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Dream Interpretation: Feet ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Feet? Discover the significance of seeing a Feet in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Feet appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This symbol represents your journey and moral standing. Your feet are what help you take the steps toward your goals, and they are also the foundation of the principles upon which you build your future.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Examine the path you are currently on. The way that your feet look in your dream will give you a lot of information about your current moral standing, self-care, and your ability to keep moving forward. Examine your foundation and the journey you are on, make the necessary adjustments to ensure that your progress is not limited.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream about feet may evoke feelings of stability, grounding, and a sense of being connected to the earth. It may also bring about sensations of mobility, freedom, and the ability to move forward in life. Additionally, the dream may elicit emotions of vulnerability, as feet are often associated with our foundation and support. Overall, this dream may leave one with a mix of emotions, ranging from security and strength to vulnerability and the need for balance.





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1 Jul 2024



Last night I had a dream about me at work. It was me and this girl I work with named Briana. It was us and the supervisor named Krystal. Most of the time Briana and I were alone. She eventually started complaining about her feet bothering her. I told her to take her shoes off. She did that then asked me if I would be willing to rub her feet. I did that for a long time. During that time our supervisor never walked in.

29 Jun 2024



It had something to do with trains, and then it was, the last part of the train was a train driving up. Something to do with feet, keeping the feet good, and um, yeah.

9 Jun 2024

Parking Lot


In my dream I was out in a parking lot or maybe some type of outing. There were a swarm of bees hovering in the sky not messing with anyone. As soon as I removed myself from the group of people outside the bees begin to swarm around me. I tried to move out of there way but it was clear they were for me. One begin trying to sting me and I begin swatting it... I did that for forever and finally someone yelled out just let it stung you.. so two people held my arms down do the bee could sting me... once the stinger entered my skin the bee flew away it didn't die. As I turned to get the stinger out of my skin it was a black beetles body there. It was like really in my skin I had to use tweezers to get it out... It hurt like he'll but it wasn't my arm hurting it was my feet.

29 May 2024



literally we were like sitting at dinner and ig it was the ppl in my family and the kid across from me kept like sawing my feet and then they like stopped and it kept happening and happening and happening and then it got worse every time and i started to get terrified and then the last time it happened i died but the dream didn't stop and i didn't wake up bc then the girl dragged me to the woods and da leah carved on me here lie freddy edinger . and mind you the whole family just sat there while she did it and then was just like awww after

9 May 2024



Had nails and cactus needles stuck in my feet and nobody wanted to help me get it out.

15 Mar 2024

Running away


The dream started on a bus, with me trying to get to find a seat. The bus was dark and really uncomfortable, kind of like riding the Greyhound. I saw all these open seats, but people had stuff in them, so I just kept trying to move to the back. In the back it looked like there was plenty of seats. When I got to the middle of the bus, there was someone standing in the middle of the aisle. I tried to move past them, and they just looked at me saying, no. I said, okay, jeez. I looked at the man to my right, who had something in his seat. I said, would you mind if I sat here? He started cussing me out and saying a lot of really mean things. I said, wow, okay, sorry, didn't mean to do that. I then at the same time realized that my butt was all up in this couple's space that was right behind me. I turned around and apologized to them but they were staring at me deep into my soul with this terrible stare. I said, I thought this was supposed to be the South. But everyone here is so freaking mean. As people began to respond yelling at me, I quickly got off the bus and into the town. When I got off the bus, I was exposed to this really huge city. It felt like a futuristic city. Everything was on rail cars and pretty and technologically advanced. But something was off. There was a rail car coming straight for me and it looked like it was going to hit me. I quickly got out of the way. I said that was weird. But it felt like it was coming straight for me, like it wanted to destroy me. The next thing I saw was a car coming straight for me. It was an Uber, but it didn't have a driver. It drove straight to me, and I moved out the way. Then it stopped and opened its doors to me. It wanted me to get in. It looked nice on the inside, but I just knew something was wrong. I could not get into that car. I ran away in the opposite direction. I ran into this building. I really just wanted to get away from this really weird city. Where was I going to go? I couldn't even get back on the bus with all those people, all those mean people. How was I going to get out of this town? As I was walking in this mall, I thought maybe I could just stay here for a while. At least it's safe here. Then holes started to appear everywhere, all around. In all of these holes, there was something different. One had a mirror. One had another train. One had a different train. They were all portals into something that was trying to take me to something bad. I didn't know what was going on. I didn't understand it, but I just wanted to run. I wanted to run to safety, to get away from all these holes, all these things trying to take me away. A hole started to form right underneath my feet. I jumped and just started running forward and forward and slipped into this little hole. A hole that led downstairs to a basement. I started to creep down to this room that was right there. I looked inside and I saw these four or five people. Another person behind me slipped in. They asked, is it safe here? I said, I'm not sure. We opened the door together and walked into the room. Inside there was this man just laughing, having a good time and watching TV. I said, is it safe in here? He said, safe for now. He said they're all going to be really upset when they find out what happens to them. I said, what are you talking about? He then turned on the TV to this ad. It was an ad that showed this man getting his face cut off. His face then got sewed together and elongated like the trunk of an elephant. The extra skin from his face got shrunk and put on the very edge of the trunk-like skin. He basically had turned into his own face elephant. Someone tried to lighten the mood by saying that's going to be hard to drink out of. But I was horrified, terrified, and scared. I started to slowly back out of the room, thinking about everything, thinking about how I was stuck in this world, in this city, and there was no way out. These holes would eventually reach the basement, or I'd be stuck in the basement forever, trying to hide away from all the things that are coming after me. I started to walk upstairs, to go back to the top, just thinking about everything. I grew sad. When I got to the top of the stairs, I saw a woman, so I paused. She was going through it. The holes had appeared for her, her own holes. She was trying to run from them, until one popped up right in front of her, and she ran straight into it. It was a hole with a mirror, in an all-white bathroom. She said, no, no, no, I'm stronger than this. And the moment she said that, a rubber pink phone appeared, and she took the phone, whacked it against the mirror, and started whacking the whole bathroom, destroying it. She said, and that's it, I don't even know why I'm over here running away. I am that bitch. As she was saying these things, a belt started to grow around her, full of tools, fun, bright-colored tools that were yellow, and green, and red. She looked like she was a superhero. She started going around, destroying every hole, going outside, until she finally made it outside. She was amazing, and that's when it hit me. That's the way out, to have confidence in myself, to know who I am, and to not be afraid of who I am. The more confident I became, the better I felt about destroying these things. Tools started to form for me. I was able to destroy every single hole that came my way. After I had destroyed all the holes, I passed this bathroom, in it it looked like there was a dead baby in it. I walked into the room, and I saw this woman, so sad, her baby was on the floor. The baby was a royal blue color, like it was such and suffocated. I went over to her and the baby, and I picked up the baby. She started to say something, saying, there's nothing you can do, but I started to rock the baby, and tell the baby how beautiful it is, and the baby started to find its color again, a natural color. The mother said, how did you do that? I reminded her that she's a great mother, that she's doing her best, that she's trying her best. I handed her back the baby, and I could feel that her confidence was growing, even if I couldn't see it. I left the bathroom, and the dream ended.

8 Mar 2024



My dad dropped me off at a poolside, it was a caramel colour area, the pool was only 5 ft deep so I decided to swim because I already knew swimming. I swam,but after a while I felt like the pool was bottomless, and a cave trapped me, pulling me in deep and i passed out. When I regained consciousness, they told my I lost control over my mobility and there were no caves Then scene shifted to my dad's friends house, and my dad's friend's mother told him there's space for a pool there. So I was teaching my sister swimming. This pool was actually 12 feet deep and everytime I tell her to float she sinks. I demonstrate it to her but she still sinks, so I have to pull her out by the hair

19 Feb 2024

Running away


I was at some playground with friends and it was very dark out. I remember having a small toy that I think I found. It was like a little girl action figure type thing that was only about 3 inches big. It has a button on the back which I pressed and the toy said something or made a noise that was unsettling. I went to show my friends and pressed the button again. The face on the toy changed into something far creepier and made another creepy sound. My friends and I were not creeped out though. Maybe a little but we just kinda laughed at it. I then said "watch this" to my friend and attempted to drop kick the toy from the top of the steep hill where my friends and the playground were. I missed the toy and it began to roll down the hill. I was disappointed so I started heading down the hill to retrieve the toy to try again. (I should mention that the hill has a lot of foliage). About a foot or two before I reached the toy, in the corner of my eye I saw a person in a white sweater and jeans just standing near a tree, watching me. I looked at the person who then I could see was a very thin old lady with long grey hair. Before we could make eye contact she quickly ran away from me. (Also want to mention that the time from when I noticed her in the corner of my eye to where she started running was only like a second). I got startled but proceeded to grab the toy. After picking it up I looked into the trees and saw the lady watching me about 50 feet away. I turned to look up the steep hill then back at the lady and she began charging at me. I then started running up the hill but was having trouble because of how steep it was so I yelled for help. One of my friends was close to the edge of the hill and they began heading down. They reached me and helped lift me up a little. We were on a small ledge about halfway up the hill. I looked down the hill and the lady was pretty close but now running away from us. I continued my ascent up the hill. My friend was somehow back at the top. While climbing I slipped on some leaves and began sliding down. I kept trying to grab on to something but couldn't. I saw the lady deep in the woods watching me fall and she started running towards me. I finally stopped falling and quickly turned to run back up. I didn't get too far before slipping again but managed to grab something. I looked back and the lady was still running at me so I yelled for help again. Then yelled at the lady that my friends were coming since that scared her away the first time. This time my friends were quite far but did begin to descend. The lady was closer though and I watched in horror as she closed in on me. Last thing I saw was her face about only a foot away from me. She had such a blank expression on her face. I then woke up hyperventilating.

17 Feb 2024



It started as a wedding. I didnt know who the people were. The woman had blonde hair in a bun on the back of her head and she has 3 or 4 children. All ranging between the ages of 2 through 12 based off of appearance . Her husband had short brown hair. They were standing in the ark and i was taking pictures of them as a family. I think they already went through the ceremony and were just recently married and thats why we were taking the pictures. Everything goes black and the next scene i see is the husband using his right hand to hold onto the tree. He was using his left hand to hold onto a bunch of red ballons that were getting mixed up in the trees but trying to float up into the sky. He kept screaming โ€œi wont let it take them!!โ€ That or he was screaming โ€œi wont let him take them!!โ€ I had my blue brush with me so i started throwing my brush at the balloons to pop them and then bubbles started surrounding me so i started hitting the bubbles with my brush and then everything goes blank again. Just to be clear when i started hitting the balloons i had this feeling that it would save them, like i could not let them go in the sky. So when they popped and i saw bubbles i started hitting the bubbles to help save them but i think we ran from the bubbles which would explain why i felt afraid of them. Next scene it is night instead of day now and the wife and children are gone, i think they turned into the balloons that i popped. All that is left of the family is the two youngest boys, the father and myself. There is a two year old boy and a four or five year old boy. They both have dark hair. For whatever reason we are hiding infront of a house. While looking at the house i have this feeling that its our house. Like i know these people and i know where they lived and i know who i was. I look over to my left which would be the right side of my house and i can see a wired fences and i can see the sidewalk and street through the fence. I asked the husband where the wooden board was. I say โ€œwheres the wooden board? Shouldnt we keep it up so people cant see us.โ€ Looking back at my dream i feel like that was kinda silly, we could have just hid in the house. Right at the minute though i was really concerned about the board being on the fence. As i was asking him this i saw a guy walking up with a gun. I think he had two guns. One in each hand. He asked us something about our feet and then he leaned down and pulled up his pants leg and he was wearing boots and they were backwards. He asked what we were doing and the husband said something about were just a bunch of kids hanging out and something about our coach and making out. Im pretty sure the husband sensed we were in danger so he was trying to pretend we werent us. The next scene after that is us being in the house and i instantly have this feeling that people are looking for us. In this scene he is changing the kids name. He changed their first names but he left the last name the same which i thought was strange. After that i woke up and tried to shift the dream so the rest of the dream i dont believe it was trying to share a message, I believe the rest of the dream was led by me. In my dreams i feel emotions. When im in a deep sleep i can feel my feet hit the floor, i can feel the wind blow across my face and i feel something else. I had a dream where a bad man kept telling me i love him and when he grabbed my arms i felt a dark wave go through them and when i woke up i still felt it. I e been shot in a dream too and woke up with the pain of where i was shot for a couple hours. I have a tendency of taling what happens to me in my dreams into reality.

25 Jan 2024

Dead snake


I am in a car I look down in the floor of the car is missing. There is a giant sickly green snake underneath my feet. I reverse the car over the snake to kill it over and over. then I get out to look under the car to see if the snake is dead. When I look at the dead giant snake under the car, it is mangled and bloody, and from the dead green snake, a small white snake spirit slithers up into the air from the dead snakes body. I know itโ€™s calling me and I walk closer and let the white snake spirit slither itโ€™s glowing essence into my heart, and I feel full and loved, and I knew this was supposed to happen.

20 Jan 2024



I had a dream me and what felt like close family members were going to a funeral. The family tired so hard to get me locked up or hurt. And I kept avoiding it. Then one of their daughters kept intaginizing me and I lost me shit and threw her feets away she was rolling and she got hurt pretty badly. I offered to be arrested and the family wasn't sure about it. My ex kept popping up to comfort me. Then I followed the family in a family van with others. And no matter what I had a hard time being the bigger person after so long in my journal. My ex would comfort me

9 Dec 2023



I had 3 different prespectives, 3 different girls (they all looked like me but different) , same town, same time. The first gal was wearing a very beautiful dress and was decorated in jewelry. She also had a ring. A black metal band that looked like thorny vines like with a purple stone. She had long hair. She went to an abandoned store, she rose up from the ground and a purple power came from her. Moments later she landed on her feet. She sighed and looked up to the sky. The sky was purple. She left and stayed outside of what looked like a community center. She leaned against the pillar just exhausted. An older gentleman who was wearing a suit and tie went up to her. He said a name but i couldnt hear it. She looked up and the man gave her a bag of fast food and winked. She smiled and said "thank you frank" It went dark then i heard a raur, a black dragon with purple flames was attacking something but i couldnt tell what it was. The second girl was wearing a security uniform, clean, wearing her hair in a bun and had an thing that covered her whole forearm that had some kind of technology. She was walking around until she saw a room full of kids wearing white shirts with tattoed numbers and letters on them. They all were at desks numb and acting like robots. Until a kid looked towards the gals way. She turned and walked away but she was questioning what was really going on. She starts to sneak around the area she accidentally stumbled across. She was wearing a white uniform top. She then saw a couple of different gaurds, wearing all black with military officer like hats. escorting a scientist. She hid what looked like a closet. She took off her uniform shirt and put on the lab coat that shuts all the way. She grabs a clip board and walks out. Soon she ends up in a room with nothing but the orb and that same dragon in it. The room was a dome where she could see everything. The sky was purple. Then the third girl. She looked ragged and wearing a white shirt with a number at her collarbone. She has shoulder length hair and looked absolutly tired. She looks around and see others that had the same uniform. Some old, some young. They are in a rundown room waiting for something. Everyone was talking amounst themselves asking when help was gonna arrive. A young girl that looked no more than 5 started to cry. The girl comforted the little girl. Another kid, then went to a deeply depressed state and started chatting about how they are all going to get caught and die. The kid starts going crazy and grabs a gun from a box and said "i might as well finish the job for them". The girl grabbed the gin away from them and said we are not gonna die, and we are not gonna get caught. She then put the gun in her waist band. The girl told everyone that she will keep the gun on her since she had the most experience with it. The little girl start crying and the gal conforted her. The gal looked out and saw the same purple sky. Back to the first girl. She was at a fancy party bored out of her mind. Frank told her that she should look diligently, they are here to save people. The gal nodded and told him he was the best butlar she had. They the building starts to shake. The patrons were scared and start to panic. The girl and Frank nodded at each other and started to put people in an area that was sturdy. Once in there the banging started again. She tried to use her power again but it didnt work. Her heart began to sink and looked at Frank. He looked concerned. She tried again and didn't work. She starts to panic. Frank put his hands on her shoulders and told her that they would figure it out with or without the ring. Back to the third gal. Everyone was sitting, waiting, until a rumble came. Everyone whispered asking what was going on. Then they heard a knock on the door. Everybody froze. The gal stands up, and brings the gun out and puts it behind her. The door cracks and a woman with dark skin, with a military baret, black tank top, and military pants peaks in. The woman told them not to worry she is coming with back up. The gal in my dream put her gun away. The military woman then slides a riffle thinking the group didnt have a weapon. She said she will return with a truck to get them all out then closes the door. The gal grabbed the rifle and gave it another trusted adult. Everyone went from somber to hope. But the gal told everyone not to celebrate yet until they get out of there. On to the second gal, she went down an elevator, without the lab coat. The doors open and she walks in. She was shocked, there were pipes of green and purple liquid, weaving in and out of the floor boards. The walls and everything was white. Very sterile. She whispered undernieth her breath what the hell. She then looks over and an alarm sounds.

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