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Dream Interpretation: Class šŸ˜“ - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Class? Discover the significance of seeing a Class in your dream šŸ’¤ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Class appears in your dream āœ…

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šŸ’”Possible meaning

Dreams about education and school are about discovering your identity. When in school, you discover yourself, your talents, and how you fit into society. It describes your career path and how it shapes your identity and how you connect to the world around you. But, on the other hand, it may also represents anxiety and fear of entering the world.

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šŸ§­ Direction

Bad omen

You will commonly have this dream during a time of anxiety and identity crisis. However, this is a positive dream about rediscovering yourself and finding your true identity. Try new things, and take risks; this is the time to live life without regrets and uncover parts of yourself you never knew existed.

ā¤ļø Feelings

The dream of being in a classroom may evoke feelings of curiosity, learning, and growth. It symbolizes a desire for knowledge and personal development. It can also bring about feelings of pressure or anxiety, as it represents the need to perform and meet expectations. The classroom setting may remind one of past experiences in education or the pursuit of new skills. Overall, this dream may elicit a mix of excitement, anticipation, and a sense of responsibility.





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16 Jul 2024

High School


I went back to high school. Luke was old enough to be a freshman. There were students from my grade with me, but we were all our current age (in our 20s) I was sitting in class and I realized I didnā€™t have my school bag, but my duffel bag thatā€™s part of my luggage. At the end of class, I saw my current [boyfriend/partner] in the hallway flirting with me. It was so adorable. I tried to hold in my laugh and rolled my eyes with a smile on my face. After class was dismissed, he helped me get my duffel bag sorted so I could go to the office. I tried to go sign myself out so I could get my school stuff from a store, but I couldnā€™t find the front office. I was on the 2nd floor, but I couldnā€™t even find a staircase.

11 Jul 2024



I was in kindergarten about 5 years old, and I had this doll from the movie hunchback of Notre Dame. Her name was Esmerelda, she wore a white shirt, green skirt, lots of jewelry. I showed up at a house where my cousin use to live to find my whole kindergarten class sitting in the living room for no particular reason they where watching tv. I noticed that instead of the chimney being in the living room there was a big brown door with a mail slot. I walked down the hallway toward my cousins room to look for him. The hallway seemed longer than I remember and at the far end of the hall way I saw what looked like a small child running back and forward between the rooms. I thought nothing of it. Since I didnā€™t find him I walked back into the living room. As I was walking back I saw my brother sitting in front of the door next to the mail slot playing with his G.I Joes. approaching him I started to get this feeling that something was off. That was when a small brown hand came through the mail slot grabbed him and drug him through that tiny hole. I ran up to the door and peeked through. To my horror I found that my Esmerelda doll hat cut off the top of his head and was busy sewing it back on. I ran to my parents who where In the kitchen washing dishes, but as soon as I got to the doorway she popped up in the window with a freeze ray and instantly froze both of them. Since I was in such a state of panic, fear and dread I woke up.

9 Jul 2024



So me and my sister(remmber i dont have a sister or brither) got lost. Our neibors adopted us but the sister was their child and she wasnt my sister. We grabbed a colour pencil, pencil etc for art bcz we are bored. I started heading to my house it was empty...well i slepf i woke up on a dream where me and the neibor's kid was in a flying car. Everytime she introduced me to a building i threw bomb at it on purpose and just for fun. I accidently left one at our houses but it didnt effect it. I asked why to her. She asnwed "oh its just our hourse was made for many years". Everything ended. I was leaving my house with my parents(they are not even my parents in irl or does the sister) i realised i had 3 sister(in my dream). I woke up from my dream i was doing a class on school while the neibor's kid was playing her parents. I decided to ask where is my sister? I did it . the teacher scared at me even the whole class did bcz i dont know...i wake up with a wprried face. I somehow cried from the dream cuz the sisters were murderd.

25 Jun 2024



I dreamed of a friend I knew when I was 10 years old for only one year. Her name was Bianca Williams. We were in class together and then walked him from school together when school was over. We walked all around looking for a boy I liked named Franklin. I could tell Bianca also liked Franklin and I wondered why she was flirting with the guy she knew I liked. Anyways we came up to a walkway and Bianca pulled up a dead cricket from her pocket and set it down where suddenly 3 Giant white toads with blue specks on there backs were sitting. They ate the cricket and when they did, they suddenly fell in love with me. They started jumping at me but I was screaming and scared. I fell back and started to kick at them to push them away. I was horrified and they were all croaking and saying ā€œyou canā€™t help who you love!ā€ Over and over.

18 Jun 2024



My daughter had a dream that I was driving her to school, but that I didn't know that the school was evil We arrived and Annabelle said, I don't think this is a good idea, but I said it looked like a good school, but I was wrong. The teacher took her to the class and she seemed nice, and when she brought her to the class, the children were looking at her mean because they didn't like new students. Two of the girls, one of them had green eyes and blonde hair, and the other had brown eyes and brown hair. They were especially mean. The two girls put thumbtacks on their seats. She sat next to them. She had one friend who liked her and they went to recess. It was a boy with green eyes and blonde hair. He said that he would be right back and while Annabelle was on the play structure the two girls approached her and pushed her down and she broke her leg. She fell into the deep sleep, and when she woke up, I looked up and saw a glowing tree. She glanced the other direction and when she turned back the tree was gone.

17 Jun 2024



I dreamt about a brother teaching Bible in class and I'm taking notes along with my college classmate Amala. Someone saw Lija Chechi telling Sajos wife that Sli Aunty is a nuisance and they are waiting for her to die

17 Jun 2024

My crush


Astrological observations about a personā€™s IC(imum coeli), vertex and how they may be impacted by their ancestral traumas when they are of a marginalized ethnic origins(e.g. Aftican American. Armenian, Uyghur, Native American, Palestinian, etc.) A party in a building by a murky river; the weather is cloudy and there are lots of woods Plum blossoms are in full bloom(they arenā€™t but I want to say they are for some reason) Iā€™m here for some kind of a connection-making reasons, avoiding certain people and shady/shoddy ruffians and percerted wretches My friends are here too, mostly the ones I had a tiny crush on a few years back They signed up because the class of the school was invited Theyā€™re playing around having a merry time, dancing and using bamboo sticks to appear outside the window from outside the buildings and such, surprising people and me and such in a jolly way

15 Jun 2024



In this dream, my co teacher and I were at a house on a rocky beach. We set up an easter egg hunt for our class to do but we werenā€™t allowed to see them do the actual hunt. Then two of my friends came and we all decided to walk down town. The further we walked, the older all the buildings, shops and paths seemed to get. It was like the shops hadnā€™t changed since the 1800s. The shops sold different products like papers and paintings but they all had the same name somewhere on them. We were all wondering who this mysterious person was but couldnā€™t find out anywhere who he was.

14 Jun 2024

End of the world


So last night I had this dream that was kind of about the ā€œendā€ of the world. It started off with me being at my family home with all of my family there. It was night time and things were going pretty normal. I was with my cousin hanging out in my parents kitchen. When I glanced out the window and saw what looked like meteors falling from the sky, butā€¦ something was off/strange about them. It was almost like they werenā€™t real. There were tons of them; and they all fell straight down in the sky. They had this bright yellow color and it seemed as if they would randomly appear in the sky with several others around it, then fall straight down. The other thing that was strange about them was they almost appeared to spark right as they hit the ground kind of like electricity. Something about them felt man made. I donā€™t remember the specifics, but I believe it was a holiday and thatā€™s why we were all together. I remember we were watching the news or something that was publicized live about the holiday; then as these meteors started falling it switched over to the news and was shooting out one of those warning signs before two people appeared on the screen announcing a warning and talking about the meteors falling and that it was happening all over the US. I remember my cousin and I started to panic. We ran up to my old room and starting putting together a bag/backpack of clothes and necessities. Apparently we werenā€™t the only one with same idea. We got all of our family together and started driving. I looked out the car window and remember seeing others panicking and cars almost getting hit by each other or these so called meteors. Fast forward and itā€™s day time and we are still driving. We are on a dirt road driving with multiple cars in front of us and behind us. I ask where we are going and my dad tells me we are meeting my sister Shantal and her husband. We started to drive out to this river/lake. The road started becoming more like sand as there were small beaches/sand dunes all around us. There were people everywhere with boats of almost ever size. Cars behind us would start to get impatient and go down off the road and onto these beaches trying to get around everyone. Eventually we found them and they had this big red boat. We all got on and started to go. Apparently everyone was told to go to a facility owned by the government for safety. In it, I was separated from most of my family and started doing classes on/about these meteors and how to stay safe. A older man stood in front of the class teaching about safety procedures. I raised my hand and asked about where to go that would be safest during these events. I asked would hiding in a cave or an old mine shaft be good places to go during a meteor shower. He sad no. I was shocked but then asked what would be better. And I was appalled by his answers. They made absolutely no sense and had no real logic behind them. He then asked the class more ways to protect yourself and the class full on believed every word of his and would answer with even more stupid answers and the guy would support them. After we took a test on computers. There were people around us in suits and headphones that were there to keep us on track and to help. As I was going through this test I was furious. These questions were so stupid and didnā€™t have anything really to do with ways to help you or meteors at all. Some of the questions came with videos and they were so weird. There was something about them that had a sickening/disgusting feeling to them like I shouldnā€™t be watching them. I had enough and stood up from my chair and yelled ā€œthis is so stupid!ā€ The main teacher who was this older lady called me up to her desk for disrupting the class. She wasnā€™t that ugly physically; but something about her made her extremely ugly and repulsive. She was getting after me for this outburst and trying so hard to convince me what I was learning was right and was truth. By this point I was explosive. I got in her face and spat ā€œyou canā€™t be serious. This is absolute bull shit. None of what you are saying or teaching has anything to do with your safety. You are basically feeding off of peopleā€™s fears and insecurities and making a huge profit off of it by feeding them nothing but lies and what they want to see. I had enoughā€¦ Iā€™m out, and donā€™t you dare follow me.ā€ And walked out. shortly after I woke up.

9 Jun 2024

Childhood home
Sexual Assault
High School


Iā€™m back in high school and my friends and me were planning our graduation prank (something weā€™re actually working on right now). I remember sitting in class, my school being a mix of my high school and the campus of my former middle school. Iā€™m together with my high school friends and we go out of the school to go on a quest that was also a trip. We meet new teenagers in our age. One place was at a river. We sit on the beach and have fun together. Iā€™m suddenly alone with only a girlfriend of mine (who i donā€™t know in real life) and sheā€™s on a small sand-island on the river that is connected to the beach. There are also the two other teenagers who have been drinking since we joined them on the beach and lay on their backs in the sand. One of them stands up and goes towards my friend on the island in a threatening manner, like he wants to sexually assault her. I try to stop him and he suddenly grabs me by my throat and presses me against something hard like a street lamp. But itā€™s the doorframe of the living room in the apartment Iā€™ve lived in when I was a child and young teen. I feel him pressing my back so hard against the edge of the doorframe that i started to feel my bones and get scared of him breaking them, so i squirm in his grasp. Me and my high school friends had to drive with the subway, the public transport I used to drive with to get to my former middle school. We have a group chat, a mix of all the graduates who want to be a part of our graduation prank. I donā€™t know some of them and suddenly they joined us in the subway. As they introduced themselves I saw an old friend from my second former middle school, who in real life I want to have contact with again. She is with her friends, also a group of people I donā€™t know. I lean in to hug her but but she tells me sheā€™ll sit on the subway seat so I ask her if itā€™s still fine if we hug and she agrees. It was slightly awkward but thatā€™s how we are sometimes, and hugged. I wake up.

5 Jun 2024



Me and my dad are staying at some kind of hotel or resort. In the room we are staying at, there are several different kinds of snakes scattered all over the room. For some reason, we are not frightened by this. I am only mildly uncomfortable. Most of the snake species we see are non venemous. There are only two venemous snake species we see at first (copperhead and water moccasin). One night while my dad is sleeping, there are two non venemous species on the bed. (Brown dekay and eastern king) Suddenly, a copperhead appears and bites him. I am frightened by this and try to walk my dad to a medical place because he got bit by a venemous species. Immediately, my dad starts showing signs of poisoning as he canā€™t walk straight and walks directly into objects. I think that due to this, he needs medical attention immediately and call 911. When the paramedics arrive, it turns out that he had high blood sugar and low blood pressure which I noted donā€™t make sense together. Apparently, these problems were not caused by the venom. He does not go to the hospital and I am worried as the snake bite is still unaddressed. My dad is not worried though and trusts the paramedics. Due to my worry, I try to post on a Facebook group that my dad was bit by a copperhead and itā€™s not being taken seriously. For some reason, I do not go through with the post. I am scared to go back in the room as I am now more frightened of the venemous speciesā€™ than before. I note that I do not hate the copperhead and acknowledge that it only wanted personal space but that its venom is very harmful. Later that day, I notice that there are snakes all over the resort and see the tails of rattlesnakes hidden in corners. My fear increases as rattlesnakes are far more venomous and dangerous than copperheads. I end up going outside as I am no longer comfortable being inside with all the snakes. There is a beach directly outside the resort. When I got in the water, I noticed that there were several blue ring octopi I was touching. Blue ringed octopi are extremely venemous and fatal but are not native to where Iā€™m from. I get scared by the contact, but when I go seek medical attention, I am brought to this class that would help medical professionals identify who was having an emergency. In the class, we are instructed to check our vitals such as our heart rates and oxygen levels. I note than when I check my pulse, it feels weak and feels like itā€™s getting weaker. I think my oxygen level is also getting lower, but I wake up before I am able to check it.

2 Jun 2024



i had a dream i had three boys that i found attractive come into our class n sat really close to me . n one of the boys had put there arm around me n got all nervous . they didnt talk as much as i thought they wouldve . but i didnt blush n i was calm . (ive never not blushed or stayed calm around boys lol )

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