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Dream Interpretation: Middle 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Middle? Discover the significance of seeing a Middle in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Middle appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

The position you see yourself in is significant. This symbol represents the central portion of the story, the character development, the struggle, and is often the overlooked position. For example, to be the middle child means to struggle with belonging and feeling lonely.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

You may be in the middle, stuck between a rock and a hard place, but this is the time of development! This is when you discover the true strength of who you are and experience the satisfaction of reaching the finish. So persevere, do not ignore the process, and appreciate your hard work.

❤️ Feelings

This dream evokes a sense of uncertainty and being in a state of transition. It may bring feelings of being neither here nor there, as if stuck in the middle of something. There might be a sense of confusion or indecisiveness, as well as a longing for clarity and direction. It could also signify a need for balance and finding a middle ground in a particular situation. Overall, this dream may leave one with a mix of emotions, ranging from frustration to a desire for resolution.





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Dreams of users containing the word Middle

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9 Apr 2024

My crush


I had a dream about these episodes I’ve been watching in real life: so there was this boy called Adrien and this girl called Marinette they are both actually friends when they ar super heroes also known as ladybug and cat noir i had a dream Marinette not knowing cat noir is Her biggest crush Adrien came over to her house and they watched a movie the movie was about to start when Alya Marinette best friend, the only who knows she is ladybug walks in Cat noir hide under Marinette table and then a green flash comes from under the table Marinette , scared about this goes to check what happened and she sees her crush Adrien underneath the table she then says A-Adrien your. Adrien sheepishly standing in the middle off the room and Alya is really confused Adrien leave we will talk about this later.

8 Apr 2024



There was some type of trip to a planet similar to earth. There were school buses lining everyone up. Then we were on a cruise in the middle of the ocean but there was a spy and I needed to get rid of them. At one point I was in a car driving down a steep hill with a little upward slope. When I got to the bottom the slope propopelled me high in the air, so high that I flew over the Jesus statue in sao Paolo. Then the dream changed to me being home watching a commercial that mentioned taking a trip outer space. Later on when I’m at the port I see a spaceship that kinda just looks like a charter bus. For some reason I’m fighting like an alien of sort in space because aliens were trying to ambush us before we landed on the new planet. It was like a matrix fight in outer space, nobody knew I was outside fighting because they were all distracted. Then we’re in the planet and there’s a cruise ship, we’re taking a trip around the different oceans. I meet a lady on the cruise who looked like this girl I went to high school with, esilona. I don’t know the exact details but something happens on the planet that makes us basically realize we’re all going to die. I have a vision of my family watching the news and crying for me. We are limited on the amount of mail robots, so I can only send one letter to family. I decide not to send a letter immediately since it might be better to send one before I died. The planet is going dark, and shrinking like a deflated ball from the top down. Alien critters have come out and they are eating our food. Esilona and I are on the balcony in the cruise ship, talking about life and reminiscing memories because we know we only have about 6 days left before the planet folds itself and we inevitably die. Well, it turns out that the spies are still here and they infiltrated the cruise. They actually organized a meteor to crash into the planet and kill is all. Turns out that the free tickets we all had to come here was just a ploy and all of us were on some kind of hit list. They’ve been killing people one by one but nobody knows because everyone is too stressed about the world ending. Esilona and I take it upon ourselves to find them and find out if they know how to save us. In real life, we were on a cheer team together, so in the dream, we were doing a lot of acrobatics when fighting the spies. I found a suitcase with a space laptop and sent communication to the USA government that this was all a trap. No response. Meanwhile, the entire world is watching the news daily, hoping that someone would come save us. There is a meteor shower going on between earth and where we are, and it doesn’t seem safe enough for anyone to rescue us. I suddenly because the spokesperson for the group, talking to governments on the space laptop. Clips of the conversation were shared on the news and in my visions I see my entire family sitting in front of the tv. There are candles lit, my grandma is lighting sage, my mom is holding a rosary and praying, my dad and brothers are crying and holding each other. Back on the planet we still have the atmosphere shrinking, air is running low. Esilona and I are laying in a beach looking at the sky, patiently waiting for death to come take us. That’s when I get a vision of seeing the planet from space, and I see different axis, trail of meteors, and a rendezvous point. I run to the cruise ship and yell “is anyone good with their hands?” And an couple of men say they are engineers, blacksmiths, carpenters, etc. together we try to find a way to create a shield around the cruise, hoping that it could float in space and give us more time until spaceships came to get us. It worked, and we managed to launch the ship into space. That’s when I find a piece of paper and some crayons, and I write to my family “mom, dad, Jeff, Mickey, I love you all so much. If I don’t live, know that I tried as hard as I could to save us all” and give it to the last mail robot available. That’s when suddenly there is a loud snap in space, and we see the planet burst into little pieces. Everyone unanimously voted that I was now the captain of the ship, and so I went to the front of the ship with a space costume to sit alone and look at the empty black space sky. I saw about 50 spaceships coming our way to save us so I ran inside to tell everyone to be prepared for rescue. Then our ship imploded. The force field couldn’t contain the pressure of space anymore. We all die. But then I wake up on a beach in what I think is some kind of deserted island. Turns out that the implosion took us to different timelines on earth because we fell into a black hole. The island that I washed up on was actually a military site, and the scientist there knew that I would be coming. Together we work to predict this ploy to send passengers to their death in the new planet. And I realize that my dream just looped, and now I can stop it all from happening.

8 Apr 2024

Sorry, I cannot generate a link for that type of content.


Having sex with a guy dring the middle of art class, even though I’m lesbian

7 Apr 2024

Plane Crash


I was at a graduation. Maybe high school or college. It was a long road. I knew it was time to say goodbye so I said goodbye and good luck to my peers that are graduating. 3 of my friends were there. We were having a feast. Two of my friends were to either lead an activity for us to do together or sing a song. They are a couple. Suddenly, in the middle of the activity, they stopped and left. The president or the principal was confused, paused the ceremony so he can find out. Then it lead to us going to the beach watching a sunset. Suddenly, the dream shifted to a plane. It was flying then going down. People were screaming, "Are we going to die?" And a voice said, "you will die". Then suddenly, the plane crashed and there were a burst of fire. I felt this strange burst of feeling like I wasn't scared. Then I heard, "so you can be reborn!" Then I woke up. The second dream, the two friends explained why they stopped the activity. They said earlier that they were pulled over by the police for something minor. But then, they revealed it was more than just something minor and that the police did something traumatic to them. Then I woke up

7 Apr 2024



I was in Tallahassee living with Dajuan, and I had the ability to travel back in time, to when I purchased things, and had them at the house/apartment we stayed in. I was going through items I had like mouth pieces, Basketball Jumpshot video recording shades. In one room we had two beds set up,In the middle, A queen sized mattress For Dajuan, to the right, a twin sized mattress, for Ari, and to the left an empty space where a twin sized mattress was for me. Representing my mattress being gone for a season. That’s all I know

6 Apr 2024



I had a dream where I was im the middle of a stadium and i was trying to win a game. I won and earned a blue lotus flower and I saw my ex sitting on the bleachers looking at his phone. I walked over and gave him the flower but he rejected it non-verbally and turned to the side of the bleachers, paying no attention to me. I sat down beside him and just looked sadly at the flower. He then said "You're not gonna do anything? You really are pathetic." I then felt tears in my eyes and I felt his presence leave. I looked behind me ans i saw my best friend and my ex talking. They both seemed to be happy together until my ex glanced over at me. He then took my best friend by her hand and left the stadium.

6 Apr 2024

Sleep paralysis


As soon as I fall asleep it starts to happen. I’m aware I’m asleep with my eyes closed but can see the ceiling of my room as if I’m laying there with them open. I then feel my blanket slowly getting tighter wrapping around my chest and shoulders with a forceful weight on top of me not being able to move with only the odd muscle twitching of me wanting to wake up but feeling so drained from it. I then hear as if it’s old nursery rhymes coming from a middle aged women from the futhest distance of my room with the sounds of a rocking chair and a set of knitting tools being used. Thankfully it got to the point of me eventually waking up but felt very long as I was In a loop of it all happening over and over. I woke up laying in my bed sheets that were drenched from my sweat. I then looked at the time on my phone and I was only asleep for 30 minutes. I’m having dreams like these far to often each week and I’m starting to hate going to sleep. I started having all these nightmarish dreams for the past year and half and feel as if they are becoming more and more vivid each time. I believe it’s some sort of sleep paralysis but I have had past dreams where I have delt with it and then felt myself being popped out of my body floating up to the ceiling with my breathing sound as if I’m wearing a astronaut helmet looking around the room at myself sleeping but feeling very relaxed when I get to this part I feel as if it all starts with sleep like paralysis then if I pass that all with out having feared it I then go in to an Astral projection sleep. I have only experienced the astral projection a few times but don’t last long nor go far from room in it as it is all quite scary for me.

6 Apr 2024



I just woke up from a dream, but I was gonna go on a date with a guy and I was waiting for him to come over and I fell asleep. I felt like I was drugged in the dream. But in the dream I was asleep and then I kept waking up inside the dream where I would look at my phone, but I was so tired. I couldn’t see what was on it . My guesses screaming for a little bit in the dream and but I would keep falling asleep and then my mom went to the bottom of the stairs and yelled up at me so stop cyber blaming people. I said I don’t know what you mean but I was still so tired I couldn’t move in, I couldn’t move at all almost for the whole entire dream. My brother came over to my he told me that people were getting messages from me saying that they should kill themselves and not their horrible, but it was very specific what I was saying in the texts. I just realized the taxes were scriptures or the 10 Commandments, but they had mean things added to them. Last night before I fell asleep in real life I had to ask God to send me a message on how I can stop being a bad person. I guess this was him answering me. I ended up outside of a business next to my car and then were two guys in front of my car and I said talking to them they didn’t seem like bad people, but they asked me if I could go on a date with them and I said I don’t know. I was responding in text while I was trying to correct . He said sounds like you don’t wanna go on a date with me said yes because that’s what I had responded to him and he looked at me and said I don’t know. I said I don’t know sometimes. Then I started walking. I ended up on a road where there was the guy that I was supposed to go on the date with, but we were like in the middle of the mountains. There were roads though. He told me to look and I said What it’s a mountain. Yeah it’s beautiful so what , that’s something I wouldn’t say in real life mountains and the mountain was beautiful but the roads that we were walking on really weird they were like cars but they were cars were a lot of road. Wind wasn’t too. Finally I ended up in a parking garage. I felt really scared almost terrified. I remain calm though. I passed by a group of men. They were older, maybe like 75 to 80 they were having a good time. Someone said something about we hadn’t seen each other in a long time or that they had just met their best friends. I stayed in the parking garage and I talked to my brother on video chathe felt scared for me. I felt like somebody was behind me. on the video chat, my brother saw someone behind me and the guy who I think was the one that I was supposed to go on a date with was behind me with an ax and he tried to kill me and I woke up.

6 Apr 2024



The final dream of the night was probably the one I remembered the most. I was walking through a European city late at night with my ex-girlfriend, Shelby. We got to a historical center where there were beautiful monuments and a goddess that was holding a full moon. It was at that moment where I realized I had to leave, and I had to leave my ex-girlfriend. And I started walking to the bus station at night to get a bus to take me to a boat that I had to get on. As I was about to enter the bus, I realized that I was in Brazil, as everyone was speaking Portuguese. I enter a bus that was pretty full, and I realized that my grandpa, who had passed away, was on the bus. It was as if we were meeting each other for the first time, like we were long lost friends and recognized each other, but didn't really know each other. I didn't have the opportunity to go up to him to talk, but we made eye contact, acknowledged each other, and I liked his presence and energy. The scene changed to me being on a boat. I think there was some fight scene, and me and my cousin were trying to get to the basement in the big boat that we were at. Once my cousin Alex and I were in the basement, we were watching TV and watching Spongebob. The Spongebob episode got a little weird and we all of a sudden heard the upstairs door knocking. We were worried because we didn't know if it was someone violent or a bad person, so we weren't answering the door. and then all of a sudden a lady entered I was hiding from her at first but she saw me she was an older lady with short hair and she mentioned how it's time for Alex and I to leave because it's already been three days and it's 530 and we have to leave the boat

6 Apr 2024



The first dream of the night I was at my old house where I lived in middle school. It was nighttime and I was home alone, staying in my sister's room, when all of a sudden I started hearing noises and realized there's someone else in the house. I called 911, but couldn't remember my address for them to come and help me. Eventually, The person who was in the house came into my room. He was a French black guy with a bat and I took the bat from him and tried to hit him. Turns out he was there with his girlfriend who was friends with the owner of the house and they were apologizing that they went into the house without telling anyone because they thought no one was there. As I walked outside at night, the fire department had came and they saw me and helped me out and entered the house. The dream stopped.

5 Apr 2024



I remember one of the first dresms was inside my backyard Inwasndoingnsokerhint where inessntrtijgntongonogrrbthrnbrifkneslln but then after that I went to the table at the end of our backyard with my mom to spray paint on my clothes and a police helicopter dropped red paint all over me for some reason, I had to leave the house in the car to a grey day concert that my sister was talking about in the car there were so many people staring at me with the red spray paint but Indidnt care on the freeway the entire time that we’d do so I got into the car rolling the window down I remember when I went into the lobby area for the freeway race there was other people inside the girls locker room/ lobby aka preparation area and I had my things set down there next to tape so then I went and kept talking to people inside the locker room waiting going back and forth, and then when I got back in there was someone who I used to know before who was In my past but I didn’t care about them and then they came over to me trying to get my attention through doing things negatively, but Injust didn’t respond and got my stuff to change and get ready to go, while I left for one minute to the bathroom when I came back she was asking me questions like “Why would you do this to my own things huh? You care so much about myself that your a lesbian dyke reorganizing my shit.” and it was just my things coming back covered with tape on it next to hers which she purposefully stepped on to gather onto her clothes and my bags open which she unlogivslly somehow equated to me investigating her stuff , she was trying to get everyone else’s attention on her to create a problem, but then i responded calmly explaining how I don’t really care and that those things is clearly a problem with herself that she’s trying to projecting onto my life to make herself feel better about from putting me through making me look like i’m harassing her as the victim , she basically got upset from my non chalantness and everyone else inside of the room realized the situation from how i responded and just started ignoring her and acting like she was crazy, I didn’t care and I went out onto the kayaking boats on the freeway and while I was there, and inside the boats on the freeway she got next to mine and started saying in public “I’m still upset because I can’t believe you tried to steal my stuff” and then in response to that I started screaming since she was trying to get me evicted that l know she’s just lying about it when I only had my things next to her and had tape on my own yet she’s still trying to cause a fight about it because she’s determined to try and get me out because you just want to fight she hasn’t been relevant in my life for years and is still trying to live off of that to take advantage of it, when I said that everyone else was like “Oh girl. You should fight her back, Because if that was me.” and I remember instead of fighting defending myself to listen to them which got skyla to shut up and got them in trouble anyways while we were on the kayak boats after we accidentally got onto a escalator exit ramp that leads to the inside of a mall, i went inside there and there was a square room and as I kept progressing I was just in my thoughts relaxing but then I saw a girl who was crying in the middle of the escalator outside of the escalator on the sides of the room and I saw she was hurt so i went to her and hugged her saying “It’s ok.” and she kept crying, but then eventually after hugging her for a while after resting on my shoulders the entire time she said “You’re arms feel really strong.” and I got off from hugging her and she said “Oh your not the muscular man I was thinking.” and then I said “Yeah it’s because I have spray paint all over my hesd and body, but i’m ‘spanish.” I walked off smiling and I saw her happier and then when I went off the kayaking and down the escalator inside of the malll outisifenthe ecidt, I saw a group of my friends there ordering food and as I was trying to go to them to rrr was this man at the msll who was a security guard who I knew before that’s always trying to cause problems with me and to all my friends so he stood next to me and was about to do something but then he looked forward and saw the tripe double cheeseburger 49 he was obsessed with and he couldn’t stop staring at it so I just slowly left at the car for when we were going to the grey day concert my sister said, actually first what happened is we were all inside of this big bike neighborhood and it had a zoo inside, this neighborhood was for really good people in a community made by those who were well off, and as I got lost, before I got lost running out and going away from the people who dictate that I remember I went inside the original place and they said that we are a nuisance, as our family used to be one of the main leaders for that but now we’re in deep poverty which is ruining our reputation and image, and the image of them, so they couldn’t have us there but we’re deeply disgusted and dissapointed, and I said to them but does that dictate anything about us, and when my aunt was begging them around community she said yeah it does so i started going inside the place since this was the enterance to the community to find a way out away from them and I saw on my own a bunch of neighborhoods with people running bikes on each house, yet I was just trying to find a way out, and eventually when it got bad to a point where ai didn’t have much time left, I had to take someone’s bike to get out but I felt too bad stealing someone’s bike so I instead of ran all the way around the zoo area to find my house and get out of the dead end, and I did but it was behind and outside of the community entirely and when I got back we were in such poverty some homeless man tried stealing our car and things, so instead of pushing him out what I did was cooperate and say “Here instead of taking those things why don’t you take this,” and gave him 3 things and as I was gonna give more I said hold on and went back to the kitchen to grab pepper spray and a knife and came back spraying it to him to get him out with just those 3 items and he ran off but yet still broke the car door off our car and was so determined, but eventually we spoke through to him and he went up to us offering to help and then as we were leaving he just started stsying there helping out with the house too, and as I went into the backyard that’s when the spray paint thing happened etc, in the car with my mom once me and my sister got dropped off to the end of the freeway we were supposed to wait for my cousin and my aunt and mom to take us but what ended up happening is my sister had to take mom and my aunts car t the place but my cousin who said she was coming was apparently about to kayak me there, so waiting for her I looked everywhere on both sides for both the boats but I couldn’t find her, and I didn’t message her thinking communicating would send me back even further on time, so I just looked and after that I found one of the people from my school so I was going to get alisha and me to go into a kayak there on the freeway but then I went to the bathroom to check if she was there but then I saw someone else inside thet bathroom with their own stuff sitting half naked with shit in front of them and they were telling me about how they had a horrible day right now and were almost violently shitting inside that tub but I didn’t judge them instead I tried being understanding and said that sucks from how hard it’d be for them and that I thought they were actually my cousin at first but they were looking up to me having a conversation and then when I came back out I realized the kayaks were gone so i tried to call alisha but realized she had to go to the grey day concert without me so I was left back and abandoned by everyone else who was going to take me to there

4 Apr 2024

Taking a shower


I was taking a shower in my school and in the middle of my shower in the office I had to stop and go to the other shower. Then I didn’t know how to make the shower not see-through so people won’t see me shower and 2 friends started taking out all my clothes and leaving them on the floor.

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