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Dream Interpretation: Field 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Field? Discover the significance of seeing a Field in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Field appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

A field in a dream represents freedom, openness, and potential. It may symbolize a desire for a fresh start or a new beginning. It can also represent a need for relaxation and a break from the stresses of daily life.

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🧭 Direction


Consider what you are doing in the field and how you feel while you are there. Are you working in the field or simply enjoying the scenery? This can give you insight into what you need in your waking life. If you are feeling overwhelmed, take some time to relax and enjoy the simple things in life. If you are seeking a new beginning, consider making a change in your career or personal life.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a field evokes a sense of freedom and tranquility. It symbolizes open spaces and endless possibilities. It brings feelings of peace, serenity, and a connection to nature. The dreamer may experience a sense of liberation and a desire for exploration and adventure. The field represents a blank canvas where one can create and manifest their desires. It signifies a need for space and a break from the constraints of daily life. Overall, this dream elicits a sense of calmness and a longing for a simpler, more natural existence.





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18 Jul 2024



I was running around what seemed to be a big farm or field with my youngest daughter and we were being chased and shot at by multiple men in vehicles. there was a pig there with us too. We were hiding from them and eventually my dad showed up and he helped us run away. My dad eventually disappeared and my grandma showed up and hid us in a trailer away from the danger and then I again appeared back in the field and my dad was there and we were hiding again. We got sniffed out by a dog and then I appeared somewhere else in the dream and ended up in a room with a bunch of rats in a tank that were deformed and I fed them to a cat outside.

17 Jul 2024

Old Lady


I was eating a sandwich in a field, it had ham, cream cheese and crisps in it. A little girl asked for a bite and she liked it, so I offered to make her one. Then I was in a fitness class, my ex kept booking the same classes but I only saw her in the last one, so I didn’t join. Then I was outside a house with some childhood friends, an old lady told us to all get in the fireplace. Everyone went in apart from me, I decided to climb up the side of the house to escape

14 Jul 2024

Old Man


The world was tones of Gray. I was on a bus except nobody was driving. The bus came to a stop in front of an empty field, the doors opened and I walked off and into the empty field. As I was walking a strange shed/shack appeared, it was like I was drawn to it. When I got closer the dirt I was walking on turned to mud and I almost couldn’t keep moving forward. When I got to the shed and opened the door I saw a naked old man sitting on a chair tied up and hurt. His eyes had been scooped out and his finger nails ripped off. The inside of the shed and the old man were all in color and no longer grey. He was just screaming, I couldn’t stop staring at him in pure shock and terror. I couldn’t move I was frozen in place staring at this hurt screaming man. I felt so empty, like his scream was taking away all my joy and life.

7 Jul 2024



Lying in a field covered by a blanket downhill from a windmill on a hill

3 Jul 2024



My ex-husband who recently died came to me in my dream. He showed up to my apartment but it was my apartment the way it was before we ever lived together. He looked different, stockier than I remembered, sad, I welcomed him in and then somehow he was getting in like a fight with someone/thing/entity I couldn't discern but was throwing him against boulders and then his shoulders were bleeding and I kept running back to my kitchen to get paper towels and then my living room wasn't my living room anymore it was like a field where the boulders were and he was bleeding from his shoulders and I couldn't get it to stop and I kept thinking the one shoulder was ok but the other one, the first one that got hurt needed stitches and we should go to the hospital, and then my alarm went off and I woke up.

2 Jul 2024

Video Game


My family was moving houses from my old house, but not to the one we currently live in, to the house I grew up in. We were in black bridesmaid dresses, because for some reason someone was getting married there. The open house sign even said "someone just got married here." The dream changed because we forgot to pack up my sister and I's rooms, so we decided to bike back there. Once we reached a certain street, we couldn't get across the traffic, so we rode onto the speedbumps, carrying us all the way over the cars, into a field of yellow dandelions. Then, it turned into almost a video game. We were at a homeless campsite and there was a guy who made everyone play hide and seek. I don't remember past that, because I woke up.

29 Jun 2024



My papa Milling Kevin, one of my dad's friends that we used to go to his house together, um, I ended up visiting him. And he took me to this very, very large field. Half of the field was for people and animals that have died, and it was their graves. There were graves for thousands and thousands of people, and then there were also graves for hundreds and thousands of animals, including cattle, horses, livestock, goats, chickens, dogs, cats, etc. And then, on the other side of this very, very large green grass field, looks like it might be in fucking Kansas, it's a grave for the living. And Kevin, or my grandfather who's passed away now, steps down and he's like, oh yeah, this is my grave, and it's the grave for the living. And the grave for the living have gravestones for pets and also, um, people. Flash forward, I end up at this barn with horses, where they're riding these horses. And I see this woman on a horse I used to ride, named Duchess, and I noticed she she looks happier than the last time I saw her. I ask them how Duchess is, and Duchess looks like she remembers me and misses me. And I ask the lady, can I ride her? And she says no. And I say okay then i wake up

28 Jun 2024

Car accident
Black man


In waking life I haven’t worked in over a month due to a car accident that fractured my spine. I work at a restaurant. In this dream I was at work. I had ordered food to go for myself. My order was mistakenly taken out to a table. We were able to retrieve the order. The food was a lot more than what I ordered. Next as I was leaving I went to a section in the restaurant where I ran into an old classmate and his dad. I do not know these people in waking life. They had several yellow labs with them. I was so excited I was petting the dogs and they were licking me. I felt so happy and the dogs looked very happy. Next I left but on my way home I had to cross like a track and field type area. Before crossing I ran into this black man. I do not know him in waking life but I knew him in the dream. He pulled out several marijuana filled cigars and gave me some. He left and said he would meet with me later. I tried to smoke them. After finishing one I found that more marijuana debris was getting into my mouth than actual smoke. I didn’t feel much so I continued to the next cigar and the same thing happened. The field I had to cross was very dark, almost black, and it had a huge fence I had to cross.

18 Jun 2024

Parking Lot


I was leaving a university and looking for my car. I wasn’t familiar with the exit I walked through, but I remember looking at a parking lot. Then I realized that my car was at a different lot on the other side. Another part of my dream I remember running through a field of tall grass/ wheat. I wanted to sneak out and see two of my friends that also went in. But then my grandpa followed and I wanted to find him because I didn’t want him to worry.

14 Jun 2024



I dreamt about a huge teenage soccer game happening in my friend’s massive backyard, which was a large field. Throughout the game I won an award during a small match of tag for my speed, and was later interviewed for it, although the interviewers oddly didn’t recognize me and questioned whether I was even a player. Later on the game actually became a large soccer match, which my team one using their incredible teamwork and speed. We conducted a huge team celebration and slept over at my friends home, which hosted the event. I woke up in the morning helping my female cousin Monica record a morning vlog on her breakfast with two other members of the soccer team, who I recognized as classmates of mine, one from middle school and one from high school.

14 Jun 2024



Old dream I had that reoccurred a lot. It would start out with an open grassy field that was a giant circle, with a forrest as the boundary. The whole thing was a mound with a picnic set up at top. I would approach and when I got there, there would be a hot air ballon for me to get into. When I did we would fly up and shrink way down in size and make our desent back down past the picnic basket and down the field. I would see a castle that only you could see at our small size. When I am getting close I have to fight someone. Usually starts as a goblin but by end if fight was someone I knew. I would get off balloon and enter the castle afterwards and when I enter, the inside is a mix between my aunts house, my own, and a dungeon style castle area. I would turn down the way of my house amd the rest of the house would lock down. I would see a tour going on in the room. The guide was show casing a real vampire cssket with a real vampire in it, waiting for its time to rise. In this room is also a bar cage jail cell with a tiger inside and the tiger is terrified. The guide then decides to open the vampires casket and a vampire starts murdering people. Everyone runs to 1 room while I went to my room where I would always find a friend of mine. The 2 of us would stay on top my bed while we listened to everyone else get slaughtered. I would here my mom from under the door telling me to stay. Then she would die and bleed through the door. Dream usually ended there. One time the vampire was my dad. But I love my dad and have never had problems. I certainly don’t see him as dangerous. Again, this dream happened when I was younger, but it was a reoccurring one.

11 Jun 2024



I’m back on a field or a fieldhouse getting ready to play football. I usually am getting ready to play or I’m walking off the streets and getting dressed right before game time and getting in. I usually get on the field somehow and a lot of old coaches are back on the field. I usually wake up before running a play

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