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Dream Interpretation: Park 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Park? Discover the significance of seeing a Park in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Park appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes a place of retreat, a sanctuary from life's troubles. It also indicates freedom to express your passions and follow your emotions like the beautiful careless, lightheartedness of a child.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

You may be craving some outdoor time, which your subconscious helps you recognize through your dream. However, in a deeper sense, you may be craving some space in your life to rest and relax. Stop and smell the roses and express your passions. Find this space in your life; you deserve it!

❤️ Feelings

This dream of being in a park evokes feelings of tranquility, relaxation, and a sense of connection with nature. It brings about a sense of freedom, joy, and a desire to escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. The dream may also symbolize a need for rejuvenation, a longing for peaceful moments, and a reminder to appreciate the beauty in the world around us.





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Dreams of users containing the word Park

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18 Jul 2024

Dead Dog


My dream started off in my house. I was with my sister and my late dog, Cooper. I was petting my dog while watching YouTube videos with my sister. At one part of the video, the youtuber pulls out a plushie that I have in my room. I tell my sister that I have that same plushie, but before she could answer, the youtuber said: “I know Helen.” I paused for a moment to make sure that I heard the youtuber correctly. “Did she just call me by my name?” I asked my sister. Once again, the youtuber replied, implying that she could hear me. She was mad at me for calling her a cringe, knock off version of Jojo Siwa. So, she found a way to talk through the screen to lure me into a trap. The two of us talked for a bit before she gave me directions to a fancy apartment building. I went up to the top floor and entered the room that the youtuber told me about. No one was there, so I sat on a couch and waited. Suddenly, Superman and Batman barged into the room. The two of them were fighting each other and were yelling about stuff. Their fight caused them to destroy the apartment. After witnessing the apartment getting torn to shreds, I called out to them and told them to stop. They stopped immediately and apologized to me. Then, Batman saw a comet outside the window. It wasn’t going to crash into Earth, but it was visible by Earth’s inhabitants. The comet made Superman sad for some reason. I didn’t listen to his complaints though because I was too mesmerized by the comet. It let off a blue glow and vaguely showed us distant galaxies. After the comet had passed, a bunch of fireworks went off. Batman asked what was going on and I told him that it was New Years Day. The three of us told each other “Happy New Year!” before I left the building. A little while later, I was at a park with my sister and my friends, when a reporter walked up to me. He wanted to ask me about what happened the night of the comet. I told him everything, but the story was all off. Instead of getting told to go to the apartment building by a youtuber, I told the reporter that the Grim Reaper was chasing me and that I ran inside for safety. I also told him that the two superheroes I ran into was actually a gay couple who both had guns. Even though my rendition of the story was obviously fake, Dream me believed it to be true. After the reporter got every detail of my fake story, he left and I went back to playing on the playground. Then, a bunch of random stuff happened. I ran into cartoon characters, built a person out of sand at the beach, witnessed my friends all prank each other, and went to a store. While I was at the store, I ran into my boyfriend. He told me about an important debate that was supposed to start soon. I asked what it was about, but my boyfriend didn’t know the answer. All he knew was that it was about cartoon characters. So, we decided to go the debate to see what was going on. Once we got there, we saw a bunch of cartoon characters everywhere. They were all arguing with Mr. Burns from The Simspons. Apparently, Mr. Burns put some new rule into place that would make him the sole inheritor of everyone’s money. Everyone was outraged, including me. So, I helped the cartoon characters remove the new rule and everything eventually went back to normal. After that, I got into my car with my family and drove home. Then I woke up and my dream ended.

18 Jul 2024

End of world


I’m in Rome or a mix of said city with another in Italy or Japan We’re sightseeing and then getting away from some shady people that tries to snatch away our shit or better yet ourselves Gothic cathedrals, Trustevere, winded narrow roads and piazzas like Venice My friend drops an earring while running by the river so I come retrieve it, it’s by a sidewalk with some guardrails and park-like section with trees Police comes and takes care of it for us but we don’t rly vibe with them They find lots of other jewelries dropped and forgotten by tourists and makes us identify them My friend’s was this two-stone earring of blur sapphire or lapis lazuli I ask them if I am allowed to take what’s not mine and they shake their head Aw :( There’s this rly cool agate/turtoise shell made long earrings that could probably touch my neck if I wore it There’s some other stuff made of pink-purple ish striped seashells some violet-colored gem earrings, some orange, others jade We begrudgingly only take one more plus what’s ours after long negotiations with the officer Scene changes I’m at Como, Lake Como The weather is cloudy(as I remember it to be when I went there) and surroundings look a bit like a mix of Como and that of towns/sites/regions around Mt. Fuji(Fuji-Yoshida, Fuji city, Lake Yamanaka, Oshino Hakkai) I’m basically doing a parkour metro run through the Italian-looking parts of city streets by the caldera-formed lake, racing against time to retrieve somethings scattered across the map owned by certain NPCs There’s characters from the game Twisted Wonderland and all other kinds of games that I like: Final Fantasy XIV and XV, Assassins’ Creed Revelations and Unity They all explain to me what I’m running from and what I must do and stuff, give me their own two cents on how they take the end of the world(think Termina from The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask) One such person I encounter in a deadend alleyway, Ruggie Bucchi and Malleus Draconia idk we vibe and shit, argue and eventually just go along with the missions Honoerable mentions: Leona Kingscholar, Azul Ashengrotto, some other characters from Twisted Wonderland plus Y’shtola, Thancred Waters, Estinien Wyrmblood from FFXIV, Aranea Highwind from FFXV, etc. Once I come back to the lakeside past the duomo(Cattrdrale di Santa Maria Assunta) it’s kinda sunny and rainy at the same time, rainbow in the sky but everything looks a bit washed and pale, time’s up The whole scenic composition looks loke The Judgement arcana from Rider-Waite-Smith’s tarot

16 Jul 2024



Two dreams, both about an author’s work Kid’s novel author, teen fantasy writer Puts me in her works, she herself is in it I am also an early adolescent child in these dreams The first one is about some family in Italy or Japan, I’m shopping about and avoiding bumping into certain people Shopping malls, big 100-yen shop floors, dim lighting, broken glasses, people are phantoms Water’s flooding the place and I run from it The second dream starts with me getting on a ship I’m in the ship’s lower cabin, author is devising whatever plans to infiltrate and get to another country using the ship’s supplies and her team’s I am told to identify myself as a Chinese or Russian girl, name either Mei or Valena Once the alarm starts to go off we use the escape boat by the ship’s lower deck, revv up the engines, avoiding suspicions Seems I’m either in some arab countries and then at the Mediterranean, I’m blasting through the canals in Venetia and then trying to blend in once I get on the land The little motor boat can be turned into a small car(it’s still heavy but at least it’s portable) Driving, rollerblading and skateboarding through streets, old stone arches and kid’s parks City of Verona While I’m waiting for the influx of people to fade so that I can take it to the car road and blast off I spot a small kid’s park by the road Big fucking tree in the center, big soft furry leaves with wavy edges Cherries on the ground follen from the trees around I pick two that looks nice There was mold solidifying on the back of it I look for other ones Then the light turns green so I gotta drive out Driving past women in purple hijab, carrying a baby in the babu car that looked kinda like how my portable car looks when it’s folded and stuff

15 Jul 2024

Old boss


I was sitting outside near a park. I see my friend drive up in a red car. I said hey Jason and he went to get a baby out of his car. Then he came to sit at the park. And some girl came up to meet him. I realized he wasn't there to see me, he was there to meet her. I suddenly felt like I was on the outside, burning with jealousy. I desired to be with him. Then I went inside the store and saw my old boss, by was hiding from her.

10 Jul 2024



Walking in a park and the people in the park would not look at me. There was young girl in her teens sitting alone. When i sat by her I knew instantly that she was my granddaughter who has passed away as infant , still born . We had a conversation that could not be heard. She had long black hair and was beautiful.

10 Jul 2024



I was at the park next to the primary school I’ve attended, the sky was cloudy, the air was warm, and yet I had on my grey hoodie with jeans that had folded a little above my ankles. I sat there watching other children playing, there was this one special playground activity that looked fun if you put your mind to it, though it wasn’t desirable plus it was pretty high in the air where someone could easily fall off of. I pictured my 7-10 year old self playing there, with some girls whom I wish I could’ve connected with back then (when I think about them now, I mean) just knowing I can’t change back time.

5 Jul 2024



I was at a hospital [I instincively knew it was a mental hospital. I was upset because I had to take medicine and I didn't want to.] Suddently, the place took fire, so we all ran away, we left the buliding and the gardenia, and kept on running until we reached a park because the fire wasn't spreading in that direction. Suddently I saw my kindergarden enemy but I wasn't surpised at all. I took her hand, and we started talking while we chatted. She showed me the virtual world [metaverse], then she wanted to show me a real place so I followed her. We walked through an alley [a real place, an alley between my two old schools] then suddently a man came out of nowhere and I knew it was her friend but he had crazy eyes and to be honest, he did move and speak like he was crazy. He had a beige pitbull and it was leashed and both him and his dog acted friendly but had a strange threatening undertone to them. They saw my fear and he said "dont worry, its not like he's growling at you/ getting agressive" but its expression was growing more and more deranged and it started foaming at the mouth,it became taller I became smaller I started to sink into the ground without wanting to, its like a sort of force was pulling me down and felt I more and more powerless to this dog like it had a strange supernatural power over me, as I sank I was face to face with it, then I sank so much that I had to look up at it in order to see it, I couldn't take my eyes away, so what did I do? I deliberately sank more and faster into the ground. Then I woke up. I presume I was safe before I did so.

2 Jul 2024

My crush


I was at the park kissing my old school crush

1 Jul 2024



I was at a lake with my 2 of my friends. Suddenly, 3 cute guys appear next to us. They asked us if we wanted to go to Florida. We all agreed. My two friends and 2 of the guys entered a car and drove off. Me and the other guy entered his car and started to drive off as well. I fell asleep in his car. When I woke up, I was still in his car, and he was still driving. I looked around and noticed we were in the middle of a dense pine tree forest. “This doesn’t look like Florida,” I thought to myself. The guy pulled up to a clearing in the forest. There was an old trailer, with tons of trash surrounding it. He parked the car outside the trailer, then asked me to come inside the trailer. I agreed and went with him. When we entered, I asked if we were still going to Florida. He told me no. He said that him and his grandma were going to eat me! He tied me up and put me in a chair by the trailer’s oven. I watched as his grandma prepared knifes and forks to skewer me. Then he untied me to put me into the oven. I pushed him away and ran out of the trailer. Suddenly, the car was gone. I grabbed a Swifer wet jet mop, and rode it like a Segway out of there! I rode the mop all the way to a park my friends and I used to hang out that. By then it was the middle of the night. My mop had broken and the guy was chasing after me in his car. I ran into a cop and begged the cop to help me. Just then, the guy appeared next to me. He told the cop that I was his crazy girlfriend and to not listen to me. The cop wouldn’t help me, and agreed with the guy. The cop handcuffed me and put in the guy’s car.

1 Jul 2024



Me and this girl were fighting kinda like a dramadic move fight kinda thing but somehow now agresivelyn and also we weren't on the floor we were just kind of floating and there was this red kind of building surrounding us but there was no ground and she was trying to hard to saduce me and in this dream i was a boy even though im a girl in real life anyways I'm not exactly sure what happened next, but all I remember is us sitting at a floating bench and this other girl that we were fighting with was there and Me and the girl I was fighting with were having sex and it was verry verry vivid i was really focusing in how my dick felt inside of hwr and i we were going for a while and started flyign around ab of something and we were atill trying to fuck as hard as we could idk why this part means so much to me but i can visualize exactly what it looked like it was sexy asf anyways im sorry and i remember actually waking up horny but anyways i woke up but i couldn’t move i could mive my eyes and mive my hands a bit but not the rest of me and then it kinda started to feel like i couldn’t breathe so i tried my beat to move and i fully woke up but then i went back to bed And then, in that dream, I went to this weird building, kind of looked like a church, and I saw this park. And, in this dream, I was a kid, and I was surrounded by other kids, and my mom told me not to go to the little park that was down the hill. And I went, and when I went there, I somehow stepped on the body of water, and a boat filled around me. And I remember looking up at the place that I was just at, and it looked really high. And I remember thinking, wow, this looks like Minecraft. And I took a picture on my phone.and then i kept going in the boat and i physically felt myslef moving with the waves idk it was weird and then it happened again i kind of woke up but i couldn’t really move and my breathing was weird and then again i went back to sleep and then this happened maybe 2 more times and then i just woke up and got coffee

30 Jun 2024



I was at the park in Georgetown with some freinds from school and my brother was there. I met this pretty Latina who was babying me I just played along cuz it was funny. I was trying to tell one of my freinds something so I tried asking this girl Jimena to move but she was being rude so I walked across anyway

28 Jun 2024



In my dream I had gone to my ex coworkers house. She had a big window above the sink in her kitchen that showed a small hill in her backyard with a canopy on top. We were talking about her new dog and I went to put dishes in the sink wgen something caught my eye outside. There were 3 infants cryong on the hill under the canopy and it was raining. We both shrieked and ran outside and she claimed to have no idea whose babies they were. I grabbed two and she grabbed one and we ran inside out if the rain. It was obvious they were triplets and it was two girls and a boy. I made them bottles and changed them and they started growing over time. When they were toddlers I took that to a park with bumper cars and when they were in middle school I watched their school plays. Throughout the dream they became my children.

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