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Dream Interpretation: Storm 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Storm? Discover the significance of seeing a Storm in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Storm appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes chaos, discord, and tension in your environment. This could be external, with your friends, family, or work, or coming from within you. It could also mean some bottled-up negative emotions which you find hard to express.

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🧭 Direction

Bad omen

Make preparations to weather these difficult times. You may be feeling anxious, but build your confidence and take care of yourself because once this time is over, there will be the opportunity to grow new life.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a storm can evoke a range of intense emotions. It may bring feelings of fear, anxiety, and vulnerability as the storm represents chaos and unpredictability. The dreamer may also experience a sense of powerlessness and helplessness in the face of the storm's destructive force. However, there can also be a sense of awe and fascination, as storms possess a certain beauty and raw energy. The dream may symbolize emotional turmoil or a challenging situation in waking life. Overall, the storm dream elicits a mix of negative and ambivalent emotions, reflecting the complex nature of storms and their impact on our psyche.





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17 Jul 2024



I was on a island an it was storming really bad an I was telling everybody to prepare themselves because there was about to be a tusnami. A tusnami came an swept everything away.

17 Jul 2024



Jiyan, a calm, resolute and righteous military commander from Wuthering Waves, the game I like We talk or something I forgot what Shrine and dance performance Misty shrine, middle of nowhere mountain in Middle-West Japan I’m here with a group to observe a Kagura dance performance that tells the origin of Japan The kagura-den is wooden, but somehow the inside feels like a small Midwestern church and the kagura-den; a mix of both The audience is allowed to be inside the stage or leave as they please to get better angles, so I go back and forth between inside and outside to watch from the stage or from below it The shrine maiden performing it has red and pale white traditional stage makeup, and she smiles at me when I stare at her too long They’re so ethereal The guide for this group pilgrimage program thing is explaining the story There’s one about the making of the country, and another about how the god they’re worshiping at this particular shrine played a role in it Some kind of a white fox… Continuation of the dream from last night? The cliff one We’re talking, the storm comes, we take shelter, I run into the rain alone despite warnings and chastising of the wiser members of the team I find a small, me-sized cave, I’m nestling in it Mosses, water dropping from the ‘roof’, it’s like I’ve shrunk to the size of grasses and stuff, everything around me is vibrant and comforting

16 Jul 2024

Abandoned home


Last night (or this morning) I dreamt that I went to the beach with my cousin and 2 other girls, that I didn't recognize, and we were eating a really big doughnut. But they were only taking little bites and I wanted more. Like, we were leaving and left it there and I wanted to go back and eat more of it but I couldn't. And then it was just me and my cousin and my dog that passed away, that I'm still very upset over, and we were at my cousin's dad's old house where he lived when we were teenagers. But the house looked like it had been damaged by a bad storm and water/ wind so we were trying to clean up so we put my dog on the porch and I kept going out to check on him. And there was a bunch of stuff in the house that looked like it was from the set of a play or something, like pieces of walls and lights and stuff. And we were trying to move stuff around so we could put all the wet stuff in the "bad" part of the house so we could be in the "good" part. Then I checked on my dog again and I woke up crying.

10 Jul 2024



i was staying somewhere with my family and me and sister got into a bad fight and i pushed her out of a car when we were driving and when we got back to where we were staying it started raining really hard. we were staying by the ocean so the storm turned into a tsunami type situation. it got so bad that things started breaking and water was getting in and i was convinced i would die

7 Jul 2024



a big storm or typoon with thunder storms and big tsunami in city

7 Jul 2024



I dreamt that I was talking to my dad in the kitchen while a massive storm raged outside (so strong the wind was blowing things around inside the house from an open window). The conversation was mainly about me telling him he has to make sure he has food in the house so my little brother can feed himself once I move out. A reflection of us not normally having cooking ingredients at home and my brother frequently having to figure out his own food if I didn’t feed him since we were little. My brother came into the kitchen, his under the counter for a moment, then left. We followed him to the gate as he got on his bike to leave (going to hang with friends) in the middle of the storm. As it thundered and lighting lit up the sky he rode off. We tried to close the gate (big iron gate) but it wouldn’t lock. Then I woke up

4 Jul 2024



I dreamed that I lived across the street from Jason Louv (An occult teacher). I was trying to work with him in some way. Later in the dream I learned that we worked in the same nonprofit. I had the feeling that I wanted to escape my life or change it. At times I was my age and still married to Bob, and others I was younger and just starting out. I was sitting in my car taking shelter from a terrible storm. I think my car was white. The wind was blowing my car around while I was in it, and I felt like the world might be ending. When the storm ended I was standing in my front yard looking across the street at Jason's house. There was an ocean in the middle of his back yard with beautiful mountains behind it. The sea was roiling and grey while the mountains were a dark green. Watching the movement of the water, I sometimes couldn't tell the difference between land and water - where one started and one ended. I was overwhelmed by its beauty. The water was deep and strong and moved as if attached to the land but separate too. I was in awe. Storms began again and I felt besieged. Jason was playing loud music from his house because he was upset about something. It turns out he was getting married and he came over to ask us (I was living with a group of people) to help choose the flowers for his wedding. I remember seeing the woman he was going to marry, I didn't know her, and thinking that I couldn't see them together. She was short, chubby, with short black hair and I thought, "How can he like her? They're not well suited." He has picked some flowers from his yard and wanted to show them to us. I got a picture in my head of the flowers I wanted him to have and when I looked he had them in his hand except they were wilted. They were red poppies and I said, "Yes, like that, but alive." He agreed with me and I was happy he'd chosen my idea. Then, as a sort of thank you, or as a gesture of connection, he wrote something on a small piece of paper and said, "This is your name". (I'm pretty sure that's what he said.). When I opened it up it looked like some kind of ancient language like Hebrew or Arimaic. That's all I can remember.

1 Jul 2024

Airplane Crash
Little Brother
Saving someone


I was in a plane with my dad, step mom, and little brother. We were about to take off when I noticed that it was storming outside. I had a bad feeling about being on the plane. As it started to lift off, I jumped out. I landed safely and watched the plane crash into the water. I saw my dad jump out too. He caught the plane by the wing to keep it from sinking. He wasn’t able to hold on. I ran over and held on to the wing as well. I was able to pull the plane out of the water and save everyone

1 Jul 2024



I had a dream that there was a storm in the town I was at, I remember looking outside and seeing northern lights but they were extremely vibrant and showed pictures across the sky. I remember looking over in the distance and seeing a tornado form extremely fast, I grabbed both of my kids and ran downstairs to the basement under the stairs and held them while listening to the rain and wind.

28 Jun 2024



Dreamed I lived in som kind of monastery. My brothers lived there with me. At that time in the dream I was young. I fell in love with a young man, got pregnant, and had his child, but he was just visiting. The monastery was lead by a bunch of extremely religious women, and after I had the child they took her away from me. Then, years later, after I had married a man and had another child I was raising, there was a stormy night. I saw a child out in the rain on a different bank the monestary was on. I swam through a river to get to her and found her huddled on the ground in the rain. I told her it would be alright and that I'd take care of her. I brought her to the monastary, and told the women that she was my daughter. They said her name, but then said "No, that's a different woman's child. But it also looks like she's died. We will take the child." Then they said something about someone saying blasphemous things about me, and to find who it was. Somehow I knew it was the first daughter they took from me. I asked her if she was saying blasphemous things and she went off on me saying "You should have known I would be like this. I grew up without a mother or a father. This is your fault." I told her that I was her mother and that the ladies from the monastery had taken her away from me. I hinted very loudly towards a camera in the room and asked her if she had any other blasphemous thoughts. She did, but no one came to talk to her or to stop her. I woke up.

20 Jun 2024



I was at a worship service held at home After the service it was raining heavily I invited them one by one to come in and join the service. They made excuses and wanted to stay outside. Finally the rain and storm came while they were still outside

20 Jun 2024



Had a dream I join the Military. In the dream I joined and didn’t really tell anyone. There was a moment in the beginning when they told us to do 100 push ups. I was resisting but they sent home two girls sitting right next to me. I instantly started. The next time I was cuddling up with a new recruit. We were friends but connected instantly it was a boy I met in the local town. For some reason we were training in the Bahamas. During our mile run one of my superiors made me do, I was going the wrong way and a friend helped me get back on track. During that run we were redirected to a different area bc I tropical storm was on the way. We all huddled up in a room until we were told that we had to go watch movies. We were taken on a base still in the Bahamas and were redirected to a town home on the outside but an u huge theatre on the inside. For some reason small groups of people started doing choreography waiting for the movie to start. During the dream I couldn’t wait to finish bootcamp bc I knew it would greatly help me family.

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