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Dream Interpretation: Shadow 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Shadow? Discover the significance of seeing a Shadow in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Shadow appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

A shadow in a dream represents the unknown, the unconscious, and the hidden aspects of yourself. It can also symbolize fear, doubt, or insecurity. The shadow may be a representation of your repressed desires, emotions, or memories that you have not yet acknowledged.

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🧭 Direction


Take some time to reflect on your life and try to identify any areas where you may be repressing your true feelings or desires. It may be helpful to talk to a trusted friend or therapist about your dreams and what they may be revealing about your subconscious. Embrace your shadow and work to integrate it into your conscious self.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a shadow can evoke a sense of unease or fear. It represents the unknown or hidden aspects of ourselves or situations. Shadows can symbolize repressed emotions or fears that we may need to confront. They may also suggest a feeling of being watched or followed, creating a sense of vulnerability. Overall, the presence of a shadow in a dream can leave us with a lingering sense of mystery and apprehension.





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Dreams of users containing the word Shadow

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5 Jul 2024



I was in my childhood basement, it used to creep me out as a child when I would watch TV at night. There was bunch of random stuff stored there, old furniture, childhood paintings, water damage from storms of the past. Accurate to what the basement really looks like. I saw too shadowy figures come from out the corner and spook me, then I looked at them a bit closer and was like “are you an Anderson brother” they said “yeah sure jokingly” then I looked closer and was like wait a minute… you’re a Marrone. Followed them to the laundry room and turned the drawstring light on it was my friend Mike Marrone who I work with, and his northern Nic who I’ve met once, nic looked like he did 10 years ago not now. I said “oh hi you spooked me glad it’s just you” then we had conversations about manifesting intentions time three, and fear isn’t scary when familiar.

1 Jul 2024



In this dream I was basically living in the movie “A Quiet Place!” I was in an old fashioned apartment building on what appeared to be the top floor. There was a window near the kitchen and living room. It connected to a an old metal stairwell that connected to the side of the building and went all the way down into the ally below/beside us. It wasn’t just me in the apartment but several other young adults and teens in this small apartment. Most didn’t live there but in the apartments below. They would use the stairwell and window to move from one apartment to the other and warn all the others of danger and that the alien creatures were on the move. I remember us all being together at one point practicing being quiet for if the creature ever came. The room was crowed and we were all sitting on the floor trying to be quiet. As someone in the group acted like the creature with her senses blocked off but there hearing. They went around the room trying to find us. Some where hiding in other rooms or in the closet but most where in the living room sitting on the floor trying their best to be absolutely quiet. I remember my old childhood dog Jack was there and came up to me as we were playing causing me to make a sound the person started coming towards me. I went to move to stay out of her reach and avoid her but she continued to hear me and I and my dog needed up getting caught. I remember being disappointed and sad but only told myself that I will have another chance. But then the dream changed. I was with one person in the apartment when something happened and a creature was spotted. He hoped at the window to warn the others and said he would be back. It wasn’t long until I heard screaming and the clicking noises that the creatures often make. I ran and hid behind n the closet of the apartment holding my breath as too not make a sound. I hear sounds coming from inside the apartment my heart was racing as I saw a shadow appearing from the gap underneath the door coming closer to the door and the door handle start to move. I then was started awake and was unable to get back to sleep for a long time. Cause everytime I closed my else I say one of the creatures.

22 Jun 2024



Last time, I had a very vivid dream... I was inside the house... In my bed.. I was looking at the wall... On my left side..I saw shadows and figurines on the wall....then..they suddenly moved! This other figure is aiming to attack with a sharp thing In hand.. and as if it killed the opponent... My heart rises at that point and I try to calm down and to get up and pray.. but I couldn't move! So I try to think of Father/God and I finally wake up...

21 Jun 2024



I had a dream I woke up out of my bed and walked outside, it was very sunny and vibrant, the birds were chirping the wind was blowing and I was running, I knew I was dreaming and it felt amazing to be where I was feeling free. Until I saw what I believe was my shadow self, a dobbleganger standing in the distance.. it scared me.

10 Jun 2024



I had a dream that I was in a foggy empty place outside someone. Like a waist land. It is night out. Now I am arriving at a street. I am crossing the street. There is a mailbox right in the center of the street on my right. It is odd to have it right in the middle of the road. It’s directly in the center of the road. Like it is there on purpose. It looks almost like a shrine. It is a large fat while male box that is very low to the ground. It may be a foot off the grown. It looks sort of like a wooden cupboard with about 3 doors or compartments. I don’t know what this is. Now I go back to crossing the road. I am at the other side of the road. There are some houses here. Maybe a row of houses directly off the road. I am drawn to the house directly ahead of me. It is old wooden. Broken down. The whole frame is there but there is no pait on the walls. The house is very old. I go inside and there is nothing here. The house is totally empty. Except one thing. There is a shadow in the shape of a woman. It’s a deep blackness. It is very clear to me that I am looking at a black hole or a shadow in the full size and shape of a woman. Shadows can be tricky things but it is clear that I am looking at a woman. Or a darkness, a hole in the shape or a woman. It has a kind of presence to it. I am curious about it. Drawn to it. I get closer. Now suddenly I am outside. It is bright day time. The grass is green the sky is blue. I am walking around but some of the grass is “infected” and I am trying to avoid the infected grass.

9 Jun 2024



An invisible force holding me down. Unknown voice talking in my ear. Trapped unable to move the body. Fear. Shadow person.

6 Jun 2024



Recurring dream about a INTRICATE HOUSE, never mine ,but tricky, secret levels or staircases or rooms Drempt of a past cat o had that i took with me to this house for weekend and could not find him anywhere assumed dead, property had cats everywhere. Was at a club and of course every guy i think is attractive Is gay. Spend another night in the same house trying to find my cat trying to find my way around, my family is there, but they are of no help. Then I'm hiding behind a door from an invasion, trying to keto from being seen by trying to hide my shadow that's in the wall in front of me, I'm found but not shot.

2 Jun 2024



I dream about something so scary I remember I was in my bed wen I saw a shadow I couldn’t explain how it looks like but it was so scary 😨

2 Jun 2024



I was in my moms old house. I was in my room but it looked different. I remember a girl being with me and she was helping me re-decorate the room. She helped me decide what i wanted to do with the two rugs i had. I went to go leave the room and stepped on a horse. The horse began to rise and stand up. The horse was dark. Almost like a shadow at first. Then the horse stood on its hind legs like it was about to buck or kick me in the face. I moved out of the way. I realized someone was coming into the house bc i heard the front door open. Then its like i knew/ could see that it was my family for a split moment. I screamed for help. The horse bucked 3 times and i felt like it was trying to keep me from leaving the room. A little hispanic girl ran up and she got hit by the horse trying to help. My mom ran up right behind her and the horse kicked my mom down some stairs. I ran out of the room to try to tend to the girl but she was gone and i found two types of gold chain necklaces on the ground. I picked them up. Then i looked down the stairs and saw my mom knocked out. I went to the kitchen for something but i forgot what i went to get. Then i went into the living room and i remember appologizing and cleaning up with my husband. I remember fixing the couch. It had a blanket over it and we were stuffing the blanket over and around the couch under the cushions. There was more to the dream but i cant remember

1 Jun 2024

Black Hole


I was looking at my friend and we were both covered in golden armor with a shield and a hammer. Volcanos started erupting around us and black shadows were coming out of them. When they landed, they were caped beings with porcelain masks. I knocked off the mask of one of them and asked it what it was. Its face was a black hole, and it said I am Man.

29 May 2024



Dream One Abby told me she’d help sneak me into this bar so I dressed up and we went. My parents freaked out and we left early. - [ ] I pretended to be this girls sister by playing dumb after she sprayed me with some kid of potion and it actually worked. - [ ] I jumped out the window and accidentally broke the pillars to the floating city which made it fall to the ground. Monsters started infecting and eating many of the citizens. - [ ] The girl that I had played dumb for actually got infected and was gonna hurt me but once I played dumb she let it go. - [ ] I was in some kind of competition with a girl that looked like Olivia. We were separated and partnered with two guys. Whenever I moved my hair from my face guys would be like oh shit and start to fall for me. In the end I think we got second place. Me and these people received knights that fell from the sky. - [ ] I recalled the story for one of the guys knights trying to figure out why some was happening. Before it did. While I was recapping a shadow was cutting me off to tell her parts of the story I didn’t remember or that didn’t actually happen.

28 May 2024

My crush


I was celebrating with my crush Liz as he smiled at me I felt safe I was so focused on his smile that I didn't notice a creepy shadow behind me dragging me away as I tried to run to the light it kept dragging me with it and it locked me in a room with water to drown as I slowly keep falling drowning I cried.

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