Dream interpretation about Mother, Friend, Brother, Car, Father, Grandmother, House, Music, Kitchen, Parade
I had a dream that I was in somebody's kitchen and they were preparing a meal, a feast, and there was like a lot that needed to be done. And in the kitchen it was my mother, another woman that I don't remember, it must be like a woman that I know but I don't remember, and a friend that I used to have like 30 years ago but I don't hold in high respect. And I went there and I asked, is there anything for me to do because I have to be polite and offer myself to help, but they said no, don't, there's nothing, go away, there's nothing. And then I was in a room that was full of people of my family, there was my grandmother which died last year, and my grandfather which died like 10 years ago, 15 years ago, and my grandfather was going to go to the shopping center to buy something and he went to leave and my grandmother demanded that he kiss her in the lips, something that they never did in front of us. Of course I knew that they had like a really good relationship but they never had affections in front of us. Anyway, he kissed her and went and then the dream changed. I was in a car with my brother and my father, my father was driving, and there was music playing very loud, music that I like, and both of them don't like, which is strange that they would let me play this music, but it was like a CD that was playing, a CD that I had DJed, and we opened the sunroof and it was night and there was like loads of stars and it was very beautiful. So we arrived at the destination and it's like Christmas and it's like people everywhere and they're partying and this and that, but then the dream changed and I'm watching from atop of a balcony, like very high up, I'm watching a parade in my city and I cannot make out what's going down in the parade and the speaker is saying that, oh, this and this and this and they're parading and they split into two and why did they split into two? And suddenly I see that they're doing something like with some like tricks and it was the marines of the place, like the people that go underwater division and it's like the most important division and they were like making tricks for us to see and then I was like, oh, look, it's like the marines and they're making tricks and this and that and it was like an honour for our city that they came and paraded there and then the dream changed again and we are in a house, I don't know what house, but we are like accusing my father of flipping things and... We were accusing my father of forgetting things, and that he had like the early signs of Alzheimer's. And he was like having a shower in front of us, but we couldn't really see. And then my mother and another woman, which I don't remember who she was, were testing his knowledge on ancient Greek to see if he remembers it. And then I don't know what the results were, because I was away from them, and there were two little girls that were picking up some huge rocks. And they were like playing with them and dropping them on the ground, and one of them nearly hit my father's car, and the other one really got run over, nearly got run over by a car that was speeding in the street. And then I woke up.
Dream date:
15 Jan 2025
Emotional tone:
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