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Dream Interpretation: Raining 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Raining? Discover the significance of seeing a Raining in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Raining appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

Dreaming of rain symbolizes cleansing, renewal, and emotional release. It can also represent sadness, tears, and a need to let go of negative emotions. It may indicate a need for emotional nourishment and growth.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on your current emotional state. Are you feeling overwhelmed or burdened by negative emotions? Allow yourself to feel and express these emotions, but also seek ways to release them and move forward. Take time for self-care and seek support from loved ones if needed. Remember that rain can also bring growth and renewal, so embrace the opportunity for emotional growth and healing.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of rain often evokes feelings of sadness, melancholy, or even a sense of cleansing and renewal. It can symbolize emotional release, a need for emotional healing, or a desire for change. The sound and sight of raindrops can create a soothing and peaceful atmosphere, but it can also represent a sense of gloominess or a need for introspection. Overall, the dream of rain can evoke a range of emotions, from tranquility to sadness, depending on the context and personal experiences of the dreamer.





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Dreams of users containing the word Raining

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27 Jun 2024



I just had a horrible nightmare about my dead aunt and my dead grandmother. My aunt had just brought home, my grandmother from the hospital who had been ill, and my aunt decided that my grandmother could lay down in her bedroom instead of me taking her home. I wanted to take my grandma home because my aunt was having a huge party with drugs and alcohol, I knew that the party would be crazy and that my grandmother could not get any rest. I did not want to be around all the people and the drugs and the alcohol and try and take care of my grandmother while she’s ill. So I’m trying to ask my aunt, if she would just drive me and my grandmother to my grandmotherβ€˜s house. She is being nasty and basically won’t allow it. My aunt hides my purse and she hides my suitcase and there is no way I can get out of the house with my grandmother. so I look at my aunt dead in her face, and I say if you wanna be this nasty, I can be even nastier because I learned from the best and she took that as a threat. she ends up, taking my grandmother home somehow without my knowledge, and when she gets back to the party she says grandma is at home but you can’t go down there to be with her. I have guards standing at her house and if you do, you’ll regret it. it’s raining outside and It’s cold. She has taken away my purse all my clothing. I don’t know what to do except for possibly walk to the police station, my thought is if I tell them about all the drugs and alcohol that are going on at this party right now that maybe I can get to my grandmother and make sure she’s OK. Then I wake up.

18 Jun 2024

Building (Place)


I had a dream I was walking around this space with a few friends. It was raining outside so a lot of people were in the building. It seemed like a shopping area/food court but everything was darker toned. Like black picnic tables. Dark walls. The only lights came from the food stalls. I went to use the bathroom and the bathroom was a white dimly lit large U-shaped stall style bathroom. It had showers on one side of the U and regular bathrooms on the other. I went in to wash my hands and as I’m washing my hands I notice there are people waiting for the shower. I look over to the showers to see one is open but there’s a brown gross looking liquid puddling in that stall and drawing towards the drain. And then the smell hit me. Everybody washing their hands started gagging and trying not to actually puke. It was a PUTRID smell! As if somebody had not washed in a month and was on their period at the same time NASTY smell. I start to look for another spot to wash my hands but everything else is taken so I get ready to leave. As I’m walking out I notice the only color since I’ve been in this dream in a pink and green floral decoration around a large mirror. I take a second to look at myself and consider taking a selfie but I end up not taking a selfie because there are a few people around and I didn’t want them in my picture. So I leave. As I’m looking around a girl I had seen in the bathroom with earlobe length black curly hair, a round face with a slightly point chin, black spaghetti strap shin length dress, combat boots and lots of long necklaces and a little black backpack tells me she likes my outfit. I tell her I love hers! She goes on about her day and as she’s walking away the jacket she was holding changes from black to like a frog green and I wake up.

5 Jun 2024



April and I were in a restaurant and we had some kind of fight but I can't remember what we were fighting about. On the way out to the car I accidentally got in the wrong car realizing that I had parked my other car here some time ago. April got into the correct car and drove off without me. It was lightly raining as she went down the ramp and onto the road so I didn't see where she went. I thought maybe she would come back. If not I would just go home. Suddenly April does come back. She comes walking up the driveway to the restaurant and she's upset about something. She tells me the pageometer is broken and wonders if we should go home and get it repaired or just continue where we're going. I ask her what a pageometer is? I guess "is it the speedometer?" and she gets mad and she's like "no the pageometer. I was talking to someone when it stopped working" Not wanting to exacerbate the argument by asking her what a pageometer is I just get frustrated because she acts like I'm stupid or something. So I start to walk towards where I hope the car will be to see if I can figure it out for myself. Also wondering who she was talking to. Whether the car is still drivable. Etc.

7 Apr 2024



I visited my ex-wife, Pat, in the hospital who had 60% of her body in cancer, plus she had a stroke. We hugged each other and then I cried. There was a lady who later came in the hospital from Blue Shield who wasn't very bright. I then went into a shoe store and though the pair of shoes I bought were very comfortable, they cost $350 and were not very stylish, so I had planned to take them back. They also had a pair of pants that were $350 that were very cheap that I didn't buy. Later there was a rainstorm whereby a woman was driving through a car wash and because it was raining, was only charged $5.

30 Mar 2024



I was with my two best friends and we where at the movies and we decided to sneak into the Olivia Rodrigo concert because they went together and wanted me to see it with them so we did and they told me to get some seats in the front row and then when the show started Oliva came out and started singing where we where and later there was a huge wave that started to come for us but it was apart of the show so we decided to go to her van that was a couple of rows above us so we could take shelter but when it did it started raining Olivia Rodrigo started singing Taylor Swifts β€œMs Americana & the heartbreak prince” and I decided to get out of the van and I was singing super loudly because Taylor Swift is my favorite singer of all time so I was extremely happy

29 Mar 2024



Me and my family where on the very creaky wood bridge which keeper swaying and felt like it was going to collaps in china and we where signing our names on this traditional headstone mural and it was raining and I got in a fight with my 2 sisters about where we where going to sign our names even though I only have 1 sister in real life

28 Mar 2024



I was on a giant playground with some of my friends, there were three stories of the playground and you couldn’t get the the next level unless you climbed up the first one. I tried climbing up a rock wall at the start and my friends were saying how good I was doing. I felt proud of myself and I got to the top of that level. I felt confident so I decided to try to continue going up, but as I started to go up the next level I suddly found that I had climbed to the ground somehow. I was confused and didn’t know how I managed to get back at the beginning and I couldn’t find the next level I was trying to climb before. A stranger pointed it out to me and I tried to go to it but I didn’t get there. I ended up on a road and there were some workers leaving a library, and some runners jogging down the road. I didn’t know what to do and I also didn’t have pants on for some reason. I decided to jog around a bit even though if was raining and I was getting wet. I then went inside where some of my friends and i apparently lived. There were 4 apartments with different groups of people. I dried myself off in a common area but when I went to go to my room I found out my friend was having sex with my friends with benefits. I felt hurt and I went to one of the other apartments to wait with another friend of mine. After my friend came out of my apartment she didn’t understand why I was upset with her and I didn’t want to tell her I knew she was having sex with the guy I like.

28 Mar 2024



My dream began at my older friend's house, Mateus, who is also Brazilian, and we were there cooking different types of meats marinated in Japanese whiskey. As I left his house and walked down the street, I walked past two older guys playing soccer. One was especially good and he was trying to go professional. As I walked past them I decided to stop and play with them a little bit by juggling the soccer ball. When I left them I went to a soccer field where there were a bunch of kids playing soccer and I was playing with them helping them out and helping them have fun. Once I finished, I decided to fly home. So I was flying over the road, the trees, the fields, and saw one of my childhood friends, Jisoo, playing soccer by her house. When I flew down to meet her, she started kicking the ball at me mutiple times as I was flying home. It began to rain while that was happening and she started getting sad. She said she spent too much of her childhood attempting to become a professional soccer player that she missed out on her childhood and also wasn't there for her dad when he passed away. At the end of my dream, as it was still raining, I saw my shoes that I lost earlier in the dream. It was flowing down a stream on the road and right before I was able to get the shoes, they fell into the sewer to never be seen again.

23 Mar 2024



It was raining hard as if there was a storm or hurricane coming. The house was leaking in several spots. I watched the rain with a friend that was also in the house. They eventually attempted to fix the leaks. I had asked if it was okay shortly after wanting to make sure boundaries were not crossed. However, it was okay and he even suggested painting the house some.

22 Mar 2024

Dead body


I went to this school for a while and one day during the transition to my next class from gym, the principal on the inacom yelled " there is a shooter-" and before he could finish his sentence he got shot and the sound traveled through the school speakers. Everyone started panicking and screaming and crying and I was in a state of paralysis before taking off with everyone else exiting the gym. The school shooter saw us and he pointed his gun at the crowd shooting at it. People ran back into the gym while some was killed on the spot. I ran underneath the bleachers trying to keep myself together. After I was sure the shooter left the gym I attempted to make my way out of the school. The gunshots still echoed throughout the school physically and through the inacom. I was shaking and started crying seeing so many dead bodies and blood. I made my way to the second level of the school and looked out the window, I saw a black van pull up and seen two more people in black with guns exit and enter the school. My heart dropped and my eyes watered. I started breathing heavily and made my way into an empty classroom. I hid on the side of a big closet and sat there catching my breath while crying. I looked at the clock on the other wall. It was 10:30 am. When this started it was 9:00am becuse that's when the transition to my other class starts. I started crying and wondered how could this go on for so long without no police. I crawled over to the desk in the classroom and dialed my mom. She didn't pick up. So I tried a few more times and she didn't pick up. I crawled back to the side of the closet going through an anxiety attack. I ended up falling asleep in the room and I don't know how long. I woke up to the sound of gunshots, my heart started racing and I looked at the clock. It was 4:59pm. My heart dropped. School ends at 3:20pm. I crawled to the desk once again and dialed my mom. She answered and I cried telling her there was a school shooter and it started at 9:00am and it's still going on. I also told her there's three. My mom said she is coming to get me and I said "no don't come. I will get somewhere safe then call you to pick me up." I hanged up the phone and anxiously made my way out the class. I looked out the window and noticed the black van was still here and there was still no police. I heard screaming on the inacom and realized there are still students here. I looked to my left and saw out the window a crowd of students running out of the school and attempting to make their way out of the actual entrance of the school which could take 7-9 minutes if you walked. I gathered up my courage and made my way out the school. I joined the crowd and ran with them. Two of the three school shooters ran out the school as well and started shooting at the crowd. I cried and continue running. I finally made it out with a few people but it could still be considered a crowd . We continued to run until we were far enough from the School. We made our way into a hotel and told the employees what was happening. I begged one of the employees to use their phone and I called my mom to come get me. I gave her the address and she said she would be on her way. One of the people from the crowd screamed and we all turned to see what happend. Even the employees. The same black van that was outside of the school was driving up to the hotel. My heart started raining. The van stopped and the same two shooters that were following the crowd came out. Now I had to escape the hotel.

17 Mar 2024



My dream started in a grocery store. I was with my friend jackie. And we were dicussing batteries in the battery section. I picked up the small circle battery and accidentally put it my pocket during our conversation. It was a happy conversation. We split up so jackie can pay on line. I was going to leave. I was walking towards the door when the security guy behind the desk flagged me down. I said whats wrong. He said you know whats wrong. I looked down the battery was sticking out of my pocket. I said sorry it wasnt intentional and gave it too him. Jackie was done checking out and walked out the door. I was following but stopped because it was raining. Sbe walked all the way to the car in pouring rain. Realized i wasnt following and walked back. I told her i wasnt getting my hair wet. She said put a bag on. I grabbed a bag and a hat on the shelve next to the bag. As i was about to go out a different security man was walking towards me and i realized i didnt pay for the hat so i put it back and grabbed another bag. As we crossed the street. Cars were coming. One stopped but the other got real close. I started yelling "HIT ME" over and over again as jackie was dying of laughter.

16 Mar 2024



I killed my friend at school and then pretended it wasn't me then u went to her funeral and went to go get smth then I came back out side and it was raining then my friend that I killed was sitting right next to me at her funeral but then it was my Grandma's funeral

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