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Dream Interpretation: Flooding 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Flooding? Discover the significance of seeing a Flooding in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Flooding appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of flooding represents overwhelming emotions, feeling out of control, and being unable to cope with a situation. It may also indicate a fear of being swept away by circumstances beyond your control. This dream may be a warning to take action before things get out of hand.

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🧭 Direction


Think about the areas of your life that are causing you stress or anxiety. Are there any situations that you feel are getting out of control? Take steps to address these issues before they become overwhelming. Seek support from friends or family if needed. Remember that you have the power to take control of your life and manage any challenges that come your way.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of flooding evokes feelings of fear, vulnerability, and helplessness. It symbolizes being overwhelmed by emotions or life circumstances, feeling out of control, and being unable to escape or find a solution. The dream may also reflect a sense of being submerged or drowned by problems, responsibilities, or negative thoughts. It can leave one feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and uncertain about the future.





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16 Jul 2024



Two dreams, both about an author’s work Kid’s novel author, teen fantasy writer Puts me in her works, she herself is in it I am also an early adolescent child in these dreams The first one is about some family in Italy or Japan, I’m shopping about and avoiding bumping into certain people Shopping malls, big 100-yen shop floors, dim lighting, broken glasses, people are phantoms Water’s flooding the place and I run from it The second dream starts with me getting on a ship I’m in the ship’s lower cabin, author is devising whatever plans to infiltrate and get to another country using the ship’s supplies and her team’s I am told to identify myself as a Chinese or Russian girl, name either Mei or Valena Once the alarm starts to go off we use the escape boat by the ship’s lower deck, revv up the engines, avoiding suspicions Seems I’m either in some arab countries and then at the Mediterranean, I’m blasting through the canals in Venetia and then trying to blend in once I get on the land The little motor boat can be turned into a small car(it’s still heavy but at least it’s portable) Driving, rollerblading and skateboarding through streets, old stone arches and kid’s parks City of Verona While I’m waiting for the influx of people to fade so that I can take it to the car road and blast off I spot a small kid’s park by the road Big fucking tree in the center, big soft furry leaves with wavy edges Cherries on the ground follen from the trees around I pick two that looks nice There was mold solidifying on the back of it I look for other ones Then the light turns green so I gotta drive out Driving past women in purple hijab, carrying a baby in the babu car that looked kinda like how my portable car looks when it’s folded and stuff

15 Jul 2024



I had the strangest dream. First I was at home with my boyfriend but we were sharing the apartment, my apartment which I bought, with three people, two boys and a girl. They used to live with my boyfriend like they were his flatmate, flatmates, and then all of a sudden they ended up living with me and at first I was fine with it and it was a mess. They would eat our food in the fridge but my boyfriend was like okay with it, always smiling and I was complaining and I didn't feel listened to. He wasn't listening to me, taking into account my feelings. And then I remember there was a problem. I was at my partner's mother's place and we had some kind of problem. I had to go to work in the evening because I was doing the night shift and I was so worried because I had to go to work. But, I don't know, there was this problem with the apartment. I don't know, it was being flooded, something like that. I don't remember what kind of problem it was. But, I don't know, I was so anxious and worried and I had to go to work and I didn't know what to do. Then we would go on the moped with my boyfriend, but it was raining so we couldn't and I was desperate. And then, I don't know, he said, OK, I know what to do. And we were going to a weird place, like it looked like a fairy tale, like there were ponies. And, I don't know, we... We were there, and they gave me some kind of white cloth made of silk, and I was, I don't know, worried. My boyfriend, he was so peaceful, he was okay, he knew everything was going to be fine, and I was worried. And I told him, I have to go to work, I have to go to work, and I would burst into tears because I had to go to work. And I didn't know what we were doing there, and I was worried. And he was so okay, so in peace, like, okay, don't worry, wait, they're fixing our problem, we're just staying here, give us some time to be together. And I remember me wanting to be intimate with him, but then all of a sudden, my father pops up, and other people, and my friends, and everyone, and I was losing time, I had to go to work, and it was late, it was late. And in the end, in the end I was in my car with another person and a kid, maybe that kid was my son, I don't know, but I had to really rush to work, but I, the time, it was too late. I started at 10 p.m. and it was late and I needed to text my boss that I was going to be late and I would take the wrong route and I was driving, it was so hard to get to work and then, I don't know, we kind of, it was weird and I never made it to work. And there was another part of the dream where I was laying on the grass with a bunch of high school friends And two of them were like talking about finals like they were studying for them preparing for them But like we were 30 like we are so I was like I don't know why you're doing this because I sometimes I Kind of usually dream of still being in high school and having to do my finals But then I realized while in high school that I don't need to go there anymore because I have a degree I went to college and also I have a job. I go to work every day So why am I what am I still doing here? I've already done all of this stuff and I Find someone to complain to it to explain myself to but then I never The dream ends before I can do that. So I was telling these two friends like what are you doing? We already have a high school degree. We don't need to do this. You don't need to do that I'm not doing that. I'm not at all and they were like well But we may have some problems in the future because maybe it wasn't a lot for what we did maybe it was I don't know they were saying a bunch of bullshit and I didn't care because I I Mean I didn't I really didn't care

13 Jul 2024



I am driving at night to go somewhere. I notice the stars in the sky and felt the need to just admire it. I speed across the street and up a hill so steep I felt I was going to fly into the sky. I parked my car on the side of the road, and stood watching the stars at what seemed the highest point of the steep road. Going back to my car I noticed plastic bags or balloons are tied to the top. I seem to be working at a childcare center or some sort of school for young children. I remember looking out the window to see staff members out side with the kids. I’m in front of a whiteboard, I seem hesitant to write something, and another staff asked me if they could write on it so I stepped aside. I am in the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and sat on the toilet. I noticed the bathroom was flooded as my feet were submerged in water. Everywhere inside the bathroom was wet and smelled clean. It felt as if it was just cleaned by some sort of cycle, like a washing machine cycle. I close my eyes for a few minutes. When I opened my eyes a child was crawling into the bathroom. I stopped them and told them to leave. She was pointing at something but I didn’t stop to noticed because I was in panic. I am back at the whiteboard. I am struggling to write something on it. Whiteboard and I are outside. It seems the person who’s lesson I am to teach gets out of a vehicle and asked if they can present their work using the whiteboard. Someone was asking me why I am not able to teach the lesson. It was as if they are disappointed the owner of the lesson had to do it because I couldn’t.

3 Jul 2024



Dream So there was this guy with blonde hair that would meet me in dreams but really he has dark hair and the blonde guy was like an avatar he used to greet me. He follows me around like a ghost cause well I think he cares for me and he’s worried about leaving me alone. He kept trying to kiss me as the blonde guy and I kept turning away cause I felt really really embarrassed. He’d get this really sad look about him then act like nothing happened. The dark haired guy watched people be mean to me. He couldn’t seem to do much about it other then hover closer or knock on walls. He smelled nice, I just felt like I really really wanted to touch him. Cuddle. But he was an invisible ghost when I was awake. I wanted to hide my face pretty badly I was so scared he’d find me ugly. When I went back to sleep I saw this guy with dark hair messing around on computers. Some lady said to me, “Well there he is” Later there was a bunch of strange noises and I was barely awake, but I was in a hospital bed with 2 women fussing over me. The dark haired guy came into the room. He had a really long beard. I was like 😃 beards. I was so out of it. I kinda reached toward him and he held my hand for a second but quickly left the room. I was confused why he didn’t stay. I was bored while the woman were talking so I looked around the room and saw some choccy milk hanging on the door. I think it was for me. It made my heart melt a little I also started helping people move into the undercity. Underground caverns that kinda resembled the sewers. I watched some kids die from the flooding.

24 Jun 2024



I was with my work friends and at my old college. We were moving away from a flood. The whole campus and the state was flooded. I kept moving my cars to higher ground and I lost the keys to one of the cars and couldn’t move it. The only ground left was a highway that we were backed up to. There were beds that were up on high pedastools but there weren’t enough for all of my friends and myself. The beds were not reachable from one and other. But it was the only bed available secluded in the middle of the flood.

20 Jun 2024



I was taking a shower on a city bus. There were people riding the bus and seemed like it was normal for someone to take a shower on the bus. I owned a house in a culdesac. I was outside painting the street white and a neighbor was watching me. She thought it was so luxurious that I was turning the black street white. She complimented my shoes and showed me all of her jewelry on her hands. I said I will have that too some day. I was at a grocery store with a friend picking out things to make Cuban sandwiches. I noticed other customers were opening packages and eating and then putting the open packages back. I thought it was really rude of them to do that. We get to the check out counter and there are two men at the register. They said we couldn’t buy our items because they were the last things that weren’t opened and they want them. I bargained with them that I would make them a sandwich each if they let us pay for our things. They accepted and let us go. I was at another grocery store with a man and five little girls. They were all over the place, grabbing food and eating it in the store and leaving trash on the floor. I told them they are being very disrespectful and they can’t just open food without paying. I noticed other customers just dropping food containers on the floor, eating things and putting back what they didn’t finish, leaving trash on the floor. It was stressing me out seeing people do this. We get back to the car and the girls pile into the car but there are other things in the car so there isn’t any room to sit down or fit the groceries in. I noticed the parking lot was flooded to my knees.

15 Jun 2024



I was in a village and it was flooded. It was raining and all the people who lived there were walking up the hill as the village was getting slowly flooded. I was staying in a cabin and there were lots of students and young people in their early 20s. A fairground ride was faulty and caught fire. The weather was raining and the furniture on the site kept being changed and moved around.

8 Jun 2024



I was in the back of a car driving to a relative's house in Brazil where I was gonna stay for a prolonged period of time. I got dropped at the house and it was all dark and all of a sudden it started to rain and wind extremely hard. Water got into the house and caused flooding and the wind was Blowing all my clothes away, it was frustrating and annoying, and my bag and all my clothes got wet, but eventually it stopped, and I tried to reorganize all my belongings things had been wiped away. Then a second storm came, and the same thing happened. My shirts, my bags all got wet from the flooding and got blown away from the wind. The dream transitioned to me being at an elementary school at night with other people. There was a tornado warning and all of a sudden the tornado arrived with rain. There were still some people outside that were getting caught in the tornado so I ran to the front of the elementary school and kept the front doors open so that I was able to help younger children get into the elementary school. I felt very proud of myself for doing this and happy that I was able to help children get to say get back to safety in the elementary school and I remember crying because of the impact I was having on these people's lives and the risk I was taking. As I was helping people get into the school, there was continuous thanks from other individuals and adults who saw the assistance I was providing and that felt really good.

7 Jun 2024



The world was flooded about waist-deep. Everyone seemed to return to life like normal, but there were less people around. I was wading through a town just trying to make it somewhere. I wasn’t walking alone, but I didn’t recognize who I was with. I feel like I was trying to find people who needed help.

30 May 2024



I was asked to save some sheep from a flooding field. I couldn't get to the sheep in time and they dround. I woke up feeling like I had really let someone down but I don't understand who or what this dream meant.

29 May 2024



I was with Adam on a sun porch. I saw a rabbit come up behind him and we were both able to pet him. He left, then I went into a bathroom and noticed yellow worms coming out of the shower drain. I saw the rabbit again and his ears were injured and he looked to have other injuries. I pet him again to see what was hurting him. More worms started coming out of the drain and flooding the bathroom

6 Apr 2024

New Job


I dreamt about my old coworker Liz, who I became super infatuated with. I always wanted to get to know her on a deeper level, but her professionalism kept that wall up between us. I once invited her to a birthday party and she declined because she could’ve gotten in trouble for hanging out with me, as it would break the rules of her job. I couldn’t help but feel a flirty tension between us though constantly. Unfortunately nothing ever happened between us, and I moved away a few months later. In the dream, however, we were paired together on the job like we used to, except this time she was going through struggles with her boyfriend, and I leaped on the opportunity. We crept around behind the scenes and hid from familier faces like Miguel, and Illiana, our store managers. The environment kept changing though, we weren’t working at Hollister but more of a Walmart/Sam’s club like store. And we hid in the isles and got to know each other well. When I was finally ready to make my move I kissed her. I felt as if it was real, every sensation I remember from my first kiss flooded my mind. Then I woke up not too long after…

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