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Dream Interpretation: Portal 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Portal? Discover the significance of seeing a Portal in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Portal appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

A portal in a dream represents a gateway to new opportunities, experiences, and knowledge. It can also symbolize a desire for change or escape from your current situation. This dream may be urging you to take a leap of faith and explore new possibilities.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on what changes you want to make in your life. Are you feeling stuck or stagnant? Consider taking a risk and stepping out of your comfort zone. Trust that the universe will guide you towards the right path. Keep an open mind and be ready to embrace new opportunities that come your way.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a portal can evoke a sense of curiosity and wonder. It may bring feelings of excitement and anticipation as it represents a gateway to new experiences and opportunities. The dreamer may feel a mix of fear and intrigue, as the portal symbolizes the unknown and the possibility of stepping into the unfamiliar. There may also be a sense of adventure and a desire for exploration, as the dreamer contemplates what lies on the other side of the portal. Overall, this dream can leave the dreamer with a sense of intrigue and a longing for discovery.





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Dreams of users containing the word Portal

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11 Jul 2024

Roh-roh jahat
Jalan raya


Grandmother's dearest home Me, my sister hafshah, father, and mother went to paternal grandma's house, my routine in grandma's house were eating and sleeping in a dimly lit room, once a while I heard the rumour that there is a secret axe in an abandoned house behind my grandmother's house's backyard, So then I went there and defeated some zombies and monsters in the abandoned house, then I found a chamber where there is the axe, I retrieved the axe and got sucked by a portal near me. It sent me to a highway, the highway were broken, so I fixed it, then someone came and offered to be in front of the exit gate, then the person clicked the exit button, and he's gone. So then I try to click the button to exit, but failed because an evil version of me called (Farhan) and got a flashback, but I defeated him soon enough. I got back to my grandmother's house and talked with my father, I told him that we should move to this abandoned house in grandma's backyard, he agrees and we moved out to the abandoned house. We now lived here, we are happy in that house, but then I remembered that I left my precious cheese mozzarella bread in grandma's fridge, so I went to my grandma's house and was surprised, because I saw grandma teaching her students, but then I excused myself and went to the house to eat the bread once again inside my dimly lit room.

7 Jul 2024



I dreamt I found this back alley road that was kind of like a portal or connection to another world that looked exactly like ours except the people were not normal, and they could tell when we entered and weren't one of them, I ran back and bought some friends with me again to the place later and they all freaked out and started running but I tried to get everyone to stay together because eventually everyone disappeared until I was the only one left with all these strange people who knew I wasn't one of them.

30 Jun 2024



The dreaming had started where I was with a younger version of my brother. It was dead of winter cold and dark outside. Before us was a burger King I specifically remembered that it was a burger King because of the purple burger King bags. It was snowy and my brother Clay and I where outside the burger King completely naked and young. We saw a ritual pond. The pond wasn't very deep with water but had a large layer of ice built up from the snow on the ground. I was so cold in the dream I started picking up snow from the ground and packing it on my body to try and retain a little bit of heat until the snow melted. Suddenly as I stepped into the ritual pond some of the ice broke. I fell in the shallow water on my back and the water was warm. Like a bath. I started to splash around yelling at my young brother that it was warm he should get in. I decided in the dream that I should make a snowboard out of the snow that had built up on various steps in this pond. I began trying to mold a snow board made of ice and snow but to no avail. I then decided to jump down a hill behind the burger King, down the hill was a harbor and on that harbor was a massive ship port. I jumped in humanly down the hill and landed near two guards. Those guards had dirt bikes. I began stealing one. I started to ride off after the guard hit me a few times. After pulling off the bike started pulling to the right. But I didn't crash my brother started running and cheering me on as the guards gave chase waving thier swords. I kept driving the sputtering of the motor from the bike was loud and snow bellowed up from each side of the wheels as I rode which splashed some of the cold up into my face. I reached a dead end which was a loading area to another level. I doubled past the guards which had belived I went through the portal to the other level and met up with my brother who had kept cheering me on about me running. Suddenly a darkness and anxiety washed over me. We rode the bike a bit more but realized the only way we could leave the area was through the portal to the next area. We didn't want to leave our bike behind and it disappointed us, my brother then found a small hole in a fence which looked to defy the laws of this worlds physics but it had a large text over it that told us to enter it. My brother looked at me and then smiled and walked through. When he did a lump in my throat formed as I knew that what he just entered lead to the same place as the other portal and no matter what choices we made as young children we still had to go to the next place in this dream world. I accepted my fate even though I wanted to stay I knew it wouldn't last forever. I walked through the secret passage. I then was transported to a large yellow walled building with checkers floors and I was standing infront of a large mirror with my brother Clay. We suddenly started changing in to deformed amalgamations of discusting creatures. I became as round as a ball with a large eye in the middle of my body and my limbs where all streached out and large and hairy. I wasn't able to see my brother but my soul was screaming. I then awoke To my mother. I was 25 years old and with my mom and my brother Noah and my wife. I had the most terrible nightmare. I began trying to explain and relive my dream telling my mom about my dream. She kept trying to stop me from discussing it as it was just a dream. I was shocked and sad nobody wanted to listen to my dream and help me find the meaning. I started trying to explain again each time I began explaining the dream I had got more foggy and unreliable. My mom started to explain to me that my brother from the dream was now coming to visit. My brother from the dream was also now calling himself a woman and dresses like a woman. I started to become frantic with anxiety. Upon arrival of my brother who came home from the army with all his stuff he showed up and I was supposed to spend the day with him. Trying to relive my dream. I began trying to choke him by putting him in a head lock and seemingly unphased by my attacks. He made remakes on my techniques and even criticized me on my abilities to attack him even though he is a woman. I began to grow frustrated trying harder and harder until I gave up. From that point I started to yell at him and cast him out but nothing that I did could get him to leave me be and leave me alone. I began to realize around this time that I was in some wierd dream scape again. An extremely odd world with was filled with bizarre wonders and physics defying buildings and structures. I started to sob. Clay showing me all his stuff his cloths, talking about mom. He began to unpack having a normal one sided conversation. He pulled out big boxes and inside them he had plastic bags filled with booklets of his personal drawings and art he made. I remember from this dream seeing them each one was crude like a young boy had drawn them. They where good drawing impressive for a 12-13 year old. I started flipping through the pages of some of the booklets and saw little pokemon and characters he had drawn along side a name and type. Even the hand writing was child like. Seeing the drawings sitting there seeing this child like stuff then made me feel overwhelmed with sadness for my brother. I didn't feel sad for myself or sad for him but this melancholy feeling began to make me writhe with the most overwhelming sadness that I have ever felt for another person in directly. I looked down at clays drawings and but at Clay who was closely watching my body language checking to see if I had approved of the art. My face remand blank but I had felt so incredibly sad and melancholy. I then woke up feeling frantic and scared.

29 Jun 2024



I’m having a hard time remembering how my dream started, but I know it had something to do with an evil lady trying to summon the Demon King by killing a rare species of crab. I remember that she took her boat and her crewmates to an island and tried to kill the crab. I tried to stop her by going back in time, but that didn’t work so I just called the police on her. After she got arrested, she tried to get revenge on me, but failed. Then, my dream suddenly cuts to a group of men at store. The leader of the group only had hair on the side of his head. He lead everyone to the frozen isle and showed them a bunch of frozen donuts. The guy said that the frozen donuts weren’t only delicious, but also had magic properties in them. Then, he started eating the donuts. The rest of the group followed him and ate the donuts as well. After a while, they noticed that nothing was happening, and the group leader got all sad. He said that he was hoping that the donuts would have given him the power to time travel so he could fix his mistakes. Suddenly, he got pulled into a portal. After landing on the other side of the portal, he noticed that he no longer looked human. He looked like he was from a video game, “Minecraft” to be exact. Before he could figure out what was going on, he ran into Link from “The Legend of Zelda.” The two of them had a short conversation before going their separate ways. Then, Link morphed into dream me. As I walked around, I saw an amusement park nearby. I wanted to go there, but it wasn’t open yet, so I went inside a nearby building to wait and relax. Unfortunately, the building I went into was filled with monsters and demons. Which made the worker’s jobs even harder since they worked at a mental hospital. I saw all the demons running around and was going to leave, but then I saw my friends in the lobby, so I went over to them. They told me that one of my friends is still trapped in the building and that they happen to have a crush on me. Now filled with determination, I ran around the building, looking for my friend. I found her in one of the patient rooms, folding laundry and watching tv. We hugged each other after getting reunited. After that, we found a secret room in the building that allowed us to transform into what we truly were. I got transformed into a demon and my friend got transformed into a angel. After that, we talked for a bit before deciding to go defeat the Demon King and leaving the room. I’ll never know if we succeeded because my dream ended after we left the room.

17 Jun 2024



I was living in a kingdom with a king and a queen. A large group of people did not like them, and I was the heir to the throne. We decided that we were going to kill them but in a subtle way it took my friend and I over six months to devise a plan that would work to kill them. Our first attempt did not work and we ended up cutting up our hands really bad, with our second attempt, we decided that we would poison them. Our entire kingdom decided to go for a long hike from our kingdom to somewhere else. To stay hydrated the king and the queen brought some soup that they were drinking. When the hike was almost over, I decided to go up and poison their soup by putting head and shoulder shampoo into it. When they got back to the kingdom they had one last drink of it in front of everyone. They then ended up dying in front of everyone, and an angel of death then came and commanded them to go to hell. I was able to see this angel of death, unlike everyone else. The angel of death said it’s time for you to go to hell. The king and the queen we’re not willing to go as they did not believe that they were dead. However, the angel of death told them again, but they still did not go. So this time she commanded them in a very deep and demonic voice to go to hell in which they obeyed and went to hell portal of death had opened in the floor for them. it was in my time to become the new queen. We had my coronation ceremony and I wore a beautiful blue and white dress that made me look like an ice queen. The entire kingdom was excited for me to come into power as they knew that I would be a good queen leading from my heart and doing things that would benefit the entire kingdom.

10 Jun 2024



I was going to my school by train as always but it seemed much earlier in the morning as if I was leaving the station at 3 or 4am. After a while I remember arriving and again I was leaving the station. Then suddenly I remembered I didn't have money for the ride so I got stuck in the station. Then I started complaining that I didn't want to do it anymore because it's too much money and I didn't want to fake me. While I was there a girl came up and she was wearing a strap of my favorite group so I asked her. She said it was but she looked a little bit uncomfortable. Then she left the station and soon came back. I was complaining again for the job? that I needed to do. I had to wear a green ink all over my body. Then more people came and they said the girl's bag's strap was good so I got proud of her and started praising that too. And without realizing these people got the face of the my favorite group band's members. The youngests were called by a man that appeared suddenly so they went through a gate that was downstairs. And I only realized right then that I was one of the member, like my face and personality, everything. I was "Felix" from "Stray Kids". Then I went to the bathroom out the station and I remember that there was a underground passage. We waited there for a while and the leader of the group started knocking the wall and a secret portal opened and we got in. Right then, I got up.

10 Jun 2024



I went through a portal with a team of people. We were logging anything out of the ordinary. I made note of a few things like one of people who were twins was holding a lockout tag out slip when he wasn’t supposed to be. The people we were making notes about were still, or at least were supposed to be. As we were approaching one room, I made a comment about a teacher I knew that was retired and possibly no longer alive in my waking life. Anyway, somehow the majority of the group got captured and me and one of my teammates barely made a getaway. To get back through the other side of the portal, we had to go through like one of those moving sidewalks you can find at an airport. I was going to go on the wrong one by mistake. My partner was at the correct one and asked the people ahead of me if we could go first (I was a different line but the other people there were the only other people there). Once we got through the portal, my partner went through a thing where it made like an ice pack thing for your face. She was lying face down on a bed through this and the next thing I know a baby I forgot we had was in my arms as I was going upstairs. I yelled at our robot to watch the baby as I noticed my partner was going back through the portal to rescue the others. I wanted to go with her but she told me to watch the baby and keep it safe. I woke up after that. This is just what I remember from the dream

4 Jun 2024



I was in another universe that reminded me of india. I was with my college friend bushra! She is begali. We are wwlking througg india and her and her friends are having a cook off. I do not normally like Indian food but i love everything her and sisters and family makes. Even the boys participate in this cook off. The place we are is in a village that is thriving but beyong this force field that surrounds this village are wooden giants that are coming to destroy the village. If you have invested properly your home should have a portal where you can escape. Parents spend all their money investing in this portal not knowing when the force field may breakdown again. The wooden giants break through the forefield and we see the light go out in the homes, indicating their escape. As the wooden giants crash through the homes ans destroy the village i know the people in the homes are never coming back. People without a portal to leave take refuge on the roofs watching the destruction of the village. Time passess and now all the wooden giants have gone and are once again beyond the force field. But the village is completely destroyed and the survivors live amoungst the wreckage trying to start life over.

3 Jun 2024

Home Invasion


One time, i was on home. There was a news on the tv that said many childrens are unknowly going missing and then there was a ad of toys like teddy bear, unicorn plushie etc. I found a upper secret basement in my house. It drag me to a portal there were the missing childrens there. I talked to them we tried to escape the place but failed again and again. A hide n seek game started the ones that be found will die i and some won many childrens lose and died. We all went to a differnt rooms and sat on a chair we got to choose what we will be i choosed to be doll bcz it was the least painfull one. They used the swe tool or idk whats it called on my skin. It was painfull as the skin were bleeding. My dream ended. After that, i always found scars of the swe tool in irl it was like i got the thing in irl. It kept on for weeks

30 May 2024

Video Game


I dreamed about IGP vlogging himself and his family as they prepared for a family trip somewhere. It started off with him playing Poppies Playtime in playground mode to see all the new updated characters and settings in the game. There was a new cat character that was blue and red along with a monkey, another dog, the Sun that turned into a portal, some kind of bunny, and a duck that would chase you for a long time. The duck looked like Donald duck with the little blue sailor vest. Then the video transitioned into him jumping through the portal and landing on the ground of his sons or his daughters playroom which was modeled after one of the rooms in the game. In the midst of the video my mom walked in and I showed her some of the video. I told her that I hadn't seen IGP's face in a long time. In the video he kind of looked like Elvis the alien with the short hair and stubbled beard, a Hawaiian shirt with some dark army green khaki shorts and flip flops. In the video it showed his wife walking up to him while she was folding clothes asking him what he was doing. You got to see his children running around in the background and then he kind of snapped out of it and started helping her. They talked about some kind of trip they were about to go on that I think would have ended up at some kind of event for gamers and their families (some kind of Poppy Playtime amusement park). Also in the video we got to see his dad who was on a boat at the time talking to him on the phone on like a two way camera shot. Also another part of the dream Memaw, me, and Kyshur were running from something and come to find out it was my mom. We also had cornbread breakfast flakes which were weird they actually tasted good.

29 May 2024

Black Hole


In my dream, it was the end of the world- which it often is. I’m constantly having dreams about alien invasions and the apocalypse. Aliens were killing majority of the people/kidnapping to take to there ship. The sky was red and you could hear people screaming all the time. No one ever returned once they found themselves on a ship. After awhile of being on the run I was finally captured like a lot of others. Oh btw I have orange hair in this dream. At first they made us slaves on the ship. (While it was still harbored on earth that is) I was forced to work in a tiny soup kitchen with other kids/young adults. Didn’t see many old people. Actually can’t remember seeing anyone that was graying. It at least resembled a soup kitchen. I peeled potato’s and such. It was real hot and steamy in there. No one was happy but we made do. The ship was larger then several continents combined. After the ship took off into space, (to return to there home planet ig) Humans were slowly intergrated into normal citizens amongst the aliens. Some even getting married or starting families with them. Not me though I was super hateful and angry. Refused to befriend or trust anybody. I was still trying to find an escape (as one does) And found myself in one of the oxegyn tank bubbles. They’re aloud to leave the ship within a certain perimeter. I feel it should also be mentioned I’m natoriously known as a runner so there’s always a bodyguard with me. No one trusts me but it’s chill cause I don’t trust them either. 2 bodyguards. Also for some reason a lot of the alien guys are super protective of the human women 🤷‍♀️ can’t remember what I was talking about with the guards but I was prolly complaining about how horny I was and no on having sex with me- stupid guard said “Your body is so ugly… but your eyes…” I had whipped my head around to see they weren’t looking at me but starring at a black jump portal in the distance. (Jump portals are always BLUE!) my stomach lurched as they hurled us over to the black abyss. They seemed completely entranced by it. It took me a minute to catch my bearings till I was screaming bloody murder, begging them to turn back. I was convinced we were about to run smack dab into a black hole that would immediately crush us completely. Moments before we hit it, just a breath away, they finally heard my shouting and stopped the pod. Like a spell had finally worn off and they flinged us back to the ship. We had to tell the Prince Alien about the broken jump portal. We might all die because of it. When we made it to the “Thrown room” I wasn’t aloud inside. Probably cause I’m the runner human 💀 at least I can make a name for myself. Right as the doors were closing (the two guards went in to explain the situation) I turned my back as the Prince entered the room. I didn’t seem him, but just before the doors closed he glanced at me and I could vividly feel his eyes on my retreating form. I think he might be my “mate” or something. I didn’t realize but I think he did just as the doors clicked shut. But before he could do anything about that knowledge the dream ended. Here’s my thoughts: the slaughter on earth was a cleansing of all the dark and twisted manipulators using todays youth. I think the ship might be my current reality. What if one of the guards is my spirit guide and the other is a self limiting belief. They referred to the portal as my eyes so what if it wasn’t a black hole but a gateway to the soul? Nah it was prolly a black hole but I think they were trying to say I got a pretty soul or something. Alien bastards lol. So many questions so little time

28 May 2024



Me Andy 2 friends were walking around in a dull grass field the time looked like dusk or early morning then we saw a portal so I went in and I was in the cool dimension so I went in a small hole in the ground and hold me breath because it was under water, it looked like a giant minecraft under water cave I swam deep then saw my oxygen bar was going down so i swam up but couldn't find the hole it was just water then roof so I couldn't breath, then my friend was above me so we started punching the roof and I broke free, I could breath then a witch teleported in front of us and said we hade to find the exit the first level was an abandoned hospital if loads of food on the ground at Firs it was just chips then it turns to meat then doughnuts the next was a abandoned school wich was fun to walk around then in was a school with students in but all of them looked like they were in college and some teachers were teaching in the classroom rooms, after that we went in a mix of a hospital and a school that started out with just sever autistic people walking around and then they were in wheel chairs even deeper was sever autistic people but in stray jackets with some of there limbs missing I had to move a hospital bed out the way to get to the exit when we were there my teacher mi's Wilson teleported and congratulated us on completing the challenge but we had 2 options go back to eath or do level 2 we all went back to earth then we were like where is everyone else and then all my friends started coming out the portal we all crowd in a circle jand there was a speaker in the middle so we started dancing Then my dream ended

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