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Dream Interpretation: Flesh 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Flesh? Discover the significance of seeing a Flesh in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Flesh appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

Dreaming of flesh can represent your physical desires and needs. It may also symbolize your vulnerability and sensitivity. Alternatively, it can indicate a need for nourishment or a desire for sensual pleasure.

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🧭 Direction


Consider your current physical and emotional state. Are you taking care of your body and giving it the nourishment it needs? Are you allowing yourself to experience pleasure and sensuality in your life? Take time to prioritize your physical and emotional well-being.

❀️ Feelings

The dream about flesh may evoke a range of emotions, such as disgust, curiosity, or even fear. It could symbolize our primal instincts, desires, or physical needs. The feelings associated with this dream may vary depending on the context and personal experiences of the dreamer.





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Dreams of users containing the word Flesh

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13 Mar 2024



I had a dream where my two ex's Matt and Andrew became one person and I was staying at their place. I was having trouble getting my medicine and asked my mom to bring them toe, but while I waited for my bag of everyday medication I had some left in my pill container, which I took instead of the ones offered by my ex. As I continued to dream huge spiders (about the size of your fist) with yellow and black coloring began to crawl around on the ceiling, trying to come down on me or my ex. My ex started killing them, but eventually one got close to me, I turned on the overhead fan to no avail. It fell on the floor and climbed up my leg. I knew it wanted to eat my flesh, but mostly my brain. Just as it was about to bite me with its pincer mouth I woke up.

11 Mar 2024



I used to have this re acurring dream where I would cough cuz I felt like I had a hair stuck in my throat and then I would find it in my mouth so I would start pulling it out and it would keep coming then the hair turned into alot of it then it got bloody and then the hair turned to bloody flesh from the inside of my throat.

4 Mar 2024

Light (Not Dark)


Me and my dad were getting ice cream and then we looked at the chocolate sauces and saw one that was really cheap. We bought it and brought it home. We read the dessert and it says it uses natural ingredients and is to honor this 16 year olds death. We thought that was really sweet. Later on, some one put it on their ice cream and started to look at the bottle, they started to gag and ran to the bathroom. Later when the bottle was shaken it turned into this light brown- tan color and it turns out it wasn’t chocolate sauce, it was human. It was made with the 16 year olds flesh. It was basically forced cannibalism

28 Feb 2024



I was having surgery- top surgery - I wasn’t really awake or under anestesia I was just there Other part of dream some guy was carrying someone he has a mask over his face so I couldn’t read his expression They went to a hospital and the guy had gotten her boobs back. And I was like UMMM NO RANDO SURGERY WITHOUT FOLK CONSENTING I was banging my head into the side of a wall/bathtub again repeatedly I think bilal was there or someone asking me questions but I couldn’t process any of that because I was crying and nonverbal Then there was weird dystopian part- hard to explain but I try: Before there was a weird bridge and some goop on the ground that the pigs wanted and so many grounds of people. Then I gave the pigs slop and I heard them talking and asking me what it was but it looked like rotting flesh. Then there was a swarm of people and a guy and his son and a girl She turned into some crazy harpy thing with a cross and the son had cut his face under his eyes and they would transform it to bat wing things. The girl was fighting something and then it took her down into the water and the dad went after to help but got caught by something The boy saw and instead of helping he broke the girl in half and shot at the monsters and his dad laughing with all his lackies I watched that part and then had to run The water turn to black ooze and boats couldn’t move through it people tried to - a guy leading a bunch of folk in a boat was put in some armour thing that squished him down and he didn’t have anymore ears cuz they got cut off with the helmet but he wanted it? There was like people being paid 2 dollars during that time. Indentured slavery / exploitation then when the helmet guy was leading it was like after the fall of society and then it turned into something else and they were kinda doing well The water was clear again. During that time Then in another part of the A kid was building things and he had lost leg and an arm made a whole thing to transform body parts to form flesh from metal and his arm formed - he was going to go see his girl. But he had built all this tech from nature and scrapped technology His girl was brought something but it dropped and she was so sad about it and was apologized to. A Whole green school bus pulled up to some parking garage and guy told em to park other place and then his friends yelled at him for telling him where to park The guys in the bus There was a whole bit where were in a school and some lady with assless chaps in all white came in in the smoke like a badass And left But in this class was a girl and then it went into a whole montage of us being together And a parade of guys Two gay guys included And one guy holding his shirt open It was like they were a football team who won a championship but it made no sense because it looked like the guy in the mask was the one with his shirt off Me and the girl we were dating Making out and then someone was there and I hid in the closet to put on clothes and she grabbed some too But she was like reformed Regina George but not It was funny

13 Feb 2024



Im 5 years old and im in a car with my family, but i blink and im out and behind the car on the highway. My sister pokes her head out and yells im out of the car but they drive off when tge light turns green. I turn around and cars are crashing and the stoplights are hoing crazy and the same is happening when i turn back around! I see my family speeding off and i try to catch up but they're too fast. I finally turn the corner but they just crash into a big tree. And the car CRUMBLES. I go to help but all i see is my aunt reaching out with her left arm yelling "help me" and asks my grandma to move over even though shes dead. So i pull her out and the other half of her body is just flesh, muscle, and bone! I scream and run until i hit a dead end, but she EATS ME. Then i wake up

8 Feb 2024



I was walking back to my truck in the dark but before I could make it 3 young black males surround me and ask for my wallet. I refuse and the big guy tackles me on the ground and starts punching my face. I grab his arm and bite a big chunk of flesh out of his arm. He screams and a grab a rock and break and another attackers nose. The third guy rubs away.

7 Feb 2024



Being reborn but looking like some one else traveling with a group of people that I know but not in the present life. Wanted to take my youngest daughter with me but couldn’t because she wasn’t chosen. I did see my youngest daughter that looked just like her but really want her. Was told they made her look like my youngest because it would easier for me. My soul mate was made by taking a bite of my flesh traveling to somewhere we knew we had to be but didn’t know exactly where we were going. Along the way we picked up others that we chosen

4 Feb 2024



I dreamt that my boyfriend was being consumed by a flesh eating insect. Every time I closed my eyes he kept shrinking and looking deformed

3 Feb 2024



a few years ago (i still remember it very well) apperantly it was a school camp or someting, and me and one of my good friends had to sleep outside because there was no space in the cabins. it wasnt very far away from them, but we were deep in the forest and it was already late in the night. when we layed out our sleeping bags on the ground, there was a sign saying "CAUTION! DANGEROUS ANIMALS" and then some pictures of the animals in the forest: (i remmeber only 2 that were there: lion, and kidnapper/human) then me and my friend didnt really think much of it (or i think she was already sleeping when i saw the sign). then i couldnt sleep and i heard someone starting a fire a few metres away from us. (i think they were whispering my name aswell). so i got up and went to where the noise was coming from and i see a man next to a lit fireplace. he tells me to sit down and i do so. i was thinking he was the human on the sign, but he seemed nice so i did as he said. Later he gives me a knife and tells me to cut my thigh in pieces (not fully, but until the flesh like 2-3 cm deep, in vertical and horizontal lines so it looks like squares next to each other). i dont remember exactly why he told me to do it but i did i anyways. it was as if i could really feel the pain in real life. then i woke up and the same leg felt as if i had been cut, and i looked under my pants and there was nothing there...

24 Jan 2024



I was in a maze made of flesh, looking for children who were going to be trafficked. Being chased by giant evil stuffed animals. I was armed with an axe. I was able to rescue one little girl. Then I was at a hodown with my ex boyfriend but everyone inside were all killing each other. I started throwing up blood and I was going into shock. I tried to call my mom but she couldn't hear me.

20 Jan 2024



I had a weird dream where I was in my own apartment and lived away from home but in my area there was murders. I could see how my family was going about their life my dad lost his driver license and my grandma got targeted by the killer. The killer would leave cryptic messages and send her clothes that she was seeing out in public to prove that they were stalking her. My Mommom’s blew up her house to live with my mom and dad and I eventually decided to move back and protect my family. A police came to the house I for some reason and they were just checkin on us by my dad didn’t have a license I guess that was illegal and so the cop was tryin to arrest my dad. The cop asked for a pen, I didn’t have a pen but for some reason I felt like there would be a pen in the basement. I walked down stairs and immediately got chills, I felt as if this was the perfect spot to be killed by the killer from earlier. I got scared and ran back up once the lights started flickering but then told my sister to keep an eye on the light switch so I could go back down to the basement. I went back down but the lights went out again and I saw this really creepy girl going through this tiny window like it was seran wrap and her mouth was wide open. It was so scary the way she looked like a thing you’d find in the movies, she didn’t look right, I ran back up stairs screaming and told my sister to run. We were all in the kitchen, my family and the cop and I was expecting the cop to protect us but he said he would rather team up with the killer because I was so slow about getting the pen and I think he was mad about my father. The woman who was so creepy coming through the window was now upstairs and looked human but she had a knife and so my siblings tackled her. One sibling was on her chest and my little sister looked like she was about to stab her but I was afraid that if they stabbed her taht she would stab them back so I just told them to wait for me to help them. The scary woman tried tricking my little sister with pink strawberries that had bugs in them that would kill her but she refused to eat them. The woman kept trying to give her something but now it was red strawberries but I stepped in and threw my sisters away from the creepy woman. I stabbed the woman with a curved knife before getting up from the ground and throwing the knife into her chest. The woman proceeded to get up too but I just kept looking and getting knives to throw at her, each one stabbing her. She eventually fell to the floor on her stomach and so I sat on her back and proceeded to stab her over and over again. I could see the wounds I made on her and it felt so real that I even felt sick seeing the blood pour from her open wounds where I could see her flesh but I knew I wanted to survive so I had to kill her. I wanted to make sure she was dead so I stabbed her until she stopped moving, my hands were bloody and I stood up, I could see her twitch a little before I think she died. I felt sick but at least my family was sick, it was a weird vivid dream though doing that made me sick

3 Jan 2024



I was sitting in a chair in an empty black space as a young child. I was looking down myself in this black empty space. I stabbed my arms and ripped down. The flesh and fat peeled away to show multiple layers. I stabbed myself in the leg and twisted it around. I was watching myself as a young child doing this. Then I woke up, my arms were above my head.

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