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Dream Interpretation: Heights 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Heights? Discover the significance of seeing a Heights in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Heights appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of heights symbolizes your desire for success and achievement. It may also represent your fear of failure and the unknown. This dream may indicate that you are taking a risk or facing a challenge in your waking life.

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🧭 Direction


If you dream of heights, it may be time to take a leap of faith and pursue your goals. Don't let fear hold you back from achieving your dreams. Take calculated risks and trust in your abilities. However, if you feel overwhelmed, take a step back and evaluate the situation before moving forward.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of heights may evoke feelings of fear, vulnerability, and anxiety. The sensation of being high up can create a sense of unease and a fear of falling. It may also symbolize a fear of taking risks or stepping out of one's comfort zone. The dreamer may feel exposed and vulnerable, as if they have no control over their surroundings. These emotions can be overwhelming and may reflect a lack of confidence or a fear of failure in waking life.





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Dreams of users containing the word Heights

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17 Jul 2024

Old friend


I went into an exotic pet shop. I saw many pets in cages or enclosures. I saw a spider which had escaped. I had to try to grab the spider and put it back in his enclosure. While I was trying to grab the spider, it had wrapped its web around my hand and made it very difficult for me to hold him. As I went to grab the spider after removing the web, he bit me on the back of my hand. I exited the exotic pet shop and went outside. I had people wanting to get a hold of me and I did not want to be caught. I started to realize that I could wipe people's short-term memory. Even so, people were still trying to come and find me, and I did not like it. I decided to run away after wiping a few people's memories, of recent memories. I ran to the top of a building and a man was there who grabbed my hand, he said this doesn't work on me, the spider bit me as well. This meant that wiping his memory of me being there was impossible. He tried to grab me and I ran to the edge of the roof. I said to him that there was no luck, I was going to fly away. I turned away from him, got as far away on the roof as possible, jumped off and flew across the sky, flapping my arms as wings, higher and straight down towards the ocean and the coast. I made it down to the coast, and I thought it would be a good idea to try to live within the cave system on a rock near the ocean, because other people had lived in there before, so it was very possible to live for a short period of time within these caves. When I landed next to the ocean, An old friend from my working life came to me and said don't worry, if you need somewhere to stay, you can shower and sleep at my house. This made me relaxed and a little bit happier. I was in a group of people down on a holiday resort, and I noticed a lot of my father. I quickly wiped the memories of me, went back to the group of people in the holiday resort, and they were trying to do some show. I don't remember the show, and I said I could fly. They did not believe me, so I gave them a small show on me flying around in front of them.

14 Jul 2024

Birthday Party
Family Members


I was a middle aged man who dressed like a medieval person for some reason. I had a family and a house. I did ordinary daily life things. Then we decided to travel to the beach. I wasn’t getting there in time, and I felt bad because it was the little girls birthday party. So instead of getting there in a car, I hired a plane. Then I dressed up as a super hero, and hung underneath the plane attached to some strings. So that I could look like a super hero? I got staff to help me with this. But I passed out mid flight. We finally reached the beach and I put in my best performance as I landed on the big rocks in the heights above the beach. The little girl was there, but did not see my performance. She was too busy speaking to a family that usually did not treat her well. When she did eventually see me, she was upset that I was late. I felt so exhausted and heavy. The girl climbed down onto the beach. It was far down. Looking at the water far below, I get an idea. I decide I want to try something different to catch her attention. I was going to jump down into the water, instead of carefully climbing down. I would not have the energy to climb down either way, so I why not jump. The surface below the water was shallow, but had a deep hole in the middle, probably an underwater cave. I calculate how I should manage to jump into the deep water, which is doable, and I jump. As I hit the surface, it feels like a relief I did not hit any of the shallow parts. But now I am in the deep cave. And I wait a little bit, because I think I am starting to float upwards now. Trying to swim upwards, I realize that I am not moving at all. In fact, it is so difficult to move that I just sink. I feel so exhausted. Now, as the walls of the cave starts closing in, I panic. Trying again to swim upwards, and thinking I am making progress, I feel terrified when I feel sand below my feet. I am at the bottom of the cave. Swimming clearly does not work, so I walk with heavy steps over to the wall of the cave. I try to climb. But all my manage to do is scratch the cave walls so that my nails hurt. It has been a while now. Did anyone realize I am stuck down here without oxygen? How long will they wait before helping me to the surface? Will they help me at all? Will anyone find me?

11 Jul 2024

Old job


once again we went on vacation. For some reason I’m always sitting in the back of the Mercedes. We pulled in to one of my old jobs to pick something up. I remember something that I had forgotten and in one of the fork lifts and so I put on a uniform which was a blue mechanics suit and walked to the back of the warehouse. on the left and right sides of the warehouse there where giant crane lifts to pick up the forklifts so you can work on them. The celing seemed to be about 90 ft tall and the cranes where that high as well. So I grabbed a forklift to work on and climbed the crane with the forklift on my back. When I got to the top I set the forklift in place and I remember thinking that I’m really high up with no safety equipment. Being afraid of heights I had a death grip on the crane. I forgot why was in the warehouse so I began to work on the forklift anyway, I hooked up the computer to it and turned around to run the diagnostics. As I turned I knocked the forklift off the crane with my elbow and it fell the whole 90 ft and crashed, broke into a million pieces, and everyone came to see what the noise was. I saw my old boss come in but he didn’t recognize me so I acted like I didn’t do anything. At this point I was trying to hack into their system and steal some money or something. My old boss called me down from the crane to yell at me. after I was “fired” I tried to leave but I ran into grandma and grandpa, I acted like I didn’t just cause a ruckus and joined back up with them. That’s when once again my old boss was walking uo to the family and trying to talk to them. I tried to turn around but grandpa made me come back over. I didn’t think he would recognize me again if I didn’t look at him but of course he did he just fired me.

10 Jul 2024



I was driving on tall bridges with my boyfriend's best friend and we just kept going over different bridges each time they got higher and higher I'm scared of heights

31 May 2024

Movie Theater


I was running through a deserted trailer park, lots of dirt and dust with a guy who i think i had a chainsaw. I never saw him, i could only hear the saw and could only think of getting away. There was a brick wall that i had to climb and pull myself up onto and when i made ur to the top, i straddled the wall so i could look down to see how far of a drop it would be. It seemed really far and I'm afraid of heights so i felt scared and panicked. Suddenly, a what seems like a reflection of me appears but I'm just a body covered in little white flowers. The reflection doesn't say anything, just points to this mountain beyond this path and dence woods. I felt like it was telling me to follow the path to the mountain but i didn't want to jump because i was afraid i would die. The reflection pointed at me and back to the mountain, at the same time i could hear the chainsaw getting closer and my fear growing so i closed my eyes and jumped down off the wall. I didn't hit the ground, instead it was like i flew at a really fast speed past everything and stopped right outside the mountain. There where other people there. Some in a small group, others as couples and some by themselves. I looked around feeling confused as to what we were waiting for and why we where all there. A door in the mountain opened and we were all escorted in by a guy in a suit into what seemed like a small movie theater inside the mountain where everyone sat down randomly. I sat kind of in the middle towards the left, there was a couple behind me, a guy behind them and a little to the right, and a group of people maybe in there twenties sitting a few rows ahead of me with one of them sitting in an opposite isle but leaning in the walkway towards his friends. At first i didn't look to at the screen, i was curious about my surroundings and the people there. I watched as the couple watched the screen together and talked amongst themselves while the older man watched sadly and would periodically look down at the ground. The others would also look up, talk almost themselves or look away from the screen momentarily before watching again. Also curious, i looked up at the screen and it took a moment before i realized it was like a flashback moment of my life where i had told my sister something negative, and it had impacted her and i felt sad like i knew i should have said something else instead in that moment. After a while, a lady walked in with more people and reseated us to the first few front rows and began speaking. She told us that by now we would know that we are dead and are now being given the choice on whether we want to go to heaven or hell. A few who i felt wanted to go to hell laughed a little before standing up to go, i stood up with them and also decided to go to hell but before i left i asked the lady if she knew if a friend of mine had gone there since he had taken his own life. She actually smiled and told me he was probably lost and if i wanted to find him, i had to promise i would come back. I agreed and instead was transported to a place that didn't have walls or floors, it looked like everything was made out of mist with lines floating around like the patterns of the waves in a swimming pool. There were wooden doors floating on both sides of me in a straight line and as i walked by them, i could feel like whatever was behind them was trying to pull me in closer to them but i didn't get any closer to them until i heard my friends voice behind one of them. When i walked closer to the door i was pulled into it and into a dimly lit but large room. There was a ledge and when i looked down i could see my friend on the floor, naked and covered in snakes. He asked me to help him and i don't remember helping him up, it was like he was suddenly there, still naked but covered in a lot of old scars. He told me that we were in purgatory and that if you get sucked behind one of the doors, you'll never get out because they are there to trap you. We managed to find the door i had come into, and fought and somehow squeezed ourselves underneath the door and escaped the room. We ran down the rest of the hall and at the end i could see a cut-out of light in the shape of a cross. There was a moment of nothing, and then we were now in a football stadium, somewhere high in the bleachers and we could see a long line of people who were standing in line seemingly waiting to talk to a man who was standing in front of a chair hearing access to people in line to walk through these sky high, white gates that were surrounded by a rainbow of light and clouds. Me and my friend ran up close to the front and i explained to the man my situation and told him i just came to make sure my friend had permission begging him to let him stay. He also didn't say anything, he just smiled and made a gesture with his hands that we could both walk through. I was confused and unsure but was happy and willing to go with my friend. It was when i walked through that all i could see was mountains of lava, the ground was molten rock, and there were people in armor falling from the sky.

26 May 2024



I was being pursued by soldiers. The soldiers first pursued me with fighter planes. In my own plane I succeeded to elude them. The pursuit continued on the ground as i landed in a rural remote field. I tried to elude them by hiding behind trees and houses. However they had two teams looking for me on the ground and above on planes. I tried to hide from them, however they caught up with me. I was face to face with who seemed like the leader of the force. We were high up some platform. I grabbed him and threw both of us down this high platform. We both hit the ground. I hit the ground and broke my neck while the enemy leader also hit the ground. I'm the end it seems that we both perished.

23 May 2024



I stood naked on top of a tall building in New York. I was surrounded by the rake of knifes and a camera zoomed out and spun around the building. And I was holding a knife

17 May 2024



I dreamt that I lived on top of a tall building with my mother. I wanted to go outside to watch h the stars. Outside was a glass railing to protect from falling down. But also a chair, a sun chair, built on top of the railing. I sat down in it, seeing both sides of the railing beside me, and then I slowly leaned backwards. I could see the stars. Then mom was looking for me inside. I waved at her, and she opened the door to ask what I was doing. I said I was watching the stars, but I wish I was not so afraid of heights, and that I was afraid to fall. Each time I leaned backwards, it felt like I would slide out of the chair and over the edge. She assured me I would not. So I leaned back. And I slid backwards out of the chair. As I see both mom and the chair getting further away, my hands reached out to grab anything to hold on to, but they just slid too. Then, as I was falling full speed down from the tall building, I realized there was nothing I could have done. Now I just had to accept my death.

15 May 2024



Was with my old friend Jamie and some other friend. We went mountain biking and I put my bike down in one of the trails for some reason. And we talked about something and then picked bike up and rode back home. Back home which was different from where we were before we left, someone was making a big ice cream desert thing and Jamie was devouring it like he was obsessed with sweets. We were supposed to go back out riding and I was like, there's no way were gonna go biking after he eats all that but he was convinced we still would. His dad Rick was there and maybe his mom and another friend I think. We were all having fun and happy. Then I was in a big building all of a sudden and there were giant animals like regular animals that were godzilla sized looking for us and chasing us. I scaled the wall down a few floors to get away from one which I think was like a 50 foot tall crow or something. When jumping 2 or 3 stories down onto a ledge I noticed we were extremely high in the sky, like hundreds of stories high. I think it may have been the burg khalifa or something and look like a big city on a bright sunny day, maybe Dubai. After jumping down the gian monster crow still saw me and was trying to get me as I ran into the building. I don't remember feeling scared, I think I was enjoying the chase like it was a game or something. I then found myself in a giant public bathroom that had very tall ceilings and it was nasty but I had diarrhea and needed to go to bathroom. All I remember during that moment was hoping the other even bigger monsters didn't rip off the ceiling of the bathroom which was very high up. Like 30 foot ceilings in the bathroom. And I was hoping they wouldn't rip off the ceiling and catch me while pooping. My friends had to leave me earlier and I knew they were regretful but I knew I'd be okay and see them again. The bathroom was on ground level and I finished up and outside was a big lake or bay and I needed to make my way back into the city to meet back up with friends. I somehow did and everyone was happy. The environment was no longer sunny, it was darker and overcast at the end but we were all safe.

13 May 2024



I was on holiday with my dogs, they for some reason were not with me when a massive explosion went off and I couldn’t find them. I looked out of the window to see them both injured on the side of the road with other animals and people but I couldn’t get to them because the escalator was broke and we had to go down a ladder, in my waking life I’m scared of heights, but I was trying to get down them in my dream. There was a man screaming at the top of the ladder saying he couldn’t do it and I was telling him to move. I kept looking at my dogs who where moving, it looked like they where playing but covered in blood so I knew they where I alive, but I couldn’t get to them. I then think I woke myself up out of the dream.

10 May 2024

Video Game


In the dream, I’m the MC of a romance-combat simulation game I’ve been playing fervently for the past week or so. I’m playing this receiver role for the male lead’s gifts(if you could call it one) of chips of crystals they conjure up and hurl across the combat fields(which sometimes just so happens to be in extreme locations like the top of nighttime skyscrapers in some futuristic renditions of East Asian countries like Japan and China). The crystals all have their energies imbued in them respective the shades of their associated colors. Two stands out out of the three: the black one that emits diamond smoke, and the purple-reddish one of darker shades that sprinkles out blossoms of dark pink flames every time I touch it. The other is the color of iolite. So I move around those extreme locations(sometimes mid-air on heights rivaling the skyscrapers) to catch these crystals, where I should go to or the timing in which I open my hands for it to come into the holds being given out by what seems similar to the game’s parry mechanics. I’m doing this for a while as the scene gradually turns into some sleek modern meeting/studio lounge, black, cubic, dimly lit, well-kempt and full of indoor plants, overlapping on top of the continuing ‘game’ in the backdrops. Aside from the three male leads fighting, in this new layer of reality there’s five men of similar aesthetics from some other simulation games for women and anime like Bungo Stray Dogs conversing in front of me. What’s more is that I *am* one of them, playing the previous layer of reality as a game on my phone as I banter and chitchat with my fellow ‘teammates’ about the characters, saying how similar they look with us as the numbers of the ‘characters’ on screen somehow start to match the numbers of people in the studio: five. A song, Goya no Machiawase by Hello Sleepwalkers are playing in the backdrops in a progressively improving quality, starting from sounding like a game’s background music before it turns into the song at the direct backdrop of my head.

2 May 2024



I found myself alone in a foreign land. It was a beautiful day with green rolling pastures. There was a huge concrete wall with a steep pitch that was approximately 12 feet wide. I went to the wall and started climbing it. I was frightened but kept going. I reached an area that I was forced to stop at as the wall became blocked. I turned around and because I'm afraid of heights was very nervous about looking down. I did and saw the beautiful rolling pastures. I realized I now had to descend the wall and was very nervous about how I was going to do that. I reached behind me and found a black rope that when I grabbed it, it released and I was able to descend the wall very quickly and safely. I was amazed. I got to the bottom safely and was grateful.

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