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Dream Interpretation: Garden 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Garden? Discover the significance of seeing a Garden in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Garden appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

A garden in a dream represents growth, abundance, and fertility. It can also symbolize a need for relaxation and a desire to connect with nature. The state of the garden can reflect your emotional state, whether it is well-maintained or neglected.

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🧭 Direction


Think about the state of the garden in your dream. Is it well-maintained or neglected? This can reflect your emotional state. If it is well-maintained, it may indicate that you are taking care of yourself and your relationships. If it is neglected, it may indicate that you need to pay more attention to your emotional needs and relationships. Consider spending time in nature or practicing self-care to nurture your emotional well-being.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a garden evokes feelings of tranquility, peace, and harmony. It symbolizes a sense of growth, abundance, and connection with nature. It brings forth emotions of joy, contentment, and a desire for relaxation. The garden represents a sanctuary, a place of beauty and serenity, where one can find solace and escape from the stresses of everyday life. It elicits a sense of wonder and awe, as one witnesses the vibrant colors, fragrant flowers, and lush greenery. The dream of a garden evokes a deep appreciation for the simple pleasures in life and a longing for a balanced and fulfilling existence.





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18 Jul 2024



I don’t know if it’s a real dream I only remember that I was a kid and was holding a flower which I wanted to place in my big garden I was asking Jesus to help me place this one flower I called for him . After. That i told him that I want my garden to flourish even more and I took a fruit of my tree And then I had a second one where I really can’t remember anything

9 Jul 2024

My crush


I am very focus on connecting 3 gemstones to do something in the spiritual world. My sister introduced me to her crush. He seemed extremely younger than her. I am sitting in the middle of beautiful garden. It was nighttime with lights everywhere. The grass was lushly green. Breathtaking! My dog was watching me while I am working. They disappeared and I had a feeling they were missing. I am having dinner with loved ones. I am in a car driving with a female figure. The vehicle was flying. I am in a lab and the subject is dying. I couldn’t save them because they slapped me. I am having dinner with a male figure. He pours himself white wine. I held my glass cup and he begin to pour wine into mine but didn’t stop as the wine overflowed out the glass cup. I am to get married but I canceled the wedding. Everyone was upset. I am sitting with my dad talking to him. I am telling him I can control my emotions now. I am in a space ship flying to a hospital. It’s night and I am outside of a building. The spaceship is behind me. Someone comes out and hands me a form. The form is a digitial device shaped like a mini spaceship. As I am choosing the answer to the questions being asked, the mini spaceship is flying me around. I am not sure if I was flying in circles or randomly.

7 Jul 2024



I had a dream that I was sleeping on a bed in a massive blue barrel the size of a large shed in my nans garden. I went on the roof in the middle of the night do do somthing and my nan came out screamed at me and was very very frightened because she thought I was gonna fall. I lied to her and said it was leaking that’s why I went up there. She was almost crying because she was scared I was gonna fall and it shocked her and I felt awful what does this mean

6 Jul 2024

Abandoned home


I was at my old house, my family was arguing, I felt sick and I looked over, I told my mom that I didn’t want to leave and that I want to look at ny garden. She said okay but to not eat anything. I was confused but when I went to my garden it was covered in spider webs, rats, crows, flies, and mumified carcasses of said animals. There’s an abundance of fruit and vegetables, literal mountains, they start to rapidly rot. Flies surround me and I get overwhelmed, I run inside and the inside of the house was a thrift store, something I’ve always wanted to own. My mom tells me that she owns this thrift store. I look around, finding multiple items that I’d like to have, I ask my mom if I can have it and a employee yells at me so I shy away and put everything back. I nearly cry. Then the same employee struggles to measure the size to cut a box and accuses my mom for printing the size smaller than the measurements were. I spoke up at told her that it’s obvious that they’re just example photos and of course the measurements wouldn’t match up. She rolled her eyes at me and suddenly a really tiny employee was wrestling a tall man in tactical gear. And all the customers were cheering the tiny woman on.

5 Jul 2024



I dreamt that I was looking for a new house. I viewed one that was lovely, not extravagant but comfortable, in a nice affluent area, and with open land behind it, not crowded in like the houses on either side. The realtor showing me the house came into the garden from a side fence, as though from neighbouring property, which struck me as odd. She said "We have decided we also want to choose you", which I thought was good, so I took the house. After I moved in with my family, the realtor came back through that same side fence, and this time all the neighbours started coming too, all of them to welcome us to the neighbourhood. That was when I realised that the realtor was my closest neighbour, and that her comment about choosing me referred to all the neighbours agreeing that they wanted me. I then realised what an unusual honour I had been given, that the decision to accept me was personal to all of them. Some of them were friendly, but some were more reserved (they weren't very open or friendly), but they still came to shown their support of the decision. And the house was full of the previous occupant's belongings: furniture, books, clothes and decorations. The previous occupants were extremely rich so they would buy all new things when they moved. The stuff they left behind was nice, not extravagant, and I was free to do what I liked with it, keep some or throw some away. The only negative thing was that I accidentally fell asleep while the women were visiting because I was still exhausted from how hard my life had been previously! So I missed most of their conversation and some of the women were sightly offended by that. I apologised profusely, explaining how tired I could get at times.

5 Jul 2024

Red Dress


I found myself at a gate in the gatekeeper was a toad that was human sized. I realize the clothes are wearing, have changed to a red dress with a long slit up the front. The dress itself was sparkly, and I was wearing a crown. I had blue fairy wings when I entered this garden . It felt like home. I saw two trees with doors and a shed in the back. It was like each garden bed was surrounded with bushes and in between the bushes there was tile like a walkway and in the center there was a large fountain that had a spider on it when I went into the garden, I saw wolves seven to be precise. I ran up to them and gave them a hug one by one like how you agreed a dog pet. I noticed each wolf had a different color. The different colours were red, yellow, orange, green pink, teal royal blue and white.

2 Jul 2024



I was in a nice, luxurious house, sitting down by a window, looking out at a beautiful garden and this random guy, who was my husband, was leaving. He looked at me and asked, "Have you ever kissed anyone?" and I replied "No". He smirked and sat next to me and we started kissing but it went even more spicy as we ended up French kissing each other with tongues, heavy breaths and moans before his mother/sister knocked on the door

30 Jun 2024



Okay, so today I dreamt I was in this really cool city, like a kind of, it was a night, you know, it was a bit steampunk vibe, kind of pop-it vibe, lively, mysterious city, and I went to a theatre course that is for people that write their own pieces and then people just come together like in a book club and they played that piece and it was really amazing. I was just watching them and they had costumes prepared and they had a regisseur who would come in and throw in some info by the side, but otherwise they would just go ahead and play right off the bat, and that was really impressive, and then also later I was in kind of a weird garden, like a bit of a graveyard, and there was a statue, and in general it wasn't all good, but at some point that statue moved, and then I already knew that something was going to happen, and then that statue ran towards me like some kind of creepy monster creature, and I woke up then a little bit, but then fell asleep again, and I was in an area, like a big party, oh yes, I organised my own party and did that on like a kind of big huge garden section, and it was pretty plain grass, and I basically built up this huge treehouse complex with bridges connecting them and loads of space and then lights around everything, so it was really atmospheric and then basically people were having an excellent time, I remember, walking across the bridges and even my friend Liam came, and yeah, that was mad, but it was expanded because some neighbours were complaining, and finally I was part of a, I don't know if it was a refugee family, but we basically were digging like some kind of shelter, protection for people, for the family that was escaping, yeah it was a very diverse dream

29 Jun 2024



i had a dream i was remodeling my house with my mom sister and brother it was such a sweet dream because we were interacting in ways we never have before. My big brother was mowing the over grown grass and building a gate while the rest of us were trying to figure out what was wrong with the trees and plants in the backyard. i dont remember what was weomg but i think they weren't growing or something?

26 Jun 2024



I was in a zombie apocalypse with my new boyfriend, and we were living a very good life together. We had a four bedroom home, a garden, a protective fence around the house. He and I built a life together, we had two little kids, and even though it was the apocalypse, I felt so safe.

26 Jun 2024



I was in a garden and came across someone that I’ve known for a while. Although we hadn’t seen each other in person im quite some time, we hit it off right where we had left off. There was a definate romantic pull. Before we went our separate ways for the time being she handed me a flower saying that this symbolizes our relationship—blooming. I handed her a rock stating that this symbolized who I was for her—a solid foundation and a rock in her life.

22 Jun 2024



I was in a house and a gang walked past. They wanted to come into my home, I had to let them. I didn't have a choice but to be welcoming. My green credit card went missing when it was time to get in my van. The gang felt a bit dangerous but they were under control. I was waiting for them to leave. I was in a garden and I was organising a summer fate with cake and things to do for children.

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