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Dream Interpretation: Cloud ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Cloud? Discover the significance of seeing a Cloud in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Cloud appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This symbol represents your emotional state, creativity, and ideas. Finding creative ways to view and make sense of clouds was how we all developed our self-expression and ideas for the future. It also suggests that you need to learn more about your mood and emotional state.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


By noticing the color and shape of the cloud, you will learn about the emotional state you are in. Learn from this symbol the insight you are missing regarding your internal emotional state and your creativity and ideas for the future. By improving your emotions, you will enhance your creativity and ability to manifest goals and objectives for the future.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of a cloud can evoke a sense of mystery and wonder. It may symbolize a desire for freedom or a need to escape from reality. Clouds can also represent a sense of uncertainty or confusion, as they are constantly changing and shifting. This dream may leave you with a feeling of curiosity or a longing for something beyond what is visible.





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6 Jul 2024



scary clouds faces color green

15 Jun 2024



I was painting, I started trying to paint in the bathtub, some paint spilled and I had to clean it up, the shower curtain dipped in the paint by mistake. I was using cobalt blue and burnt sienna colors, I tried to do the spectrum of colors with primary colors and then let the canvas go under the rain to let the rain dictate how the colors mixed, I ended up painting layers over it and it looked impressionist style a bit too, there was an opening where an impressionist scene in clouds looked like the boundary waters.

6 Jun 2024



A large, dark cloud outside my apartment window.

8 Apr 2024



First dream I was getting my blood drawn or something and just remember it was taking forever and mentioned some about how I just like cheese curds. Then I jumped to the second one where me and a big group of people all hit our dab pens at the same time and ripped them into a giant cloud. After that we went to an abandoned mall to look around the foundation because we thought itโ€™d be cool. We were wandering around and I noticed it felt like the backrooms. Well after running around i decided to go off on my own and I found this area that was pitch black and thought that was perfect. As Iโ€™m running towards this area, 2 shadows are walking and approaching. I instantly get a bad gut feeling and run back

7 Apr 2024



I recently had a dream that I was connected to a dragon through a soul bond and it felt so wonderful and safe having a being that would be by my side no matter what, we flew through the clouds together with me on its back, the saved my life once and I was always so happy to see them. But then it turned out I was sitting at a dinner table with my ex Meredith and it was actually a movie we were watching while we were eating and I turned to her and said how wonderful if would be to have a being that you know would always be there for you and you there for them and she replied saying that I had her, I looked away for a moment then back at her and she wasn't there anymore and cried in despair.

7 Apr 2024



It started out has a Harry potter movie. Then we somehow were in the basement with pickaxes and Harry Potter was there. He took the elevator with Ron and another person, and I wanted to meet him and ask him what happened. I ran up stairs to catch the elevator and it lead to a cool beach house. Harry went upstairs and talked to someone in a business room. Then I teleported to a mountain. I saw this giant river and I saw an orb of thunder clouds pass through. I got a hoverboard and started hovering over to the storm. I got into it and it was a Ghost ship. I got onto it and saw everyone bracing themselfs.

3 Apr 2024

Running away


My dream started out with me at a tourist attraction. I was walking around and taking pictures. Dream me was having fun there. After it closed, I went back home, but my house wasnโ€™t there. Then I was like: โ€œOh, yeah, I still need to build my home base.โ€ Why? Because my dream turned into a survival type game where you need to build everything yourself. After I finished building my base, my sister came to visit me. The two of us hung out before one of the guys from the tourist attraction came knocking at my door. He told me that I was in danger because thereโ€™s a bounty hunter chasing after me. Apparently, the hunter is a highly advanced robot that appears to be human and uses she/her pronouns. Upon hearing this, I start setting up traps for her, but she destroys my home base before I could finish. After seeing the amount of power she has, my sister and I run away. We go our separate ways and I eventually come across a bunch of cartoon characters. There were characters from Avatar: The Last Airbender, Steven Universe, and Scooby Doo. Together, we go on an adventure that ends with us forming a giant key in the clouds. After we got the key, we use it open a door to a building in the middle of the desert. We go inside and see that the building is actually an indoor water park. We walk around for a bit until that robot from earlier comes out of nowhere and attacks me. My cartoon friends were able to stop her and throw her in the water, causing her to malfunction and break. I thank them and decide to leave. I decided to act like none of this ever happened. So, I head to my old high school building and start acting like Iโ€™m a student there. Everything was going great, I had friends, my sister was there, and I even got a boyfriend! But, everything changed when I got on the school bus. I noticed that my bus driver was everywhere, like she had cloned herself. I also noticed that the other bus drivers, from the other buses, where all invisible. Once my bus driver took a wrong turn, I realized something was wrong. So, I jumped out of the bus window and ran away. While running away, I came across my sister, a nun, and a young boy who claimed to be the nunโ€™s son. The 4 of us started to who knows where, when we came across a bunch of flower buds. (Flowers that hadnโ€™t bloomed yet.) We picked them up and decide to plant them. While planting them, the Joker from Batman starts driving towards us in his green and purple car. My sister and I hide, while the Joker threatens the young boy. I go to get a weapon so that I can defeat him, and he starts threatening my sister. I run over and punch him in an attempt to save my sister. Then I was like: โ€œRemember me?โ€ and I glare at him. Before anything else could happen though, my alarm goes off and I wake up, ending the dream early.

1 Apr 2024



in my dream I was dreaming. And in that dream I went out to the patio of my house in Honduras, and looked at the sky. The clouds were like it was going to rain, out of nowhere the clouds approached and they started to darken to the point where they kind of caught fire? Well I started to burn out. Itโ€™s a dream but I felt pain. I got scared and woke up in the dream, but I was still in a dream. And I couldn't open my eyes and I was in a lot of pain. I was burning. And as best I could, I told my mother. And I'm not really sure if we get out of there or not. Only I remember my mother asking me how I knew the house was on fire and I told her that I dreamed it.

30 Mar 2024



I am in a huge backyard with my family and coworkers. And they are playing volleyball. There are puddles in the grass and looks like it had flooded in some areas. I look up ahead in the sky in the distance there is a huge dark stormy cloud. And the cloud is moving closer. I tell everyone to look and warn them but they all donโ€™t seem to care about it and go about what theyโ€™re doing. I almost fall down the grassy hill because of all the wet grass. Itโ€™s slippery and Iโ€™m not trying not step in the giant puddles of water and mud. I feel like no one is paying attention to me and what I had to say. They all just keep playing their volleyball game.

30 Mar 2024



i was at school with all of my friends and it was night time..there was this thing called a sugar cloud and it was so beautiful so we all stopped to take pictures but by the time we stopped taking pictures it was time to go back home so we split up into teachers cars and while in the car they kept asking alex one of my previous friends what was wrong and i wanted to ask at first also but i felt that being friends with him was too draining. they asked me what i wanted to est snd i got frustrated because i didnt know. when we drove by the gas station i saw the person i like that likes me back and i appeared in my dads car. i thought about him ssying he likes taking walks in other neighborhoods so i made myself remember to ask him if he wanted to take a walk with me. my dad parked snd told me to bring my own money which was weird because he usually never asked me to bring my own money and i spent to much money this month. i appeared in my dadd car again but his old car and he was driving and he asked me who a person was so we were guessing who

29 Mar 2024



I had a dream that I was in a passanger seat of a car and there was a man with blonde hair driving. I didnโ€™t recognize the man or the car. We were on a really long bridge over a huge body of water, similar to the causeway over pontchartrain lake but miles longer. There were other cars riding along the bridge and the sun was out and barely any clouds. I felt content in the car and looked around out the window when suddenly a steam engine train t-boned the passenger side of the car causing me and the man in the car to get thrown off the bridge and into the water while simultaneously flying out the car. When looking at the place of the collision there was no sign of ghe train and the other cars werenโ€™t affected at all and continued on the bridge as normal. I looked to find the man and the car and the man was standing going towards the car and I was still behind. The body of water was very shallow about 3 and a half feet deep, yet the water rose over my face as I sunk to the bottom and drowned watching the man walk away. I woke up in a cold sweat gasping for air as my body stopped itself from breathing.

29 Mar 2024

New Job


I was w a group of people and we were tasked w cleaning out an old house but we didnโ€™t know how to get there and who to get directions from. We had to take a tree like elevator to get up to a forest cabin in the sky. And when we go there it was eerie as the place was abandoned and filled w someoneโ€™s stuff abandoned. After cleaning up a bit me and the group decide to leave a bit early before it gets dark and as we wait for the tree elevator. One of our people falls through the clouds and begins plummeting. Tying to save them we follow suit falling faster and faster down to earth. I canโ€™t remember much that happened after that but all i know is we return to where the dream started not wanting to have to go back to the job the next day but everyone is fine

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