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Dream Interpretation: Train 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Train? Discover the significance of seeing a Train in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Train appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

It represents a journey or the direction your life is taking. It also indicates a new course that your life will soon travel. This path will be full of knowledge and will help you reach your goals. A dream about train also suggests that you need to be open to any new ideas or endeavors coming into your life.

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🧭 Direction


Don't be afraid to move to a new path. Life is full of surprises, and this new route will take you to a more successful life. However, be more firm while making any decision in your life, as this is the only way you can reach your destination or goals.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a train can evoke a sense of movement, progress, and anticipation. It may bring feelings of excitement, as trains often symbolize a journey or adventure. The dreamer may experience a sense of purpose and direction, as trains are associated with reaching destinations. However, there may also be a hint of anxiety or uncertainty, as trains can represent the passage of time and the need to keep up with life's demands. Overall, the dream of a train can elicit a mix of emotions, ranging from enthusiasm to apprehension, as the dreamer navigates through the tracks of their subconscious mind.





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Dreams of users containing the word Train

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14 Jul 2024

Running away


Going up to the school I used to go to at Hakone by a train The train is connected to other regions where they aren’t irl Mother’s voice in the back of my head urging me towards where she wants me to go to through the journey Apparently I have to catch a train to Lake Yamanaka I navigate myself through this process like it’s a map of a game stage and I’m a first-person avatar Cloudy warm weather, Gōra station, plum blossoms, melting snow, chilly and warm at the same time Sense of being watched, a pair of eyes peering at me by the corner of my vision no matter where I turn to Scene changes when I decide to break out of mother’s guiding voice and do my own thing Now I’m running away from those pairs of eyes from earlier and their ‘friends’ Turns out they were a part of some group Now the guide of my mother is replaced by some operator’s voice streaming in the back of my head I rush to the school, but even if it looks like it, it doesn’t feel or seem like the one I used to go to irl There’s live concerts being held by some v-kei/kurofuku-kei artists I’m navigating myself through the processions of people and the crowd, sneaking into the backstage studios for some peace and quiet Then I’m somehow at the Italian neighborhoods the next second, the whole school just got done turned into the aesthetic I’m now hiding with a bushy man(Italian), and after he’d start making advances away from the guy Eventually I cave and he fucks my head out in the office room till I pee Then I have to hide the evidences(the stench, the puddles on the floor) before the Principal comes in The guy ran away before I could, now I’m trying to slip out without being noticed by the school’s security people

13 Jul 2024

My crush


Riding on a train, going to Enoshima-Hiratsuka on a cloudy day There’s station buildings, malls and glass-roofed escalators My friend’s house, of the friend I used to have a lesbian crush on(and still sort of do) Kindergarten by the hostel house that looks like the one I and my auntie’s family stayed by the beach of Rimni, Italy In my room there(and my best friend’s), a specter of a bride whose bouquet as well as her dress’s stomach and below is covered in old blood There’s also a pool by this place, how nifty Running around the hostel upstairs and downstairs until the kids’ go-home time

12 Jul 2024



In this dream i was looking in the mirror and saw my face to be youthful and balanced. But for some reason i felt the need to get surgery on right side of my face, near my nose. After the surgey it healed nicely but then my face when i looked up close was unbalanced. The are icwas trying to fix ended up making one nostril smaller than the other. As well as one side of my lip smaller than the other. I wanted to go back to fix it, i don’t know what could be done, but i needed to go back to the surgeon. Then my dream jumps to me being at a university on the top of a snowy cold mountain. When i arrived at the top i see a large train station and a large cafeteria. I go inside and find my students from 2016. They are in their senior year of college and graduating in a few days. I see mostly my Muslim female students sadia and nadia. Im also sitting next to my high school friend Michael cantillo. They explain that there is only one train for the night to leave campus. I say my goodbyes and head for the station. I have to go througg many old style coridoors and hallways to get to the station. When i get to the plaform it’s packed with students all wanting to take the last train off the mountain. I run through crowd and get to the front of the heard and secure my place on the train

11 Jul 2024



I dreamed that i had created 2 peices of art one was a bowl of sushi rolls that had not yet been sliced bunched up in a bowl. I showed them to my friend Sean, and he asked me about my inspiration. My dreamed jumped to a memory of me getting on the train and it being soo packed; the platform was full with peoople waiting to get on the train. So much so people waiting on the tracks. I was on the train, and we rode past all the people, not stopping. I had gotten on the train with good timing and did not have to wait. I told sean these uncut sushi rolls represented this 1 train experience. He was so proud of me he sent me an email to submit my artwork for a competition. I was flattered and uploaded the pictures of my art.

11 Jul 2024

New Job


I was working a new job within my company, but I was in person in the office which is weird in my waking life I work remotely and prefer remote work. But the job wasn't in the banking industry it was in the social services field which is the industry I worked at early in my career. I meant with the manager of the department and was provided with a few tasks to complete to get an understanding of the department and our responsibilities. I completed the tasks and then when I meant with her again she was really interested in the different ideas of I had to share and what I can provide to the department. I started creating a list of documentation I can create to help the team. I ended up in a different section of the department in another office unfamiliar to me. There was a manager that was nervous I wasn't going to like him because he fired my brother cause he wasn't a good worker. I was chummy with all the other managers and when he brought it up I assured him I don't care. My brother wasn't a good worker and he deserved to get fired. I also told him I didn't know that brother. It seemed like I was referring to my waking life estranged brother that I don't speak to anymore but there was this other half brother I never meant before. We all got a long and that manager started to really like me. When it was time to leave we all packed our bags. I had a lot to carry and I had to make sure we locked up the office correctly. The manager who ended up liking me and was nervous about my brother earlier decided to walk with me as his wife and kids follow along behind us. I remember everyone being very nice and laughing at my jokes. Everyone just really liked me and my personality and was looking forward to working with me. Once we got back to original office I realized the place look very similar to my middle school building and the setting of the dream was very city-like similar to my hometown of Boston. I saw two other managers that I reported to. They were chatting up as they were getting ready to leave. I said hi and went inside to re-pack my bag to make sure everything fit cause I was holding loose-leaf folders and paper. I told the manager I’ll be right out just needed to re-adjust my bag. The manager that was walking with me waited for me outside which I wasn't expecting. When I finish adjusting my bag and got everything in my bag so I didn't have to carry anything. When I reopened the front door to leave the manager that was waiting for me morphed into a Black woman (he was a white man earlier) and was very engaged into the other manager’s story as he spoke to his colleague. I think he was trying to find a way to skip out on this ball. She was blocking my entrance and when I asked her to move she said “hold on, I just want to hear the rest of this story.” I was a bit annoyed my entrance was blocked I think the manager blocking my entrance once again morphed back to the white man he shared his insights than got out of my way. I went outside said my goodbyes so I can head to the train. There was this van that the colleague was going to board to leave and there was several people in there that seemed both familiar and unfamiliar but they were all cool and like friends of mine. One girl is someone at my gym who’s getting married that wkend I asked her to send me pictures as soon as she can. I said my goodbyes and left for the train the manager was still accompanying I didn't even see his wife and kids anymore and I didn't ask him to accompany me but he did. The dream ended with someone in the van was having a remote meeting for a screen reading of this play. It was a Victorian play about two Black men that are friends and one of the men fell in love with his friends and the other man was straight. And the gay man was sharing his feelings to his friends. It was extremely intriguing and awkward because most men especially in the Black community can be unreceptive and homophobic. So this play was an interesting watch. Idk how I joined this remote meeting but I was watching this screen reading very entertained and intrigued about what was going to happen next. Then the straight Black man’s son was in the van and he said something in between the reading “in Jupiter.” I never heard the rest of the comment but I remember laughing cause it was out of no where. And that's how the dream ended.

11 Jul 2024

Panic Attack


I was at a train station, it was very busy in a local that looked like a city, I just remember being on my way to leave the train station but it felt like forever and at one point I start panicking that I hadn’t tapped out my travel card correctly when leaving the station

10 Jul 2024



There was a party for my little sister and all my friends and family came but so did my narcissistic ex- crush wearing a brown limited edition Popeye hoodie. I ran outside following my sister upon making eye contact. It was a childhood neighborhood I knew my dead grandmother lived in her old house so we passed it but waved at her as she went to the part we proceeded through the neighborhood and saw my aunt turn in and greeted her but some friends passed by. I noticed that the guy in a white shirt was my childhood crush. They went to talk to them my sister was saying someone was making fun of her and I turned around to the cool green colored trees with dark shadows under them. There he was my narcissistic ex-crush and his friends laughing at me and my sister and my sister snuck off so I passed him and my favorite cousin had the same hoodie on and joined his group wearing the same brown Popeye hoodie. I hate that hoodie and walked by laughing at me amused saying something about my hair as I focused on my sister going to the house but we go in but we go to school the next day and I met a cool guy and we clicked instantly he became my friend but he had an enemy named Ina and she would just attack him for no reason every time she saw him but he was ok. We all got high off of weed in the bathrooms and the school year was cool I got along with a male teacher considering he was gay but he was a good person and I went into the school bathroom high blasting spin me right round as I stood up on the ledges holding on and the room spun like I was on a wheel with my younger self looking at me as she looked at me and I laughed someone came into the bathroom so I got up and left to go the wrong but seeing my favorite teacher watching detention. It was like a prison. A bunch of desks filled the main floor of the gym and my teacher hugged me and let me go. I met up with my new friend as we walked outside to eat dinner the brown hoodie group looked and laughed at me. My hair was a mess but I continued thinking my friend would follow me. I heard a crowd telling Ina to stop and after she turned off of him and walked up to me with her braces sticking out in spikes as she had a big and buff build walking towards me the crowd told me not to fight her and told me not to. So I removed my glasses, and my bag and I ran up to her and I started to beat her up drowning her into a pool when it turned into a video game and Ina was a gigantic phone with 8 arms and sharp braces and had the power to shapeshift. I was just a small mouse that can melt into objects of things but I won in the end. But I come across a train tracks and got into a cart and rode the train tracks to freedom and escaped meanwhile I went back to the train tracks and got eaten by the train tracks. I noticed my 3 flag in the game were a black flag with 3 stars across and a red flag with white Arabic on it and I came back to reality everyone was gone and I went home.

7 Jul 2024



I had a dream last night that I'd been away somewhere. I think, I think I was at a hotel and I think it was like a dream I've had before where the hotel was also a college or a university and I was having to walk through places to try and find a room and then the room was really small, almost too small, and then I was getting the train back and I was really looking forward to going home because I was so tired and I sat on the train and I was thinking I was going to have to get the train miles away from home and it started going down the road where I used to live when I was a child and I was like brilliant I can get off early. So I rung the bell, got off the train and it stopped just after the bridge and I got off the train, although it was more like a bus because it was on the road, and I had to walk over the bridge to get back home and I remember I was dragging my feet because I was so tired and I was barely making it over this bridge and I went across the road at the top of the bridge and there was loads of emergency vehicles driving down and I had to really time it right to get over the road because I couldn't go very fast but I only had a small gap so I got over the road, walked down the old road where I used to live and walked down this little thin alleyway that was there and I walked in the back garden and my mum had been in the garage and she came out and she goes, oh we weren't expecting you and I said oh I've managed to get the train closer to home. Anyway, I dragged myself inside, put my stuff down, dragged myself upstairs, I was so tired and I went to see Abby in her room and Abby wasn't in her room, there was a boy in the bed, paddling this blonde girl and I recognised the boy as Abby's boyfriend and I was like I don't know who she is. So I finally said hello, he said hello, I went round into the next room and Abby was in there and I said oh Abby, you're not in your bed, she said oh no my boyfriend's in there and I said okay who's that with him and he said oh just a friend and I said well who's cuddling her and she said yeah I know and I said well that's not right is it. So I was like I'm not having this. So I then went back into the room where the boy was cuddling the girl and I threw them both out and then I said to her I was like right I'm going to sort this one out once and for all. So I got her phone and I started recording voice notes to him saying how it wasn't appropriate that he was doing that and even if Abby was alright with it, it wasn't alright and he shouldn't be doing it and I left about fifty voice notes and she was just like oh right okay and I was like I can't believe this, I've come back and I'm so tired and I'm having to sort this out.

7 Jul 2024



I end up in this game like thing and when i get to this garage with a abandoned train I met a boy that's around my age maybe a year younger and we talk for a long time and he is apparently a ghost I end up with my mom and we are.driving through these crazy train tracks and ghost trains hit us Let me just say I've never been so in love with a person in my dream other than that ghost boy "Will"

4 Jul 2024

Serial killer
Building (Place)


i had a dream about... of course we had our regular escapes and work was ended as well. i remember that it was like a big building and it was like the warehouse because dave was there big which is big boss and apparently it was something about hr talking to him about best and he was i guess writing her up but then the way he was saying it was very disrespectful like saying that we were bitching or whatever And it was loud enough to where other people heard it but at the same time I couldn't fully hear it so I was still trying to be a little defensive like maybe he had some reason to say that. But after that when he came back down and Bess was being rude and being her regular annoying self, um, that's when there was an email saying that there is a Valentine serial killer on the loose in the building. So she starts running, I start running after her. I don't know why I ran after her but I did. The rest of the foreman were there including my boss who is caring and gorgeous and treats me like his partner in crime slash little sister. Everyone started running and I jumped out the bay door trying to get away. I ran into the serial killer while I was about to drive away and he popped up in my car. He was actually really funny and he was consistently switching from friendly to psycho and murderous quickly but I was sometimes able to track his moods. I remember him actually being really cool peoples and we would go around after he killed he would like be chill for a little bit as long as you weren't in like his direct line of sight or you weren't his initial victim you were good he was actually like really friendly really cool and I remember we were staying at a hotel and I never witnessed the murders but I knew that they happened but it would like blank them out in my brain and some of them were very gruesome like a couple people got shot by a shotgun a couple people got like dismembered but it wasn't like I was afraid but I wasn't like too afraid if that makes sense because he was really cool people he was funny made me laugh we related to a lot of things and when we were fighting on the same side he was a great ally. We finally get to like another train I remember it's like a subway system and we make it to I think the train had like almost like sleep cars on it too because I remember there being like almost like a work type situation but it looked like our house like the like my house of growing up so it was like a room and I remember I walked in the room and Jim when the foreman were there and I remember my boss being there but it was so dark that I didn't realize he's naked but even though like that was a inkling I didn't really bother and like he felt like like hey can you back up a bit and it wasn't again like pure fear is just like hey this is cool but can you back up like it was just comfortable and that was dope but after that I went back out and of course the serial killer was there and now we have less and less people that we started with. I remember that the final round was him chasing me through a parking lot because I was the last one. And I remember trying to drive away, he would pop up. He was very quick if you didn't keep your eye on him. Sometimes it would be really terrifying when he would kind of circle more than one person and then end up choosing the other person but you have to try and keep him in your line of sight. But I did survive. I remember he did try to get me but I remember the video ending with like a tropical area, not tropical tropical but like a nice area that was kind of foresty and it had like a big, big body of water. I want to say like a lake. And I remember wanting to jump in the lake and take on the form of a mermaid to be able to like explore it better. But before I could do that, I woke up.

2 Jul 2024



We had arranged to go to the movies. Nina and Lotte met in Breda to pick up the car. I took the train to Breda, where Lotte was already waiting, and Nina came from Wageningen. We picked up the car from a very messy house. Lotte drove, and Nina and I sat in the back of the moving van. It was pitch dark, and we couldn't see where we were. We were heading to the movie at LAB111, but we were 1 hour and 15 minutes late and missed the film. We had kind of watched the first part in the van. After that, we went for lunch at LAB111. By then, Nina had left, and Senna and Marijn had joined us. We were sitting at a table in a corner, but strange people kept coming by, and the waiter eventually sent them away. I was very thirsty, so I had a coke and ordered a sandwich with satay, cucumber, and cheese. Lotte then said, "Jake, we're friends, so I can tell you this, but you've gained a bit too much weight." I was a bit angry and offended. I explained that I preferred to be 'fat and happy rather than thin and unhappy.' But I immediately added that I was also happy with my thinner body from before. Senna didn't understand and said I didn't like healthy food. I said that was true, but being thin is really beautiful.

30 Jun 2024



in my dream it was of course in a kind of mix between a city type like almost like a desert city but it wasn't desert no maybe a seaside town type thing because we were by a big mass of water but anyway So, I still worked in the same place, but I would actually have to cross a bridge to get to work. So, but everything was cool, everything was normal, daily commutes and everything. The warehouse, however, was bigger and there was like another, not chapter, it was as big as almost like an airport and it almost had like its own transit system. So there were trains that went throughout different departments. They had escalators, there were, it was a lot bigger of an office type environment versus down where I work usually, which is the warehouse type environment. But because I work in both places, both. In the warehouse environment and in the office environment, I had to consistently go between the two. So, something was off, though, about the office environment. They seemed very skittish. They seemed, I don't know, just more closed off and not mysterious, but I guess cliquish, not even that. But something was just off, and I did have a co-worker and a couple friends, and I can't remember the friends names at the moment. they may have not been consistently there though because it might been them consistently there because there were a lot of like hotel style rooms but now that i'm thinking about it they may have been like apartments or townhomes that they did have i do remember like a bigger home it's not a group home but like a big almost lake house type home where you would go to family reunions with things like that but yeah so those people i do remember i remember my cousins being there my mom was there um i remember um i remember some other people being there i remember some of my co-workers were there as well but anyway moving forward so yeah after that I don't remember if we were I think we were gaming we were gaming and I was doing some streaming and my VTuber model was working and I remember that the computer started glitching when I was in the middle of a collab stream with Iron Mouse and Project Melody and I think Lucy Pyre was there too but anyway I don't know what gave me a sense that something was wrong, but I do know for a fact that I remember that I had to put on a disguise to disguise myself as somebody that I wasn't in order to access a certain place. However, when I was disguised, I was also targeted because of who I was disguised as. I can't remember all of the details, but I do remember that I did successfully escape the people who were trying to attack me and save the person that I was disguised as. Oh, I also do remember that we had to go into like a giant almost ancient ruin-y type catacomb subway looking place and in that there were like glyphs and different things that were around as well. And we did run into like a couple of giant like golems and like rock golems. And then I want to say that me myself triggered some type of like mystical event because I remember feeling this right side of my neck almost burn and it glowed like a deep pink purple.

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