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Dream Interpretation: Sports 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Sports? Discover the significance of seeing a Sports in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Sports appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

Dreaming about sports symbolizes competition, teamwork, and the desire to succeed. It may also represent your physical abilities and the need to stay active. This dream may indicate that you need to work harder to achieve your goals and overcome obstacles.

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🧭 Direction


Think about your current goals and how you can work towards achieving them. Consider joining a sports team or finding a physical activity that you enjoy. This dream may also be a reminder to stay active and take care of your physical health.

❀️ Feelings

This dream of sports evokes feelings of excitement, competitiveness, and adrenaline. It signifies a desire for physical activity, teamwork, and the thrill of victory. It may also represent a need for a healthy outlet for stress and a longing for the camaraderie and sense of accomplishment that comes with participating in sports. Overall, this dream elicits a sense of energy and passion for engaging in physical challenges and pushing oneself to achieve greatness.





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Dreams of users containing the word Sports

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20 May 2024



My ex boyfriend playing sports and being on television. Ignoring me while I was trying to get in contact with him from the sideline. He was beyond happy, thriving, and I was uncomfortable and upset. Almost as if I was just a stress factor in his life.

2 May 2024



I was trapped in southern Mexico at a small school. I wanted to go back home but I wanted to earn my plane ticket money by working at the school as a janitor. While I was there I slept in late because I was jet lagged from living in England for some reason, and I had an American accent because I actually live in American in real life. The classes were mostly physical activity like running to places and tossing a ball. I was bad at the sports but it's ok because I didn't have the practice that my peers had. Before our teacher got there one of the girls was wrestling me and trying to seduce me.

2 Apr 2024



Me and people from my school were at a school sports event and everyone kept chanting my name so i eent in front of everyone and spoke over the microphone they kept asking what is your profile pic and i awnsered

31 Mar 2024

My crush


I was playing volleyball with my best friend Freya and my crush/boyfriend Bram on the school courtyard, and the bell rung to go in for break. We lined up in out houses (our school houses are like Hogwarts but the houses are named after cantons of Switzerland) We walked upstairs to our floor, and then I took off my pants suddenly during my ascension. I went into the scary teacher’s room, Jennifer, and my boyfriend/crush was in there reading along with some of my other classmates , and I was just in my underwear β€œWhere are your pants? This isn’t the locker room.” My crush/ boyfriend said. β€œOh, your right. Oops!” I said, putting my stuff away on a desk, then pausing onto where to put my school jumper β€œPut jumpers outside the door” my scary teacher said. I went outside the classroom, Into the corridor. I turned back to look at the door and I realized that there were two sides that I could put my folded jumper at. I stood confused then my teacher came over to me and said β€œwhat is the problem” in her scary Scottish accent. my heart dropped a little bit. β€œThis side! Class, put your jumpers on this side!” She said. Now I was embarrassed. Somehow; my clothes changed to my sports clothes automatically and a Lego painting had appeared in my hand. I started to modify the Lego painting rigorously; Legos make me skittish, the pieces are just too small. Suddenly, a bee came out of the Lego painting, and I dropped it to the floor. It went around the whole room and then I ran into the corridor.. I was running at full speed.. Locked glass door. I had no key to it. my heart started to race, and the bee charged for me. That’s when I woke up urgently, shaking. That’s why

21 Mar 2024



Last night I dreamt that my sister and I went to a packed international stadium for a sports game and had so much fun

25 Feb 2024



Last night I dreamt about surfing and sports, I dreamt that I saw the winner of tour de France and was sad that Alan couldn't be with me to meet him too.

15 Feb 2024



I dreamt of turning into a an owl I could Fly around anywhere Flew over a college where they were having some sports tournament and passed it to the road there I saw something very odd. Looked like a piece of land floating over a truck.

13 Feb 2024



I was driving different sports cars. Most of the cars handled horribly. Most of the time I would loose control of the car and would crash. I remember driving a 300z and it was very hard to control. There were some cars that I drove with ease and handled really well. But most of the cars were horrible to drive.

1 Feb 2024



I went to a hockey practice and forgot a sports top and my mom wouldn’t go get one, then I had a bad practice. Then I went to some random persons house and they had some extreme stairs that were covered in stuff and it was very hard to get down, then I had to use a shower that wasn’t private. I remembered I had school then my moms bestie texted me asking me my fav hype song.

19 Jan 2024



I was at school but the highschool had to go to the middle school, shortly after I was talking to the two assistant principal. Then the principal came over and I asked him a question and he was too close to me and he took my phone saw a picture and said sheesh and then after I i was with friends we were a sports caster and was in a meeting and then i left but i was hoping i can find my way back and did and i was walking all over the place then there was a car and it had my two uncles and my great grandmother and she was happy to see me.

6 Jan 2024



I had a dream that I kept having cash transactions with money from this company that was set up like a booth. Each time the person behind the counter was giving me back more money in change than they should have and I was taking it and not saying anything. A couple of time the owner caught the interaction and would make the correction but I still got alot of money from the cashiers mistake. The owner was one of my employees in real life. Then the dream switched and I was the employee of the booth and I asked to go on break. I walked down the street and decided to go to Popeyes. When I went to popeyes I used the bathroom first. When I walked in the bathroom there were a group of girls in the women's bathroom watching this man pee in amazement. Another guy had run in the bathroom after me and when he seen what was happening he went to the next Urinal and started peeing . I looked over on the urinal to see what was happening and it was just him peeing and holding his penis in his hand. I complemented his penis and the girls rushed over to see it. I kept walking into the stall and I had to poop. When I started pooping I realize a lot of guys where coming into the restaurant and they were able to see in my stall. It was like a sports team coming in the restaurant to eat. I just looked at them as they looked at me and I kept pooping. I wiped and it was an issue with the tissue but I am not sure why. The dream then jumped back to the booth I was working at and when I got back the owner, my employee in real life had closed everything and was going to sleep to go work later in the night. We flashed and was at his house and there were a lot of kids that he sent to bed and some of them were mine. I was confused. We started to have sex but it was sneaky sex with the kids in the house. The kids figured it out and was speaking against it and making noise and a couple of them ran out the window. We stopped and started talking about stuff and then I got up to go pee. When I went to pee I realized he had a wife. But when I realized he had a wife I had a feeling I knew the whole time when I was having sex with him. I then realized I knew his wife. Then I heard a commotion and I came out of the bathroom with everything but my skirt on and realized that he had company. I thought it was his wife but it was a co-worker of his. I started looking for my skirt around the room and couldn't find it. The co woeker seen me and the guy I was with started explaining as if we were not together. The co-worker knew something happened he reprimand the guy, looked at me and left. The guy fell back to sleep and I kept searching for my skirt. He never got up and people kept coming in the room asking me questions. I woke up after that. I was calm the entire dream. It was as I was outside my body watching all of this happen

21 Nov 2023



I was running towards the hospital because there was a zombie apocalypse outside and I was sneaking from room to room, stealing bits of food off the patient's plates and then I entered a room and my dog was in there on one of the beds, my dog Sugar, and I was feeding her and then I can remember having to leave the hospital and I grabbed her and held her like a baby, like her head was facing behind me and I can remember hugging her like a baby was so vividly real running out thr hospital doors outside the sun was bright and warm and then we got to a safe place and at the end of that jyst before i woke up my female dog sugar and i drove off in a red sports car.

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