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Dream Interpretation: Row ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Row? Discover the significance of seeing a Row in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Row appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

Dreaming of rowing a boat symbolizes your ability to navigate through life's challenges. It represents your determination, perseverance, and teamwork skills. Rowing against the current suggests that you are facing obstacles in your life, while rowing with the current indicates that you are going with the flow.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


This dream is a reminder that you have the strength and skills to overcome any obstacles in your life. Keep pushing forward and don't give up. If you are rowing with others, remember that teamwork is key to success. If you are rowing against the current, it may be time to reevaluate your approach and find a new strategy to tackle your challenges.

โค๏ธ Feelings

This dream of rowing may evoke feelings of determination, teamwork, and perseverance. It symbolizes the need to work together towards a common goal, facing challenges and obstacles along the way. The act of rowing represents the effort and energy required to make progress in life. It may also suggest a desire for balance and harmony, as rowing requires coordination and synchronization. Overall, this dream elicits a sense of purpose and the importance of collaboration in achieving success.





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5 Jul 2024



I had another dream about my home getting broken into. Thatโ€™s two nights in a row. There were a lot of them. This time they shot more than one person but nobody that I felt I had to protect like last time.

29 May 2024



I was in a house and it was my boyfriends family get together. His family were there and his mom was acting really weird with me. I lost my phone and wanted to find it. His mom wouldn't let me and it caused a row. My daughter was walking around and was playing with the other children. I wanted to leave so we did and got into a flying car. We flew up the road in the flying car.

7 Apr 2024



Back to bed ๐Ÿ›Œ ๐Ÿ˜ด ๐Ÿ˜ช ๐Ÿ˜Œ so excited for me some time โฒ๏ธ ๐Ÿ˜ด ๐Ÿ˜Š mood off debate so excited for me some time โฒ๏ธ my rules No visitors don't have any information about it or union designated as the pr Jr ๐Ÿ˜Š to be there to help with a good place to get Fc rush in a difference between a few minutes of a day and the heron Leave it comes time and I will be there and the heron Yellow will serve ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ˜€ THE best way to be there is to be there to help ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ˜€ โ˜บ๏ธ ๐Ÿ˜„ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚ in a row that ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ˜€ โ˜บ๏ธ and you are the same as long as you ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜„ โ˜บ๏ธ ๐Ÿ˜‰ โค๏ธ ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ˜€ Is the bh in the array noooooooooooooooooooooooo just aids sleep good night

6 Apr 2024



I went to bed, and I fell asleep, obviously, and then I must have started dreaming or whatever, and so there I was, dreaming, but I'm awake now, but I'm in the same bedroom where I was asleep, and now it's like I am up in the corner of the room, looking down on myself as I sleep, and so there I was, a fly on the wall, but me, looking down on myself, I'm sleeping on my bed. Okay, so then all of a sudden, I look over to the, I guess my right, and I look down, and I could see this mass, this dark mass, that forming, kind of coming up under the door and up all, like, onto the wall, and it was creeping, like, you know, and it was making its way slowly to where I was laying, and it came up onto the bed. This is all, like, taking a while, and it comes over me in my sleep, as I'm watching myself sleep, like, you know, and as I was sleeping, all of a sudden, I can see this black mass start going into, like, as I'm breathing, it's like I'm breathing it in, and then, and then, and then, I'm watching this happen, but then all of a sudden, I wake up from my dream, night terror, whatever you want to call it, and I was choking, I woke up choking, and I sat, I was sitting up exactly how I had seen myself in this dream, and it was so weird, it was so weird, I don't know, like, I, like, it made me cry, and I don't even know if, like, I don't know if that was even a dream, or if, if that is, if there's paranormal, or I had an outer body experience, I don't know, so maybe you can decipher it, but at that point, I had had night terrors for, like, three, four years in a row, anytime, anytime I fell asleep, I would have terror, terror, it was always terrors, so, I don't know, maybe you can help me analyze that one, it was the freakiest thing that ever happened to me, and, and it was in my dream, I guess.

30 Mar 2024



On March 30th, I dream I was meeting a mink. Minks in my dream are humanoids with animal features. In my dream it's a mink dog. It was night at that time.. I asked him to make the other minks leave.. since we'll have a private discussion..and the other minks left. Then I remember I was in a family reunion.. outside in some place.. it was not dark nor bright.. there's no sun nor moon. It's on afternoon.. I guess.. or evening.. the sky is light purple.. We we're all chatting.. then there's this woman/girl.. she looks older than me.. but I don't remember her.. she's elegant and rich as they said... She said about treating my tuition on college.. or so.. So I talk to her a bit more.. Then we need farewell.. I ask her name but she was already far away.. she answered but I couldn't here it.. There's a man and a woman waiting for me.. I go into the house.. There's a grandpa and a grandma... They seem busy.. and unhappy.. I try to make a conversation yet.. they're playing.. I took an interest on the grandma.. Then I strangely rowing a boat.. in a fast pase on the raging water wave.. it's rocky and we're sliding... Then for some reason I'm rowing in a broken ice.. I thought to myself it would've been easier if they're all frozen.. Then I'm in a banquet.. There's a lot of food stalls.. It's bright outside.. And I meet a familiar face.. Aye. A classmate of mine.. She accompanied me on walking around.. I stopped on one food stall... I was looking for a chicken but there's one chicken that's odd.. they said it's not chicken.. I taste it and it's not.. close, but not chicken.. Still I took it

30 Mar 2024



I was with my two best friends and we where at the movies and we decided to sneak into the Olivia Rodrigo concert because they went together and wanted me to see it with them so we did and they told me to get some seats in the front row and then when the show started Oliva came out and started singing where we where and later there was a huge wave that started to come for us but it was apart of the show so we decided to go to her van that was a couple of rows above us so we could take shelter but when it did it started raining Olivia Rodrigo started singing Taylor Swifts โ€œMs Americana & the heartbreak princeโ€ and I decided to get out of the van and I was singing super loudly because Taylor Swift is my favorite singer of all time so I was extremely happy

27 Mar 2024



I've just had a nightmare that all of my classmates were trapped in a house that was placed in the middle of an forest that was sorrounded with river and there's no any house that was near in it, and there is a lady that was planning to kill all of us one by one, i was filled with pure fear, worries and sadness for thinking that it might be the last day of my life, my one classmate is really smart and he managed to find way to escape (using a boat on the river by quickly grabbing the boat row) but then he didn't succeed because he forget a number of blocks that he should do it should be 1,010 blocks but he goes way too much that but that time no one knows how many blocks is required someone had just said "oh wait isn't you have to stepped 1,010 blocks or something?" but the guy is slowly moving away, the lady who is planning to kill is slowly walking towards the guy who is planning to escape to stop him but our classmates are cheering and shouting to the guy classmate to "escape, escape, oh come on go faster and escape" but the guy seems to hesitate cause he's gonna leave us but the rest of us are willing and gonna be happy for him to escape, and then the guys finally rows his boat and managed to do it but we had said the 1,010 blocks. and there is the news that my relative is working with the lady who is planning to kill us and i am gonna be the next person to be killed, i was scared and i was full of fear, my heart is heavy and it is beating so fast "what if i got murdered?, it was so brutal, "please God save me" and there's only one thing that i was thinking about, how could i escape in this house...after a moment, the guy who have escaped eventually cameback and says that he became too far and the river brought him back to that house where we can't escape because he didn't follow the 1,010 blocks!, but a motivation, curiousity and hope build inside me..but then the lady she planned to froze the river around it and when i noticed that the river sorround it is frozed, i asked, why is the river is like that? the lady says "so that you cannot escape anymore from me" i slowly lose my hope that i might not escape anymore but then when i double checked the river, i saw that the river around it is the only water that was frozed but the river is not completely frozed at all, if i managed to go in the part that was not frozen, i have a potential to escape, so i planned so well to escape secretly while everyone is busy. then after that, i have managed to escape while my cousin who is working with the lady chasing me, i've managed to escape from that and after a moment of rowing my boat i've found out a village that was full of waste everywhere and full of poor houses and i try to look for an escape while counting my steps until 1,010 but after a moment my cousin is near to got me and i have a pure fear i tried to run and i saw that there's a concern people in one poor house and so i ran inside then thinking that it'll be okay for them and they'll understand, but those faces, i remember those faces they look like my other relatives i remember mostly my grandma and my uncle. so i hid under the bed hoping that she'll not caught me while listening to my cousin who is trying to get me, she's asking to my other relatives "where is the girl who's wearing*, have you seen her" then my cousin walks inside their bedroom and caught me hiding in there but i shouted and tell to my grandma, please no she's trying to kill me, please help me and my grandma and other relatives are stopping that cousin but my cousin is still trying to get me i was filled with fear because i realized that that causin is a one of a person that i trust but i felt betrayed to found out that she's now working with a lady who is trying to kill all of my classmates and i, and i've heard that my grandma says that, you're not studying well anymore all you do is like this and like that. then while my heart is beating so fast with fear i said, "God please help m-" and i got cutted out because i just suddenly opened my eyes and realize that it was just a nightmare.

20 Mar 2024



I was in a choir. Singing but knowing I wouldnโ€™t have time to learn before the representation. I was amongst the best signers, front row. The conductor was an old PE teacher from middle school. We were apartment biking while singing. I couldnโ€™t get up. Waking up is nearly. impossible. I called a girl who danced with me when I was a child.

17 Mar 2024

My Job


I had the samw dream two nights in a row: I quit my job and was happier due to the decision.

11 Mar 2024

Running away
New Job


I had a dream about being in vacation with My friend and her family. we were at this place like a hotel almost and there is a church behind it but in order to get to the church you had to go through these long, narrow passages in the woods and they had some like little cave type places off to like the right in the left of the walkways and I met this group of people around my age and my ex was one of them. He had his new girlfriend with him and they were all dressed in black like black hoodies and pants and we were talking and then all the sudden this group of people start running between us in two rows and when they cleared my ex and his girlfriend walked up to me. They ask me over and over again to go to church with them they asked me so much it started to freak me out. I was slowly backing away from them down a dock. Right as I was about to fall into the water my friends step dad showed up and they just took off running away. He told me we had to go to.

9 Mar 2024



It was time for everyone that came to the desolate town to leave, we were boarding in the evening when the conductor asked if some of the adults wanted to wait for the next train because there wasnโ€™t enough room for everyone on this one. So I made the decision to stay back and take the next one, my kids went with my mom and aunts on the first. There were about 20 of us waiting for the next train including some of the women I met on my ride to the town, the weird guy laying on the cot, my best friend, and some other people. We ended up waiting for hours, until about 9pm, the train that came didnโ€™t look like the average train, it had two go car looking seats per row that you laid back in and went as fast as the speed of light. We got to our destination pretty fast, even beating the first train back home. โ€œHome,โ€ wasnโ€™t our actual home though, we had no idea where we were. I even waited for the original train to come, which it did and as my family was getting off they didnโ€™t seem to feel we were at the wrong place. Everyone recognized where we were except me. As my family was getting into their vehicles, I decided to ride with my best friend and we stopped at this store, reminded me of a Walmart, but when we walked in it was a school, a supermarket, and a McDonaldโ€™s all in one. The school and McDonaldโ€™s was celebrating a Native American tribe and made food thatโ€™s popular in that tribe. It was pretty good food too.

9 Mar 2024



I was on a train, not sure where we were going, but they had seats that laid flat for you to sleep. The train car I was in had 10 seats that extended back and 2 cots in the very last row that was bolted down. In front of the train car I was in had a fireplace to keep us warm. The train wasnโ€™t the nicest looking, but moved at a very fast pace. I recognized a few people on the train, some were famous and some were family/friends; the rest I didnโ€™t know. There was a guy in the back that was sleeping on the cot, when he woke up he would try to be friendly but he mostly freaked out all the women in my train car with things he did said. When it was time to get off the train, we got to this desolate town, there werenโ€™t a lot of people living there. So everyone on the train stayed at the town a few days. I saw some more of my family, including my kids and best friend. I asked how they got there and they said the train, had no idea we were all on the train together because the only time I left my seat was to go to the bathroom. We had a lot of fun at this place, we stayed in these tent like hotel rooms, ate, drank, the kids ran around and made friends with other kids. It was warm outside, reminded me of the summers in the 90โ€™s.

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