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Dream Interpretation: Men 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Men? Discover the significance of seeing a Men in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Men appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of men can represent authority figures or masculine energy in your life. It may also symbolize your own masculinity or desire for it. Alternatively, it could indicate a need for protection or support from men.

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🧭 Direction


Consider the context of the dream and the specific men involved. Are they familiar or unknown? Are they helpful or threatening? This can provide insight into your relationship with authority figures or your own sense of masculinity. If you feel a need for protection or support, seek out trusted male figures in your waking life.

❤️ Feelings

This dream about men may evoke feelings of curiosity, intrigue, and perhaps even a sense of mystery. It could symbolize the presence of masculine energy or the desire for companionship and connection. The dream may also elicit emotions related to power dynamics, assertiveness, or the need for support and protection. Overall, this dream may leave the dreamer with a mix of emotions, ranging from fascination to a longing for understanding.





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Dreams of users containing the word Men

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5 Jul 2024



The dream was me and Ryan (my boyfriend) driving home talking about the concert from the other day and how we needed to find housing for the next concert. We see that small little motel is being built so we decided to stop and look. Ryan gets out first and once I did I regretted it immediately. I felt unsettled, scared, I was so terrified. Two other men where around trying to act "casual". I screamed and demand Ryan to open the door because they were locked. I screamed and begged as my feelings got more and more overwhelmed. Someone walked over to open the door to try and robbed us and I looked at him screaming in fear, distress, anger. "Are you trying to robbed us?!" As he backed off nodding. I screamed my head off and begged again till my anxiety woke me up. Hated that.

3 Jul 2024



I am running up these stairs trying to find the exit. I am with someone but I don’t know who. We run into trouble and see these men who want to kill us. The man has a long round hollow pole that he uses to beat people’s head in and kills them. We run up to the end only to run into another man who takes us back to the boss with the pole. There’s a chair in the middle of the room and we are held by strong men as they make a decision about killing us. I close my eyes tight to try to escape the nightmare.

20 Jun 2024



I was taking a shower on a city bus. There were people riding the bus and seemed like it was normal for someone to take a shower on the bus. I owned a house in a culdesac. I was outside painting the street white and a neighbor was watching me. She thought it was so luxurious that I was turning the black street white. She complimented my shoes and showed me all of her jewelry on her hands. I said I will have that too some day. I was at a grocery store with a friend picking out things to make Cuban sandwiches. I noticed other customers were opening packages and eating and then putting the open packages back. I thought it was really rude of them to do that. We get to the check out counter and there are two men at the register. They said we couldn’t buy our items because they were the last things that weren’t opened and they want them. I bargained with them that I would make them a sandwich each if they let us pay for our things. They accepted and let us go. I was at another grocery store with a man and five little girls. They were all over the place, grabbing food and eating it in the store and leaving trash on the floor. I told them they are being very disrespectful and they can’t just open food without paying. I noticed other customers just dropping food containers on the floor, eating things and putting back what they didn’t finish, leaving trash on the floor. It was stressing me out seeing people do this. We get back to the car and the girls pile into the car but there are other things in the car so there isn’t any room to sit down or fit the groceries in. I noticed the parking lot was flooded to my knees.

19 Jun 2024



Dreaming of having to use the bathroom but the bathroom is full of both men and women and the stalls don’t have doors or the stall walls don’t stand very high so I don’t use the bathroom. Or I do use the bathroom and someone walks in on me.

17 Jun 2024



I’m just saying I have to get the men to get me some more of the stuff and I’ll take a look and love

13 Jun 2024



I saw a dream of rescuing a girl who got kidnapped by 2 men. I rescued her and kill those 2 men and save her life

2 Jun 2024



I was with my family and best friend at a family function. My best friend texted my ex husband to bring food for the kids. She realized she accidentally sent it to my ex boyfriend James when he answered with okay and offered places to eat. I took her tablet instead of her phone and answered him by saying it was nice to know he moved on so fast. He replied with saying he met someone who was an hour away still but could actually contribute to his life. I made him tired. I told him I was better off dead and stopped answering. I found out where the new girlfriend lives and went there. I pretended to be an old occupant of the house and we had dinner together. Then I killed her im a truly odd way that looked liked suicide. When she was dead I left to go meet my family for dinner at a restaurant. I ran into a group of men and warned them not to take a certain path. Two of them listened and followed me to safety. One did not. He took it anyway and fell. I made sure he was okay and proceeded to the restaurant. I saw him at the restaurant while I was with my family. He had fallen on a toddler and she died. No one knew it was him but me. The whole restaurant was in an uproar. I kept his secret because I knew the toddler wasn’t truly dead. When we got home I was talking to my mom and best friend and I was so angry I kept stabbing my moms door with a knife and asking why no one loved me. No one chose me. Then it flashed to a group of three people and a baby in Alaska. They were arguing over vaccines and we were watching. Then we were back at my grandparents and I was walking outside looking at parks and trying not to cry.

28 May 2024

Make up


My dream was very jumpy again last night, I dreamt that I was with a group of friends that I met back at school (still friends now in my waking life) and we was in either a rough part of London, or it was in another country like America, I’m not 100% sure, but I was dressed as though I was 23, (I’m now 41) I had the same hair, lots of fake tan and a short dress, we was going into very rough pubs and I kept on looking in the mirror, but when I see my reflection it wasn’t me now, it was a young shorter version of me and my dress was so short that you could see my bum, my bum was white and legs were brown, a man come over to me and said you need to fake tan your bum, I didn’t feel embarrassed in my dream, I just wanted to see what he meant, then I saw. I was trying to get into a pub to use their toilet to look in the mirror to do my make up and sort out my hair, but the toilet only had a tiny mirror, I asked the girl in the pub if I could use the upstairs toilet as I knew it had a big mirror, but she said no! It was closed, even though I could see people in the bar upstairs, so it wasn’t closed. I kept asking, and saying it’s not closed, but she wouldn’t let me. She said it was for those people only. There were other parts in the dream where I was just standing outside in the street with people, guys walking by, I felt like I was single so open to men talking to me, but didn’t feel comfortable talking to them, like I wasn’t good enough or confident enough? I don’t remember anyone trying to talk to me in the dream, they were just looking.

28 May 2024

Running away


I was running away from random people. I ended up getting on a bus that would take me and other people to a safe place. I had to cover my face because of the dust and environmental particles in the air. While in the bus all I could see were broken down buildings and a lot of sand, like a desert area. Sort of what you see in apocalyptic movies. Then the bus was stop by a few men and it seem like they where looking for someone and were checking everybody but I had the need to escape and not be seen by them so I jumped out of the back door and hid behind a few bushes. Then I teleported to a bush underneath a bridge in some random city. Then I woke up.

23 May 2024



Me and my boyfriend are in Saint Louis somewhere and he says he has to pee so he leaves me in the car with his phone and the car still running. I’m sitting there and the car feels like it’s starting to sink on one side so I kind of panic but I get out to see what’s going on and the car seems to be fine. Two people are walking and while I’m out of the car, a bald man and a lady and while I’m looking at the tire the man hops in the car and I open the door to try to stop him but fearing he has a gun I let him take the car. I have my phone and my boyfriends so I can’t get in touch with him. He sends me a voice message telling me where to meet him but it’s so fuzzy I can’t make it out. I couldn’t find him so I went home. When I got home my mother was here. 3 men hop out of a car wearing masks and bang on my door. I tell my mom not to answer because I don’t know who it is and they have the masks. I watch them thru the window and they destroy my car with Molotov cocktails and heavy duty things and then they leave. Afterwards my boyfriend pulls up in an Uber wondering what happened. I tell him and the dream ends

22 May 2024



I dream of walking back in my old village walking with other girls so I passed my neighbour planting some carrots and watering them so I said to one of the girls if you want to plant carrots you gonna need more water, then we move on and get to my granny home I found men sitting under the tree eating beef stew then I joined them

22 May 2024



I had gone out to the country to stay with a friend. While there I end up caught between three people who like me. I’m still working while I’m there but some days I’m at the school and some days I’m not. So one day I’m at a hospital setting and man comes in with a gun. I manage to hide with a group of nurses but as he’s going past my head is still up. He shoots but it misses me because I swat the bullet away. As I’m in the country I meet three people. Two men and one women. I have no interest in the woman. I spend my days washing all my clothes and hanging out with my Friend. When the clothes are done I focus on working on school stuff. Then the men start coming on to me but the more I learn about them the more weary I am. Soon I am wandering the expansive house. Taking baths and spending time watching tv and going outside with the group. Once the laundry is done it switches to us being teenagers. When that happens a little box with a training potty gets put near my clothes. It steadily leaks but does not dirty the clothes. I sleep in a bed with three boys. The two who are interested in me and one who is gay. I soon learn they all fix cars. And I have an assignment as a school cheer leader to fill out work book pages and put them in a bad. So they help me even though I don’t want to do it. Then we go to bed and one of the boys who is interested in me cuddles up to me. We sleep. The next day the other boy interested in me warns me that that the first boy is not good. I soon find out it’s because he makes unwanted sexual advances to girls. I avoid him and get close to the second boy. We begin to feel strongly For each other and we have sex. On the day I’m due to leave we call my mom and tell her about us. She is happy. His parents are happy. I begging to get ready to go. As I look over my clothes are being leaked all over with urine. But they remain clean with only a few spots when he moves the potty for me. I thank him and he offers to load my car while I shower. I say goodbye to his family and go to bath. After I am getting dressed with him and the girl who liked me in the beginning. She asks Me to touch her breasts. Uncomfortable I do and comment on how she’s lucky because mine are so big. He takes me to another room and comforts me. But then it changes. I’m in a store and I’m trying to stop three cheer leaders from being assaulted by the bad guy. And my love interest is telling the bad guy what he is doing is wrong. The girls get away. I then wake up.

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