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Dream Interpretation: Rain 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Rain? Discover the significance of seeing a Rain in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Rain appears in your dream ✅

Rain symbol
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💡Possible meaning

This dreams is often considered a good omen and symbolizes emotional development and positive life. Water is usually associated with our emotions and suggests growth and development in our personal life. It also indicates great success in the near future.

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🧭 Direction


It's time to get rid of any negativity that you have been holding on to in your life. Instead, tune into your inner self as it's trying to bring you emotional and physical development. Believe in yourself and your abilities as it can provide you with financial gain and prosperity.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of rain can evoke a sense of tranquility and renewal. It symbolizes cleansing and emotional release, bringing a feeling of refreshment and rejuvenation. It may also represent a need for emotional healing or a desire for growth and change. The sound and sight of raindrops can create a soothing atmosphere, fostering a sense of peace and serenity. Overall, this dream can leave one with a sense of calmness and a longing for emotional clarity.





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14 Oct 2024

Best Friend


i had one long dream that i think was entwined together. the first part of my dream i was in a cruise with a lot of friends. and one of my friend mentioned that there was a spirit that will annoy you by poking or some something. it was kinda creepy. in the dream i didn’t experience it but some of my friends confirmed it. the second part of the dream took place at electric forest. i don’t really have sense of time in the dream but the place looks very different from when i did go to electric forest in my waking life. we walked on a open ground to the festival and i realized i didn’t do my makeup yet nor gotten ready for the festival, i realized that because most of my friends were all dressed up. and with an open mind i just said “it’s ok we gonna get rained on again so there’s no point putting on makeup” convincing myself that that’s the beauty of this festival is to enjoy what’s around you, the beauty of nature and music. then we walked to a garage area (which is weird because it’s a forest) we walked up the stairs and we can hear music playing. i saw 2 older ladies with grey hair making out and i can feel their love as a lesbian. we continued walking and we passed an obstacle to go under something and i told my friends i can’t get through because my head is too big. half of my friends went through and some of them found another way by climbing up a fence. i had to wait for someone to go the opposite side while my friends already walked away. so i just continued to climb it and the stranger on the opposite direction shouted “ow that hurts” because i pinched his finger on the fence by accident. i said sorry and i continued walking. at the top there was a left and right way but i couldn’t see my friends so i walked to the right and i realized this whole time we could just take this path without going around like we did so i went back knowing my friends went to the left instead of right. i saw them from a distance walking towards me. i saw my ex boyfriend was holding hands with my bestfriend. and then we head over to the festival.

13 Oct 2024



The first part of the dream I remember being at this event and the guy was throwing out free prizes I caught some pretty gold earrings. I remember doing a push up and I was excited because I could actually do one I ran into Micah an old friend from high school and I said I did a 1 full push up!! I know it’s not much but to me it felt like a huge accomplishment….. then the dream switched I remember being in a elevator with a old friend from school named Micah I got off on the wrong floor and there was these people sitting at the desk this lady said my name and that they were trying to reach me and needed to give me a picture of which Phone Booth to look for on my appointment day. But they couldn’t find the picture and someone said what’s that noise we all looked at the window it was pouring down raining so we all ran out the back door Micah ran off and I called out to him even some teacher said to him “your wife is calling you” ……. Outside led to like a bunch of students and school buses out there I seen a security guard holding three knuckle heads and threw them and told them to get out of here

13 Sep 2024



I was waiting in line for this ride or some sort of an adventure and I was in front of my dad and dog that had passed away, Gordita, and we were there and when I finally got to the top I realized that it was shaky. It was really unsafe and And then it was so high up, I couldn't even see the ground and we were... I just looked back at my dad and he told me to go and try and I had to crawl out and then I had to crawl backwards into this other window and I guess I was the last person to do it and I don't know if it broke afterwards or it was really unstable because it was raining too and then I got into this other thing but then my dad, they had let him in, my dad and the dog and they came running in after me afterwards and my dad was kind of snickering because it was like he knew a shortcut that I didn't know about, like he also knew that I was gonna be able to make, not the jump, but I was gonna be able to make it.

12 Sep 2024



Blooming rains : For what is all of this? I dreamed of doing a sin, and went to my bathroom to clean myself to shower, and then I wore my clothes and stay in the bathroom that I have in my house, I sat in the toilet closet I ponder in the bathroom, I remember that I once had a great aunt, she is very nice to me, she has curly hair, but she isn't with me here... Anymore. My aunt got sexually abused, she got abused bad, I do not remember clearly how. After I ponder, I saw a hanger, there was a plastic bag hanging with lots of goods, it is from my uncle, I don't care anymore. I don't want that plastic with goods anymore, I don't want his gifts anymore, I want him to stop sending me gifts. I ponder and asked myself, "what am I here for?", " Why am I like this?", "why is everything like this?", " Why is.. This?. " I feel hopeless and sad, but I am so emotionless that I couldn't even cry, no hopes, I thought I would be better, but there is no progress. It was raining outside too, I went out, and soak myself in rain, looking at the pavement and trees in my yard.

11 Sep 2024

Angry at Dad
Being Late


The Dream: I was driving with my three children in our van to church. When coming up to the church, I had to pass it because the parking lot was full and there were no spaces for me to park. I had to drive all the way around the Triangle before coming back to the church to see if there was anymore parking. Somehow my high school best friend showed up and she told me she would drive. (Thinking she could make it happen) I let her and I sat in the back with my children. Since we were really close to the church, I did not have my seatbelt on and neither did my youngest daughter (age 3). All of a sudden, a very sad/angry looking man stepped out in front of our car. I knew that he was the significant other of my BFF but I didn’t want her to let him in our car. I did not feel good about it. I pleaded with her telling her to not let him in. She let him in. He sat in the passenger seat. They instantly became upset with one another. I was watching from the back. My youngest was between them up in the front. I noticed erratic driving from my BFF and I did not feel safe for myself or my children. I asked my BFF to please be careful because we did not have our seatbelts on, I pleaded with her to let me please get them in their seats because I did not feel safe. I did get them in their seats. As we kept driving in this triangle and passing the church. It continued to rain. My BFF kept showing signs of road rage. People weren’t driving fast enough. People were driving on her tail. She would honk the horn or slam on the breaks. Doing so caused harm to the people behind her. They fall into a sink hole filled with water, but they were able to get out and come back towards her. She continued driving with the goal of getting us to the church. We kept passing the church because there was never a place for us to park. (Parking lot was full) She was upset. She and her significant other were upset with one another. Then I woke up.

3 Sep 2024

Living Room


It was a rainy day. Maybe August - October (that's the vibe I was getting). I was in my living room, sitting on the couch, not watching TV, just sitting. In my dream my house didn't have the renovations we had made this year. I remember the rain falling on the window as I was in first person view when suddenly my view switched to CCTV camera view in the kitchen as my brother walks in from the back door, saying "I just killed a man! I just killed a man!". His left arm (If I can remember correctly) was stained in blood while he held a bread knife in his right hand. He was in a daze. My mother ran to him, to comfort him I think, while I just said "Did you stab Westley again?" (Westley is his husband). Turns out he stabbed a worker who works for us. My mother told me to go to tge garrage. Her instructions weren't clear but basically she said to get the first aid kit from the garage. (We don't keep it in the garage). I brought my two dogs into the house and let them in my room. They were wounded. Had long cuts with stitches. I then went and got the first aid kit. Later on I told my mother to clean my brother and lay him in bed and act like a mother. I then saw pizza on the ground by the front door. She said it was for the stabbed worker. I made a sarcastic remark like "What? Am I gonna bundle it up in my arms and get sauce all over me?". I took two sausages?? And started walking but then a cop car pulled in the drive way. It was a cop and my dad (my dad is a cop too). The cop told me not to go because someone got stabbed and I told him that I already dressed the man but I'm gonna re-apply the dressings with first aid. He let me go and I asked the paramedics where he was. They pointed and I saw him submurged in water. I made a remark like "Oh! He must have move since the last time I saw him" They took him out of the water so he wouldn't drown. Then I saw my cousins from my mother's side of the family in the living room. They all were responsible. In the dream before the cop came, I was ready to discard the body but my brother said no and the worker was still alive at that point

3 Sep 2024

Red hair


I was attending a job as my road assistance patrolman. I had a sense of urgency to a appointment with my councillor so was being quick doing my job. I made it on time to my councillor, as she was tall slim, busty and had a great arse. She also had ultra short cut skirt, with a long woollen jumper with a v-neck showing off a heap of cleavage. She is a redhead too with blue eyes. To get into her office she had a split door, keeping the top half closed, forcing everyone to crawl into her office. She followed me in. She sat down on her lounge opposite me, as she got her notebook and grabbed a lolly pop. She started sucking it and asked how it made me feel watching her do so. Then she glanced at my groin and smiled, she said, ah I see. I got hard. I then looked out the windows and saw a golden sunshine, dark clouds with golden raindrops falling. She leaned forward to me with lollipop in hand and the golden hour sun hit her face and jumper, the shadow of her breasts swinging inside. She opened her legs and smile, she wasn't wearing panties and had a smooth shaven labia, and as she leaned back, left a wet spot on the chair. My cock grew harder... Then I woke up.

3 Sep 2024



I dreamed I was in the middle of blue and clear beach water inside of a boat. I was with a few family members and we were headed to the islands. But a man picked up a big beautiful crystal and he dropped it in the water. The driver said, we needed the crystal to maintain the boat. And the boat began to shift and drop into the water. But I pushed it so we could make it to the island. When we got to the island the rest of family were having a big gathering. We were just enjoying one another. Then it was time to go. I was packing up my car with our belongings. I had just put my granddaughter in her seat belt. I was saying goodbye to the family and then it started to pour down raining. I mean very hard. I could hardly see. When I got in the front seat there was half a toilet in the car. I didn’t understand how that got there so I pulled it out. Then it started raining inside the car and filling the car up with water. So then I went to the back seat to make sure my granddaughter was okay. To stop the raining from inside I rolled up the window. The rain stop in the car but then the car started to shift back and forth then he started to slide back. Everything was happening so fast and the car started to flip over multiple times. I grabbed my granddaughter and I told her to hold on tightly and not to let go. Finally the car stopped flipping and the rain stopped and we were upside down. I could see apartments outside the window. I remembering thinking I didn’t have any insurance and I was going to have to start over. Trying to get a new car and everything. I felt disgusted about it. Then I woke

2 Sep 2024



So I dream that there's this guy outside, dancing with a famous actor I've seen on TV. Then, I remember the guy going to his house, taking his phone out and locking himself up.. he's also acting strange and mumbling...His appearance is not bad looking... Black hair,eyes, mustuch, cloth, he looks Asian and In he's 20's or 30's...But he seems anxious about let's name him Jack Then, he got up and went to the window, and there were these two vendors (men) the other one is short and looks like an Asian let's call him Lee, the same goes with the other guy but he's taller than the other one and let's name him Eli. They're dragging some baggage that I'm guessing they're selling something inside, And so they were called up by Jack and Downstairs Jack bought a piece of bread that Lee and Eli were selling. After that I remember a toy room/shop it's dark inside.... Then outside the classroom... It's also dark and raining a little heavy... And Jack was walking straight ahead with his umbrella.... The air was kind of gloomy and cold... While there are dim lights and so... And I also remember an intense scene with a woman and jack... They're seem to be fighting/arguing.... This woman is kind of familiar... Probably I saw in a series or what... But they're outside and it's probably raining/light rain and I think there's a black car park near them...

31 Aug 2024

Make up


I don't know, from past three days I am continuously having dreams of my past school and I don't know why and I am dreaming in the three dreams that I was in the ground of my school and I was doing something and all of my dreams were adventurous and I was doing something, I don't remember so last dream I saw that, it was weird, like I have to go somewhere, like I have to go to my school with my friend actually in real life also I have to go with my friend after some months to a farewell, like to a fate and yeah, then, so like we were not sure that how we will go and what timing, I have classes and if I go and I will go to my old school and it started raining and everything rained and I want to do, I want to buy more make up for so I can get ready and go there but I couldn't make it I saw a dream of my mom bought me new lip glosses and make up stuff and I end up wearing burka that I don't want and I couldn't, my friend couldn't make it together so I went alone to my school also dreaming about cats these days, my cat, yeah

29 Aug 2024

Gas Station
High School


I woke up and checked my bank account and realized 550,000 was transferred into my bank. I was stunned. It was a from a forgiven account I couldn’t read or recognize. It scared me that this happened and I didn’t know how to process or what to do with the information. I wanted to tell my husband but I didn’t know if I should, as I was unsure if he was actually my husband. I went to the gas station to see if I could pull any money out from my account. I was able to pull a few hundred dollars out and felt some relief. At the gas station there were some high school kids being obnoxious and they made me feel anxious, I left to go back home. When I went back home my husband was awake and we had plans to see my mom. She picked us up and it was raining. We were driving around town and I couldn’t get a grasp on reality. I wanted to tell my mom about this money but I again felt very afraid. I had a desire to my nails done. When my dropped us back home, I told her I wanted to talk with her, and I remember feeling anxious about this. She had things to do and made it clear it needed to be to be quick. I brought her in the house while my husband was still in the car, and I kept trying to muster up telling her but I kept avoiding the actual truth. I didn’t know if I could trust her. My husband came in and my mom left. I became unsure if my husband was my actual husband, and I gave him a series of questions to test him to see. I wasn’t convinced. We did a tour through the house because I felt scared and paranoid. In the back room there was a old man’s body on the floor lying in the fetal position, but neither of us were surprised to see this, as if he was a part of the house. At one point we ended up on the driveway and our dog was in the car and there was a shoot out with the police. I remember being so scared for the dog, worried they were going to hurt or kill him.

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