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Dream Interpretation: Holiday 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Holiday? Discover the significance of seeing a Holiday in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Holiday appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

Dreaming of a holiday symbolizes a need for relaxation and escape from daily routine. It may also represent a desire for adventure and exploration. This dream may indicate a need to take a break from work or responsibilities and enjoy some leisure time.

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🧭 Direction


Take some time off to relax and recharge. Plan a vacation or a weekend getaway to a place you have always wanted to visit. This dream may also suggest that you need to take a break from your daily routine and try something new. Explore new hobbies or activities that interest you.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of a holiday evokes feelings of joy, relaxation, and anticipation. It symbolizes a break from routine, a time to unwind and recharge. It brings a sense of freedom and adventure, allowing one to escape the stresses of everyday life. The dream may also elicit feelings of nostalgia, as it represents cherished memories and special moments. Overall, the holiday dream brings a sense of happiness and contentment, offering a glimpse into a world of leisure and enjoyment.





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11 Jun 2024



I had a dream I was back at my childhood home and me and two of my school friends were in the bath and we were at one end and at the other end was a lady I didn’t know, we were all adults. I can’t remember if we’re had clothes on however I do not believe we were naked. We were all laughing and the girl got out the bath and left. Mr and my friends were then chatting about how easy it would be to have sex with her if were wanted to. I was then on holiday and at a set of doors a young attractive girl walked past me and I followed her, we were both going back to our hotel rooms, I remember thinking I wanted her to come to my room. She had two young children who followed me into my room which was next door, I half expected her to follow them in but she did not arrive. There was a swing in my hotel room and the youngest child was playing on it, I no pushed her on the swing but it became tangled and she hit her head on the frame, she looked worried and started to cry, I was afraid I was going to get in trouble but her older sister soothed her. The lady didn’t arrive and then there was a knock at the door. It was an old school friend named Scott grey who wanted to borrow some toothpaste, I gave him some and he left. I fell asleep on the bed and the lady did not show up to collect her children however my wife and my daughter did but they did not said anything and there children seemed to not be there anymore. My friend Scott came back and we were talking about the rest of the holiday and I was worried I would not have enough spending money. The hotel room changed into a different room and I remember it being untidy and I realised I needed to pack up my things and leave.

2 Jun 2024



Last night I dreamt that I was on holiday with Alan, we were watching wild pigs πŸ˜‚ We were leaving small decorations all over the roads... Not sure why.

24 May 2024



So I went to visit my mom and she was kind of walking through the apartment complex. And as she walked through the apartment complex, we didn't really speak. It seemed as if it was a holiday. I ended up seeing her and she went in the house. I went in the house behind her. I had a newborn baby and my middle child in real life, which was to her boy. So we ended up following her. I was so happy to be in there around her even though she didn't really talk to me. Like she kind of started doing stuff in the house, in the kitchen. And I went to go see a man that was in those apartment complex. I went to go see this man that was in that apartment complex. However, I didn't stay long because my mom came and got me, and I still had the baby and my middle daughter, and we ended up leaving. Even though in a dream I was kind of like, she didn't have to do that. So the next day came, I went to go visit my mama with the intent of seeing this guy, but I didn't quite just go to his apartment. I went to her house, I was by myself this day, and next thing you know, my phone started ringing, so I went outside to talk on the phone. When I did that, I looked up and I saw a lot of Haitian people that were on the roof with guns, and they looked at me, they saw me. This made me so nervous, and I was still on the phone, I was trying to play it off like I wasn't afraid or anything. This one guy whispered in the other guy's ears, they saw me, I saw them, and I went back in my mom's apartment. So when I went back in my momma's apartment, me and my momma was still not talking, but this girl appeared. I don't even know this girl, but I kind of told her, like, I got to get out of here. It is a lot going on. This is what I see outside. And then the guy that I saw was supposed to go see in the apartment complex. And I was talking to the first day I was in the apartment, my mom's apartment complex. He was like, I told him they saw me and they whispered in each other's ears, whatever. I was afraid and it made me scared. I just want to go home so I can make it home to my kids. So he was kind of like, they're going to do that to make you scared. But anyways, me and the girl that appeared, we just left my mom's apartment complex. It was really dark and I could see which trees, I know there was shooting outside. I just wanted to leave. It was a lot of movement, a lot of people running around in the woods. I was afraid, very frightened and afraid. I just wanted to leave and go. But I seen this house that was lit, a lot of people in here, smoking and drinking. And I actually saw my classmate Kendrick Tony and his cousin Tyler. So me and the girl went on the inside. Once we went on the inside, I kind of didn't greet anybody but I was just still so nervous and scared and it was kind of like a party that was going on. I went on the inside and went towards my classmate. I think I may have spoken to him. But I kind of sat in between his legs on the floor though and showed him that I was kind of emotionally scared and he kind of made me feel a little bit comfort through emotions and let me know that I was good. But it wasn't too much and then the girl that I came with she saw me and she was like, girl it's okay. So she showed me that one of the guys that was living in the house or in the apartment complex with my classmate That had killed one of the Haitians. So she showed me the body and The guy had a cigarette in his mouth and blood was just leaking from it So next thing, you know, I I Didn't got more afraid about what was going on. She took me in the room like let's go talk girl. Everything is okay And then when she did that it's almost like night went by so fast. It was morning time I was so big on leaving I just wanted to leave. When it was time for me to leave we left me and the girl. We left and I saw that it was a really big apartment complex outside. However the road I could see the road in the little town it was kind of like an old-timey town as if it was like back in the day. So I saw the little town and we kept walking and I was so afraid hoping nothing happens to me. It was a little it was a little old town. We kept walking and it was a really really big apartment complex and I was just afraid I just wanted to get out of there and go. We kept walking but I ended up waking myself up out of the dream.

23 May 2024

Evil spirits


Last night I dreamt that I was a ballerina and a vampire, and my husband was a vampire too. We were on holiday and I kept seeing an evil force outside our window. I chose to let it in and try and understand it 😬

20 May 2024



Extended family was over for a holiday, there was good and maroon plants. We brought home a sheep that I was mad got on the couch because it wasn’t clean and had fecal matter on it. I felt guilty for getting mad at the sheep then gave it a bath, for whatever reason the sheep was our family pet.

18 May 2024



My last dream was about my family and my grandparents had got us some presents for the whole family and my brother was in it too I forgot what holiday it was but it feels like ever night when I go to bed I wake up round 11:00 for some reason that’s just habit for some reason.

5 May 2024



I went on holiday with Lotte, Cindy, Lisa, Marijn, Senna and Ice Spice. We went to a very large farm. We discovered that we were not the only ones who had rented the house. So there would be many more groups. I found it very exciting to be on holiday with Ice Spice because I really liked her. I was deeply in love with her. I went to talk to Ice Spice, she looked a bit sad. I had seen on Twitter that all kinds of gossip about Ice Spice had come out. These were leaked by her old best friend. It also came out that she had talked badly about Nicki Minaj. Ice Spice thought it was very sweet of me to comfort her and tell her that she really needed this holiday. Other groups of people started coming. They were very strange people with no real emotion. They arrived in school buses. When they arrived they were not friendly and asked if we could share rooms. At one point the atmosphere became very grim. The new people became very aggressive and it almost looked like some kind of horror movie. Someone sat in the bathroom with the door locked and flooded everything. A lot of water came from under the door and flowed down the stairs. I tried to open the door with another man. There was an emotionless boy standing inside with a knife in his hand. He tried to kill us. I ran out of the house and wanted to escape. Then I met Mounya. He suggested that we go swimming home via canals and ditches. We then had to swim via the canal belt of Amsterdam and then via Sloterdijk to Zwanenburg. I thought this would take a long time but Mounya said it wouldn't be too bad. I then asked Mounya what she was going to do with her phone. She said it wouldn't get wet if you put it in your bag. I didn't believe her but I did it anyway. We then went to undress on a pier to go swimming, and suddenly Pooja's brother also came with us. When we were undressing, I saw how much seaweed was in the water, and that terrified me. So I didn't want to go swimming anymore.

4 May 2024



Hotel - [ ] I had a dream I was on holiday in a poor country but in an expensive hotel. I was talking to a lady who ran a hotel in the country. We went outside the hotel and there were poor people. I remember seeing a rich man who was sitting on the floor talking to the locals. He had headphones on and I remember thinking that although he looked comfortable he may be in danger of getting robbed. I was then at an airport with two strangers I did not know and I could not find my passport to go through passport control. I was looking through all of my pockets in my case but could not find it. I then went in an elevator but it went down instead of up and I found myself in a totally empty terminal. I looked around and it was very quiet. I went back up via the stairs and saw a friend who I told what happened and she went back into the elevator. I then saw a Chinese man with his two children. He was travelling around the world. I remember sitting at a table with his daughter and she was on telephone trying to book a hotel in England. She managed to get a room but she was not happy with the price. I asked her to call back and make sure that breakfast was included. Hey brother then started speaking to me but can’t remember what he said. I left and was walking toward another hotel where my wife was waiting and looking out of the Window. I could sense I was in trouble for something. I entered the hotel and she said words I cannot recall. I was then with my girlfriend in a very large expensive white walled hotel room. We were having really good fun. She then changed into being really upset with me, although she wasn’t crying she was being matter of fact saying that our relationship was wrong and she didn’t want to continue it. I was confused and upset. I remember leaving the room with her and we went to meet her two sisters. There was a frosty atmosphere between us but it was not my fault. I remember that she was being horrible to a lady through a Window who was down below. She was shouting abuse. The lady was the model Kate Moss. My girlfriend and I went in the elevator and back up to the room and she told me it was over and that she was happy about it. She was teasing me in a horrible way. We were back in the lift and this time I was carrying a bag. We got out the lift on the wrong floor but still went into a room. It was not the room from before. I left my bag outside the door and was aware it may get stolen but did not collect it. I remember opening up all of the drawers to check for my things but they were empty. There was one tiny drawer that I opened that had pills and drawing pins inside. I remember thinking I wish I knew about the pills earlier. I put 3 pills into my pocket. The Two sisters were then with us in the room and one handed me a note saying β€œshe will really miss you” I was too upset to think of anything else. I screwed up the note and left the hotel room. I went back to the elevator and cannot recall getting inside it.

1 May 2024



I went to a holiday park local to me. This holiday park didn't just have caravans, but also large lodges that were in the middle of a forest. I had booked to go here for New Year's Eve with my boyfriend and we were really excited for it.

23 Apr 2024



I had a dream where i went to like some holiday home in a very dry area but it was quite nice, my uncle was there, my friend from school who im close to was also there, my boyfriend was temporarily there but in this dream we were more of the best friend side of our relationship rather than our romantic side,, and i guess a few people from my family group were just there and for some reason it just felt like we were in a really well built minecraft house where we had to fight off endermen that spawned out of the portal that was built infront of our holiday home,, and to get food we had to take a decently long walk on a dusty road to get food on like a barn and on the way,, i saw a girl from my primary school with her mum and sister sleeping in the back of a pickup truck,, and for some reason they're looked poor and she looked at me nd then looked away right when their car drove past,, they definitely saw me. after we got the food my uncle started cooking them nd my friend from school managed to break the portal which was summoning the endermen and thats all i remember.

9 Apr 2024



I was on a yacht with Pooja, her mother and brother. Pooja's mother had made a sexy video in Dubai for her husband. It was a very chic video on the yacht. The yacht had all glass walls and was silent in the middle of the water. Pooja's mother wore an all-white outfit. Then Pooja's brother stood near an air purification tunnel at the tip of the yacht and was sucked into the tunnel. This took him into the sea. Then suddenly I was in the jungle with Pooja and Pooja's father. We had jetpacks so we could fly through the jungle. Then I suddenly went on holiday in a house with Cindy, Melanie, Mandy, Pooja, Esther, Esther's mother and Cindy's two fathers. I shared a car with Cindy. At that time, there were people who had deeds drawn up at the notary and Cindy and I had to pick them up at the Chamber of Commerce. Then we ran through an old building and had to block off the open doors with cardboard planks. Then we were in the holiday home and Cindy made satay sauce from meatballs and tomato sauce. Esther's mother thought that was very strange. Cindy's fathers really liked the notary's deeds. Esther was happy that I was there. Cindy and I slept in the room together but we ended up chatting and smoking all night and didn't sleep. The next day everyone left the holiday home. Melanie, Mandy and Cindy stayed behind to rest. Melanie wanted to sleep together with Cindy and Mandy, but the two really didn't want that because they wanted to sleep quietly alone.

8 Apr 2024



I was in a holiday mansion and me and my friend sneak out at night. We walk past it and see someone in the window. We go back in to see my whole family get attacked by ghosts

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