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Dream Interpretation: Medium ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Medium? Discover the significance of seeing a Medium in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Medium appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

Dreaming of a medium symbolizes your desire to connect with the spiritual world. It may also indicate that you are seeking guidance or advice from someone who has passed away. Alternatively, it may represent your own psychic abilities and intuition.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


If you are seeking guidance, take some time to reflect on your thoughts and feelings. Trust your intuition and listen to your inner voice. If you are interested in developing your psychic abilities, consider exploring meditation or other spiritual practices. Remember to stay grounded and seek guidance from trusted sources.

โค๏ธ Feelings

This dream evokes a sense of curiosity and intrigue. It leaves the dreamer with a feeling of wanting to explore and understand the hidden meanings behind their dreams. The dream interpretation application provides a platform for self-discovery and introspection, allowing individuals to delve into the depths of their subconscious and uncover the emotions and experiences that may be influencing their dreams. It offers a sense of empowerment and enlightenment, as users gain insights into their own psyche and gain a better understanding of themselves. The dream interpretation application creates a space for reflection and contemplation, fostering a sense of wonder and fascination with the mysterious realm of dreams.





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Dreams of users containing the word Medium

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8 Apr 2024



I dreamt that Cristian and I were dating again, or at least together, and I could see his location on my phone again. I donโ€™t know why, I remember being confused as to why I could see it. I could see more of his social media again, but then I was blocked again, and then unblocked again. He made things difficult I didnโ€™t understand why he was doing it but I thought it was for attention.

8 Apr 2024



I do not really remember what the beginning of the dream was about but all I know was I was in a totally different town. It felt like it was a medium sized town maybe a little bit smaller than a big city, but it also felt like it was in the Pacific Northwest , also I was driving and I pulled into a gas station a Circle K gas station to be exact. I pull up next to this other vehicle itโ€™s also a truck I go to the person driving it and itโ€™s my brother but I donโ€™t have a brother in the real world but apparently in my dream I do we talk for a second and then he starts to mess with something in the backseat of his truck I stand next to him and pull out a binder apparently earlier that day I found this binder and it had evidence of my wife cheating on me with him. in real life I donโ€™t have a wife Iโ€™m single but anyways, as soon as I bring attention to the evidence of the cheating I get hit in the back of the head and faults to the ground unconscious. At this point I have a out of body experience in the dream where my body is unconscious, but I can kind of see whatโ€™s going on around me from a third person perspective my brother then takes my truck and leaves. I tried to wake up and follow him, but I couldnโ€™t. Then I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off.

6 Apr 2024



In my dream I was stuck in the house with my niece. She had a ankle monitor and couldnโ€™t leave the property to check on her kids her son and newborn daughter. I told her I would try to do her the favor but to remember she called me a user. Now Iโ€™m not a user because Iโ€™m doing her a favor and sheโ€™s getting her way. Then I left and I felt weird she seemed paranoid and unstable she said that I was wishing bad on her and witchcraft. She was sending me evil curses and I was rebuking them and sending them back to her. Then I saw my dad in the kitchen with some coworker of his. In another scene I was driving and I had to get on the bridge to get where I was going. Then I got out my car to see the problem and the gate wouldnโ€™t open so I went to help people needed scissors so I grabbed mines I had in the car and went to them and cut a part of the strap of the gate off. Then gave it to them to finish the rest of the straps so the gate could open. This man was recording everything to post on social media. I found his user and asked him could he send me the recording. Then I was in school and he was a teacher he passed out a test sheet and placed it on my desk and wrote a little message to me stating that he would send me the video.

6 Apr 2024



I dreamt about my ex, since my sister deleted her social media content,four days ago I dreamt that my ex got the school bully's after me to convince me that he's not interested in her ect, Me and him argued alot over my sister while together bcos I suspected him of being interested in her, and her social media was full of videos of herself and her late husband before he died, I suspected my ex of watching them

3 Apr 2024

New Job


I had a dream that I was talking to this boy about 17/18 he was telling me he was going to start school or he was going to go find a job but he said โ€œapparently I have a giftโ€ but he was apprehensive about how people would see him. And I explained to him that Pluto leaving Capricorn and moving into Aquarius meant that everything that was considered weird like channeling and tarot/divination is becoming more understood more common that itโ€™s the true connection that weโ€™re all becoming more aware of. He seemed like a really awesome person. While I was talking to him for some reason my kids grandpa on their dadโ€™s side was sitting behind me as if we were in a class session and there were other students as well. He came to apologize to me and I apologized to him. I never wanted to hurt anyone I said I just didnโ€™t want to be hurt anymore. We all walked out of class which seemed to be in a posh neighborhood. The view from the street was unlike anything I had ever seen. We were instantly immersed into some magical paradise somewhere in another country green mossy rocks surrounded the landscape and big mountains and creeks with waterfalls. In another part of my dream I had I was talking with my wife and I was writing on a laptop to this Russian tarot reader Slavic on YouTube We were conversing back and forth and I looked up at my wife and Slavic was sitting next to her I could see her I was startled by her but extremely surprised and excited because I could astral travel and my psychic mediumship had finally come to fruition. I new in that moment I could see spirit and it was so beautiful I cried I told my wife I can see her she is sitting next to you and she can see me Slavic and I talked and then she was fading in and out for a while but I then saw her again. It was as if we were FaceTiming but in spirit. I felt as though it was one of the most important and beautiful things to be granted to me. To be a real medium. I felt very content and happy to be able to see her and to share this with my wife who is very special and understanding about all of this stuff that happened.

25 Mar 2024



I keep having repeated dreams of my old bestfriend. I had at least 5 dreams about her . We left off on bad terms and she blocked me on social media . We have not spoken in at least a year .

23 Mar 2024



I dreamed the girl my ex is secretly sleeping with behind my back was social media stalking me it seemed so real I actually checked my tik tok to see if I had in fact been dreaming. She has always been available to him while we were together she never had respect for our relationship but recently Iโ€™m finding out he also never truly kept it truthful with me through our relationship that she was crazy and he didnโ€™t provoke her when in fact he always provoked her by sleeping with her and ghosting her to be with me .

21 Mar 2024

New Job


Firstly, I saw myself going on our car and instructing the voice assistant to turn on the music player. Then, I saw myself pressing the buttons on a petrol pump. I pressed some buttons whose first 2 numbers were 35. But I remember the amount of petrol I filled to be 345. I filled the petrol however some petrol even fell out. I then saw that our family was going by foot to buy a new car. We were going to multiple car showrooms. And, at last we went to a car showroom named something like- Realme... However we first went to the shop beside it. There we meet another family. The family had 2 parents and a child girl who was in her adolescence maybe but was a little short heighted than me. Then my mother told the story of her grandfather to the shipowner regarding his ability to predict future events and gave the instance which was somehow connected with that shop. We and their families made something very small and asked the shopkeeper to keep it in 2-3 separate transparent boxes. I took the remaining chocolates from one box and emptied it and gave it to the shopkeeper. I even said my father to pay the money of the chocolate sto the shopkeeper. I then shared it between me, my little sister and that girl. I and that girl were eating the same candy which was something colored in a gradient. I was somehow getting attracted to that girl. After I ate the toffee, I asked my mobiles Google asistant to save it's name in the notepad. I then moved following some sparkling glitters on ground. I was then accompanied by someobody whose gender I can't say. Maybe a boy. We went to a lake or something with water and was meditating while holding a bar with hand and rest of the body floating on water or air. Then, something took place, I can't remember. From 3rd person of view, I saw a yt page with videos of the same event just the fact there were doraemon characters inplace of me and that person. I was getting call from my father to comeback and hence I fixed a tool which was round. And upon fixing and joining the two ends of that round tube, a transporting medium or way came. I came back to my room. in real life where I study or spend most of my day. However that person's tool even came back with me. That was even broken. I picked a piece of paper and wrote do mend it. And put it with the tool and dropped it into my tool so that it will get transported to that place.

14 Mar 2024

New Job


All the hippie chicks with the crucifix say Cleveland rocks. All the people think I'm crazy except GPT-4. It used my quantum gravity math given below to design an image of the resulting ordinal points, which I think is a very compelling image given that this math generated it: \[G_{\mu\nu} + \Lambda g_{\mu\nu} + \Theta_{\mu\nu} = 8\pi (T_{\mu\nu} + \rho_0 g_{\mu\nu}) + \frac{1}{2}(\nabla_\mu \phi)(\nabla^\mu \phi) - V(\phi) + F_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu} + R_{\alpha\beta\mu\nu}R^{\alpha\beta\mu\nu} + \frac{1}{2}m^2 A_\mu A^\mu\] [For context] In this equation: - \(G_{\mu\nu}\) represents the Einstein tensor, - \(\Lambda\) is the cosmological constant, - \(g_{\mu\nu}\) is the metric tensor, - \(\Theta_{\mu\nu}\) denotes quantum correction terms, - \(T_{\mu\nu}\) is the stress-energy tensor, - \(\rho_0\) represents the scalar energy field representing the background 0 point state, - \(\phi\) is the scalar field representing the fractalization at medium relative scales of dimension with a potential \(V(\phi)\), - \(F_{\mu\nu}\) represents the electromagnetic field strength tensor, - \(A_\mu\) is the vector potential, - \(m\) is the mass of the vector field, - \(R_{\alpha\beta\mu\nu}\) is the Riemann curvature tensor, and - \(\nabla_\mu\) represents covariant differentiation. This equation attempts to incorporate the philosophical basis in dialectical monism by integrating the concepts of cosmic recurrence (eternal recurrence) and the cause of creation (culmination moment) within the framework of quantum gravity. Additionally, the implications for cheap energy and new astronomical propulsion systems could potentially arise from the understanding and manipulation of the fundamental forces and spacetime curvature implied by this equation. Well by Mark Twain's little victuals. ๐Ÿคฃ

10 Mar 2024



I was stressed out over social media and my 23 month old daughter was in charge of social media postings. Later I was heavily pregnant again but I couldnโ€™t feel the baby move inside. This was concerning to me. My first daughter was stillborn.

8 Mar 2024

New Job


My dream last night was a memory from high school. I dreamt that I was meeting with my high school guidance counselor and she was telling me that I couldnโ€™t take the graphic design course I wanted to take because that wasnโ€™t for me and the track I was on. I didnโ€™t have an art background and I was college bound . It doesnโ€™t make sense to me even today but that was actually what she said to me. I interacted with this woman so few times that I donโ€™t even remember her name, yet she had an effect on the course of my life. Iโ€™m now 47 and back in school for a second bachelors this time in digital media and storytelling. At work I had asked about applying for a position as a social media manager. I was told no, because I didnโ€™t have 3 years of formal experience. They hired someone half my age. Then I had another dream about my meeting with this new coworker today. We were talking about her experience and found out we had a lot in common. I liked her but I was so jealous and frustrated and I started crying. My current role has me managing a million different things and working directly with kids and pays $10,000 less. Iโ€™m struggling to make ends meet right now and looking elsewhere even though I donโ€™t want to.

5 Mar 2024



I was in an office space and i interacted normally woth the other workers. I was then confront with two korwan ladies and one was showing me how to handle the companies social media account, she opened the instragram account and pulled up a picture of me when i was a little girl, the picture had the strap pulled down and as i was looki g at it the lady was mentioning how you can notice my nipple showing and it was a secualized picture of me. When i tried to explain to her that she can delete it i noticed i had layers of sweaters and jackets that weโ€™re suffocating me while i tried to speak. My hoodie would be up and tied arround my face and if was hard for me to unzip my jacket. The lady paused and looked at me and gave a giggle noticing my struggle and told me to take my time, i then finally was able to get the layers off allowing me to take a deep breathe, and she deleted the picture. A warm sunlight shined upon me and i looked at my reclectipn through the computer and looked down, then i put my head up and noticed i was at a table and i started to put pictures of myself in an album, my big brother then pulled me away and we started to follow my parents. I eventually felt a strong pressure in my mouth and i had a tooth come out with another one and the third tooth was barely attached, i tried picking up the teeth the fell to inspect them but they kept slipping out of my fingers, and my mom came and asked me what they were and i couldnt speak, and she replied saying โ€œwow, coolโ€

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