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Dream Interpretation: Spring 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Spring? Discover the significance of seeing a Spring in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Spring appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

Dreaming of spring symbolizes new beginnings, growth, and renewal. It represents a time of change and transformation, where you can let go of the past and embrace the future. It may also indicate a time of fertility and creativity.

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🧭 Direction


This dream may be telling you to embrace change and take advantage of new opportunities. It's time to let go of old habits and patterns that are holding you back. Use this time to focus on personal growth and development. Take risks and try new things, as this is a time of great potential and possibility.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of spring evokes feelings of renewal, growth, and hope. It symbolizes a fresh start, a time of rejuvenation and new beginnings. The vibrant colors and blooming flowers bring a sense of joy and optimism. Spring represents a period of transformation and the shedding of the old to make way for the new. It brings a feeling of warmth and lightness, as the days become longer and the weather becomes milder. This dream may also evoke a sense of anticipation and excitement for what lies ahead. Overall, the dream of spring leaves one with a sense of positivity and a belief in the endless possibilities that life has to offer.





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27 May 2024



On bus with people driving through mountainous area with little traffic and saw woman falling/rolling down a hill from the road. As fast as she was descending she must have been pushed from a moving vehicle but I don’t recall seeing one since I had been talking to a passenger. I feel like my reaction and thought process was going in slow motion. I should have told the driver to stop immediately but it took me a minute to grasp the situation. It appears to be spring. Jackets being worn but green leaves were abundant and it had recently rained.

5 Apr 2024



i dont quite remember it but i was at my friend alyssas house sleeping then spring break ended and we teleported to school and testing already started.. i was really scared because i didnt know anything that was going to be on the test

1 Apr 2024



Was at my aunt’s home that expanded from my home. The home was used for spring break with people in it. A man was using the wow and a pregnant woman needed to use the toilet but didn’t want to go in alone so I went with her inside. I could see the steam from the shower and could feel the warmth. I leave her in the bathroom once we get to the toilet. There was a powder like room in the bathroom and I could see a couple having sex. Then I left and it’s like the house had extra rooms and hall ways. I said to myself β€œwe can definitely rent this out for spring break.” I was climbing blocks in the walls and got to a peak that looked into another room and I could jump off if I wanted but it wasn’t a safe jump. I found another couple engaging in sex and swiftly turned into a different direction. Even after the dream ended and I woke up, I was making plans for the house like it was real.

31 Mar 2024



My kids, a few family members and I , we were walking down to the springs together. As we were walking down the path, I saw there was an alligator in the water. My son was playing a game on his phone. I yelled out to him and said, Son, you need to be careful and pay attention because there's an alligator in the water. He said, okay. We continued walking towards the springs. I looked over to speak to a family member. When I looked back, my son was walking into the water. He was not paying attention and the alligator was there waiting. As soon as he walked into the water, it just snatched him and pulled him down into the water. A couple of my family members hopped in the water and attempted to try to grab him, but they were unable to and the alligator took him away.

24 Mar 2024

New Job


In this dream I was a magical friendly librarian witch. I had a library that had cds and books and I remember Sting the musican was there along with other students. I was excited I got a new batch of material and showed off vinyl to the group and he was looking for his album when he was single performer, and I showed him his area and then ended up being pleased. Then we had a runway where myself and a few others were judging some outfits of students and I was encouraging all students outfits, even though some where not well put together than others. I wanted the students to feel proud of their work. Then I made friends with another librarian. She was darker skin and had curly hair, and I’ve never met her before in real life. But she carried herself very professionally and cautious but she was nice to me at first. We worked together in another library what was also a kitchen. I myself was very friendly, outgoing and a little zany, which made us opposites but we still worked together. When I left work and came back I noticed the hard work we did was all gone, and empty. All the students and people where not there. I flew up (l can levitate and fly) to look around and she wasn’t there and also everyone too. Then I flew to these fancy doors where one student was dressed up and she guarded the door. She didn’t want me in, and I used my powers to use telekinesis on her and move her to the side. It was difficult but it worked and I opened the door. There was everyone there, all dressed up preparing tables and the rest of the restaurant. From there I was angry that I was left out of the event, bc everyone knew and I didn’t. Students mouth dropped knowing and unknowing what was going on. I moved students with my telekinesis powers to the side as I flew to find out where the other chef librarian was. I slammed the doors open to the kitchen and I see her dressed up in a purple gown with her hair up. Some students where siding with me while others stayed quiet and didn’t participated and just followed the other librarians orders. I was angry and asked her why she left me out, why she didn’t tell me ahead of time so I can help and she didn’t want me to be there simply bc we had different views. But I knew that bc we were different it made us more stronger but she didn’t budge. She wanted to fight me physically but my light was stronger and I worked on my magic unlike her. I walked with other students who supported my and I used my magic to change my outfit. I was wearing a white, sparkling long gown and I had long, blonde hair with a silver and gold tiara with spring blossoms on my head. I asked if I looked okay to the students. I used my aura of strength, beauty, and power to make a statement.

21 Mar 2024



I had a dream that started off as my birthday and me and my friends went into the woods and we started building a house, a tree house, it was a really, really cool tree house and we ended up making two or three different bases and the vines came down all around so it felt like a hidden garden or like, I don't know, it felt magical. My friend showed up and it was weird because I hadn't seen her in a while and she was dressed in all black but kind of slutty and we were very confused My friend has to leave early, though we do become good friends with her, and we don't want her to leave, but her mom ends up making her leave two days after working on the treehouse. The day after she leaves, my friends have to leave, too. Their parents drive them out in their cars. After I release my little red bird, who I had as a pet, I somehow talk to the bird after giving it a cozy spot for a bed. And it said something like, it was very happy to be here, and it shouldn't have a great life before. I leave and head back to my house where my parents are planning on selling my dog. We go to meet the new owners, check out the house before giving them my dog. The couple we're selling them to are probably mid-70s. Eventually we leave, leaving my dog there. I switch to this perspective of my dog. He wakes up in the middle of the night in a creepy room covered in dust. The whole room seems like an eerie blue and there's a window with a little bit of light coming in. I look next to me, and there's this little girl laying in her bed. I didn't know they had a child. I said, she's telling me I have to leave. That it's not safe here. That they poison us with the powder they put into the air. I'm confused. I don't know why they would do this. I ask her why. She says, I don't know, but they have some plan. Then she starts acting radically. Banging her bed. Kicking, screaming. She's like 13. So this is our normal behavior. Then I start kicking my bed. And hitting it. And I yell once that I'm so confused. I get control of myself and I run. I run down the street, just as far as I can go, yelling help. I make it to a fork in the road, a curve in the road, you know. I can see the road below me, curving down, and I see a food truck helping, um, and a truck getting food in the middle of the road. I yell help, but they don't seem to hear me. I eventually run until my family finds me, then i switch back to my view of myself (my human body) and we all run to hide from the people who had taken me in the first place. They show up at the house. We're all in one bedroom. My dad's on the left side of the bed. My mom's on the right side next to my dog. And I'm in front of them. I dodge into the closet. And they show up with the man holding a large barrel gun and the wife holding a small intricately carved revolver. It takes a minute, but I spring on the wife and grab the revolver. I shoot her twice and her husband five times. We then run out of the apartment. We leave and we end up finding ourselves in what looks like someplace in Las Vegas. We get to a room and I wash the dog with soap to get the powder off him.

18 Mar 2024



My boyfriend and I also left the restaurant we were walking the location reminded me of Clearwater Fl. We were looking for a hotel to stay for the night as we were walking we saw a building that looked like a lighthouse we thought it might be a small hotel And I remember saying to him that we Joe's it wasn't a hotel because how would we sleep if it was a lighthouse. When we walked inside it was a restaurant. We then went to the Wyndham hotel got in the pool we didn't have any swimsuits we just wore what we had on. We were playing in the pool it was a large pool with pool dividers on the water I remember splashing to much and starting to float in the air across the pool. I was worried i would float away but I managed to grab hold of one of the pool dividers and come down i got back in the water and my boyfriend met me where I landed. We then decided to get out of the water and go to our room. As we were leaving the water it was an African American man sitting on ledge of the pool he had on a brown shirt blue denim shorts and long skinny dreads. He grabbed my arm and asked what was on my shorts belt loop. It was basically small locks of dreads tied to the loop of my belt I told him and then my boyfriend asked him to basically leave me alone we were on our way out the pool. As soon as we got on the walking area by the pool other guys got out and started to follow us they were complimenting me and I was telling them I was with my boyfriend. For whatever reason my boyfriend didn't see the other people behind us and kept walking ahead of me. I remember thinking why isn't he saying anything to stop them. Eventually we made it to our room and he got in the shower and I started to look around the hotel room . I got an odd feeling that the room was already occupied by someone else but they just weren't there. I opened the closet and there was a brown purse sitting in the closet and hair accessories like beads you would put in your hair they were yellow . I also remember a little girl pair of white dress shoes sitting in the closet. I closed the door and told my boyfriend that I don't think this is my room but he didn't seem really bothered by it. Then I thought to myself we never really checked in. We left out or the room and went to what felt like a beach or springs he told me to call his family and they could all meet us there to have fun and swim so I did. I saw a relative there who in real life is no longer living but she reminded of taraji p Henson the actress she was very pretty she had on a sun hat and a blue dress she was having a great time. I was taking pictures of her with I a ring that I wear in my real life it's a gold ring that says "faith over fear" the photos I took of her smiling and enjoying life were so pretty and I really wanted her to see them. But as people arrived some of the photos weren't coming out very clear. However she didn't seem to mind she was just having a good time. I saw an older lady from church and she said Karriscea how are doing nice to see you baby and I said I'm good just trying to take some pictures of cousin. Then the dream ended

18 Mar 2024

New Job


I dreamt I was preparing to meet a client for my job. My coworkers and pulled up in cars and met in an open field. Everyone was wearing shades of pink except myself and another coworker she was wearing a black outfit. I didn't realize that we were to wear shades of pink to meet the client so she told the coworker in all black that I would be right back I left a suitcase or bag and it has a pink top in it that I could put on. She responded that the meeting with the client was at 10:30am and wanted to know if I thought I'd make it back in time. I told her I should be back so all my coworkers got into a single file line and headed towards the side walk to wait for a bus to take them to meet with the client. I sprinted across the field back to the suitcase to get my pink top. When I made it to the suitcase my coworkers that took the side walk met up with me basically at the same time it took for me to run across the field to get the suitcase. They waitin the bus and I waited for another. I never got to put on the pink shirt or meet with them to see the client because the dream switched to a different scene. This scene my boyfriend and I are at a fancy expensive restaurant were sitting at a table with a lady I know from church she say to the left of me and a little girls was with her she sat to the right of my boyfriend. Our racks cloth was white and our tables had long table legs that were anchored in the ocean and so did our chairs we sat up pretty high above the ocean the entire restaurant looked that you can tell we were outside no walls it was evening. Across from our table was an African American woman and her daughter . Below our table I could see an Orca whale it splashed its back tail fin on the water and I felt some of the water touch my face. Across the ocean I could see a group of orca whales at first it made me nervous but then I just pointed at them to show my boyfriend the group of whales. The a waitress comes out in the middle of the restaurant with a microphone. The waitress was a caucasian woman with red hair and the traditional black and white waitress uniform. She made an announcement that she was sorry but a storm was coming and we need to prepare she asked everyone at the restaurant to hold on to the tables and each other because the hurricane would be there shorty. My boyfriend and I made a comment to each other that we couldn't believe this was happening and it was our first time there. We put our heads down held on to the other two people at our table and then I looked up and I can see the sky getting darker as though the storm was forming the waves in the ocean were more and more intense and the wind got stronger and suddenly the ocean waves came straight to the restaurant. We were getting splashed by water left and right , I began to pray I said God cover us and protect us with your precious blood surround us with your angels God shield us from hurt and harm. I repeated the prayer over and over and I became more confident with prayer and got louder as though I was commanding the storm to stop. The lady sitting next to me starting praying to and then the storm stopped. The waiter came out again and asked if we were all okay and we told her we're ok we were just wet. The African American lady and the little girl that at the table with her was annoyed because her little girls fish had fell off the table and onto the bottom I could see the fish on the plate at the bottom. I told the African American woman that at least we are safe and she could get a new plate and she should be grateful she rolled her eyes at me and we argued about for a coun of minutes and then she and the little girl got up from the table and left the restaurant. My boyfriend and I also left the restaurant we were walking the location reminded me of Clearwater Fl. We were looking for a hotel to stay for the night as we were walking we saw a building that looked like a lighthouse we thought it might be a small hotel And I remember saying to him that we Joe's it wasn't a hotel because how would we sleep if it was a lighthouse. When we walked inside it was a restaurant. We then went to the Wyndham hotel got in the pool we didn't have any swimsuits we just wore what we had on. We were playing in the pool it was a large pool with pool dividers on the water I remember splashing to much and starting to float in the air across the pool. I was worried i would float away but I managed to grab hold of one of the pool dividers and come down i got back in the water and my boyfriend met me where I landed. We then decided to get out of the water and go to our room. As we were leaving the water it was an African American man sitting on ledge of the pool he had on a brown shirt blue denim shorts and long skinny dreads. He grabbed my arm and asked what was on my shorts belt loop. It was basically small locks of dreads tied to the loop of my belt I told him and then my boyfriend asked him to basically leave me alone we were on our way out the pool. As soon as we got on the walking area by the pool other guys got out and started to follow us they were complimenting me and I was telling them I was with my boyfriend. For whatever reason my boyfriend didn't see the other people behind us and kept walking ahead of me. I remember thinking why isn't he saying anything to stop them. Eventually we made it to our room and he got in the shower and I started to look around the hotel room . I got an odd feeling that the room was already occupied by someone else but they just weren't there. I opened the closet and there was a brown purse sitting in the closet and hair accessories like beads you would put in your hair they were yellow . I also remember a little girl pair of white dress shoes sitting in the closet. I closed the door and told my boyfriend that I don't think this is my room but he didn't seem really bothered by it. Then I thought to myself we never really checked in. We left out or the room and went to what felt like a beach or springs he told me to call his family and they could all meet us there to have fun and swim so I did. I saw a relative there who in real life is no longer living but she reminded of taraji p Henson the actress she was very pretty she had on a sun hat and a blue dress she was having a great time. I was taking pictures of her with I a ring that I wear in my real life it's a gold ring that says "faith over fear" the photos I took of her smiling and enjoying life were so pretty and I really wanted her to see them. But as people arrived some of the photos weren't coming out very clear. However she didn't seem to mind she was just having a good time. I saw an older lady from church and she said Karriscea how are doing nice to see you baby and I said I'm good just trying to take some pictures of cousin. Then the dream ended

3 Mar 2024



My dream wa that instead of my parents renewing their wedding vows this spring like they planned for their 50th wedding anniversary, instead at the ceremony I come to find out that my dad had divorced my mom and was getting married to a horrible woman in her 20s. She had short platinum blonde hair, very skinny but conventionally attractive and she was a complete tyrant. Stamping her feet, screaming at everyone and even demanded that my dad moved her and himself into a mansion. It was a gorgeous house but it was so sad to see my mom still taking care of my dad while he gave attention to this horrible girl. She had traps all over the property and everyone seemed to adore or fear her. She destroyed my and my mothers clothes and would add salt to the wounds so to speak by saying nasty things to us on the side out of earshot of my elderly dad. The ceremony was al blue and white. I decided to stay outside with the cats instead of watch. It was heartbreaking.

19 Feb 2024



It was a hot spring in, I want to say like Azerbaijan or something with my husband and we were in the spring but it was time to pray so I just covered myself with towels and faced, yeah like I was trying to figure out which way was the Kaaba and it was south I think from where we were and as I was trying to pray I kept getting mixed up so I like changed my location to be away from other people even though everybody at the hot spring was a Muslim and this little girl kept interrupting me to tell me about the raccoons and the trees so I finally was able to finish my prayer and then I walked her away from where I was because there was a child's play area near me and when I turned around it wasn't a raccoon following us but it was a bear so I like jumped towards the bear and then it decided it didn't want anything to do with me but then it started running towards the other people and my husband like defended the little girl and got the bear you know away from her but then it started to bite him so I was trying to help get the bear off of him and I started shoving poop in his eyes and like we were gonna be okay you know we were just gonna go to the hospital and we would be fine or whatever but yeah the bear seemed to like having the poop shoved in his eyes and mouth also which is gross

19 Feb 2024



I had a dream where me and Josh went to Thailand and hiked to a hot springs. The vibes were really good

2 Feb 2024



I dreamt about making food. I was in the kitchen making spring rolls. As I made spring rolls, I was told to be careful with bean sprouts and scallions. The root of the scallions can cause Listeria. I was told to be sure to wash the vegetables before adding them to the dish.

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