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Dream Interpretation: Foot 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Foot? Discover the significance of seeing a Foot in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Foot appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

This symbolizes your soul and freedom. In some religions, feet are a direct representation of the soul, and cleaning them represents the cleansing of the soul. This also means your journey towards your goal or away from danger. It represents freedom, repentance, strength, or pain and worries.

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🧭 Direction


Clear your mind of what stumbling blocks may be in your way so that you can see the truth and care for the state of your soul. Find the freedom to face your problems and move closer to your goals. Just like feet, it is easy to take your soul for granted; take care of yourself and take time to reflect on what your soul needs to flourish.

❀️ Feelings

The dream about a foot may evoke feelings of stability, grounding, and balance. It symbolizes the foundation upon which we stand and move forward in life. This dream may also bring a sense of mobility, progress, and the ability to take steps towards our goals. Additionally, it can represent our connection to the earth and the physical world. Overall, the dream about a foot may leave us with a sense of strength, confidence, and the potential for growth.





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Dreams of users containing the word Foot

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12 Jul 2024



I had a dream that there was a fox at my work and one of my co-workers trapped it in a box but the box had an opening on the top which provided the fox an opportunity for escape. while attempting to figure out a better container to keep the fox so that it wouldn’t leave. I was designated to put my foot over the opening to ensure the fox wouldn’t jump through and escape. The dream then transitioned to a guy named Bruno who was a sword smith and was making a really nice sword.

6 Jul 2024



I was walking through a town when I looked up at a balcony and saw a man spray something onto another man’s face and set him on fire. I was afraid and started running away from there and it began to rain. As I was running I was praying for The Most High to forgive me and give me a different fate than that man. I was with my husband in a strange place where it seemed like there had been a flood and still very dangerous area because of violent people that stayed behind. We had to go into a boat with high walls to cross town but the water still came into the boat when it would move. The water went over my baby’s head so I had to hold him up higher so that he could breathe. We went into a restaurant to eat. Our waiter was my ex-boyfriend that I hate because he was very abusive throughout our relationship. He was being polite and doing his job correctly. He brought a sauce to the table that we asked for. My husband was standing up and somehow the sauce got on his foot and he held his foot up to me angrily and made me clean his foot. As usual I did what I was told but it hurt my feelings that he treats me like this. Later I put my foot up to his face and told him clean it. To show him why I was angry. I walked away and got the baby in his car seat. This woman that obviously was interested in my husband pushed me and I told her to keep her hands off me. She did it again so I grabbed her by the hair and threw her down. She got up and tried hitting me again but missed and I slapped her across the face. I told her to back off. She tried to hit me again but I blocked her hit and shoved her. She got next to my baby I told her don’t be stupid and I grabbed her by the neck and threw her and told her don’t fuck with my baby

18 Jun 2024



This dream was sometime last year I believe. Once again I was with a beautiful woman. We were at a store. We walked down an aisle to find what we needed to buy. We were the only ones in that aisle. At some point I reached down and took one of her shoes off. She relaxed her foot as I took that shoe off. She then let me rub her bare foot. I was so happy to rub her foot. After I rubbed her foot she left her shoe off the rest of the time we were at that store.

16 Jun 2024



My friend Jenny and I were at a restaurant. When we sat at our table we were talking. At some point she took her right shoe off and put her bare foot on me. I looked down then looked into her eyes, she smiled at me as I rubbed her foot. She left her foot on me for a long time and never pulled away. As I rubbed her foot I told her that her toes were very beautiful.

18 May 2024



I was laying on a bed in a hotel room. Someone I really dislike was on the bed. He made me give him a footjob. I would not talk to this person in real life. I blocked his number. Then I took a subway to a little Japanese shopping mall and went to a food court. I kept asking the people working there if they knew where the exit was. They kept pointing me to the wrong direction. I couldn’t find the exit

11 May 2024



the i was turning in my dance studio and i was practicing technique. there was a camera or something and it was ahowing how my feet were going through 5th position well and one of my coaches we watching me. the i tripped but i only tipped over a bit i didnt fall.

6 May 2024



Following Max down rocky terrain- fallling off a rock into brambles where thorns and an arrow stabbed my left foot- the fall resulted in breaking my foot in three places as well as getting a massive wound in my left leg ( right above my foot ) I asked max to help me and he immediately went for the arrow - we went to a hospital and toured it but I didn’t get my foot fixed- then got a massage in a cluttered basement by a weird random woman and I felt very uncomfortable

19 Apr 2024



it was me and my ex cuddling on a pullout couch and there were praying mantis everywhere and we tried not to move but one bit my foot and i was screaming and he was trying to get it off my foot.

8 Apr 2024



My cousin brought every male friend over my cousin for a party and I was focus on one guy but I got uninterested he wasn’t my type anymore than they all went downstairs I was happy that I got a peaceful of my mind my feet was out but when the boys came back I hurried up and put my socks on my grandfather was yelling at them when they was downstairs then my cousin hurried up and brought them back up I was setting more chairs in my room when he got more friends I was interested in this Indian boy I have never seen before one girl spilled Mac & cheese on my bed because she was drunk my other cousin on my dad side I was talking to her and she brought her boyfriend but he was a little weird I was kinda judging him but I didn’t say nothing to her and I told it was one cute boy upstairs that I like and I asked her what did my grandma do for Easter

6 Apr 2024

Make Out


theres a little girl. we're on the ridge of a mountain. we are hungry. we hear commotion in the distance thinking its prey coming for us, only to realize we are on top of two giant things of fur. after some manipulation in the dream world we pull the fur loose and when the fur hits the ground it takes off. the white fur was wolves. the dream switches to a different landscape. ive had a dream in this house before. its modern with long hallways and lots of glass. some walls are all glass with big huge windows. its basically all glass and really high end furniture. the landscape switches again. i think im in my room at first. i cant remember exactly but i think i build something. i have all of these toys im building. i start picking up the trash in the room because a part of me thinks that's what im supposed to be doing. but then i got curious and i start looking for a name on something. i find it twice, once on an envelope, but both times i cant make out the name. then i realize im not me. im acting like someone else. someone rich. and then theres a little girl. she tells me to follow her quick! she was frustrated i was taking so long in "his" room. she takes me to hers and gives me clothes. she gives me them because she said what i was wearing (sweats and sweatshirt) is not what she wears. this makes me think i am supposed to be acting like her. she gives me an option of a color that i think is pink and then black in the same thing. i cant put the clothes on for the life of me. i eventually get the clothes on just in time for the girls mom to come check on me. she asks me how im doing etc. im putting on a good face for the mom. we eventually go outside the house. and right outside is a foot path. there are lots of people all around us. its a nice manicured area; almost park-like but not. i keep going north away from the house and the little girls pulls me aside onto this ridge where theres a fence. we hide but its just a mound of dirt and i keep slipping off the edge and the person we are hiding from sees me. theyre not in front of us but coming from behind. i try to climb the fence but i cant get any purchase. i remember i have done this before in a previous dream. i remember the technique and i get to the top. i start to go over the fence before i remember what i learned in the previous dream about how to get over to them (theres two guys - they reminded me of my brothers friends derek and someone else. i dont remember the thing i just remembered so they grab me and i start kickkng and fighting and trying to get over the fence but i cant get over. and then i wake up

4 Apr 2024

Dead body


I was working at an escape room place at the front desk. (I’ve never been to an escape room before) One day I went for a walk up a hill near where I lived in the dream and I had someone with me, but I can’t remember who it was, but we ended up sitting down on a picnic table at the top of the hill with a big tree next to the table. while we were sitting there I turned around towards the path up the hill, and there was a small girl in a purple dress with white mesh over it making her look ghostly. Her head was hidden from view behind a big branch so she looked headless, I screamed. But then her parents came up behind her and she came forward so I could now see her head she looked to be about 3 years old. They sat down at the table and we started talking, the little girl was running around and ended up smacking into the table. I went to check on her, but she was completely fine, she jumped back up and started running around again. As I made my way back to sit down my foot sunk into the ground next to the tree, when I pulled back from the hole the mother of the little girl came up and reached into the hole. She pulled up the dead body of the little girl that was running around. The mother pushed the dead child back into the hole and told me not to let the little girl see it, just then the little girl ran up to us and fell into the hole! I grab the girl and pulled her back up as quickly as I could and gave her to her father. We buried the dead body again and I found out the the little girl’s parents were her adopted parents and that they found her somewhere, it was all extremely strange. When I went back to work they next day I told my coworkers what had happened the day before on the hill and while I was telling them I realized that there was also a 4 year old boy that was there playing with the 3 year old girl. I then questioned myself if I dreamed the whole thing, but didn’t say that to my coworkers. After the day was over I was about to lock up when I heard people talking in one of the escape rooms and I got I strong feeling of danger and an urge to leave immediately, but I ignored it and went back to the desk and continued to tidy up before I closed for the day. A few seconds later three teenaged boys came out from one of the rooms and kidnapped me. One of the boys were my age 17 and the other two were younger than me, I did not feel threatened at all. I ended up talking to them and said that I would β€œnever” run away (I totally would) the boy that was my age told me I couldn’t banish anyone either. As if I ever had that kind of power, and I told him as much that I can’t banish anyone. Just then another kidnapper showed up this one was big and mean he was older then all of us, I then said that if I could banish someone it would be the big mean one, all the other boys agreed. After a few hours two other girls were kidnapped and then that night I took them and escaped we ran down a hill, we then came across a house with a lot of windows. Through the windows on the bottom floor we could see a mother dancing with her daughters, she saw us running by and came up to the window held up her hand making then sign for phone with her hand and mouthed the words 9-1-1. We immediately agree one of the girls started crying with relief, I felt like crying to and I repeated back to the mother β€œyes 9-1-1” she called them and went back farther inside and me and the two other girls continued running, we ended up getting caught again but rescued soon after by the police showing up because of the mother calling them. I’m pretty sure I fell in love with the boy that was my age even while being captive even though he was my kidnapper..

4 Apr 2024



Ok so I had a dream about me killing a cousin of mine but I don't remeber how I killed him I just remeber me hiding his body on my closet and when I was hiding his clothes in my gym bag, I think it was my half brother or my sister who walked in and asked what I was doing then I forgot what happened but I rember me talking to my half brother or my sister and then going to my closet and getting my cousins body out of it but also alot of other body's that I don't know who they were from, then I was dropping them off my car while driving it, just like that in the middle of the road, then u remeber being in court and my mother was there accusing me and my sister or half brother defending me. Then right after that I was in a forest with a friends idk who and he was with a leopard I think and the leopard started chasing me soo I ran until I jumped off something that looked like a cliff but i didn't die or anything, it strted to slow down as I was falling into a truck with mattresses on it and started running away again and I said "again" after it restart again the same thing, I was running away from the leopard but this time as I was going to jump off the cliff my foot got stuck and the leopard smells it but didn't eat it then I feel again in slow motion but this time I landed almost off the mattresses and started running again with that friend.

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