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Dream Interpretation: Seduce 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Seduce? Discover the significance of seeing a Seduce in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Seduce appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes your desire for intimacy and passion. It may also represent your need for attention and validation. Alternatively, it may indicate that you are being manipulated or deceived by someone in your waking life.

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🧭 Direction


Consider your current relationships and whether they are fulfilling your emotional needs. If you are being manipulated or deceived, it is important to confront the situation and set boundaries. If you are the one doing the seducing, be mindful of your intentions and the impact it may have on others. Focus on building genuine connections based on mutual respect and trust.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of seduction evokes a mix of excitement, desire, and curiosity. It stirs up feelings of attraction, passion, and a sense of adventure. It may also bring about a sense of power, as the act of seducing someone can be seen as a form of control. This dream can leave one feeling both intrigued and slightly apprehensive, as it involves the exploration of one's own desires and the potential consequences that may arise from pursuing them. Overall, the dream of seduction elicits a range of intense emotions, making it a captivating and thought-provoking experience.





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Dreams of users containing the word Seduce

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1 Jul 2024



Me and this girl were fighting kinda like a dramadic move fight kinda thing but somehow now agresivelyn and also we weren't on the floor we were just kind of floating and there was this red kind of building surrounding us but there was no ground and she was trying to hard to saduce me and in this dream i was a boy even though im a girl in real life anyways I'm not exactly sure what happened next, but all I remember is us sitting at a floating bench and this other girl that we were fighting with was there and Me and the girl I was fighting with were having sex and it was verry verry vivid i was really focusing in how my dick felt inside of hwr and i we were going for a while and started flyign around ab of something and we were atill trying to fuck as hard as we could idk why this part means so much to me but i can visualize exactly what it looked like it was sexy asf anyways im sorry and i remember actually waking up horny but anyways i woke up but i couldn’t move i could mive my eyes and mive my hands a bit but not the rest of me and then it kinda started to feel like i couldn’t breathe so i tried my beat to move and i fully woke up but then i went back to bed And then, in that dream, I went to this weird building, kind of looked like a church, and I saw this park. And, in this dream, I was a kid, and I was surrounded by other kids, and my mom told me not to go to the little park that was down the hill. And I went, and when I went there, I somehow stepped on the body of water, and a boat filled around me. And I remember looking up at the place that I was just at, and it looked really high. And I remember thinking, wow, this looks like Minecraft. And I took a picture on my phone.and then i kept going in the boat and i physically felt myslef moving with the waves idk it was weird and then it happened again i kind of woke up but i couldn’t really move and my breathing was weird and then again i went back to sleep and then this happened maybe 2 more times and then i just woke up and got coffee

28 Jun 2024



Well it was like about how this girl was telling me that it was to just relax and let her seduce me, but we were both girls.. I kept on telling her that I don’t know, but she told me that it was OK

20 Jun 2024



A few days ago I had a dream that really disturbed me. In the dream my dad seduced and had sex with a girl I've seen in the past and I care about in order to hurt me. My dad has never done something like that before, but it has continued to bother me

20 May 2024



Someone tried to sedice me then when I rejected them they shaved my head.

2 May 2024



I was trapped in southern Mexico at a small school. I wanted to go back home but I wanted to earn my plane ticket money by working at the school as a janitor. While I was there I slept in late because I was jet lagged from living in England for some reason, and I had an American accent because I actually live in American in real life. The classes were mostly physical activity like running to places and tossing a ball. I was bad at the sports but it's ok because I didn't have the practice that my peers had. Before our teacher got there one of the girls was wrestling me and trying to seduce me.

24 Apr 2024



I'm living in a house by myself. It's very well-maintained, high-end furnishings, 1990s is the feeling of the Era, but I am in my twenties or thirties in the dream. The time of day is always sunrise. One day, as I awaken, a family has moved in: mother, father, baby. The father makes advances in me, but I largely ignore them because he has a family. One day the woman is gone and he attempts to seduce me. We enjoy passionate lovemaking fire what seems like days, but as u stated already it is always sunrise in the dream. We take a break and play with the baby, with turns out to be a stuffed toy that has feelings and discernment. The toy adores me, which endears the man to me and he wants to make love again. I ask him about the woman, and he says something, but I cannot decipher his answer as he begins making love to me. She enters and catches us. He is heartbroken, and the woman gives him an ultimatum: she doesn't mind that he is gay, but she still wants a family with him. I leave and hide in the office by the front door, as she makes a threat on my life; though I can easily kill her, I'm more curious about the man's decision. While I'm in my hiding space, he comes to find me and we stare at each other. As he is about to attempt to make love to me, a firefighter enters the room and tells him to leave. The firefighter then asks me if I'm OK. I can clearly see the firefighter and his features. I am attracted to him and he is attracted to me. He takes one step in my direction... and then I wake up.

27 Mar 2024



I was running for my life in a video game, but it was very realistic. Everything kept changing so fast it was hard to keep track of how to play the game, what team I was on, how to win the game, etc. I felt panicked and like I was being rushed. I was trying to learn the basics of a complicated and nuanced game during a boss fight. I ended up being chased and attacked by a young woman around my age that had the vibe of my boyfriends sister if she was evil. I was trying to run and hide while also avoiding the dangerous beasts that were all over. They would change shape and hover, try to bite me if they saw me even for a moment. I didn’t know what the point of the game even was. There were small fires every few yards illuminating the area. Then I became Molly, the abuse victim I related to from the TV show I watched last night. Suddenly there were a bunch of young adults like me making out and having steamy passionate sex all around me. I was being seduced by a young woman while we were hiding behind the corner of a small wooden building. I was watching for someone who was looking for me. It was a man, someone I love. I didn’t recognize them, but they felt like a father figure, caregiver or life partner. They found me half dressed, vulnerable and intoxicated from the stress and the sex. They comforted me, hugged me, and wanted me to know they were just glad I was safe.

20 Feb 2024



I had a dream that the mother of my boyfriend’s child stayed the night at our house because she had nowhere to go. I went to get some blankets and towels for her. Upon returning I caught my boyfriend staring in a direction and it was her trying to seduce my boyfriend. Then her and I got into a physical altercation and the dream ended

16 Feb 2024

White man


I had a dream that I was seduced by a hot black guy who later turned into an evil white man. We ended up traveling and riding a subway. To get away from him, I ran into an open park full of evil people trying to kill me

31 Jan 2024

Make Out


i had a dream that i was breaking out of a prison with a few people we used pens that turned into parachutes to escape because the prison was an island i ended up landing in a city but i was still being chased by the cops after a while i hid in a house and manage to lose them and as i entered the house i met with a woman inside. she was beautiful and i thought about seducing her and so i did and we ended up sleeping together but her husband showed up and i had to hide and run out of the house and afterwards i decided to come back but was met with my ex and i decided to seduce her as well and we started making out and then later in we stopped and i carried her bridal style onto the couch and then i woke up

16 Nov 2023

Jasny (nie ciemny)


I dreamt about me and my brother sitting in my room. It was very dark, the only source of light were out laptops. Our surrounding was tense for unknown reason. Im not sure but I get the feeling my brother was thinking bad things about me at the time. I remember paying close attention to the window. It was pitch black outside but I had a feeling of something being out there. A little later I noticed a red skinned incubus or succubus in the Door frame as uf hiding herself. I don't know what happened but suddenly we were laying on the floor, I was on top of her, kissing her passionately. And she was the bottom, the sensitive one. Whimpering quietly. I was the one in control even if she was the demon supposed to seduce me. I had a feeling my mom could see me kissing her and I don't know what she was thinking

5 Nov 2023



I dreamt about my ex boyfriend trying to seduce me into having sex with me despite the fact that he is not emotionally attracted to me.

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