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Dream Interpretation: Mall 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Mall? Discover the significance of seeing a Mall in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Mall appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This is a symbol for choices and decisions as well as consumption. It is related to one's options and preferences. You are struggling to decide or choose what it is that you want and need. It also suggests that now is the time to take action and make life choices which you may have been delaying for a while.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

Though you may feel overwhelmed by options and the weight of decision-making, it's time to choose and move past the stress that you are feeling. All you can do is make the best choice you can and move on. Take comfort in knowing that if you make the wrong choice, you can still go back and correct your mistakes. But know that inaction will not bring a solution.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of being in a mall can evoke feelings of excitement, curiosity, and a sense of exploration. It may symbolize the desire for new experiences, opportunities, and the need for social interaction. The bustling atmosphere and variety of shops can create a feeling of abundance and possibility. However, it can also bring about feelings of overwhelm or a sense of being lost in the crowd. Overall, the dream of a mall signifies a longing for stimulation, connection, and the pursuit of personal desires.





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16 Jul 2024



I saw a recurring dream tonight. I saw a school or an institute that we were in. We were there for our viva and practicals and we were made to wait for a special guest who was a brigadier. While waiting for him, i was with all new people and they were my friends. Till they start our practical exam and viva, we had lot of time left . So we decided to explore the place. While moving inside, one other person who probably was the mother of 2 of my friends started walking along. We used stairs to go inside. And when we reached inside the institute, it resombled a mall with zero shops. It had very long escalators and a new type of escalator which did not have stairs, but was made of rotating metal rods on which it is hard for anyone to reach the top while standing. And it was more than simple to reach the top while lying down in sleeping position. During this exploration, I was with my best friends whom I miss very much and when we came out of the building I met the people who weren't a good memory to me but were my friends. This dream was in two parts : 1st half once before and 1st half along with 2nd half tonight

13 Jul 2024



I owned a drugstore in the middle of an outdoor mall. We sold stuff for dreaming and other things likenthat but they were illegal. I had a partner who was an older man. I would see my person I'm the dream which was not me, it was some big guy taller and heavier. He would get angry some times for seemingly no reason. We were sitting outside at night when the mall was closed a guy came walking up at night and wanted something from the shop and I helped him out. It the cut to another scene like in a movie where I saw some woman on a motorcycle communicating over an earpiece with some guy. They were foming to get us for some reason. She was aware of where and what we were doing like she was psychic or had some form of remote viewing. It reverted back to my shop but I was watching from 3rd person. My character got angry out of nowhere, I think the guy I was helping maybe said something he didn't like or something and my character punched the computer which was an old big glass monitor and broke it and busted his hand uo and was bloody.

13 Jul 2024

My crush


Riding on a train, going to Enoshima-Hiratsuka on a cloudy day There’s station buildings, malls and glass-roofed escalators My friend’s house, of the friend I used to have a lesbian crush on(and still sort of do) Kindergarten by the hostel house that looks like the one I and my auntie’s family stayed by the beach of Rimni, Italy In my room there(and my best friend’s), a specter of a bride whose bouquet as well as her dress’s stomach and below is covered in old blood There’s also a pool by this place, how nifty Running around the hostel upstairs and downstairs until the kids’ go-home time

12 Jul 2024

Faceless person
Holding hands


I had a dream that i was really happy at the mall holding hands with a faceless boy.

8 Jul 2024



I was in sales again and was going around to each of my clients and trying to give them something. For one of the clients I was releasing their shoes, but they were almost sitting on my face. I had to keep asking them to readjust so I could breathe. Another client I was trying to give an extra pair of shoes who sell shoes. She assured me she was fine and on one shoe a week program from her company.another client excepted money from me as a gift as a way to say thank you. I was going around the mall making these touch points with my client and bumped into Kelly. My most successful friend! just had a wonderful lunch with Kelly, my dear friend Who is very successful and gave me great advice as always. She always reminds me what is important. I was feeling very upbeat as I was doing my route through the mall to the public transportation wrapping up my day. I was passing the part of the mall with there’s always some guy trying to talk to me. Usually one of the same guys and this time the guy was occupied but yelling to catch my attention. I started running, not afraid, but just trying to avoid him. I took off a big jacket, so that I could run faster and avoid him. I remember, I was cautious and focused to get to public transportation. I was waiting for the bus/train and was with Kelly again. It was dark in the sign across the street from the bus stop was going into a parking lot named more sugar in Spanish. I thought that was funny and pointed it out, however there was a commotion and we went to go check it out. Kelli was wearing baggy clothes and boots and when we went to see what was going on because everyone was moving, they said there was a snake there. After a few seconds, they found the red black white and yellow snake on Kelli, and brushed it off of her. Everyone was quite scared and worked up. The snake had a giant white tag hanging off of it as it went into the gutter. Then after I caught the bus to El Cerrito, California, where I used to live for a few months, I was walking along and saw a big smile in a rearview mirror of a car. It was Ryan, Kelli‘s husband. He told me he wanted to grab something to eat with me, I said I just ate with Kelli, but that I would pick it something with him, not eat but hang out with him while he ate. He told me to get in so I got in and he started driving erratically. at one point he turned left and I almost fell out of the vehicle because there was no door on the car. He told me he needs to “sing HU” like me and I told him I would do it with him and assured him it was important. I remember as we were driving, thinking I was supposed to be selling and here it was filling up my calendar with non-revenue producing things. I liked Ryan. I was just feeling conflicted over my priorities and needing to sell.

8 Jul 2024



Last night I dreamt that I went to a mall that housed a brewery and a very special café. In my dream I was very in awe of the café owner who I so badly wanted to meet, as she was an inspiration. She wasn't there.

8 Jul 2024



i was at shop with my two friends and we saw some clowns and we ran i went to opposite side os theys and then one clown catched me. my phone stopped working. i got to meet all of the clowns in the mall and i got one clown's snapchat and we became friends.

8 Jul 2024



I was in a car with my family driving and I look to the side to see a tower in the middle of all the highways where there was a mall. Had a very strange feeling that I have been in there a long time ago , a sense of Deja vu. Asked if we could go shopping there and expressed that it feels like it’s been such a long time since we visited there. Everyone else said no but I asked to go alone instead. I entered the tower and the parking lot is empty. Enter the elevator area and avoided some creatures resting there. It was very eerie being in the mall and I finally reached the shopping levels. All the shops were open but no one else was in there. I was exploring the mall , looking for the shops I needed to visit. My mom joins me halfway through the journey in the mall.

7 Jul 2024



I was being chased by a man who wanted to kill me I was running through the city and passed by a knife store and grabbed a knife and kept running but he also grabbed a knife it was super hard for me to run but somehow I would run in burst as I was running through the city I was in a mall and he was no longer behind me but I knew he still wanted to kill me so I kept running through the mall and then ran out of the mall and there he was with his truck I try to run back to the mall and scream for help but notice that the mall seemed to be destroyed and everyone inside was panicking and running I assume a bomb hit, so I was screwed because no one would help me because of this other event going on so I had to face the man I turned around he didn’t have a knife he had a syringe full of poison as soon as he stab me with the syringe and injected it I also stabbed him in his side but we both fell down like we died and then I woke up

6 Jul 2024



I was in the back left seat of a black Chevrolet as we were driving on a desert plain. I looked out the window of the other cars driving and I see two tesla trucks heading in the opposite direction. When came up to this big warehouse and the driver starts to tell a joke about me. I just ignored it while the rest of the car laughed. We pulled right up to the facility and I can see a actual gundam being built. I was amazed. We head into the top secret facility. Time passed. It was now dark outside. I started walking back to the black Chevrolet with a high authority man and another secret service agent like myself. I opened the drivers seat and just when I was about to sit, I asked the high authority man for his opinion on where he thinks we should sit (as it felt like this was our first time with someone so important). He stated that there should always be one person siting next to him in the back. So I told the colleague to come drive instead while I sit in the back. We started to leave the facility when we noticed a big crowd of people forming at the gate. They were a bunch of protestors. As we were leaving, a crazy lady had broken through security and thrown a curved stainless steel blade. It punctured the window, almost striking the driver. We mad eour escape for now. Time has passed once again. Now on the road and right when we think we were safe, another attacked has happened. This time however, our driver took a hit and was bleeding near the neck area. I tried my best to stop the bleeding but was unsuccessful. I grabbed the vip and we ditched the car at a local mall.

1 Jul 2024



I met up with two other co workers to do a puppy photoshoot outdoors. I got there late so they were wrapping up when I got there. When they said they were leaving they left everything behind. So I started to ask if they were going to take their stuff they brushed it off at first and they finally realized they were leaving everything. When I went to go back to my car in parking garage I couldn’t find it. I looked for what seemed like hours. There was a mall there so I went inside to eat. I started talking to a couple. They were both very obese and eating spaghetti very sloppy. I told them what happened to me but they seemed indifferent. I go back to the woods and build a house. I’m really proud of this house but I need a few supplies to finish it so I leave on my way out I see a bunch of teens moving into my house and I become very frustrated

1 Jul 2024

Car accident


I was texting with a friend, and I asked if he liked me. He told me "I don't want to NOT kiss you..." And I look up from my phone, and I'm in a mall. I go to a little iPad and I was browsing shoes, so I bought a pair and walked towards where the store would be in the mall. Realizing it was going to be a long walk there and back to my car, I decided to leave and drive to the other side, closer to the where the shoe store would be. As I'm driving, I'm thinking to myself "I shouldn't have bought those shoes, I could use the money for something else." So I was thinking about if I could ask them for a refund when I got there. However, I slowly ran into another car. I parked and looked at the damage, which was minimal. The other car only had a slightly busted headlight. He asked me if I wanted cash or a venmo to pay for my repairs, but I told him there was hardly any damages and to not worry about it

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