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Dream Interpretation: Traffic ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Traffic? Discover the significance of seeing a Traffic in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Traffic appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

Dreaming of traffic symbolizes feeling stuck or overwhelmed in your waking life. It may indicate that you are struggling to make progress or feeling frustrated with the slow pace of things. Alternatively, it could represent the chaos and unpredictability of life.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Consider what is causing you to feel stuck or overwhelmed. Are there any changes you can make to simplify your life or reduce your responsibilities? Alternatively, try to find ways to embrace the chaos and unpredictability of life. Remember that sometimes the journey is just as important as the destination.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream about traffic may evoke feelings of frustration, impatience, and stress. It symbolizes obstacles and delays in life, making you feel trapped or unable to move forward. It reflects the need for better time management and finding alternative routes to reach your goals. This dream may also indicate a lack of control or feeling overwhelmed by the demands of daily life.





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Dreams of users containing the word Traffic

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11 Jul 2024

Light (Not Dark)


It was night time, I was at my hometown and it had just poured so everything was shiny from lights refectling off the wet surface. I was in an older car kind of like a Cadillac. It was still drizzling so the wipers were turned on. We went under a traffic light that was green, and then ended up about 10 minutes down the road in the next town. We turned left at another light down to a local grocery store called ShopRite, but the place wasnโ€™t as it usually is, it was in a quarry type place and all of a sudden its day time and now weโ€™re in a rush to get back to where we came from and as we leave we pop back to the first traffic light and itโ€™s dark again and this just repeats. I feel that I am looking for someone and in a rush, but donโ€™t know why. I feel anxious and overwhelmed the entire time. I think my step dad is the driver but it could also be me too.

2 Jul 2024

Video Game


My family was moving houses from my old house, but not to the one we currently live in, to the house I grew up in. We were in black bridesmaid dresses, because for some reason someone was getting married there. The open house sign even said "someone just got married here." The dream changed because we forgot to pack up my sister and I's rooms, so we decided to bike back there. Once we reached a certain street, we couldn't get across the traffic, so we rode onto the speedbumps, carrying us all the way over the cars, into a field of yellow dandelions. Then, it turned into almost a video game. We were at a homeless campsite and there was a guy who made everyone play hide and seek. I don't remember past that, because I woke up.

19 Jun 2024



I was cleaning this house and I tricked my boss into letting me have a vacation where I also took things for myself. My sister helped me take things if I gave her some of it. Even though I did a good job at cleaning before I left for vacation, they weren't satisfied. So after I was half way there they made me go through traffic again to clean it right. Then we all got together and played man hunt in the tall grass with super powers. The bad guys won most of the time so we had to change the rules for everyone else

15 Jun 2024



In my dream I was flying in the air with my dad wrapped around me from behind. We flew over a football field and I said I want my son to be a football player when he grows up and my atheist father said that that I up to God. I found it odd that he would say that cause he doesnโ€™t believe in God in real life. Then we dropped down at a church and I ran off property and a thief with a knife took me hostage by wrapping his body around me from behind and we started flying in the air and through traffic.

11 Jun 2024



I was on Kamehameha hwy heading westbound and I noticed that the road was blocked off ahead. The road redirected us into oncoming traffic in the opposite direction. Soon after the road started becoming like a muddy dirt track with many bumps and hills making my car go up and down. Until the very end, the traffic started to slow down to a complete stop. There was a moving truck blocking the road as the driver was trying to pick something from a treee.

23 May 2024



I dreamed last night that I was driving in a town that I used to live in and in the distance on the horizon I saw a huge explosion and the smoke cloud just kept getting bigger and bigger and it seemed like a bomb dropped and I was riding in a car and there was a figure who I believed is to be an angel and I asked him if we were gonna die and he told me yes everyone's gonna die and everything's gonna be gone and I asked him what that meant and he said that it was all over for the whole earth the whole planet was going to be gone and I just remember I couldn't figure out a way to get to my daughter I was one town over and there was so much traffic and I just couldn't find her and I couldn't get to her and I was panicking

17 May 2024



Last night I had a dream that we were in like the city and I do remember it mostly being nighttime but I also remember that we were going through like different adventures with towers and everything like that and it was almost like, not Indiana Jones but a mix of Indiana Jones and maybe a little bit of Tomb Raider. A big part of the dream I remember is that I did have a lot of lust and would constantly end up having sex, oral or penetrative, at least maybe one or two or like four times within the dream. But it was like an authentic arousal cycle to it and what's it called? It was like with happiness and anticipation. It was really cool. I also remember a lot of traffic. It was like a city, but like it was like a downtown city too. So there were, I remember seeing like cars, like regular municipal cars. I feel like I'm missing something important, but I can't remember what it was. I feel like it had something to do with harpies or something with wings. Also I remember being in a big like group home but a nice one, almost like a big dorm type situation. I remember being very chill wanting to play some video games because I had a collab with iron mouse and Projekt Melody who are my favorite vtubers. Projekt Mel is more sexually and I remember her moan and my husband and girlfriend were having sex and I was grinding against the couch in pleasure and I remember seizing my coworker Dylan saying that I didnโ€™t need to feel uncomfortable he was there in the room. I laughed and said I didnโ€™t care because I didnโ€™t, I remember feeling elated.

3 May 2024

Birthday Party
Husband cheating


I discovered a womanโ€™s phone number on my husbands phone. I wasnโ€™t upset about that but was upset that she had a box of her personal items at my house. I decided to take the box to her house and when u got there her mother answered the door. I discovered the daughter was young and still living at home. I gave the box to the mother and told her that her daughter was seeing my husband and that she left a box of her stuff at my house. I walked around the outside of the house so I could see the girl and saw she was young, pretty, and had long blonde hair. She got angry with me for being there and yelled at me. I got in my vehicle and drove away. She sent her father after me. He was a sheriff. My friend in the car told me to hurry and go fast but I told her I wasnโ€™t going to run because I did nothing wrong and if I died heโ€™d stop me. I ended up getting stuck in traffic and the sheriff was very close to me. He didnโ€™t stop me but just kept close by. I drove away. I also dreamt that I was going to my neices birthday party and that I was in charge of ordering pizzas. I ordered 2 types of pizza but when I got there I discovered there were a lot of people and that I would need to order more pizza. When I got my phone it had been taken apart and I ha a hard time trying to put it back together. When I started to make the call, I kept receiving another call which kept me fr ordering the extra pizzas. I would hang up on the person calling me and they call right back. I accidentally answered in of their calls while I was dialing out and he was some guy who wanted to have phone sex. I told him I was busy and that I could not talk to him. He yelled at me to stay in the line and I yelled back at him to leave me alone. I called the pizza place and it was the wrong number. I was very frustrated

26 Apr 2024



I usually dream of myself in school. I was at my home but it was my school . I was with my ex best friend sadiya . Our first period was computer lab and we went their . More than my highschool building I see my elemantry school building. My elemantry school building is blue as same as my room colour is blue . After computer lab me and sadiya went to class earlier we don't want to be late for second period, we started waiting for students to come so class can start but even after waiting for half an hours nobody came and we became worried that our next class PT . We thought about to bunk it. We went down stairs , I saw some kids from primary school with their teachers putting plants near basketball court. I saw a cute gay kissing each other on lips it was cute . I saw my Chinese celebrity crush he need some help he was ceo I helped him . After that I me and my classmates was having fun in basketball court. Then some boys were playing basketball and they said girls can't do it so a girl came and was started shooting nice shots and she jump so high that she stuck in basketball net other boys tried to put their ball in net but the ball magically go somewhere else . Then girl was free after some time . Then I was in my dining room .I want to buy a serum for my hair . So I saw women their that do they put anything in their hair . I saw girl back with long hair she said yes and when I saw her I got disgusted she was the girl from my auto . She was rude and egoistic. Then I ask other ladies a woman said yes she was one of my favourite influencer. Then she took me to her son office and talking about the problem. His son was no other than my favourite Chinese celebrity he was happy to see me . He gave me 24 thousand because I helped him . I put the money in a newspaper and tried to cover it . Then the influencer fixed my marriage with his son celebrity I was very happy to be honest . Then I talked to my mother in law the influencer and expressed my gratitude towards her and i told that I was very worried and anxious about my future. I don't want to marry what if my husband is not rich or handsome but because of her I don't need to worry anymore my future husband celebrity is rich, handsome and will surely give me princess treatment and love me alot . The influencer do not said a word and keep staring at me weirdly . Then I met my friends at the basketball court and lot of students were their and little kids were planting fruit plants and I met my Korean celebrity crush and started flirting with him idk why he was shorter than me after some time dismissal happened it was late . My dad was going to pick me up after school I became worried about him and gonna be angry that he has to wait for an hour and he must be tired . At dismissal time it was very crowdy so I took the second maain gate of my school. You know I was finding my highschool crush I'm trying to move on from him he hurt me alot ,whole time at the ground I can feel him he was near me . I can see his bag but not him after I get out of my school I was finding him I saw his bag but not him then suddenly a girl from my auto came and took me to the auto I sat at my auto we were 3-4 student in auto and Sonakshi my classmate told why I left banisha my friend in the crowd I told her I was also stuck in the crowd how do I find her . It was very heavy traffic at road then suddenly I saw my English teacher at road . I joking said that to crush the teacher under auto and Sonakshi started staring at me weirdly then I clear it that I said jokingly I meant that in cartoon how in Tom and Jerry when a car crush the Tom he became flat and we started laughing

14 Apr 2024

Car accident


I dreamt that when I was driving , going super slow , traffic was bumper to bumper. So I see the car infront of me putting their brake lights on, so I put mine on. The car behind me hits me, yet I get all the blame for it. My boss tells me I was irresponsible but yet when I try to show him and the police officers my dash camera. They donโ€™t want to believe me or give me a chance. The only ones who believe me is my family. And when I saw the girl who hit me from behind, I told her I was sorry. I also told her everything that happened, she said itโ€™s okay. But her friends came in and started belittling me, and telling me donโ€™t talk to her. All I could say was geeze it must be nice to have friends and people who will stick up for you. Me I donโ€™t have that.

4 Apr 2024

Little Brother


I was an older teenage sister to a young little brother. I wasn't me and I never met this little brother or our parents. One day I found out our dad was molesting my little brother. I tried telling our mom but she wouldn't listen. When I tried to tell her I saw my dad threaten me when she wasn't looking. Later I cut my dad off in traffic so he'd get out of the car and then I beat him half to death in the road.

1 Apr 2024

High School


I was at my old toxic friend's house trying to take a shower and she kept interrupting me and I couldn't get any privacy so I left and tried to stop being friends with her. The next day in high school she kept bothering me so I had the drama teacher move her away from me so I could focus on reading the script for the school play that I was very nervous for. After school I met with a nice and nerdy current friend for a ride in his car but there was a police traffic stop and the car behind us bumped us which was ok but I wanted them to stop being an aggressive driver. We got caught in traffic in front of a diner so we go in and I scolded the lady who was driving aggressively behind us. She was rude back so we left and I wanted to drive but my friend didn't want me driving his car.

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