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Dream Interpretation: Nature 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Nature? Discover the significance of seeing a Nature in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Nature appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of nature symbolizes your connection with the environment and your desire to be close to it. It represents your need for peace, tranquility, and relaxation. It may also indicate a need for spiritual or emotional nourishment.

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🧭 Direction


Take some time to connect with nature in your waking life. Go for a walk in the park, take a hike, or simply sit outside and enjoy the beauty around you. This will help you feel more grounded and centered. Additionally, consider exploring your spiritual or emotional needs and finding ways to fulfill them.

❤️ Feelings

This dream evokes a sense of tranquility and awe. It brings feelings of connection to the natural world, with its beauty and vastness. It inspires a sense of wonder and appreciation for the wonders of nature. The dream may also evoke a feeling of peace and harmony, as being surrounded by nature often brings a sense of calmness and serenity. Overall, this dream elicits positive emotions and a deep appreciation for the natural world.





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Dreams of users containing the word Nature

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11 Jul 2024



Wandering about in the foggy Hakone regions, mostly near Lake Ashinoko Having sex with my father, being chased around the plain filled with pampas grass and patches of grassy autumn fields Scene switches and now I’m on a highway bus, on my way to the observatory/museum/community centers on some high altitude areas around Mt. Fuji I’m with my best friend Maka, whom I had bonded over our shared (bad) experiences wtih our bossy and bullying classmates back in middle school We arrive, go through some sort of an attraction/projection-mapping show in a mini-theater, with the 3D glassrs, swinging chairs and water spraying and stuff to make the whole thing immersive It was about some planes or the people who had built the first electricity line on Mt.Fuji or smth like that Pioneers either way Once we’re done and get out, we’re free to roam and wander for the day We decide to go to the nearby aquaduct/dam/marsh/park, either way close to the waters and the untouched nature Me and my besfriend walk through narrow paths in nature, have a little picnic by the plains, gaze in awe at the marshlands, its autumnal-wintery-summer vegetations somehow coexisting in the same area On our way to the ancient aquaduct we see rainbow in the sky, and the sunny rain The whole classmates who are there rejoice, as they’re a rare and lucky phenomenon, a sign of auspiciousness

27 Jun 2024



I remember going on a certain mission through nature, but I forgot what the mission was for, and I came across this pond with streams of water. There was a lot of animals, like fish, and there was tiny, tiny turtles, and I remember wanting to grab the tiny turtles to take home as a pet, and when I did, I jumped in and a bigger fish got a hold of my leg and wouldn't let go. But I did remain very calm, and I had to use force, and eventually I got the fish off of me, and then I woke up.

23 Jun 2024



I had a dream about a scroll, that I was surrounded by a lot of scrolls, and it was a bright sunny day, I was outside in the nature, and they all came to greet me and play with me, and I was feeding the scrolls.

16 Jun 2024



I had a dream I was looking at my upcoming wedding from above. People were arriving and I was seeing the indoor space was open and clear. The outdoor space was green and lush with nature and open field. As people started to arrive I could feel the energy ramping up with excitement. I saw my grandmother show up with my grandfather who is not invited. I didn’t feel any distress about it like I anticipated. In fact I felt nothing other than a slight surprise. My aunt then came up to me and asked if she wanted me to handle that. And then I woke up

2 Jun 2024



I was living with my family and another family I knew growing up and my grandparents. I was sharing a room. The house wasn’t clean at all. I was walking through the living room when someone came in and told me that someone was coming to visit me. When I opened the door it was the young security guard from where I work. He sat on the couch and I sat next to him. He held his arm out to cuddle me and I leaned in. After of few minutes we were kissing. He put his hand down my top and played with my breasts. We ended up laying down and he slid his hand into my pants. He made me orgasm and then he fell asleep with me. When I woke up I was alone. I was trying to get ready for work but couldn’t find any of my clothes. Everyone was trying to help. We checked all the drawers and closwts. My vice principal came over in her pajamas to check on me and asked me about summer school. I told her I applied but didn’t hear back. She left and we continued to search for my clothes. I found a school sweater and a pair of leggings. It was hot but I had to wear them. I was late. I found parking and went to the school. It looked like a farmhouse and a college. Outside was green and pretty. I loved it. Then I woke up.

14 May 2024



I dream a lot about walking on places full of colorful natural elements, bright blue streams with beautiful pink flowers growing inside them, vast green areas with scattered strong trees, a blue grass field which was the strangest... I collect flowers and plants all my way, even those surrounded by insects, and they don't hurt me. People seem to be fascinated by my love for plants and how I take care of them too.

7 May 2024



I wake up in a fairy tale where all my wishes come true. I live in a palace made of gold, surrounded by magical nature and loyal friends who are always by my side. I learn magic, discover the secrets of the world and live happily ever after.

29 Apr 2024



Going to a classroom as a younger version of myself (but was also a female ) , doing classroom activities and get partnered up with a guy We were in a small village and after school , we would go outside everyday , playing in the sun / nature ,laughing , coming back like it’s our secret base There was a dreadful thought of us separating in the end because I was moving away from the town and we tried our best not to get separated Dream ends before any conclusion,

26 Apr 2024



I keep trying to reach out to my abusive ex, to resolve what happened. However, just like real life I can’t. I have aliases on many game engines, identities for emails. And he never responds. I keep trying to find him, I’m having panic attacks and trying to track him to ask him to help me. Last him know I’m still having panic attacks because of what he’s done Nothing matters, I can’t reach him. Just like real life. I wonder if my ex is real… I can’t find him or see him… I’m scared. Meanwhile I’m with my family. My cats keep escaping outside. I have a gps so it’s easy to find them, yet it gets harder every time. I have to give the two of them baths. All the while my family is bonding. I’m distracted by finding my ex, I miss a movie that I’m sitting in the theater for. I accidentally cast the game I’m playing on the screen…. Someone thinks it’s me, but the the app froze on my phone, and I’m not casting anymore. I’m lying and telling the truth when I say “it’s not me…” I go home with my family. We change clothes, and not cars are looking for a way to communicate with me in a common language. I pick up my girl cat and finally give her a proper bath. I’m using soaps and tools of never use in real life. The suds are everywhere, and I remind myself to be gentle when brushing her toe beans. I finish, and turn to a tub to rinse her off. I thought the tub was full of water, but it’s a shallow bit of dark urine in it. I accidentally drop my cat in it, the sound of her landing in the tub-now empty- makes me think she’s hurt… but she’s fine. I rinse and dry her off. Some time has passed and I’m at the movies (the theater is connected to my house?) again with my parents and brother and I ask if they made sure the cats are inside. They didn’t. Again, I’m distracted by trying to find my ex-begging him to help me- and I put my phone away and return home to get my cats. The gos says My male cat is over my fence and in my neighbors garage, and my girl cat is hiding on my garage roof. After struggling I get them inside, groom them again and try to relax. I’ve decided to delete everything that links me to my ex… I’m having a panic attack while I do… I keep wanting to believe in him, but believing in my ex is causing more distress. I delete everything, except the new book club my mom added me to.

26 Apr 2024



This dream takes place in some kind of campground. The specific setting is not important until later on, I am out camping with my dad. At some point, at sunset or sunrise, we are walking along some kind of nature trail. We eventually reach some kind of field with a lot of long purple flowers. For some reason though, I am overwhelmed by the sun and visual imagery and point this out to my dad. He then goes on a rant about some kind of life lesson and how I can’t accept things as they are. Eventually I find a really large leaf that I want my dad to take a picture of. I hold it up and he fails to take the picture several times. Eventually, the picture is no longer able to be taken as it is no longer sunrise. I get extremely upset by this and get into a fight with my dad over it. My dad then says my enjoyment of my favorite band is interfering with my emotions. When we go home, it is my sisters birthday party. My mom notices my anger and says I am ruining my sisters birthday because of it. I go outside into the backyard and notice that the neighbors house is broken on one part and looks unstable. The next part of the dream goes into a flashback. I am preparing for a friends birthday party. Her party is significant because of the time it takes place in. When I am supposed to be going to the party, it shows my dad taking me to that nature trail instead. This is where the dream ends.

6 Apr 2024



(I had multiple dreams last night. Here is what I can remember from them.) Dream: I was at school. The bell rang, and I went to the bathroom. The first bathroom that I went to was closed for unspecified reasons. I complained to one of the teachers, and she said she that she was annoyed by it to. After that, I went to a different bathroom. This one was jam packed with people. Some of them were waiting for a stall to open, others were doing their makeup, and the rest were just talking to each other. I looked around and found an extra stall that no one was using, so I used it. Then I washed my hands and left. 2nd Dream: It started off at home. I was on my phone when my dad suddenly told me to get ready. I asked him what I needed to get ready for, and he said that we were going to Schlitterbahn water park. I smiled and got ready. Afterwards, my dad, my mom, my sister, and I all went to Schlitterbahn. We found a place to sit, put our towels on our chairs, and walked to the water slides. After waiting in line, my family and I finally got to the top of the slide. The park worker pulled out a giant, circular seat for everyone to sit on and told us to get in. My family sat down first, and as I was about to sit down, my family goes down the slide, leaving me at the top. I got all sad, but the worker told me not to worry about it and gave me a small circular seat to sit on. Once I got on it, I went down the water slide. After that, my family and I went to another water slide, but this time, I was scared. Apparently, that water slide has been known to hurt, and even kill, people. My parents told me not to worry about it though. Once we got to the top, we all went down one by one. After that, we went to our chairs and started talking about breakfast. While we were talking, my sister pulls out a cellphone charger from her bag and drops it in the water. I pick it up and yell at her for dropping it. After I yelled at her, we all went home, and I apologized for yelling and complaining. My dad said it was fine, but I knew it wasn’t. So, I grabbed my phone and went back to my room. 3rd Dream: I was playing a video game that affected the real world. In the game, I met the goddess of nature and hung out with her. She brought me to a cave where I found a bed and went to sleep. When dream me woke up, she saw her grandparents and her father in the cave. Apparently, they had turned it into some kind of house. I asked where the goddess was, and they were like: “who?” So, I started searching for the goddess myself. I found her by the garden, talking to some guy. The guy was super strong and was arguing with the goddess. Then, for some strange reason, they tried to kiss each other, but they got stopped by another goddess. This goddess had a crown on and gave me a tunic. Then, a text box appeared, telling me all about the tunic. After that, the two goddesses and the strong guy left. Then my dad appeared and said that the tunic didn’t look that appealing. Then he told me not to play the same video games that he wants to play when he’s in the room. Then, the two of us go back inside and watch tv with my grandparents. (Then I woke up.)

29 Mar 2024

My crush
Large rocks


I was trying to get off the titanic with a group of people and one of them was an old friend from high school I haven’t seen for over a year. I remember running around the ship trying to find stuff then trying to escape through a window that we broke because that part of the ship went underwater. I remember thinking it was weird I could see underwater because it was supposed to be night, which it was but I could still see underwater which was convenient. Once we got to the deck of the ship, the climbed up to the back of the ship that was still above water and I had the thought to do what they do in the titanic movie which is so jump at the exact time the ship goes down so that you don’t get pulled under with the boat. My friend Will was suddenly also there and we jumped to avoid getting sucked under as far. I could see his legs underwater so I swam up and over towards him and was able to reach him. Then I asked him where Landri and Luke were at (my best friend and my crush) and he said he hadn’t seen them for awhile and last he saw they were in the ship. Then I saw my aunt and uncle who I hadn’t known were aboard and swam over to them and their kids and found my grandparents were also over there. I told Will that my uncle Tony couldn’t be there cause he was supposed to be one of my pallbearer, which was a conversation me and Will had had in real life. My uncle Tony had a camp chair he put on a beach towel and somehow this made it float so his four kids were on top of him and his wife was also on a camp chair but hers was half sinking. My brain tried to explain this by deciding to put a large rock underneath Tony that his chair was half on so that’s how it was staying up. I told Will that we needed to go look for Luke and Landri and he said it was dangerous because if we stayed totally in the water for 15 minutes we had the chance of getting hypothermia and wouldn’t be able to recover no matter what even if we got saved but I told him we had to go so he told me he’d go with me. I could feel in my heart what direction to go and quickly found Luke (my crush) next to some driftwood that Jack and Rose from the titanic movie (who in this dream I knew we had been friends with especially Luke) were also hanging onto. Luke had been in the water for about 15 minutes and I was scared had gotten hyptothermia so me and Will dragged his half passed out body over to the rock where my family was. There I took off half his life jacket and also mine and since he was sat on the rock I sat on his lap and hugged around him trying to warm him up. Will asked if we should go back out looking for landri and so I asked Luke if he’d seen her and he said he didn’t know if she’d made it off the ship and I knew it was a lost cause to go looking. Even though I wanted to be sad I was just numb and couldn’t really feel anything. Nothing really felt that serious. Eventually an hour later a life boat came to look for survivors, and they picked up Rose just like in the Titanic movie and then came our way. I waved them over and they came to save me, I was also still across Luke and told them to bring him in the boat too. Will was floating nearby and I told the people in the boat to grab him and they told me he was dead, but I told them sometimes he just looks really out of it even if he’s not (which is something he will do in real life with sleeping) so they grabbed him and he was alive and my brains logic behind this was that he is an outdoor nature guy and kind of built so he just survived. In real life 6 people were saved from the water after the titanic sank so I had the same logic in my dream and my uncle Tony and one of his kids were still alive and able to be saved. The next morning came and I was talking to Will about the events of the night before and Luke finally came around and I was relieved because he was going to make it.

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