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Dream Interpretation: Music šŸ˜“ - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Music? Discover the significance of seeing a Music in your dream šŸ’¤ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Music appears in your dream āœ…

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šŸ’”Possible meaning

Dreaming of music symbolizes harmony, creativity, and emotional expression. It may indicate a need for relaxation or a desire to escape from reality. It can also represent a message from your subconscious mind, urging you to pay attention to your emotions and inner feelings.

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šŸ§­ Direction


Think about the type of music you heard in your dream and how it made you feel. Are you feeling stressed or overwhelmed in your waking life? If so, try to incorporate more relaxation and self-care into your routine. If the music made you feel happy and energized, consider pursuing a creative hobby or activity that brings you joy. Trust your intuition and let your emotions guide you towards a more fulfilling life.

ā¤ļø Feelings

The dream of music evokes a range of emotions. It brings feelings of joy, harmony, and excitement. It can transport us to a different world, filling us with a sense of wonder and awe. Music in dreams often represents creativity, expression, and the need for emotional release. It can also symbolize the need for connection and communication. The emotions associated with this dream are uplifting, inspiring, and soothing. It signifies the power of sound to touch our souls and evoke deep emotions. Overall, the dream of music brings a sense of happiness and fulfillment, reminding us of the beauty and magic that exists in the world.





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18 Jul 2024



This was not my last dream but I know some people may relate to this. Once upon a timeā€¦ I was on an island. But then I walked into town and it looked like Greece. Weird. I was walking down the path and made it to this pool that had a few people in it. They gestured for me to get in, so I did. But then I locked eyes with this guy. (Omg this sounds like wattpad I swear.) He was legit my type to a T. Like I swear this dude was perfect. He even had an accent. This dream felt really real to me because we were having flowing conversations, I could hear music, I could taste the food, it felt all too real. But then he said I have to go. Legit perfect timing because thatā€™s when I woke up. But I felt heartbroken because I felt so close to somebody I donā€™t even know.

17 Jul 2024



I had 2 dreams in 1 the first part was at the kidā€™s choice awards for some reason Cardi B did a tribute performance to Britney Spears and she came back out performing a whole set list in each outfit from each of her videos but for some reason I was Britney Spears but I was watching her in a sense as well she performed Toxic, If You Seek Amy, In The Zone, Radar and more hits then the dream switch to TLC doing their famous ā€œOoooooohhhā€¦ On the TLC Tipā€ introduction as T-Boz, Lefteye and Chilli then I woke up

15 Jul 2024



I was at a hotel with people and I couldnā€™t find them so I went to the hotel bar and no one was in there but there was music playing and a parrot was flying around super close to me so I reached out my hand and the parrot landed on me and I started spinning in a circle

14 Jul 2024



I had 3 or 4 dreams last night and the last two dreams has to do with a guy. In the first dream, I was in at church hallway with familiar faces, near the door of where the pastor was giving a sermon, it reminded me of the day I had yesterday and the chorus of ā€œNight Changesā€ by One Direction. When I decided to join everybody in the sanctuary, I heard a familiar voice, but I didnā€™t think itā€™d be real until I saw a white man approaching. I didnā€™t see who that man was but he had me so drawn that I didnā€™t even listen to the rest of the service, except the part about how ā€œGodā€™s words are realā€. In my second dream, I was somewhere in the science center building at campus with some people and with friends. We were all just chilling when a a famous person came over. He was really intriguingly cool and was very kind, so we all got to say a quick hello or make conversation, until some girl approached us. Iā€™m guessing that the girl was probably his girlfriend, due to the way she touched him when he was talking to us, and suddenly, the song, ā€œThe Boy Is Mineā€ by Brandy and Monica was playing. Later in that same dream, I went to find my friend Kyle who is usually my go-to, but he sadly wasnā€™t around. Since Kyle wasnā€™t around as much as I liked him to be, I thought to repeatedly tell myself a bible verse to relieve stress, and that was when I saw the famous guy again. In my third dream, the famous guy began seeing me which was really cool except he was in a relationship with the woman I met earlier. Once she found out, she and I teamed up to catch him in a lie, while ā€œGet Him Back!ā€ by Olivia Rodrigo was playing. In my fourth dream, I was back at school with my friends since summerā€™s finally over and I am with Kyle in the private room of the DSS building. Being there with Kyle kinda made me feel something but overall, I enjoyed the moment of being with them even though it kinda sucks that we wonā€™t be together again until summer actually ends.

14 Jul 2024



i was with my 3 close girl friends, the building area looks like the middle school i went when i was in indonesia. i was waiting for them by a small store. i got a text from one of them that theyā€™re inside. it happened that we were at a church bathroom and the 4 of use were smoking weed and playing music. after a while we decided to go but not at the same time. i left first and when i was walking out and down the stairs i heard my name but i continued to walked away and pretend i didnā€™t hear it.

12 Jul 2024

Text message


For some reason I had two therapist the one I have in my waking life and another one that was an unfamiliar white man. I went to this outdoor event with a band playing music and my white male therapist was there. We ended up chatting and he was saying something to me and I couldn't make out what he said. He thought I was listening to him but really I didn't hear what he said. He got upset with me for not listening but I explained to him I couldn't hear him over the band. He was pretty defensive but we moved on. Later on I met a new unfamiliar female friend at the event. We chatted and the same thing happened and I couldn't hear something she was saying and she asked me do I need to repeat something to me three times and she mockingly told me something three times and I told her don't do that. I couldn't hear her over the band. Later on we were hanging out and I was telling her about how Iā€™ve experienced losing two friends in my lifetime. The one who broke our friendship a few years ago and another friend I was close to back in college that I distanced myself from her after several instances of her crossing my boundaries. The friend I broke up with I reconnected with her soon after I moved to NC. She apologized for her actions towards the end of our college career and soon after but our friendship never quite became close again. Nor did I ever wanted it to. And now we just follow each other on social media and that's it. When I started to tell her about the friend that broke up with me I decided to pull up our last text message exchange ad share it with her. I pulled something up and started reading it but it wasn't the text from the old friend I quickly realized it was a text message from my white male therapist. Accusing me of lying about not listening and that I lied to him that it was the band. He shared a long paragraph indicating other negative untruthful things about me and that he no longer wanted to be my therapist. But I also felt like the therapist was acting pretty unethical because I had this feeling he romantically liked me. Anywho, after reading it I was really hurt. I was hesitant to share the text with my new unfamiliar friend because he accused me of not listening just like she did earlier but I gave her heads up of that and told her anyways. Later on I met with my black female therapist who is actual my therapist in my waking life. Told her everything that happened with the other therapist and she was very empathetic with me and felt sorry that I experienced that from a fellow therapist. I felt seen and heard like I usually do with my therapist. Later on I went to a party and I saw my therapist there. We chatted and quickly became actual friends. I was dating this guy and it was early on in our dating life and after several interactions he became pretty pushy. There was a moment I told him I really liked him and he told me he loved me. Which I thought was weird cause it was very early on. And he flirtingly insisted I tell him I love him back which I didn't want to but I did cause I didn't want to make me feel bad. I felt love-bombed and I got a feeling that I was starting a new abusive cycle similar to the one I had with my abusive ex in my waking life at the beginning of our relationship but it just looked differently. Later on my therapist was realizing how pushy my date was being to me and she decided to stand up for me and tell him to back off and stop treating me that way. She later on told me this isn't something I wouldn't do as a therapist but since we're friends now I can do that. We hugged and I felt bitter sweet. Because I was happy to have her as friend but I also knew that meant she had to terminate our therapist-and-client relationship because it would be unethical for us to still be connected this way. I was worried about finding a new therapist because she was the first therapist in my waking life I really felt fully connected to and I've made significant progress with. All my other therapist weren't the right fit. Later on in the dream, I was hanging out with a bunch of people seemingly friends but my estranged brother was also there. We were playing different outdoor games like football and soccer. I helped kick off the games and get everyone excisted to play we would start playing and then when my brother decided to leave to do something else people would stop and start following him. In the last game we started to play soccer and he went inside to do something else and folks just started playing. And I asked why folks were folks were leaving and not interested in playing anymore and it was basically because my brother left. I hated that. It was like folks followed up and didn't think for themselves. It kind of remind me in our waking life before I stopped speaking to my brother he was a devout Christian and a pastor. Very gifted preacher and at some point became a youth pastor at a church in Randolph, MA. After a few years he wasn't seeing eye to eye with the main pastor there and decided to leave, a lot of folks left the church as well. He attempted to start his own church and that kind of dwindled down but he still had devout followers one of which was one of his youth members at the old church and they started dating. She was 15 when they met and he was 27. They didn't have a relationship beyond pastor and member until she became of legal age soon after she went to college and they started to like each other more than friends. A few years ago he converted into a Black Hebrew Isrealite. We started to become more distant soon after I went off to college and he became a youth pastor but I decided to stop speaking with him altogether soon after he became a Black Hebrew Isrealite. He was more unbearable, condescending and patronizing. It was miserable to speak and relate to him. Now we're completely estranged and he married that young woman he basically groomed. The dream ended with everyone not playing soccer anymore and i had this feeling of annoyance against my brother again and I once again kept my distance from him.

7 Jul 2024

Old friend


I was at a bar and I was being lead to a table with a group of people, the music was loud and everyone was laughing and having a great time, but I didnā€™t notice anybody that I recognized, which was odd because I felt so comfortable with my surroundings and these strangers. Me and the strange girl leading me to the table finally arrive and I see an old friend, Trey, and he was so surprised to see me. I felt a huge wave of excitement and pure joy in seeing him. Then I woke up

7 Jul 2024



I dreamt that I was staying in another city in a strange house. A doctor came to the house and she told me I was pregnant. I was confused because I donā€™t have a uterus or ovaries anymore. They showed me an ultrasound and showed the baby. I couldnā€™t believe it. I was supposed to be teaching.a friend of mine from the animal hospital was there too and also pregnant. She was in the music teacher there, which was weird because she is not qualified to be a music teacher, but she was also the choir Director there and there was a church attached. Iā€™m Jewish so this is strange. She began practicing for the next day, But when I woke up in the morning there she called and asked me to cover for her. She told me a horrible story about someone who had done something to her on a date previous. I was so focused on her that I didnā€™t realize I wasnā€™t dressed and parents And students weā€™re beginning to arrive to go to the church service that morning. They expected me to help them run through the songs explained that I wasnā€™t the music teacher. I didnā€™t know how to play the piano then the office called and stated that they were watching on security camera, I thought my dress was too sheer. Secretary said you can see everything. He said oh I had been distracted. She told me there was a closet full of clothes in the music room that they used for costumes and days when kids came without enough, she suggested find something quickly. I managed to quickly throw something on. Then there was a scene when I discovered I was not pregnant, and that they were lying to me. I was upset and didnā€™t want to believe it the same time I was trying to get ready for church and trying to figure out how to play the piano or find kids who play the piano. in the 10 minutes that I had before church. Didnā€™t know what I was doing here or how I got there. I went to look for my supervisor to find out what I was supposed to be doing that day, but when I got to her room, there was a sub for her and really no saying that she never worked there, I went back to my room confused and afraid that I might be fired and homeless. The whole time I was thinking how did I get here today? I have a different life. I had people I was sure I had love and a house and pets and a different job? what had become of all of that? where were they? Were They still out there? why couldnā€™t I remember them? I couldnā€™t I remember the specifics

6 Jul 2024



The Swan Lake is playing in the backdrop Voices of my favorite characters i canā€™t remember anything else Phantasmic scapes Fades quickly WIND by Akeboshi playing in the backdrop Faint sounds of my family memberā€™s voices Iā€™m picking something again TlowersV Everything is a mist

5 Jul 2024



I was listening to music again while I worked. This is another vision. I got a peek into my past life. I was a Native American. I was preparing furs for my tribe. I felt voices around me, children playing, people talking. None of it had to do with me, and for the first time, I felt at peace. I remember looking up and seeing my soulmate in his past life. Thatā€™s when I knew that my partner is the man Iā€™m going to spend my life and eternity with.

5 Jul 2024



I was listening to music (Heathens) when I zoned out. This is a daydream/vision that I saw during that time. I saw myself in a white jumpsuit in a jail cell. I had a shiv in my hand and I was on top of someone. I kept stabbing them, over and over again. No matter how much I stabbed, no blood got on my white jumpsuit.

3 Jul 2024

Black Cat


I had to get my car Towed and the name of the towing company was called Catskill. I stayed at personā€˜s house who allow me to stay there while my car got towed and when I was sleeping on the sofa of their house, theyā€™re black cat and white cat wouldnā€™t leave me alone. It slept on me right on my back as if it were hugging me and wouldnā€™t get off of me even though I wanted it too. I had a dream that I was arriving to my godmotherā€˜s house in Brazil again since Iā€™ve already been there once and I knew how to get there. I arrived at night, walked across the bridge to the hotel, went to the second floor and took took a car that dropped me off at her house. It was raining outside during the day, and I struggled to tip the driver because I had my hands full with my luggage and wet in the rain, but I ended up giving him five Brazilian dollars as he went away when he pulled away, I went to enter the house and noticed that when I went to get the money for my pocket and put down my bag, I put it in a puddle and got everything wet and I also noticed that I brought a wrong bag. I brought a soccer bag with soccer balls, which wasnā€™t I wanted to wanted to bring. Dream transition to me being at the music festival where I got to see my girlfriend, but also stay at the house she was staying at with her best friends who are also attracted, but I wasnā€™t as attracted to them as I was to her. We were trying to figure out how to get from the campsite to the festival and decided to take a bus when I got to the bus station. It was just me and it was pouring rain. Thereā€™s no coverage and I was getting soaked and I was really cold waiting for the bus with some other people when the bus eventually did come I wasnā€™t able to get on the bus because other people pushed past me and filled up the bus. This Left me a little disappointed and even more cold. I ended up walking to the next bus stop to see if I could get luckier there as it was on the corner of the street. While waiting, a family next to me decided to call a self driving car to pick them up and bring them to their spot. for some reason I was able to get on and we made a pitstop at a fast food Restaurant. while we were there, there was a guy sitting across from us who I felt like I talked to day day prior and he was trying to get his life together and rid himself of his negative habits which he was struggling to do. I could tell that he was falling apart at this fast food restaurant. He wasnā€™t eating, he was stuffing food in his mouth. You could tell he wasnā€™t being mindful with his decisions, and he even tried to steal two boxed water bottles. I was disappointed with him because he shared with me the day before that he wanted to get himself together but He wasnā€™t taking actions to do that. Then my vision in the dream transition to thousands of white rabbits running through a simulated pasture together in unison and a voice of my hand said that these rabbits can take you exactly where you want to go. I asked how could they know exactly where I want to go? And the voice said that these rabbits have watched hundreds of recordings of individuals and that they know what we will be doing before we know. One step forward, one step back one step left.

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