knew this was a horse that my father paid a lot for because it's a very good riding horse and tame, but because the horse has been in the karal for a while, it was biting and kicking me because of its frustration, and I'm trying to help it to get out. And as I was busy, my father and brothers and my husband, oh, and my husband's mom and dad, they come walking, and the first thing I see my dad on his face, he's very angry at the horse, he gets the horse out of the karal, and as the horse was running away, he whipped it out of anger. And I was sad because I didn't like it, but the people, my brothers and my husband's mom started to laugh, my husband was looking confused, and me also, but nobody said anything because we have to work the cattle now. Anyway, as I was looking, I saw a dark figure in a cloak that nearly represented the Grim Reaper, but nobody else saw this figure except for me. I noticed it going from the ground to the sky, at least 300 meters in the sky. When you look at it, you can't see its face, but then suddenly you see a skeleton face. It was drifting around the sky, opening and closing its arms, like when you want to hug somebody. Then my dreams skipped to where we were in the garage of the farmhouse. It was evening, everybody was working in the garage. My brothers and my husband were working on the motorbike, they were dirty and full of oil. I was standing at the entrance of the garage with this figure, talking to it, I was saying stuff like, no, you'll fit in, don't worry about it, just take your cloak off. And as the figure took its cloak off, it was a young boy with darkish brown hair and darkish eyes, but you could see... but you could see the youth in his eyes, on his face. And, yeah, I was just comforting him that he will fit in and everything, but he didn't fit in, nobody wanted to give him something to do, and he wanted to do something. He kept asking my brothers and my husband, he kept asking my brothers and my husband, I can do this, I can do that, but nobody wanted to give him something to do. And then the dreams skipped to where we were all sitting in the living room eating, but he was sitting on a chair all by himself eating alone, and that's the whole dream.

21 Jun 2024

Sleep paralysis
Light (Not Dark)


I had a dream I heard music coming from my laundry room, so I looked up and saw the light was off.. I never turn it off. It was pitch black and I got scared, which ended up with me getting sleep paralysis, I was screaming and kicking trying to wake up but wasn’t moving and then I false awoken to a figure standing beside my bed looking away which looked like me so I called out my own name and it turned around and had a huge inflated head and scared me awake. Like actually awake.

20 Jun 2024



i wa at a party there was some friend of mine. i will name the G and K. we entered the house and G found a button like in the movie Caroline. G gave me the button and i looked trought it and see a collorfull world like autumnish color pallet, and outside was also a black gigure of a unhuman thing that was staring at us. I asked G about it and she told me that she often sees him in her dream that you need to run away from him and don’t stare at him. that when i looked again at him he was closer and closer till he was near the window than open the door and come in. He looked at us and show as the middle finger than came after us. He followed me trought the rooms and that in like the end of the house in a hall i stooped and looked at him. he was no more a black figure he was a middle age black man in a black coat who was looking at me. In that moment he aproached to me and pushed me to a sofa and then felt that he wants to kill me so a started touching him and induce him the ideea to have intercourses with me. After we had intercourses like 2-3 minutes he got up and looked at me with an empty lokking and left without saying anything. I went outside and met with G and K. K offered me a piece of cake, and G was looking at me and asked me how i escaped from him because she in every dream is killed by him.

26 Apr 2024

Sleep paralysis


Prior to sleeping, my body sensed a flow of energy through my legs to my head, then I entered sleep paralysis. During this phase, my eyes were open and I could see around the bedroom. Two headlights appeared on the wall in front of me, but they weren’t real headlights, one on top of the other, as no way for light to come through the windows. They rotated and grew larger, looking like giant eyes. My body went into a deeper paralytic state and I fought to get out of it and wake up before the lights consumed me. It felt incredibly onomous and dark. I finally woke from the sleep paralysis and led on my back facing the closed door. Again, I got the buzz through my body and I entered another sleep paralysis. During this state, eyes open again, I watched the door handle move and the door open. A small dark figure walks in and approaches my bed. Utter terror overcame me, and I once again fought myself to wake up. This wasn’t a dream, I was awake with my eyes open but was paralysed. I experience sleep paralysis many times each week.

9 Apr 2024

New Job


Last night I dreamt that I was at this dance community and the teacher had me do some moves following after her, and she was so impressed and when she asked of my dance experience I said I had none. Everyone was so surprised the people around me were a lot younger so I felt behind, like i still see myself as a child or that I’m not where “adults” should be. But then I was in even though they never asked officially I was partnered up this this boy who didn’t want to be me partner at all. I felt super overwhelmed and inexperienced to be there, he didn’t like the fact that I was a nobody and that I was new, so I spoke up and said if you don’t like me or don’t want me to be here plz just communicate and talk to me, and he got over it, but there was Always tension. Then we sat against this wall the whole dance crew. I’m a bench. And watched others dancing it was really beautiful and this one girl was doing a backbend on roll skates! I was in awe there was this little girl who came up and said I hate black, for then my dance teacher said ofc not in that way, the theme was about sadness and anger, and they were doing a vocal expression of it as well as dance, the place felt like I’ve been there before, sort of like my job but more expanded we all lived there and dormed there, the hold time I felt unsure if this was what I wanted, incorporating or committing myself to something new, my days and time would be spent different, and I had lots of anxiety about how I would perform, and it felt hard to settle in, I wonder how else’s in my life the idea of doing something why I always go to “idk if this is for me” maybe always feeling unsafe? Or having to be on edge. But I wonder if flowing through it and sinking deeper into the possibilities of life could take me to a place I like. Cause the same is bringing me just that, and I seek for growth and change. So I want to be open to incorporating newness and committing to things that question if it’s for me,

8 Apr 2024



Last night I had a dream that somebody I knew named Heather and another person I knew named JR were helping me with a bunch of art projects in a school cafeteria with a bunch of kids and they decided to take off on me but I didn't know what was going on and I didn't know how to handle the kids. Well the kids thought I was upset and they asked me if I was upset. I said no, I'm not upset. As they were leaving, JR wrapped his arm around Heather and it clearly made me upset because the other person that was there helping me was asking me what was going on as I was wiping down the tables because there was water everywhere and I could see the children's paintings and I was fixing up their paintings and you could just tell that there was something going on between Heather and JR although Heather wasn't Heather, she was an older woman. From the cafeteria I entered into another room where there was a bunch of like sea life and one of them was a betta fish that kept jumping out of the water and I couldn't figure out why it was jumping out of the water so we decided to dump out its aquarium to figure out what was going on and there was a hog nose being eaten by a bunch of mealworms and when I looked up to retrieve it out, my kid's dad was standing there instead of my kid.

6 Apr 2024



me and my friend oz had gone to this place that was supposed to be a camp i guess? but in actuality we were both kidnapped,,, they would track how we would feel the entire time, it would be shown on a screen at the top of the ceiling. the main evil lady would tell me how i’m much more likely to “go insane” which sounds stupid rn but it felt REAL. i felt so trapped and terrible and it was not cool. ppl would ask me if i was a bad guy too bc on the screen it would show that i was the least scared? i realized i actually had my iphone so i was like “I NEED TO TEXT EVERYONE WHATS GOING ON!!” and the lady found out i had my phone and put this contraption on it before i could send it out. i had literally BRAWLED her, like i was punching the shit out of her. i had two strikes, and ‘something bad’ would happen after three. anywho she was like “haha if u can take this off than u can have ur phone.” so while i was trying to figure it out, i was walking around the place trying to get some clues on the contraption or how to get out. and i have stumbled upon uh… a human fridge. it was just full of dead ppl that were frozen. which is obviously scary. i was the only person who knew,, so when i came back to the main area, on the screen thing it showed that i was TOO scared, so they all the guards got suspicious of me and kept trying to ask me questions. i think i had tried to swoon one of them? anyways i finally opened the contraption for my phone and i texted everyone in a server i was in but no one would respond, and i texted my family and they wouldn’t either,, and somehow i had escaped after a FREAKY ass chase but oz hadn’t. and i remember thinking while i was driving some random mofos car like “i can’t go back but i can’t leave oz either.” and that’s where the dream ended😞 in the dream i think they were farming ppl which is horrific

6 Apr 2024



I went to bed, and I fell asleep, obviously, and then I must have started dreaming or whatever, and so there I was, dreaming, but I'm awake now, but I'm in the same bedroom where I was asleep, and now it's like I am up in the corner of the room, looking down on myself as I sleep, and so there I was, a fly on the wall, but me, looking down on myself, I'm sleeping on my bed. Okay, so then all of a sudden, I look over to the, I guess my right, and I look down, and I could see this mass, this dark mass, that forming, kind of coming up under the door and up all, like, onto the wall, and it was creeping, like, you know, and it was making its way slowly to where I was laying, and it came up onto the bed. This is all, like, taking a while, and it comes over me in my sleep, as I'm watching myself sleep, like, you know, and as I was sleeping, all of a sudden, I can see this black mass start going into, like, as I'm breathing, it's like I'm breathing it in, and then, and then, and then, I'm watching this happen, but then all of a sudden, I wake up from my dream, night terror, whatever you want to call it, and I was choking, I woke up choking, and I sat, I was sitting up exactly how I had seen myself in this dream, and it was so weird, it was so weird, I don't know, like, I, like, it made me cry, and I don't even know if, like, I don't know if that was even a dream, or if, if that is, if there's paranormal, or I had an outer body experience, I don't know, so maybe you can decipher it, but at that point, I had had night terrors for, like, three, four years in a row, anytime, anytime I fell asleep, I would have terror, terror, it was always terrors, so, I don't know, maybe you can help me analyze that one, it was the freakiest thing that ever happened to me, and, and it was in my dream, I guess.

5 Apr 2024



i was at some kind of house or hotel with a bunch of people i knew but don’t recognize. for a while i was seeing through the eyes of one of the men i was with. he was standing outside by a very large pool with a lot of people around and was having a conversation with another man that i don’t recognize. then the other man walked away. after a while of standing there he walked back inside past a lot of people walking outside. when he stepped inside, it was as if everyone disappeared. the inside looked like a large cafeteria with many tables that had been full of people before. but now it was completely empty and when he looked outside where he came from, there was nobody out there either. he looked around more and was very confused until suddenly a giant wave came crashing through the doors and windows from the direction of the pool. in this wave there were lot of people and the man got swept up in it. then somehow the wave dissipated and he was back on the ground and some other members of our group showed up. that’s when my perspective switched back to my own. we talked about what had just happened and some other stuff happened that i can’t remember and then there was a demon chasing us. this demon walked on two legs and was able to speak to us. we all ran into an old quite large house and tried to find places to hide. i ran upstairs behind a few others and found a closet and hid in between some clothes. the demon saw me and was about to kill me but i held up my phone showing that my mcdonald’s order was ready to be picked up and everyone else in my group did the same and for some reason that stopped him for a while. we all ran downstairs to come up with a plan on how to stop the demon. we somehow figured out that he had possessed everyone in the world except for us, including jesus, so we knew it was up to us to stop him. we also figured out that if we were able to get him to strip down naked, he would die immediately. when the demon came back, he was no longer chasing us and we invited him to a game of strip poker. after a while of playing, everyone but the demon was completely naked and i woke up before i could see if we killed him.

5 Apr 2024



I was in the wrong lane to make a turn I honked because a car didn't let me in and she looked at me with annoyance Aaron gave me a bite of his sandwich and wanted to know if I wanted some more Aaron is my son Sophie who used to be my girlfriend's dog would get up on a small little ball and balance itself finally we went to a pet store and I was going to buy another one and it did the same I had a tent and normally it's open small however it was open by my daughter so that it was much bigger in the shape of you later I was traveling in the hills were beautifully green with black angus cows and I wished I was a cattleman I even saw myself looking like a cowboy whereby my pants were long like they dress

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