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Dream Interpretation: Gore ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Gore? Discover the significance of seeing a Gore in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Gore appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

Dreaming of gore symbolizes your fear of death and the unknown. It may also represent your repressed anger or aggression towards someone or something. This dream may be a warning to be cautious in your actions and decisions.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Reflect on your current situation and relationships. Are there any unresolved conflicts or issues that are causing you stress or anxiety? It may be time to address these problems and find a resolution. Additionally, take care of your physical and emotional health to avoid any potential dangers or risks.

โค๏ธ Feelings

This dream of gore may evoke feelings of shock, disgust, and fear. The graphic and violent nature of gore can create a sense of unease and discomfort. It may also elicit a feeling of vulnerability and helplessness, as witnessing or experiencing gore can be deeply unsettling. The dream may leave a lingering sense of unease and may prompt reflection on the darker aspects of life and human nature.





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Dreams of users containing the word Gore

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19 Jun 2024



Me and some friends were in some sort of dark mansion, where someone held a party. We found some sort of gory substance on the floor and try to follow it outside. We get to some sort of stone formation where the substance was bubbling down. Our surroundings scary, with old trees and dark sky. We notice that someone was following us and try to climb up the stones without falling into the substance.

27 May 2024

Dark Room


I was dreaming and I woke up in my room and it was dark and I heard creepy noises. I opened the door and it was very eerie โ€” I then heard sounds from my mumโ€™s bathroom and I saw lots of blood and gore. For some reason, I didnโ€™t react the way I usually would. I then went back to my room and then saw a cartoon character dead on the floor. Then, there were some other cartoony characters that talked to me and they told me that there was a monster roaming around and someone was controlling that monster. The two cartoony characters went to the person controlling the monster and sadly the person threatened them so they drove off and then there was a sign saying โ€˜the endโ€™

29 Jan 2024



I've noticed that after all the emotional distress I've gone through, my dreams have become very limited, distorted, single frames that sometimes sit with me for an entire day that are extremely gore oriented and shocking/graphic in nature and they seem to have little to no explanation or reason. I can't fully recognize everything that's happening but these images scare me a lot. There's a lot of silence and lack of experience or activity and sometimes in between single frame scenarios I find myself just sitting in a pitch dark room without sounds and I feel distressed and very scared about it, I feel like I'm being watched and like something or someone's going to pop out of that darkness and jumpscare me and hurt me. I've also seen a hallway with hanging golden frames that have a black void in them with random dates on them, these paintings have nothing on them and I'm usually sitting on a wooden desk on a wooden chair in front of that hallway, there's no walls or floor to define space so I just kind of imagine how vast it is due to where the frames float and where the desk is placed, it's quite confusing to explain when I can't physically show what I'm talking about. I've seen this room with the wooden desk and wooden chair in front of those golden paintings on a hallway before, it was once after having a real life experience and going to the hospital and being placed on a medically induced coma. I'm unsure what any of it means and it peeks my curiosity.

27 Jan 2024



(I am a 17 yr old girl throughout this dream and in real life.) I was in an office room walking down the corridor with my co-worker. Went to talk to boss about something, then my coworker left the room. My boss congratulating me about working hard, but he was telling me to tone down my happiness in the workplace. I smiled and nodded to his words, left the room and walked out the room. I saw a mini workspace with a huge canteen beside it. I took a left and walked to the elevator. I walked in it and went to the down floor safely. I got off the elevator, but reminded myself I needed my portable charger, so I went back inside the elevator and pressed the 4 button, which means fourth floor. Elevator doors closed and it went to the fourth floor, but then the elevator started to malfunction and go straight down to the button. The screen where it would show you the floor was showing all types of floor names, knowing it was malfunctioning too. I got scared and the elevator doors opened by itself whilst falling down. I was scared and didn't want to have a broken back so I pressed the floor that was above the bottom floor. The elevator slowed down when it came to the second floor and I was hesitant to which floor I wanted to go since I was already at the bottom floor and but at the last second I hopped up and slide on the second floor floors. I got up and I looked at the elevators insides and seeing the elevator still slowly going down to the bottom floor. I felt dumb for not going to the bottom floor, but I figured I could just take the stairs next time. Next thing I recall is walking down a big hallway that was made of glass and outside was nighttime. I heard heels so I assumed I was wearing heels or some sort of formal wear. I was the only one there except for this janitor that was about to leave but I ran towards him since I heard keys jingling, I was worried he was going to lock me inside. Thankfully I caught up to him but something felt weird about it. He turned to me and had total black eyes. He then turned into this monster alien thing and it was a gore scene. I felt really gross about that, but I managed to lock myself in, because I didn't want him to bite it infect me with whatever he had. I think there was a second or third dream as well. All I remember from the second dream was I was back in my aunties place but it was bigger in those dream. It looked like it had a medium sized living room and there were two doors on the other side of the room. Two brown coaches facing each other on the left side and a TV and "bar" on the right side. I went to the up right corner of the house and somehow people were trying to move my aunties TV and they broke it three times. I rolled my eyes, annoyed at people's negligence and went to sit on the couch. A beautiful girl in a white dress came up to me and she looked to be around my age (16-18), and asked me to be her plus 1. I wanted to but then said her plus one came and I saw a guy open the door and take her away. They both smiled to each other but I felt a lot of jealousy towards her because I wanted to be her plus 1, and not that guy. Third dream was actually a memory of something happening in real life. It was a short third dream, but my mom was driving and I was in the front passenger seat. We both had seatbelts on and the interior of the car was beige. I was smiling and had the window down. It was morning time and we were traveling to Tampa, Florida. I was excited more than ever to see my family. I am assuming I was maybe 13, because I was allowed to ride with my mom in the front passenger around that time. In real life, I wasn't allowed to put down the windows, but in this dream I did. It looked like a movie scene and sometimes I would see myself in third person enjoying traveling with my mom. In real life, I don't wish to travel far distances again, I still miss the days I used to do that, so I am sorta glad that I had this dream.

23 Jan 2024



...I had a very messed up dream when I was a little kid. Ok so in this dream, I was in a car with my parents and for some reason it could fly and had tiny neon color lights behind it flashing even though obviously that's futuristic and we were flying on top of a normal non futuristic city with tall buildings with bright pink lights and then it all went black and in the dream I was in a room that was really dark with dark blue lighting and many neon colors lights like if it was a party and huge slides and party props and many costumesย  and then some mannequins with strings on their backs showed my parents captured in tubes in a coma with party clothes and I saw many other kids that were in the dream [Not my little sister because she wasn't born yet when I had this dream.] And we were teaming up to save our parents from the tubes and creepy ass Mannequins and I think at some point there was violence and blood in the dream, I don't remember it very well and I'm not sure if I saw it's ending. For some reason I feel like the dream place was kind of supposed to be an party area but instead ended up being a place to kidnap and torture kids with an eternal party, it's creepy but it's kind of what I sense from the dream... This dream is scary but I didn't wake up scared as a kid because I didn't understand I was young. I didn't understand the gore and violence... I started to understand what it was when I got older.

2 Dec 2023

Running away


This dream made me very uneasy. I was a traveller, running around the world with a group of friends and comrades. I was not myself, but another boy. We roamed the world, saw waterfalls and canyons, had fun together until something happened. There's a blurred part there, but I remember we were being chased by someone in a street market. We ran, and ran, trying to come up with a plan to escape. In the end, we manage to capture whoever was following us: it was something akin to a robotic shapeshifter, cursed to be binded to a broken artifical body. We take it with us, but that's our mistake. The scene changes, and we're in a temple, trying to go in. I see myself personally slaughtering two of my friends, killing them brutally because they had tried to sell me to a guy in exchange of a key. My other friends ran away, scared of something, and suddenly the robotic creature takes the body of one of my deceased ex comrades and morphs it. I can hear the loud crack of breaking bones, and the scene is very gore. It then starts chasing me with a smile, walking, speaking sweet things to me to get me to go with it. I try to hide, but the room is not that big. It also shapeshifts into a giant head, and tries to squash me with a very big hammer-like object. A few minutes pass, and I'm exhausted. The thing chasing me laughs bitterly, and tells me there's nothing to be scared of. I climb a tall column, but it stands at the feet of it, observing me with a wicked smile. Then, it reaches out with a hand, and I try to defend myself throwing some dog-shaped balloons at it, to no avail. In the end, I surrender. The thing holds my wrist very tightly in order not to make me escape and opens the door of the temple, pulling me in and speaking sweet yet terrifying nothings in my ear. The scene changes. I see the scene from another point of view: my friends are around a pool, eating pizza they made, but I'm not there. Their laughs are forced, as they're clearly trying to deal with my disappearance by distracting themselves, everyone but one guy. He has an empty expression on his face, and he's reading a comic. The others try to "cheer him up", but he just snaps, yells at them and leaves. Then I wake up.

26 Nov 2023



I downloaded this game with my friends, well, I don't know if my friends downloaded it, because I haven't met them yet, but I had downloaded this game, and apparently it was a challenge game, and I appeared in this big bar area, there was Tara, my in real life friend, and then Katanya, my in real life friend, but in this I didn't know them, then we started to chat and became friends, and there was my classmates, and there was some other people. The first challenge was in this big, big place where we had to fight for our lives, there was blood everywhere, all the gore from killing people, then there was my baby, I was an adult, well, we all where adults, I always wanted a family, and then I found a little boy, he was lying on the ground, and I had to take care of him, and I had to try and keep him alive, and then we had no choice but to kill him by throwing him in a river, and for some reason, I said out loud, for some reason I don't feel bad, and then we went back to the bar and waited for the next challenge, I don't know what happened for the next two, but then, every time I went back to the bar, there was people gone, and then the only people left were nearly some of my classmates, Max, one of my classmates, me, Tara, and Katanya, and then we went to the challenges where they weren't with other people, and I was in this big, big room, I was with this girl, well, it was about this girl from the game, the game called Sister Location, her name was Ballora, but she wasn't there, I could hear her singing, it was all run down, and it was all horrifying, and the music was scary, I kept exploring, and then there was some light orange and yellow new area, it was like new and updated, it was the Fredbear, the Fredbear diner, and I stood there, and I looked at the animatrionics, a golden bunny, a golden bear, and a golden fox, it said it was opening soon, looked around, and there was a spring trap, and he was approaching me slowly and slowly, every time I blinked, but then, as soon as he went to kill me, I woke up in this weird room, I had never seen any of these things before, any of these in my real life, and I was laying in a bed, and there was this mangled, mangled thing from the game, and she was all bloody, and all fucked up, and I just laid there crying, I was meant to kill her, but I couldn't, I was too scared, so I just laid sad in that bed, and she slowly crawled into my room, and I was calling my friends to come save me, because I was scared, but they couldn't, because they had already finished their challenges, and they didn't know how to get to me, but then, it all stopped, and it was like this big museum place, and it was all dark, and it was all weird, I had never seen this place before, but my friends were there, and I ran up to them, and I hugged them, and they were hugging me, and they told me I was going to be okay, and then we un-downloaded the game.

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