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Dream Interpretation: Flood 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Flood? Discover the significance of seeing a Flood in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Flood appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes overwhelming emotions and the changes they bring with them. It suggests that a new phase has either begun in your life or will enter your life soon, which will make you anxious. Some challenging and demanding situations will soon enter your life, and it serves as a warning sign.

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🧭 Direction

Bad omen

Your dream is showing you a way to handle challenging circumstances; look and listen carefully. Find the events that have caused you overwhelming emotions or may trouble you in the future. Act now! Take care of all the situations causing trouble or will soon give you difficulty.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a flood can evoke a range of emotions, such as fear, anxiety, and vulnerability. It symbolizes overwhelming emotions or situations that are difficult to control. The feeling of being swept away by the floodwaters can represent a loss of control or being overwhelmed by life's challenges. It may also signify a need for emotional release or a fear of being engulfed by one's emotions. Overall, this dream can leave one feeling unsettled and uncertain about the future.





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9 Jul 2024



The most horrific dream of my life. There was a family next door that abused there children I caught the husband and wife trying to murder there kids The Mother was holding the older child under water in a flood was happening and strangling him I tried to fight her off and the husband attacked I grabbed the other kids they had and rang and called the police The boy revived and the police eventually came and because the boy was afraid they said they had no cause for concern When they were leaving The husband wispered he was coming for me and my family. Later that night they did After there children came running to me. Prior I was looking for self defensive anything and in the garage I found garden tools and a gun but no bullets. I gave every one something to try and defend themselves from as much distance they would have as I could find . We ran to hide in another home When she found us first I was having a hard time fighting her off And one of the kids gave me a pitch fork Which I stabbed her with multiple times as she wouldn't stop coming at me. Finally she died Then we ran to another home and hid then The kids wanted to get there pets and I was grabbing mine and when I had them hidden I was still outside when the husband got me I had a single long took you pull weeds out of the ground And wasn't doing so good fighting him off It took a lot and was able to finally overcome him and it was the final stab thru the throat that killed him The police finally got there and I woke up The most horrific dream of my life

6 Jul 2024



I was walking through a town when I looked up at a balcony and saw a man spray something onto another man’s face and set him on fire. I was afraid and started running away from there and it began to rain. As I was running I was praying for The Most High to forgive me and give me a different fate than that man. I was with my husband in a strange place where it seemed like there had been a flood and still very dangerous area because of violent people that stayed behind. We had to go into a boat with high walls to cross town but the water still came into the boat when it would move. The water went over my baby’s head so I had to hold him up higher so that he could breathe. We went into a restaurant to eat. Our waiter was my ex-boyfriend that I hate because he was very abusive throughout our relationship. He was being polite and doing his job correctly. He brought a sauce to the table that we asked for. My husband was standing up and somehow the sauce got on his foot and he held his foot up to me angrily and made me clean his foot. As usual I did what I was told but it hurt my feelings that he treats me like this. Later I put my foot up to his face and told him clean it. To show him why I was angry. I walked away and got the baby in his car seat. This woman that obviously was interested in my husband pushed me and I told her to keep her hands off me. She did it again so I grabbed her by the hair and threw her down. She got up and tried hitting me again but missed and I slapped her across the face. I told her to back off. She tried to hit me again but I blocked her hit and shoved her. She got next to my baby I told her don’t be stupid and I grabbed her by the neck and threw her and told her don’t fuck with my baby

5 Jul 2024

Roller coaster


I was really good at rollerblades and i would go everywhere with them on, but i went to my friends house and when i was trying to go back to mine, there was a flood on the path and people screaming

3 Jul 2024



I was at a dinner table and I was kind of just zoning out. My stepmom was talking with her friends (I don’t know them irl, but in he dream it just seemed obvious that they were close friends) and I was at the dinner table zoning out/spacing out. The dinner table didn’t look like the one in real life though, the table in the dream was small, tall, and had decorations on it (flowers, pre set plates, etc..). I got off the chair to go to the futon, which is in the corner of the wall to the right of the table. I laid down for a while and when I got back up, the floor was about and inch covered in water. I didn’t notice it at first, but after about 2 more steps I realized that the house was flooding. Idk why but different parts of the house had different amounts of water flooding it. For example: the area near the futon stayed at around 1 inch, while the kitchen table (which is hardly 5-10 steps away from the futon) reached all the way to my knees. My family wasn’t really panicking, but they clearly weren’t happy with what was happening. I went to my room (my bedroom was 1-2 inches deep in water). There was a baby’s crib in my room, it was very colorful, I assume it belonged to my baby half brother. Irl, his crib isn’t that colorful nor decorated (and it isn’t in my room). I have a desk right next to my bed that I put my stuff on (ex: lamp,small toys, water, glasses, etc…). The desk is white and is very worn out. In the dream, the desk was a bit shorter (irl it is about 2 feet taller than my bed), it had the same brown wood that the table used, and it looked brand new. In the dream I had a lot of thing on the desk, but I can’t remember what they were. I grabbed my phone and was going to text my friends about the flood, then I woke up.

2 Jul 2024



I was at a buffet with my sister for dinner at night. her and I were in the front of the line waiting to get salmon that was being offered, but there was a hold up because my sister wasn’t old enough to get salmon which I found strange. Either way, I ended up getting salmon And putting some on her plate as well. The dream transition to me being at a cemetery with my grandma on my dad’s side who had passed away and a man I’ve never met before who seemed to be my great grandfather. My great grandfather was old and frail using a walking stick. I was helping him walk down the stairs of the cemetery by holding his body and hand. as we were walking down my grandma and my great grandfather were talking about a flood that had affected the area a little while ago. All of a sudden, my great grandfather started getting a weaker and more frail, and started to slowly collapse. The dream transition before he collapsed. The dream then turned into me playing baseball on Wii sports with someone, but I wasn’t able to hit any of the pitches that were thrown to me and I ended up going the whole game without scoring. even though it was frustrating wasn’t too upset because the game ended in a tie, zero to zero. Then all of a sudden I was playing football in a football stadium and my team was losing and I couldn’t do much about it, which was frustrating. We ended up losing the game. afterwards I found myself playing a game of soccer against some younger Italian kids and again I was frustrated because we’re losing to kids I know I should’ve been able to beat

2 Jul 2024

Best Friend


I had a dream that it was me and my sister and my niece Kiah and two of my friends today my boys best friend and my girl best friend came to my house and my sitter was trying to separate us because she wanted to get “information” on why we all * me and my boy best friend and my girl best friend was friends* and she was mad because she couldn’t . So it was my sister, my niece kiah and my boy best friend & my girl best friend & I we all packed for a “ picnic day” on some deserted island that not far from the shore but you had to drive over this road that was over the water to get to the island and I had a really bad feeling about this. Everything was going good until the alarm went off and it was like a panic mode and so my sister and my nice kiah, my boy best friend and my girl best friend & I went into the car to leave but couldn’t because the flood nd the road was blocked so we seemed shelter on the roof , a few minutes later the people who lived on the island got a latter and got my sister and my niece down and they said they will come back for me and my boy best friend & my girl best friend * my sister convinced them to leave us and they did * and we was stranded and that was when the flood happened. We three grabbed each other close and said “ I love you” and we vowed to never let go of each other’s hand . The water went up and then I woke up with a headache and had to pee , and was shaky.

30 Jun 2024



So I saw some town folks who were living a simple life yet they seem content. It looks like some of them are living in a cabin. I saw a Boy and a Man, massaging the mud in a square hole but it's not too deep. Then, the two glanced at their back and a huge flood came rushing in and then the town was wiped. I, who's near the bed.. but for some reason it's outside. Then I saw the flood rushing in and I jumped in the bed with my brother and sister... And as the flood passed us by... My sister and brother got wipe away... And I was left alone.. Although, I'm an only child in real life, I still feel sad about it..

27 Jun 2024

Video Game


My dream from last night was really weird. It kept switching between two separate stories that weren’t related to each other in any way. The first story focused on Dream-Me doing daily tasks in unusual ways, while the second story focused on the apocalypse and how fictional characters were dealing with it. It was so strange, because I would watch myself write an essay or play a game or go to the bathroom, then watch the worlds that fictional characters live in get destroyed. At one point, Dream-Me was hanging out with her boyfriend and reading an online book to him, when my dream suddenly cuts to Homer Simpson from “The Simpsons” trying to survive a tornado while his town is getting flooded. The whole apocalypse thing ended with a bunch of cartoon characters from movies and tv shows swimming around in the now flooded Earth, while Dream-Me was in the living room playing “Tears of the Kingdom.” Also, one of the characters from “South Park” was missing their face, and my dad found a way to play “Tears of the Kingdom” on the computer instead of the Nintendo Switch.

25 Jun 2024



It was a dark night and I was in sports stadium. There was Hunter Biden presiding over a sports game, but he fell off stadium balcony, then a flood washed him away.

24 Jun 2024



i had a dream that i was in a vacation house in flordia and i was playing a scary game with my brothers and halfway theough the game my brother desided to take a shower. then there was a flood outside and my dad made me do laps in the flooded water on a bike.(we were on an island or in flordia i think visiting my grandparents) there was a baby deer or strange baby animal that was chasing me everywhere and i had to run into the neaghbors lawn because it kept chasing me wanting to play catch since i threw a ball at it or smth?

19 Jun 2024



My husband Rudy had built our youngest son a really long huge sort of ditch in the ground with foil around it almost like a giant banana bread pan. He dug the soil for him. He said it was for him to farm on. We were walking through it saying wow. But the logical side of me asked him, “if he were to plant fruits and vegetables, what happens when it rains? Wouldn’t this flood?”

18 Jun 2024



So I had a dream, My Mom brings a friend/coworker home. A woman. I think she'll be staying for quite a while...and the first time I saw her, I could say I don't like her. Something that happened and I snapped. I definitely stepped in and said no. I step on her foot disrespecting her. She was extremely offended and walked out. And Mother seems to be disappointed in what I did.. I then sat in my bedroom and put some barricades. Then, I finally realized what I did was wrong.. or just didn't really go into my belief or what I think is wrong... I spot her on a pool in a broad daylight inside. She splash a water expressing her displeased with me. I walk over to her and apologize for what I did.. Later on, I hangout with her and her friends... Bounding together in the pool. Then a flood come by... And desires and ambition floats upon..with a distain of gold... The woman whom I friended cause the tragedy... I watch her turn to gold holding something... We all then turn to gold and the wave of water flush over us. One survivor remains. And the rescue cames pass by asking the survivor. She said something strange on those people I've friended with... They all did something ridiculous... The other one slice the girls whom she's jealous of.. It's insane.

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