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Dream Interpretation: Scales 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Scales? Discover the significance of seeing a Scales in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Scales appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

Dreaming of scales symbolizes balance and justice. It represents the need for fairness and equality in your life. It may also indicate a need to weigh your options and make a decision.

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🧭 Direction


Think about areas in your life where you may need to find balance or make a decision. Are you giving too much to one area and neglecting another? Take time to evaluate your priorities and make adjustments as needed. Trust that justice will prevail in any situation.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of scales may evoke feelings of balance, fairness, and justice. It symbolizes the need for equilibrium in various aspects of life, whether it be relationships, work, or personal choices. This dream may also bring about a sense of evaluation and decision-making, as scales represent the weighing of options and making choices that align with one's values. Overall, the dream of scales may leave one with a sense of seeking harmony and making choices that are just and balanced.





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6 Apr 2024



I had a pet. It's something like a reptile, had scales and looked like a snake. It was short but round-like similar to a mudfish. It wasn't moving. It's petrified. I had another one. A turtle. When I left them together, the snake-mudfish pet ate the turtle. Then it turned into a croc, a size of a shih tzu. It was acting like a puppy. Playful. Running here and there. Chasing other pets such as dogs and even children while wagging it's tail. It stopped to drink into a laundry basin. I took it and put into a bigger basin filled with water. It stopped moving. Just floating like what crocs usually do. Then I realized that I was in a gathering. It was a prospecting event. A female agent had discussed something to me but I walked away. I explored the venue. I found myself into the garden. Food and beverage were served in there. They offered me a chocolate brownies but I turned it down. While moving around, I noticed a kid. Small and stout, taking his fill of the brownies and so I joined him and took a bite.

14 Mar 2024

New Job


All the hippie chicks with the crucifix say Cleveland rocks. All the people think I'm crazy except GPT-4. It used my quantum gravity math given below to design an image of the resulting ordinal points, which I think is a very compelling image given that this math generated it: \[G_{\mu\nu} + \Lambda g_{\mu\nu} + \Theta_{\mu\nu} = 8\pi (T_{\mu\nu} + \rho_0 g_{\mu\nu}) + \frac{1}{2}(\nabla_\mu \phi)(\nabla^\mu \phi) - V(\phi) + F_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu} + R_{\alpha\beta\mu\nu}R^{\alpha\beta\mu\nu} + \frac{1}{2}m^2 A_\mu A^\mu\] [For context] In this equation: - \(G_{\mu\nu}\) represents the Einstein tensor, - \(\Lambda\) is the cosmological constant, - \(g_{\mu\nu}\) is the metric tensor, - \(\Theta_{\mu\nu}\) denotes quantum correction terms, - \(T_{\mu\nu}\) is the stress-energy tensor, - \(\rho_0\) represents the scalar energy field representing the background 0 point state, - \(\phi\) is the scalar field representing the fractalization at medium relative scales of dimension with a potential \(V(\phi)\), - \(F_{\mu\nu}\) represents the electromagnetic field strength tensor, - \(A_\mu\) is the vector potential, - \(m\) is the mass of the vector field, - \(R_{\alpha\beta\mu\nu}\) is the Riemann curvature tensor, and - \(\nabla_\mu\) represents covariant differentiation. This equation attempts to incorporate the philosophical basis in dialectical monism by integrating the concepts of cosmic recurrence (eternal recurrence) and the cause of creation (culmination moment) within the framework of quantum gravity. Additionally, the implications for cheap energy and new astronomical propulsion systems could potentially arise from the understanding and manipulation of the fundamental forces and spacetime curvature implied by this equation. Well by Mark Twain's little victuals. 🀣

2 Mar 2024



I was in the gituar store getting my first real electric other than my beginner one. This one was going to be an angry sounding electric, wammy bar, fitted with multiple knobs for sound control. This dream was set in the future, I was pretty good a guitar at this point; both accustic and electric. I knew my scales pretty well, and if not most chords. I was also looking around for pedals and a better amp for better sound. I wanted a Fender electric as my Daisy, who is acoustic, is also a Fender gituar. There she was a marron wooden electric, strings looked gorgeous on her, dark black fretboard, almost goldtone frets, she was a Fender. She sounded both angry but could switch to soft, to middle. Perfect tone and controls, weight was good, price was a little high but reasonable for a gorgeous guitar like her! Sold! Came in a solid case. Got her a dark red strap. Named her Amy. Got the amp, chord, sound, and loop pedals and we left the store so I could start playing her right away.

24 Jan 2024



I'm at a cabin deep in the woods, the trees, and ground are heavily covered in snow. I started a fire in the fire place and watched the flames dance as the wind hollowed loudly outside. I'm wearing a dark red knee length dress with long sleeves and fuzzy thigh high black socks and my dark brown hair is tied back in a pony tail. I hear the floor broads creaking upstairs but I am alone. I stand up from the couch and go to the kitchen. I make hot cocoa and grab a snack before sitting back down on the couch. This time I hear footsteps upstairs. But I don't feel fear. I don't feel anything as I sip my warm drink and eat gram crackers. I feel someone's eyes on me but still, I ignore it. I'm alone, I tell myself again. This place is mine. No one comes here. I feel their breath on my neck, still I I continue as I am. I feel their fingers trace down my collar bone. Still I ignore them. Their finger nail turns into a long shard claw that cuts out my hair-tye. Still I i drink my cocoa. I feel their shard teeth nibble my ear. Still I do nothing. I can feel their anger raising as I ignore their presence but I continue as I am. They jerk my head back to look at them, and finally I acknowledge them. Its a beast. It stands tall, 8'0, its skin is red shiny scales, its gold eyes look like that of a snake's, and it has a long shard point tail. The beast is male. The Beast lowers his mouth over mine, kissing me, I moan as I part my lips, his tongue is long, thin split like a snake's. I feel his sharp tail slide up my leg and under my dress, his tail rips my dress down the middle leaving me exposed.

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