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Dream Interpretation: Job 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Job? Discover the significance of seeing a Job in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Job appears in your dream ✅

Job symbol
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💡Possible meaning

This indicates your purpose, determination, contribution, and value. It suggests that you are a very determined person and will not give up on challenges easily. It also means that there are some things in life that you are striving to achieve.

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🧭 Direction


Make a note of all the goals you have set for yourself. Use your determination to get what you want, and remember to pursue the things you have selected a little more, and you will see the light. Be prepared as new opportunities will soon arrive.

❤️ Feelings

This dream about a job may evoke feelings of ambition, responsibility, and determination. It may symbolize the desire for success, financial stability, and personal growth. The dreamer may feel a mix of excitement and anxiety about their career path and the challenges they may face. It could also reflect the need for validation and recognition in their professional life. Overall, this dream may leave the dreamer with a sense of purpose and the motivation to pursue their goals.





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29 Aug 2024



I dreamt that I revieved a letter from my job while I was on a leave of absence I real life. The dream was that I was looking at a letter from my job. Then the next day in real life I recieved a letter from my job in waking life that said some about retirement benefits. During that time period of my life while I was on a leave of absence, I was unsure if I would return to work.

24 Aug 2024

Parents dying
Childhood home


Već dugo vremena sanjam ali se ujutro ne mogu sjetiti sna sto mi se nikad nije dogodilo. Uglavnom danas popodne sam sanjala da se vozim autobusom prema mami i tati , oni su dvadeset godina mlađi nego sto realno jesu. Sa sobom vode samo jedno od moje braće i sestara ( mada ja imam samo jednu sestru) a u snu ih imam desetak. Kad sam došla na mjesto susreta mama i tata ulaze u autobus sretni sto me vide i kreću pričati o tome kako su sretni i ponosni na to sto sam pokrenula novi posao, mama govori kako ona zna da sam ja cijeli život sposobna ali da dok sam zivjela u rodnome gradu uvijek sam pomagala drugima a najmanje sebi. U cijeloj toj situaciji ja sam zatečena ali beskrajno mi je drago da je tako, mada i u snu kužim da je sve potpuno nadrealno ( jer se tako nešto uživotu teško može dogoditi)

13 Aug 2024



I was at my job practically tipsy, dwight was there too, i was helping closing the store and i remember turning back and the whole place being dark. As i was turning back behind me i grabbed a bucket down and it was filled with soaked rags, at this point i felt drunk to the point of me stumbling over things. So i grabbed a handful of the rags and went towards the door. Felt my keys vape and phone in there so just continued to walk the rags down what seemed like a longer hallway than what i was used to at my actual job, with a bright yellow pipe along side the wall that i hadn’t noticed before. And actual brick flooring instead of tiles. I threw the rags at the laundry bucket and tried to find the exit. I felt panicked, because i kept hearing noises in the distance, but it was almost pitch dark so i couldn’t see anything. Then i woke up

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