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Dream Interpretation: Butterfly 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Butterfly? Discover the significance of seeing a Butterfly in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Butterfly appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

This is a strong symbol for transformation, rebirth, and change of identity. This signifies that you will go through some transformation in your personal life, emotional state, or professional life. A beautiful change is coming your way; allow it to happen, and notice how your world becomes better.

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🧭 Direction

Good fortune

It is time to reconsider how you are living your life and your identity. Accept the changes that flow into your life and expand beyond your comfort zone, as true success lies there. Let the transition commence into your life, and notice how your world becomes better.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of a butterfly evokes feelings of transformation, freedom, and beauty. It symbolizes personal growth, change, and the ability to adapt to new situations. This dream may bring a sense of lightness and joy, as well as a reminder to embrace life's transitions with grace and optimism. The butterfly's delicate and vibrant presence in the dream can inspire feelings of awe and wonder, reminding us to appreciate the fleeting moments of beauty in our lives. Overall, this dream elicits positive emotions and a sense of hope for the future.





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Dreams of users containing the word Butterfly

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8 Jul 2024



I was in a house that wasn't mine, i was alone i saw a butterfly follwed it with eyes than disappeared, than i saw big butterfly, it was orange and black, the butterfly was on something than it flew towards me like it wanted to land on my head but i moved out the way, the big butterfly had one of its wing torn. In the dream felt extremely happy.

5 Jul 2024



I went in my bedroom in the morning. The window was open and I was surprised to see many butterflies and moths all around my room. They weren't flying around, they were all resting with their wings closed. They were very pretty. Orange and blue were their colors. Then I noticed a birds nest with three eggs. The eggs were blue and had a pretty design. The eggs started hatching and I watched as three flying squirrels were born. They seemed helpless. Then I saw a tiny robin. The robin was underwater in the bathtub. I picked him up and set him down. I was feeding him crumbs. I remember thinking I was going to be late for work. The overall feeling was intense interest about all the animals and butterflies in my room.

2 Jul 2024

Video Game


I watched videos YouTube. Then I decided to email a singer asking him to cover a song, but I don’t remember the details. Then I see a different singer with colourful butterflies on his head and on his face. There was a song playing in the background but it doesn’t belong to him or the singer that I emailed

28 Jun 2024



I dreamed me blowing a tube just like solving a puzzle,then a random woman looking like a scientist,she walked up and started to play with me too,she talked how i was feeling or other stuff,it continued like it feels like it has been days,she started to sang,and i saw myself,staring at a butterfly

25 Jun 2024



Very, very interesting adventure dream I had. I remember my mom was driving my car and she had to make like a U-turn and she got really close to the wall and the way she was driving it made me laugh. She was making me laugh. I remember going to a lot of different parties like a Golden Globe Oscar party and so I saw the paparazzi lining up. Three paparazzi fell and I had to pick them up which was really cute. I remember a butterfly. I remember taking off my contact lens and putting my glasses on.

8 Jun 2024



I lived my life as Alice in wonderland but there was a place the mad hatter and the rabbit wouldn't go so me and my pet rabbit went to it and crossed to the other side it was an emptied white room but the butterflies and creatures came over and lead me through the unknown and I skipped through the unknown territory.

2 Jun 2024



A gigantic and beautiful butterfly landed on my arm. I watched it fly by. I stuck my arm out feeling very anxious. I was so surprised it landed on me.

31 May 2024



I had another dream about a butterfly but this time it fluttered into my bedroom and landed on my partner while he was asleep. It was brown like a moth. I woke soon after it had landed on him. I didn't feel it meant any harm but I'm now worrying what this means and why all of a sudden I'm having dreams about butterflies and moths.. Never had these dreams before till recently.

29 May 2024



I was transporting some butterflies outside in a tin but I didn’t realize they were drowning in milk. Once I noticed I quickly poor the milk out and nudged them outta it so they could breathe. 3 butterflies and it looked like they all would make it. I met him. At first I just felt arms holding me, tightly around my waste. He was laying on top of me. But then I’d feel him squirm a little and I got excited- His hold on me just kept growing tighter, he kept rubbing me- like massaging almost. It felt like he was trying to hold onto me for dear life. Later on I was looking at a computer- but it was turned off. But when my eyes focused on the black screen I didn’t just see myself. He was behind me, wide eyed and still holding on. He had a very youthful face and I think black hair. And he saw my face too. I got so scared tho cause I couldn’t feel him that I immediately dropped the laptop. Later on he was laying in bed with me again and I slumped to the floor to talk to this girl and she was like, wanna try a sleep exercise? Basically what she did was hooked me up to a tv and whatever I focused on became reality on the tv. It was kinda scary but also kinda fun.

19 May 2024



I wasn’t part of my dream I was just an onlooker I was watching some bugs on a branch of a tree high up in the sky or at least it felt higher up from the bugs perspective I could see a short brick house underneath us and the grass everything was slightly blurry In the distance I watched a butterfly land on the branch in front of me and then a caterpillar inched it’s way up to the butterfly a praying mantis was behind them watching and I think there was a lady bug not sure but the butterfly and caterpillar seemed upset with each other then the butterfly crushed the caterpillar between its wings like it was eating it

9 Apr 2024



It was about the coming of Christ. In this town there was a prophesy of the coming of Christ made out of clay. It depicted the savior reaching out to the people, two people looking up to the heavens with their hands on their faces, and two brothers rejoicing and hugging each other. There was also a written prophesy that said the savior would come as the butterfly blossomed from the chrysalis. There was a thorny plant near me that had a blue butterfly beginning to come out of it's chrysalis. It wasn't ready to come out all the way yet, but I was impatient and reached out to grab it. I cut my hand on the thorns and became very sick. When the butterfly was ready to come out, it fluttered around to show the good news, and flew to the heavens. Christ returned to the people. He began to comfort the people and hold their hands. Many did not see Christ because they were ashamed and trying to make themselves better before seeing Him. I remember thinking that it was all a waste because the savior could make them perfect if they would just go to Him. Part of my dream was about prophecy of the birth of Christ. There were many false prophets. They stored butterflies and released them to say that Christ had already come. They held knives to the throats of anyone who disagreed. In this dream my mom was Mary, and was pregnant with the savior. The false prophets tried to kill every pregnant woman to prevent the coming of a powerful being. They slit Mary's throat, but she lived. The feeling of the spirit was very strong, but many were too afraid of seeming foolish to accept what they were feeling.

23 Mar 2024

My crush


kind of about eric ig in another universe. briefly shows me / "toni" (short for tonisha i think) meeting and flirting with him for the first time in a theater esque situation at 15. similar shit goes down and i just don't see him after being reprimanded a few months before my 18th things haven't really improved. i'm in a sort of wayward teens program and we're on a field trip. i have a rambunctious beast friend similar to kayla who takes her daily meds but still acts weird. i've mastered the art of not taking i think we're visiting a hospital or living facility of sorts, and i'm aimlessly wandering until i see a familiar name somewhere. i realize he's staying there and don't really tell bff but try to but she's busy talking with one of the male wayward teens she likes. it's kind of a race to evade both building staff and the crew watching the teens but i make it shortly after some religious folks leave the room. i'm panicked thinking he's in hospice but slowly walk in. just by my heels he goes "toni?" i think he's "quenton" in this dream but we sort of awkwardly look at each other before he smiles and we catch up and gossip and he's fine i think just staying in an exclusive residential suite bc he wants to "find himself" and i guess can afford to. at some point things get hot and flirty and kind of weird in the you're still so beautiful but all grown up way but its so sexy to me lol. in the dream some actually ?? stuff happens and bff is there and i think i was just very in real life horny lmao so my dream had a porn like scene anyways it gets back to some sense of reality when again in the dream he leaves halfway through ~activities saying he'll be back and me and best friend cry like wtf but a more normal scene in this hellscape would be i fall asleep after and he says something i can't really decipher and when i wake up he's gone and the alarms are going off in the hospital again my dream gets crazy and there's an action sequence and the hospital explodes ?? but let's say i and some other patients from either program / facility escape without jumping out of a tall ass building. bff somehow makes it out too and she's pissed at me first bc her crush didn't make it out or got bright back to the state custody but we eventually shrug and kind of become street urchins idk if i have family or she does but we spend the next few weeks kind of making the city outside of the "dishonorable youth" program. initially im trying to find him but there are no leads and bff convinces me to give up. it hurts and i wander one more night in a shady alley that's somehow relevant (lmao i think its a college bar area near where he claimed to live during the catching up scene, suggestive / creepy comments and all) and these two east asian guys ask me what a sign says and i'm like "black cherry?" (it looks like a bar) they laugh and speak another language so i walk away and decide that's it, he's gone xmas eve comes, the day before im assuming my / toni's 18th birthday and there's a sliver of hope that there will be a Christmas miracle but im starting to wake up at this point so the last actual dream part was me standing in what was kind of like central park of ny all lit up and i was looking at this really tall light post that's bulb was super bright and i pretended it was a shooting star before bff is like let's get wasted my own ending i think is that i wake up hungover as shit with this guy snapping and going "hello?" and i think he's my shooting star come true on my birthday morning so im like "quin"?? and he says "who?" as the sleepiness leaves my eyes and he's just some college guy from a bar we went to. i blink before smiling and replying "ah, nobody" other parts in the dream that were probably "in order" before my own ending but i couldn't make sense of it in a linear manner include coming back to the hospital that's now in good condition with better security and we make a joke to the receptionists about the incident months prior which makes them confused first then surprised. i think we go the equivalent of jk, oh can we get these drinks? i also think i made note of not seeing his name on the visiting sheet as an option or something so it could have been during the "where's pedo" montage alternative ending i get some sort of real closure? it's been years of no contact atp and i think nye following my 21st and i see him at the event and he sees me. i don't feel the same butterflies and anxiety but just.. weird so i go somewhere less crowded to drink water and this time he followed me. vague small talk, some awkward silences, and then we both say im sorry. and he's like why are u sorry and while i feel like i have a reason i stop and frown and i just don't know. he goes you aren't because you don't need to be and talks about the regret of ruining my adolescence and that's why he ran bc while the night was fun and thrilling it wasn't right and wouldn't end in good for anyone. like how i'm on track in community college after getting my ged (which i mentioned during small talk) and he's in therapy and trying to talk to ppl his age *awkward pained but genuine laughter* we nod and look away nervously while ppl filter in and out of what's probably someone's penthouse kitchen. the ball drop is soon and he says my name and i instinctively look despite feeling ashamed be almost a dog on call, following every command. he says something goofy to lighten the mood but i interrupt and kiss him as the countdown starts. its brief but passionate and at five i go "goodbye, quenton" and run off to the glass/window walls as one approaches. bff is there with u troubled youth boy toy who's turned it around and she grabs my hand and i squeeze back as it's the new year. there's celebration and cheer and yelling and we hug and bff asks "so what's your first resolution" looking her in the eye with a smile and refusing to acknowledge the confused but all too familiar set of eyes i'm sure is on my back "to never look back" toast, cheers, etc noises as she looks confused momentarily but shrugs and smiles bc she may not get it but she /gets it/ and i do too, finally

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