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Dream Interpretation: Gates ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Gates? Discover the significance of seeing a Gates in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Gates appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

These represent the barriers to entry into a new opportunity due to defensiveness. It suggests that you have put up strong defenses and do not allow anyone to cross them. These defenses are there to protect you from any possible harm that may come your way. However, not all that comes your way is bad news.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


You will need to find the key within yourself to unlock the defensiveness of yourself or others so that you can gain access to new potential and opportunities. Don't put up strong defenses, as it will sometimes keep away the new possibilities too.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of gates can evoke a sense of curiosity and anticipation. It symbolizes opportunities, choices, and new beginnings. It may bring feelings of excitement, as if standing at the threshold of something significant. The dreamer may experience a mix of hope and uncertainty, wondering what lies beyond those gates. It can also represent a desire for change or a need to make important decisions. Overall, this dream elicits a sense of potential and the need to explore what lies ahead.





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14 Jul 2024



I was going to pick up three packages. The packages were located at the gates of a large luxury home Iโ€™m familiar with (there is a path that I use to take to work where there is an elementary school and across from the school is a neighborhood with luxury homes. The house in the dream is right on the road). A woman met me there to sign off on the packages. One was a book an order of prints (paper prints) in an envelope and the last package was missing. It ended with me waiting on the third package.

6 Jun 2024



Sept 8,2023 I accidentally went to wrong way out of the gate and

6 Apr 2024



In my dream I was stuck in the house with my niece. She had a ankle monitor and couldnโ€™t leave the property to check on her kids her son and newborn daughter. I told her I would try to do her the favor but to remember she called me a user. Now Iโ€™m not a user because Iโ€™m doing her a favor and sheโ€™s getting her way. Then I left and I felt weird she seemed paranoid and unstable she said that I was wishing bad on her and witchcraft. She was sending me evil curses and I was rebuking them and sending them back to her. Then I saw my dad in the kitchen with some coworker of his. In another scene I was driving and I had to get on the bridge to get where I was going. Then I got out my car to see the problem and the gate wouldnโ€™t open so I went to help people needed scissors so I grabbed mines I had in the car and went to them and cut a part of the strap of the gate off. Then gave it to them to finish the rest of the straps so the gate could open. This man was recording everything to post on social media. I found his user and asked him could he send me the recording. Then I was in school and he was a teacher he passed out a test sheet and placed it on my desk and wrote a little message to me stating that he would send me the video.

3 Apr 2024

New Job


I was in the countryside on a farm and all kinds of new animals were added. First there were all mini horses. They were adult horses but as small as a dog. There was also an old tiger, which they had once taken in as a stray. The staff wanted to buy lions for the farm. But the farmer's wife told me that this would be very stupid. She said that when people had a drink on a Friday afternoon they did strange things. That they would then no longer see the dangers of the lions and would push the boundaries. And she said that could have deadly consequences. At one point, so many animals were added to the farm that it became a zoo. But the zoo was built into the air, so animals were also in cages above each other. So it was kind of like a skyscraper zoo. Then suddenly I was in Amsterdam, I lived at Waterkant, a cafe in the city. Here I lived in a large industrial building with blue details. There had been some kind of protest and street boys had taken power in Amsterdam. They had destroyed the entire city. The electricity and everything was broken, and my building was also in their hands. I no longer dared to enter my own building and always had to take shelter. The street boys kept scolding me and running after me. I lived on the eighth floor, but the elevator didn't go there, so I had to go to the seventh floor and another floor by stairs. I kept entering through strange side entrances to avoid those guys. I entered through the basement with a blue gate, but at the top of the stairs I heard the boys looking for me and swearing at me. There was a guy with me named Brian who was also wanted.

30 Mar 2024



I was rushing through an airport when I realized that I had forgotten my shoes and was walking barefoot. There were socks on the floor so I picked them up and put them on my feet. Once I made it to the gate I realized that I grabbed the wrong bag so all my clothes were left at home. I checked my pockets and account and realized that I had no money to buy clothes once I made it to my destination. I was with a group of people only 2 of whom I knew. Something happened with the plane and we all ended up having to spend the night in an airport. I had chicken tenders and fries to eat before going to sleep. When I awoke it was morning and I had bit of time before the flight departure so I went out to get cigarettes. Once again I noticed that I was barefoot and walking through the airport without shoes or socks.

29 Mar 2024



all i can remember is that in a cross in a building across from um my old church there was like a kung fu team and they had raised me since i was a baby and they were all animals and specifically the um the monkey animal he had given up on kung fu he like he was like a deadbeat and i was like trying to convince him to like pick up kung fu again and you know like do his purpose or whatever but he refused because there's like some dramatic past for him so that was fine or whatever i also had a little sidekick i think i think it was my like cousin like cousin adjacent friend robbie um he was kind of like with me the entire time um and then we went to the church across the street there was an event but we heard that there was gonna be a shooter so we had all like practiced just in case like there's gonna be a shooter Long story short, in the youth building, there ended up being a shooter, and it was actually really scary. I think it was because right before I had gone to sleep, I saw something about shooters, like people shooting women. It was terrifying. Anyways, he got on top of a lot of tables, and he was like, everybody get out. And then he started shooting up in the air, and people were scattering. And Robbie and I, we hit the floor, and then we escaped because we crawled underneath the tables, and then we started running. At first, we started running out into a dark field, but we saw two people get shot in front of us. So we started running in the opposite direction, back towards the building across the street that we came from. We saw people hiding by the dumpsters, we saw people hiding underneath the cars, and Robbie was like, I'm so tired, please, I can't stop running. And I yelled at him to get up, because we just had to survive and get to the other side. The building was really dark, there was a gate that was open, but it looked like nobody was there, nobody was home. And Robbie told me that he thought it was locked, but I was like, no. There was a friend in here that I told something that they needed to hear. And I go back in, and the monkey dude that was the deadbeat at the beginning, he was picking up kung fu, and I was proud of him. And that was the end of my dream.

25 Mar 2024



i was with my mom and sister and someone closed the gate in front of us that was out only exit and out and it was a random person in a monkey suit with huge sxissors and they chopped my moms head off and was trying to get at us next

24 Mar 2024



We go to a church then with my aunt. Then when I saw three batches of fish, I wrapped the two batch in a blanket and folded it. After that my aunt went to go and feed the fish then they realized that the other two batches was gone and when they found out that the other fish was dead they we're mad at me. Because I killed the fish unintentionally and made them pay for it, and second they paid to feed the fishes. My aunt was so mad at me qe just go home and I felt guilty. Then on our way back home, 4 pillars of smoke carrying a cargo ship then threw the cargo ship to the city river, causing a massive tsunami. And when the tsunami hit me I was thinking if it was a dream or not then when I kept thinking taht it's real I called out to god with all my heart. Saying like "Lord save us!" "Praise the lord!" And screaming his almighty name on the top of my lungs then. I woke up. After I woke up I go back to sleep again. And in that dream is the continuation to my previous dream. God heard my screams and crys, he reached out his golden hand and in his palm was me. He raised me up, to the heavens and there was a light from the gray and dark sky. A light shines through from the heavens and god was raising me up to the gates of heaven. After he raised me up, I was with him beside him. Laughing in his humor as he tries to rebuild the whole world as the tsunami all destroyed the whole world. There, I was getting to read scriptures from the holy bible and more, all with god.

21 Mar 2024



I dreamed that I was in a house and I was talking to a guy who reminded me of a celebrity he had tattoos on his face and the tv commercial came on of a movie and I asked him if he saw that movie it was good and he said no I wasnโ€™t in it so it wasnโ€™t good, the front door was opened and he heard a knock at the gate and the guy said hold on a grab a gun and went to go check out the knock and the guy came back and said it is okay no body there. And I woke up.

20 Mar 2024

High School


I went to a school. It seemed like my old high school to pick up Leilonnie (my daughter) When I get to the classroom she supposed to be in she wasnโ€™t there, so I sat there for a little. I start to walk around looking for her and I see this passage way that is in the school in real life to my knowledge. It looks old like medieval itโ€™s brick wall with an iron gate in the basement of the school. I walk through the passage and end up in the basement of a house I see my daughter Leilonnie and Iโ€™m trying to get her out. I see a window she can fit out if I break it look out to make sure itโ€™s safe and I push her out then I follow all the gates were metal and too high so I picked her up and put her over told her to hide in a bush we could see and Iโ€™d be coming. After a while I find a fat male in the house he tries to stop me from leaving. I do t remember how but I got out I remember not knowing where I was but I went to the bush got my daughter we went back to the school parking lot to get my truck but it was stolen. Then I woke up.

19 Mar 2024



i was at my dads house and my and my ex stepmom got locked outside and there was a man walking down the street. and he started walking towards us so we tried to go back inside but my siblings and dad locked the door and wouldnโ€™t listen to us. so we started running to the backyard and the man continued coming towards us slowly picking up pace. my and me stepmom got to the gate but it was locked so we had to climb this 8ft fence. i was little so my stepmom helped me grab the top and pushed me up but she couldnโ€™t get up on the fence and the man caught up to her and killed her with a knife. i jumped off the fence and ran to the back door but they had locked that one too and when i turned around to start running again the man was standing over me with the knife in his hand and then i woke up in fear

19 Mar 2024



My cousin was ordering food without me because she was mad. I expressed I was upset about it. My sister tried to offer me some and explain. I said you canโ€™t offer someone elseโ€™s stuff because you donโ€™t buy these things. My cousin reached out and touched my head to pray and I yelled donโ€™t touch me I donโ€™t know what youโ€™re praying about or who youโ€™re praying to. Itโ€™s obvious you donโ€™t like me. Then the story moved into something else. A young girl by the name of Malachi Rose was being sexually abused by her father. He had warned her that if she ever told anyone that he would kill her. One day she gathered the courage to scream out in front of a group of people that she was being sexually abused and then she ran off. She was in an apartment building, old style, looked like projects. She wasn't able to run out the front door, she thought. So she ran down to the basement where she heard there was other access to get outside. When she reached the basement, there was a door that did access the outside. She went out that door, but that side of the building was gated. She jumped the gate in hopes that she could reach the other side of the building, hoping that there was a way to get out. When she reached the other side of the building, she did see that the gate had a latch and she was able to exit and she would be able to leave. However, she had her cell phone with her and it was about to die, so she kneeled to plug it in to an outlet seen on the side of the house. As she crouched down to plug in the phone, her father sneakily walked up behind her and said, I told you I would find you, walked in front of her and began to spread out a piece of plastic. then I woke up.

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