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Dream Interpretation: Fog 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Fog? Discover the significance of seeing a Fog in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Fog appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Fog in a dream represents confusion, uncertainty, and lack of clarity. It may indicate that you are feeling lost or disoriented in your waking life. It can also symbolize a need to slow down and take things one step at a time.

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🧭 Direction


Take some time to reflect on your current situation and try to identify what is causing you to feel confused or uncertain. It may be helpful to write down your thoughts and feelings to gain clarity. Don't rush into any decisions or actions until you have a clear understanding of the situation. Trust your intuition and take things one step at a time.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of fog can evoke feelings of confusion, uncertainty, and fear. It represents a sense of being lost or disoriented, unable to see clearly or make sense of one's surroundings. The thick, enveloping fog creates a sense of isolation and vulnerability, as it obscures familiar landmarks and makes it difficult to navigate. This dream may reflect a period of uncertainty or a lack of clarity in one's waking life, where important decisions or directions may be unclear. It can also symbolize hidden emotions or secrets that need to be acknowledged and addressed. Overall, the dream of fog elicits a sense of unease and the need for clarity and understanding.





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Dreams of users containing the word Fog

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11 Jul 2024



Wandering about in the foggy Hakone regions, mostly near Lake Ashinoko Having sex with my father, being chased around the plain filled with pampas grass and patches of grassy autumn fields Scene switches and now I’m on a highway bus, on my way to the observatory/museum/community centers on some high altitude areas around Mt. Fuji I’m with my best friend Maka, whom I had bonded over our shared (bad) experiences wtih our bossy and bullying classmates back in middle school We arrive, go through some sort of an attraction/projection-mapping show in a mini-theater, with the 3D glassrs, swinging chairs and water spraying and stuff to make the whole thing immersive It was about some planes or the people who had built the first electricity line on Mt.Fuji or smth like that Pioneers either way Once we’re done and get out, we’re free to roam and wander for the day We decide to go to the nearby aquaduct/dam/marsh/park, either way close to the waters and the untouched nature Me and my besfriend walk through narrow paths in nature, have a little picnic by the plains, gaze in awe at the marshlands, its autumnal-wintery-summer vegetations somehow coexisting in the same area On our way to the ancient aquaduct we see rainbow in the sky, and the sunny rain The whole classmates who are there rejoice, as they’re a rare and lucky phenomenon, a sign of auspiciousness

9 Jul 2024



I dreamt I had an interview at a university to become a professor. In my waking life, I was a professor of English for twenty years. I drove to the university, which was in Ohio, where I grew up. In my waking life, I’ve been contemplating both teaching and moving to Ohio. The interview was just a casual discussion while the professor who interviewed me taught her class. I then had to go to another meeting with someone and when I arrived that lady wanted me to participate in a ménage a trois. I declined. I went back to my first interview, and noticed it was dark and foggy out. I asked my first interview professor, if she had parked behind the area where we were and she said she did and I asked if we could walk out together. In my dream this was at the University of Findlay. It seemed, however, that this professor who interviewed me was from the University of Toledo, where I attended school for my BA and MA. The professor who interviewed me seems familiar and bright a sense of peace to me. She was comfortable. I don’t know her though.

9 Jul 2024

Family Members


On a trip Trip gets disrupted by some kind of an ambush/burglary/robbery Almost gets killed Is spared, the rest of my family members are in captivity or killed Getting lost in a forest, cloudy, thick fogs Sephiroth finds me Almost gets killed Something something too pathetic to be deserving of my blade Gets trained by the guy in some mountain cottage Car drives slowly through the pebble paths in the forest Pinecones, loghouse villas, family dramas Almost gets killed in the throes of explosive argument-turned-physical-fight(abuse) House becomes casualty of the lightest of Sephiroth’s fire blast Is walked into by said guy while my father is putting me in a headlock Again, somehow is getting the masamune to my throat as he gives one of his ‘hmph pathetic’ speeches

26 Jun 2024



I am a lone vampire wandering about in Japan, mainly the mountainous regions, the lakes and the oceansides(around nature sites) There were a few people both in my head and irl(of the dream) that would police me about where I can go, for how long I may be out and such and when I must come back to the inn their travel group have booked for the day and such I would comply with them while I was in Hakone, but then when they would start to go around the mountainous areas in the Izu regions and the Mt. Fuji area I would start to ignore their instructions and go on my own I would take mountain railways that ran amidst the foggy slopes in their summer hydrangea season, take buses around the Mt. Fuji regions singce there’s not much convenience in the train systems, and wander about once I get off at whatever stop that seems to be in the middle of whatever idyllic scapes I fancy First I saw some scattered buildings but it would soon give way to the increasing altitude and the lack of flat areas and plains, the roads surrounded by trees. It’s a bit foggy now, and the leaves are brown. I would soon fall asleep in this dream, and when I wake up I’m walking around a lake Rusted signs, a turnpike in the distance, a Michi-no-eki(a rest stop that serves as a souvenir shop of the local merchandises) with scarcely a car or a bike because of the cloudy weather I would start to walk around when a man’s voice calls to me from a car that just seemed to have arrived, accompanied by several other younger people’s noises hastily trying to get off and take a break after a long driver The man seems to be in his fifties or so, looks youthful. His stature imposing but graceful, his hair long, fluffy, rich and silver, a portion of it tied up at the top of his head with a red silky ribbon; he’s got an air of youthful virility, grace and the old wisdom about him, a balance I’d like to be able to embody, if not just something I admire I recognize his face; it’s Jing Yuan, one of my favorite characters from my favorite game, Honkai: Star Rail He asks me if I’m out alone(I looked like a young boy with blond, fluffy long hair, a frilly cravat and an overall Victorian, vampire-like get-up) I ask him where he is going to and such He states a destination(which I couldn’t hear) and I would say that I’m going to the same direction(I think he said he’d pass through the Fuji city or something and I said Fuji-Atami) He smiles and says something like ‘ah, a (something along the line of what would be the equivalent of a 同道) then. Care to join us for a lunch break?’ I oblige and we eat warm udons and sobas in the road rest building, looking over the lake and the mountains while the kids(all of them are young adult/adolescent characters from the same game Jing Yuan is from) play around and explore We would converse about many topics, mostly of our trips and what we have seen, how this trip is the first time in Japan for them while for me wandering is a part of my routine When we would start talking about the interesting things and the local legends and the cultural myths and such we heard of around the landmarks and such we visited(separately) there is one that came up in particular that somehow sounds relevant to my own self It’s that of a clocktower, and a boy that lived in it The monument itself is a mere 5-meter modern abstract art piece the man(Jing Yuan) saw in a city he visited; the story is from the local landmark that had been barred tourist entry due to how decrepit they became over the years It prompts me to share my desire to go and visit the Alps and the surrounding regions, how I feel that something there must have to do with my origins He seems curious and asks what I mean by my origins(he doesn’t know that I am a vampire, it appears he takes me for a strange kid in a dated fashion and an antique tone of speech) I try to speak but I zone out from a vision I get caught up in, slightly dissociating He worries slightly before telling me that I don’t have to talk about it if it taxes me so I shake my head and tell him a little bit about my life: that I have wandered for as long as I remembered, how know where I grew up in and the family, but they are but specters in my mind that occasionally haunts me with this urge to go and search for my true home, how it my intuition seems to point toward the lakes in a steep mountains of Europe He is intrigued and asks why that could be,commenting on how it explains my exotic get-up and such

10 Jun 2024



I had a dream that I was in a foggy empty place outside someone. Like a waist land. It is night out. Now I am arriving at a street. I am crossing the street. There is a mailbox right in the center of the street on my right. It is odd to have it right in the middle of the road. It’s directly in the center of the road. Like it is there on purpose. It looks almost like a shrine. It is a large fat while male box that is very low to the ground. It may be a foot off the grown. It looks sort of like a wooden cupboard with about 3 doors or compartments. I don’t know what this is. Now I go back to crossing the road. I am at the other side of the road. There are some houses here. Maybe a row of houses directly off the road. I am drawn to the house directly ahead of me. It is old wooden. Broken down. The whole frame is there but there is no pait on the walls. The house is very old. I go inside and there is nothing here. The house is totally empty. Except one thing. There is a shadow in the shape of a woman. It’s a deep blackness. It is very clear to me that I am looking at a black hole or a shadow in the full size and shape of a woman. Shadows can be tricky things but it is clear that I am looking at a woman. Or a darkness, a hole in the shape or a woman. It has a kind of presence to it. I am curious about it. Drawn to it. I get closer. Now suddenly I am outside. It is bright day time. The grass is green the sky is blue. I am walking around but some of the grass is “infected” and I am trying to avoid the infected grass.

9 Jun 2024



There was a large in ground pool. There was a mystery to solve. Four people, one named hermoine, two were in their 50s and former lovers, and the 3rd an unknown man but who smelled like a forest. I was investigating the mystery something had foreboding had happened to these 4 at this outdoor ungrounded pool. The scene was like an English garden, foggy at dawn. I was walking around the pool and found an ancient altar behind a rotting wooden red X. Trash had been thrown on it so I cleaned it up and lit a small candle. Back to searching for clues around the pool. Other investigators were talking behind me but none of their theories held up. The two elderly people involved suddenly appeared and were giving their statement, that the man had drowned and hermoine ran away but something about it didn't ring true. Suddenly the fog grew more intense and the water in the pool had become like an obsidian mirror and I could see the outlines of ghostly souls blurred in the beyond. Then I was back with the other investigators and I had a bottle of soap scented like the forest in my hands. I poured it into the water. Then I woke up

10 May 2024



The scene changes and I'm at a lake, or moreso standing ON the lake It's foggy, it's cloudy, and there are a few characters I know from a few fictional Chinese Xianxia/Wuxia fantasy works that I like One of the characters who is the head of a sect is being interviewed by his disciples and his sect's men as to why he successfully managed to 'come back from the dead' when he was found missing for more than a few weeks, last seen in a dangerous mountain range with known sightings of ghouls and energetic disturbances He goes on the explain that he saw the lake he is currently standing on there, and that a sage offered two tasks to complete: 1. Travel to another world, accompany a day-trip of a girl(which happens to be me) and fulfill the itinerary And 2. Get your yupei(jade pendant with his sect's crest, a very important item) and your life taken to die and be reincarnated with the person vou claim you hate but secretly envy and admire, to be seen as someone on an equal level in the way you want to be seen The person being his fellow disciple in his martial arts The sect leader says he'd do both, accompanying me on a trip through the regions of the country where I used to pass by on a train to go to therapy The area is almost entirely sunken under the ocean, with the train running on the railway raised up from the waters by bridges and the remaining parts of the cities He becomes anxious when I don't show signs of getting off the train when I said I will, but I assure him and use an alternate route to get all of them back where they came from by the end of the trip He comes back to his home world and the sage does a ritual to send his soul to the afterlife, putting the sect master in the lake His jade pendant gets dismembered, and the beads and the gems that makes it are given to the sage The sect master is relieved that his wish finally comes true, but then has a lingering thought about something about his life that he's attached to, which is the person he's trying to follow into the afterlife Then the jade pendant assembles itself right back and he's dragged back to the world of the living, the person he wanted to be with getting reunited with another person the sect master doesn't like but the person he liked does Now the scene's back to the present, and his current disciples are sort of baffled, being at a loss of reaction at the fact that their sect master is bitter that he didn't get to die, while the man himself has a hissy fit, pleading to the heavens addressing the sage by all his former titles(e.g. ' General of the ...., ... 'Keeper of the gems/artifacts') to give him another chance The scene is somewhat comedic despite the sad undertone of what had transpired

28 Apr 2024



Walking down foggy street at night. I see my friend Finn up ahead sitting on a small pillar. He gets up and starts walking away from me but eventually sees me and waits for me to catch up. It seems like there’s a protest going on against UUP VIPs and I start excitedly jumping at the prospect of that. Finn starts telling me about what the UUP are doing and I can’t really hear him but I say ‘That doesn’t sound like a good thing.’ Then he says some more inaudible things and I say ‘It could be better!’ but I am worried that I may be saying the wrong things. The police start backing us and the protesters up against a wall as me and Finn talk more about the situation. We say they could just stop fighting and a police officer tells us off although he agrees with us because he doesn’t want us to cause an uproar. That’s all I remember.

26 Apr 2024



I walk through a door what lead to a train station what was thick in fog. I could find my way out and when in a room with two people on a bed with gas mask. Fell to the ground with the gas mask in my face

1 Apr 2024



In my dream I found a huge like pentagon shaped building I went inside and found a little boy just behind a desk laughing it creeped md out so I ran further into the building. I somehow already knew it was a church in a way 🧐 as i walked around i came into this one room where some of the floor was just darkness and eyes staring at me, another room after that was plain pure white on the walls, and then went into the next room where it led to yk like a lift that decended. I was scared ASF 😭 but when I got off the lift I started walking and a sign pointed two ways one in white that said GODS ZOO and another but I forgot what it sayed I thought "GODS ZOO" would be a bunch of creepy monsters so I went the other way and found a girl laughing hysterical while she was behind a desk. I ran them slid on the floor asking why she is laughing so much she just continued to laugh and I asked her to stop which she did. I guess she told me to follow her because we ended up back at the front and was just talking and the boy from before was now accompanied by a man. They were both on the floor above us and I saw that the boy had a huge bag of gummy bears and I asked him to throw me a bag. He did throw it but the girl wanted some and I said she gonna have to catch me for it. I broke her ankles n all crossing her shit like crazy ⛹🏾‍♂️ but then the man that the boy was with wanted some as well he caught me reallllll quick and I was just in da floor sharing my candy while eating it. Me and the girl then went to go sit and eat pizza for some reason the chairs were connected to each other but some had tables and some don't. I asked her what this place is and she said Gods church. She also said she had a mark of (something) on her back and asked if I wanted one I promptly declined and said I know that's the mark of sin but she said it wasn't. We talked more then the boy came and talked w us the kid smelled my toes which I had only socks on I took off my shoes while we ran. Dude said my toes stink and I said yeah I know but then the girl defended me and said no duh he has been running all day. The man came and said he needed to borrow her for a few minutes. The guy went upstairs but the girl was trying to teach me how to use it because the stairs wasn't really stairs they were like moving circular platforms which there were 4 on each set and 2 sets to get up. She tried to teach me but I couldn't understand how because it kept moving each time I even tried to climb it but didn't work 🧐. The man was jus staring and told her "come now" and I told her to just leave me. I imagined us holding hands because I like her for some reason. ( I then woke up and went straight back to sleep) In this dream everything that happened last dream still happened the church n all but this time I had to figure out how I would have her be my wife and something told me to do it the church must be destroyed and rebuilt. I went and found the church but it was different this time it looked like a broken down house that wasn't leveled right fungus and mushrooms on the floor spikey possums drinking water from a fountain. I tried to get inside but the ground was to wet n slippery but then i look around and see a huge mushroom a white mushroom with suds all over the floor. The suds became alive and started shaping into like a 7ft female that started attacking me I tried to swipe away the suds because well it's suds but then it just regrew almost instantly. I ran to a little downward slope near the church but it was nothing but fog the closer down you get so I slipped down about half way as to not to touch the fog at all but before I could climb up the monster started grabbing me I promptly broke her arms(for suds it felt like it was a actual creature with bones) but that didn't last as it screamed its arms fixed and it grabbed me by the neck and I woke up.

23 Mar 2024



I had a very vivid dream that i have had before but not as detailed as tonight. The dream is i wake up at school that is magical but a series of murders has been plaguing the area. After class i watch a student leave the cathedral building and head towards the practice range / garden that is walled off by pretty green hedges. The guy disappears through the hedges and another student a girl follows behind with her wand in her hand. A few minutes later i follow suit and when i pass through the hedges the male student has been impaled in wrapped in thrones against a state of an angel , dead, while the girl is nearby practicing her magic against a dummy in the garden. I ignore the statues student and go to the girl talking to her abt her magic that everyone is afraid of and is sure she is the one murdeint all the students. i eventually ask her if she killed the guy and she said yes that she does it for the other world as she wants to ascend and be accepted by them. I don’t say anything to that but ask why she is telling me this. She says there is certain people w an aura showing they are blessed. By the otherworld or they are chosen. she says i have this aura and that she picks students like me to help do the tasks of the other world. She says that my time is coming soon but it’s not something she can help or do anything abt and that she is jealous cause my aura is so strong the strongest she’s ever seen. There is then yell and we run out of the training gardens to see a group of students battling teachers on the roofs of the cathedral. The girls eyes go white and she mumbles to herself before grabbing my hand and telling me it’s my time and that other world needs me now. She drags me through the halls S everyone chases us. We go down some stairs further and further until it so dark that it doesn’t feel like the stairs are there anymore. And when the light finally comes i am surrounded by strange people in a big building surrounded by plants and sunlight. The group sends the girl back up the stairs and she obeys. A bigger girl steps out of the group of people and tells me i am the prophecy to become something very special but she won’t tell me what , that if i am the one i will pass all the tests. We then cross a magical greenery bridge in the fog that leads to door once the door opens it reveals an office like setting. They tell me we must wait for the main spell master to get here before proceeding w the test but that i must remain in the little batheroom area because spies and enemies will try to stop the prophecy. But the girl from earlier that led us through the green area says that she wants to show me more of the underworld so we leave and walk around and explore its beauty but while we do this a cockroach like creature is following us around swiftly and is missing its opportunity to kill me by seconds. Me and the girl find a closet to sit in chill as we had been running around. Me and the girl quickly become sexual and begin scissoring in the closet but are interrupted by her eyes turning white as she alerted the main spell caster is here. She leads me back to the bathe rooms after we get dress the bug getting ever so close when we reach the bathe rooms one of her coworkers scold her asking where i been and kill the roach that had been following us. I sit in the stall on the toilet and the a guy doctor hooks me up to an iv where my blood begins to siphon out i begin to get scared and look around as they watch me i ask them if im going to die and they look nervously but hopeful at me. I then black out i wake up in another office like area that is in skyscrapers in the sky. The girl i had sex w from earlier tells me i passed the first test and excitingly tells me i may be prophet they were hoping for but that i must meet all the other leaders of the otherworld. i ask if she is one and she says yes she is leader of the green area. We head towards the meeting and for some reason on our way there i have all my bags w me ? That are spilling out with papers and drinks and as we get closer to the meeting i down size and lose a bunch of it. As we are sitting at the meeting we are missing one of the leaders who takes a very long time to get there while we wait the leader of green area that has been with me shows me some of their customs of greetings and how to salute and formally/ respectfully talk. The leader gets there and she looks at me with hate and disgust telling the others we need to stop poking for some prophet cause it’s waste of time and resources. As she’s saying this we all stand to greet her and i stand to doing the formal greeting i was taught. She laughs at me and says i’m in her spot. I apologize and look for a place to sit before she grumbles that it’s fine and sits down. They discuss the next part of the test is in ladies area that doesn’t like me and that enemies draw ever closer and we must rendezvous immediately. That they are just waiting on vechiles and to ofcourse stay alert while we wait. Me and the leader from the green area are sent to a room where we begin fucking again. Until we are interrupted by saying the cars are ready. We go down a series of eleveators my bags are making me slow and u begin just leaving them only having one. When we get to the bottom they put me in a car and put me to sleep. From this point on the dream is new. Everything i have described before i have dreamed before, now this is a new story. I awake and we are some streets in a neighborhood, being chased by some SUVS while we are surrounded by others. The leaders state we must do tactics to get passed them as they don’t which car has me. We then split off into the woods and drive dangerously through trying to lose them when we eventually do. Once we break out of the clearing we are driving on a beach. Where in the distance there is a large sandstone altar that gets ever closer as we drive. My heart sinks as f at takes over again. The girl i’ve been having intercourse grips my hand saying if i passed the first test i surely will pass the next . But as we arrive i wake up.

19 Mar 2024



I’m in this room of an academy and I felt like there was something off, but I ignored it. Then there was a door and a woman was at the door and she asked a boy to go and get the best workers from a nearby orphanage so in the morning the kids can go to this academy too. There was two girls that got roomed with me, one was a black girl with two puff balls on her head, the other girl looked strangely like the woman who ran the school, she had a sharp nose , blue eyes, blonde hair, but unlike the headmistress she had blue, pink, and red stripes of color in her hair. She was really kind and when I first went into the room she hugged me, but when she hugged me I could feel all of her emotions flooding into my soul. Weirdly any time I touched or hugged someone I could feel every feeling they had being leached from their bones and swim into mine. The woman was nice at first, but one time I walked into the room and she had the blonde girl by the hair. And she told her that she better focus on her studies instead of drawing. The girl pushed the headmistress away and into a wall. As the headmistress leaned against the wall I hit her with a rock. Thinking it was the girl she yelled do you think that you can hit me. So I responded by saying no she doesn’t but I do. And I ran at her and jumped on her back. She tree me off, an grabbed a needle from my desk. So in response I grabbed a pair of rusty scissors. I grab the girl and we run downstairs together trying to escape. But at the bottom of the stairs there looked to be a purple mist. Then I saw a phone with a text on it from the headmistress that said getthem. I knew that the fog was designed to make us fall asleep. But me and the girl ran through it like it wasn’t there. But I could hear singing. As we got to the edge of the property we started to run even faster because a woman was running after us. Still we kept running until we got to a nearby town. It felt like we’ve been to this town before though.

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