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Dream Interpretation: Court 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Court? Discover the significance of seeing a Court in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Court appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This is a symbol of judgment and guilt. You are finding yourself in a time where mistakes and bad decisions are catching up to you. Something from your past will crop up, making you question your judgment. It may also symbolize that it is time to bring judgment on the actions of others.

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🧭 Direction


Humans make mistakes; however, only acceptance can help us find a way out of this hell we create. You will need to make restitution for the wrongs you have done and clean up your act. Your dream may also be telling you to exercise judgment toward others, not allowing them to continue in their wrongdoings toward you. Find balance in your life through truth and justice.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of being in a court can evoke feelings of anxiety, fear, and uncertainty. It may symbolize a sense of being judged or scrutinized by others, leading to feelings of vulnerability and insecurity. The court setting may also represent a desire for justice or fairness in a particular situation. Overall, this dream can leave one with a sense of unease and the need to defend oneself or prove their innocence.





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4 Jul 2024



I had a dream I was watching a quick version of one of those court case shows and the judge was running through each court case in 5 minutes or Less. I thought to myself that I wish I could’ve brought a few people to court had I known it was that quick.

27 Jun 2024



I was at an apartment building resembling my childhood home, but it wasn't. I was with my abusive ex, and I wanted him out of the house. Somehow, my family and friends were in the house, too, and I told him to leave and to leave the keys to the house. He was adamant that he won't. I already have pressed charges against him for another incident. I started to cuss him out, and he cornered me and my sister. The middle sister in the family was to the right of us, and he got so mad at me and punched me in the stomach and face. But he did it lightly, not to physically hurt me but to intimidate me. In real life, my ex never physically harmed me, but he did become physical with me by trapping me in places, physically intimidating me, and physically touching me against my will. In the dream, I said to my sister you saw the right, and she said yes. I knew that after this court proceeding, I would press charges again for this incident and bring up what he did to me to the judge in the current case. I also now had my sister as a 2nd witness of his abuse against me. He never left the keys. I was scared he would return to my apartment at any point cause he had the keys to the house. We went to court, and I think the judge ruled in my favor, but I couldn't remember much. I just remembered reminding myself to tell the judge that my ex refused to give back the pair of house keys, but somehow, I forgot. The next thing I remembered was being back in the apartment building and trying to find ways to secure the doors so that even if he tried to open them, he wouldn't be able to come in. I put extra locks on the front and back doors and some sort of paper enforcement at the bottom of the doors, which was supposed to help also. However, I still felt afraid of being in that home. I started to pack up my house, and his stuff was still there. I asked my friends and family to help me put all his stuff in a Uhaul. Some of these friends I don't recognize in my real life. But in the dream, it felt like I knew them, and they had my back. I remembered going to wherever he was staying to put his stuff in, which doesn't make sense cause the furniture would be in my place. Anywho, I remembered seeing him, and he was depressed and playing video games. Anywho, we started to pack his stuff in the U-Haul, and he didn't say much, or he couldn't say much. I remembered reminding myself to tell one of my friends to ask him to give me the spare keys to the house, but I forgot again. The next thing I remembered from my dream was going to this beach-like bar with friends and having a good time. I was even hanging out with one of my co-workers.

20 Jun 2024

High School


January 26-27th ⁃ Train I bonded with? ⁃ Was happy to help celebrate my birthday ⁃ This train took me magically to this temple. To deliver a gift box. It was labeled with “Chicago” on the letter/gift box. ⁃ Was claimed to be lost and found to be delivered to clothe someone. ⁃ Arrived safely. This train spirit seemed to receive trouble and was arrested (?). ⁃ There was a tiny house I arrived in, inside was bookshelves with dolls. Possessed dolls but had no interest in harming me. I went to grab them to set them free. As they seemed to be sitting abandoned for years. ⁃ Upon going outside I encountered overgrowth of the temple and came upon cat food and then Cats in a cage/coop In a temple-like setting. ⁃ I was trying to feed the cats as they seemed very hungry ⁃ One of them managed to break free. A cream colored cat with orange tabby stripes ⁃ This cat was so eager and happy to see me ⁃ I picked this poor baby (cat) up and she clung to me. She was in rough shape. But I protected and held her and gave her love. ⁃ Was about to release the other cats to bring them with me ⁃ But an elderly man yelled at me to stop me which scared me ⁃ I knew then I had to , so I rushed down the stairs of this temple. Trees were growing and flourishing more…had I passed a test of sorts? ⁃ Made it to an airport or court like setting. ⁃ Two blue haired twins that matched 2 of the possessed dolls I was carrying. I knew the twins were malevolent when they grinned evilly at me. “Prove it. You won’t.” ⁃ I ensured they knew I knew. ⁃ Right after that I encountered a woman at the check out that matched another of the dolls. Even down to the ghostly purple will-o-wisp dancing in her head but also was seen through it. ⁃ I had to find a way to restore them. ⁃ By this time the cat that was clinging to me must’ve died or disappeared. As I looked to my cradled arm and noticed she was missing. ⁃ I grieved for her but no ill will came. In fact only love and care blessed me. A boon of sorts? ⁃ Looked over, hadn’t realized I was hungry, seeing a buffet of food. ⁃ Urged to go over and nourish myself. I did so, encountering my tall as fuck older brother, Shariff, and soon after my dad. ⁃ My hair was very well done curly free. From me doing it earlier. It was dark brown and not dyed red irl. ⁃ Was called over by my dad and as if I was a child again sat me down. ⁃ I was vibing as he did my hair. Braids…twist at the end…form afro puffs at the end of these….then tied it into a high ponytail position. ⁃ He let me go. ⁃ By the time I did, the food I was going to grab was gone. ⁃ I expressed my sadness but someone noticed me. Adult man, black hair and beard and mustache. White. He had 3 of the brownies. He offered to give me one once he was finished and told me to grab a tray. ⁃ I did and waited. He gave me his phone and all I saw was him and his girlfriend naked in erotic positions? Cool tattoo jobs tho. ⁃ He gently took the phone back and gave me a brownie in thanks ⁃ This brownie was a vanilla cookie and chocolate brownie combo. A Brookie! It was absolutely delicious. And I thanked him. ⁃ Full, I went back on my self-imposed mission. Saw a vision of the old man, the woman and the twin talking at the temple stairs. The woman was crying like “What happened to the stairs?!” ⁃ At some point I remember telling my youngest sister to grab the dolls from the temple. She did and bright them to me. ⁃ Snapped out the vision, Heard the ghostly woman and one of the dark blue haired twins arguing. Screaming match. ⁃ Fed up, I marched over and barked “OI!” Which got them both to shut up and look at me. ⁃ “You’re both screaming and not getting anywhere. You’re grown adults and not children. Communicate like it or I’m pinching nipples. God.” (Paraphrased) ⁃ The woman noticed and listened. The twin would try to elevate his voice and only pipe down when I followed through and pinched his nipple (even with his shirt on) ⁃ This would happen a few times before I realized the possessed dolls I was carrying were missing again even after retrieval. ⁃ I sought out the stairs. Found them. Covered in pink petals and prospering trees. Even the cats from before were doing better and free. Loved. ⁃ I went up those temple stairs. No sign of the coops the cats were locked in. ⁃ I found one of the people I sought out to save. The purple haired ghostly woman who was in the doll. She was free. As the Will-o-wisp was no longer there. The dark blue twins were gone. ⁃ I found myself tearful and crying joyfully from the relief. “You were a doll…I’m so happy you’re okay!” (Paraphrased) ⁃ She smiled and sat me down next to my old friend. Erica from high school. We hugged sitting together gazing at the view. I woke up after that.

15 Jun 2024



I had court and my sister picked me up in her car. We went to this drive through scanning area to get in. We parked after that and walked in. It was a bit of a struggle because I was a priority guest and they didn’t believe me at first. It was almost like a venue but I was just there to do court and everyone else was there for other reasons. We walked outside afterwards and other family was there like my dad. And we were happy because court went really well.

3 Jun 2024



Okay this is yet another strange dream. I dreamt that I remember a lot of people that I know and people that I don't know we were all gathered in this huge place where there were also a lot of people. I think it was some sort of event but eventually I was on my own and I was looking for my husband and people that I know because I started getting irritated and anxious because of the big crowds and people bumping into me touching me I don't like it in real life also I don't like it but yeah it came out in the dream like that and I started looking for people that I know and then the dream jumped to another scene where this is this family a guy and a woman and three children I don't know what they have to do with the dream but I don't know them and in the dream I remember everybody liked them and it was a very happy fun and loving family but the father he did something I didn't know at that point what he did but the mom received a phone call I think maybe from authorities because when she put the phone down she looked at her husband in this devastating way he was walking across the street but when he saw the look on her face he stopped in the middle of the street and I I think at that point he realized that she knew something had happened and then he stood in the street and he let a vehicle run him over and then the dream skipped to an alternate ending where he was in court and the judge was talking to him the judge said that are you guilty of running over that woman and he said he looked at her with this blank sad and devastating expression and said yes I am guilty and then in a softer voice he looked down and said but she came out of nowhere I wasn't even speeding I came up from the parking lot and this woman just came out of nowhere but he looked sincerely apologetic and then the judge looked at him and said what like what are you talking about and the crowd of his children and mom also looked with his big eyes at him like what is he talking about but they also look so sad and yeah that's the whole dream

29 May 2024



I was attacked by a man who almost killed me. His intention was to kill me but other people quickly helped. He wanted to kill me because I was testifying in a court case. There was a policeman that shot the man who was attacking me and killed him. But I was badly beaten I was hit in the head numerous times. I hugged the policeman and he hugged me back. There felt like a trauma bond between us. I sustained major head swelling as a result. My head was so swollen that it was morphing my skull and some of my face. I remember using ice in my dream and feeling my head pain. I was so worried about lasting damage to my head and face.

26 May 2024



I had a strange dream about our neighbors next door. I'm not sure what was going on but someone or something was being hurt by one of the men living there. But one of them had court that day. And the female was happy he was going.there was a yellow pt cruiser mentioned. And I'm not sure what else happened but the dream was not one of my I sual types of dreams. And it made me feel weird .

22 May 2024



I had a dream last night that me and my brother and mom went to my grandmas house for the weekend, and we were going to church and on the way there my grandma said the only way we can eat something different is if we find a balloon and give it to her. My brother (who is the same age as me) started crying and at first I didn’t hear her so when we got out of the car i asked him but he was talking so loud. My grandma heard us trying to be quiet and she got mad, so the we went to court even though nobody wanted to go

30 Apr 2024

Long Distance


I had a bad dream that i was on facetime with my long distance boyfriend while he was at an airbnb with 2 of his close friends. We had a little argument while we were on the phone so he hung the phone up on me and went to sleep. i went to sleep after that as well. When i woke up in the morning i tried to call and text his phone but his phone was disconnected entirely. After hours and hours of reaching out to his close friends to try and figure out where my boyfriend was, he finally calls me from a county jail saying how after he hung up on me the night before, the police showed up to the airbnb and raided it and found drugs and guns. Eventually his other two friends are released from police custody but the police would not let my boyfriend go. Then the dream moved to a court room where the judge sentenced him to 2 years in prison. The dream ended with me trying to continue to support him mentally physically and financially throughout his prison sentence while i’m at home taking care of our son.

24 Apr 2024



I dreamt I was in bed with my sisters husband, we slept and then I woke up and did the clothes washing and hung the clothes on a washing line. I then washed up as there were loads of plates to clean. My sister died in my dream and left 4 young teenagers without a mom. I went to court to adopt them. I was in my nans house and a woman had packed all of my sisters belongings, the pieces of jewellery were huge and gold, very ostentatious. A man threw the rest of his cigarette at me to smoke. Which I did. There were small puppy dogs running around, I washed one of them under a tap outside. The dirty was cleaned off to show a white puppy. I was in court and a solicitor asked me out, I said yes. In court I was asked how much my business was worth. I said £250,000 with a net profit of £100,000.

4 Apr 2024



Ok so I had a dream about me killing a cousin of mine but I don't remeber how I killed him I just remeber me hiding his body on my closet and when I was hiding his clothes in my gym bag, I think it was my half brother or my sister who walked in and asked what I was doing then I forgot what happened but I rember me talking to my half brother or my sister and then going to my closet and getting my cousins body out of it but also alot of other body's that I don't know who they were from, then I was dropping them off my car while driving it, just like that in the middle of the road, then u remeber being in court and my mother was there accusing me and my sister or half brother defending me. Then right after that I was in a forest with a friends idk who and he was with a leopard I think and the leopard started chasing me soo I ran until I jumped off something that looked like a cliff but i didn't die or anything, it strted to slow down as I was falling into a truck with mattresses on it and started running away again and I said "again" after it restart again the same thing, I was running away from the leopard but this time as I was going to jump off the cliff my foot got stuck and the leopard smells it but didn't eat it then I feel again in slow motion but this time I landed almost off the mattresses and started running again with that friend.

20 Mar 2024

Having a baby


I was watching my dream in third person point of view. There was a lady who had had a baby and the postpartum depression had made her manic. She ended up killing her baby but she called the police and told them that she was going to kill her baby and if they wanted to save her she’d be at the rail road tracks at 2:00. When the police got there they saw the mom putting the baby on the tracks and stepping away before the train rounded the corner and started blaring its horn. The police started running and grabbed the baby in time. The police officers were very relieved but then the mother started laughing and the police looked down to see the baby was already dead. They were very angry and arrested her and stood up at trial and asked that the judge give her the maximum punishment. She was dragged out of the court room laughing maniacally. Then I was watching this true crime junkie and his friend was headed into a convenience store where 7 years before a teenage boy was on a road trip with his family and decided to shoot up the place and then kill himself. The junkie gushed about how he was standing in the same exact spot as the killer and they had even been driving the same model of car as the family and his friend rolled his eyes and told him to grow up. Then my alarm went off and I woke up.

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