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Dream Interpretation: Labor ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Labor? Discover the significance of seeing a Labor in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Labor appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

Dreaming of labor symbolizes hard work, productivity, and the birth of new ideas or projects. It may also represent the pain and struggle that comes with achieving your goals. This dream may indicate that you are ready to put in the effort to bring your ideas to fruition.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


This dream may be a sign that you need to focus on your work and put in the necessary effort to achieve your goals. It may also be a reminder to take care of yourself and not overwork yourself. Remember to take breaks and seek support from others when needed. Keep pushing forward and you will see the fruits of your labor.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of labor evokes a sense of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. It may bring feelings of accomplishment, as well as a sense of responsibility and commitment. This dream symbolizes the effort and determination required to achieve goals and the satisfaction that comes from seeing the fruits of one's labor. It may also reflect the challenges and obstacles faced in the waking life, highlighting the need for resilience and determination to overcome them. Overall, this dream elicits a mix of emotions, including pride, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose.





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3 Jul 2024

Baby boy


Iโ€™m real life Iโ€™m currently 10weeks pregnant. In my dream I went to the hospital because I was going into labor at 10weeks pregnant! I had the baby and it was a pretty short labor but very painful. The baby came out healthy and fine. No one seemed to care I was only pregnant for 10 weeks. I start freaking out when we get home with the baby about how the babyโ€™s fine and saying the doctor must have missed something cause thereโ€™s no way that all his organs are fully developed. Everyone just kept saying I have a Healthy baby boy. In my gut though I could get over that something was wrong with my baby.

24 May 2024



I dreamed I was with a lot of family and friends. My dad's girlfriend was pregnant again, and we all were having a nice day-out. We're at a part, everyone is chilling and having fun. But me and my friends were a bit bored so we decided to seperate and hang out together somewhere else. I remember curling up to someone and I was just loving his hand rubbing my back. There was nothing more I wanted than that kind of touch. Everyone is talking when one of the younger kids comes running in and says my dad's girlfriend went into labor, but none of us get up to go see, yet.

9 May 2024

Baby girl


I had a dream that I was is a dark, decaying classroom. I was pregnant and in active labor. There were many people, mostly women, around me to help me give birth. I dont think any of them were licensed medical professionals. Either way, all of them grabbed 6 or so desks and pushed them together to form a table for me to lay on. All the people surrounded me and one woman was encouraging me to push. I remember giving birth to a baby girl and being flooded with euphoria and joy. I remember telling someone her name was Kimberly. I waited excitedly to see my baby. But then my Mother walked in with a smile, and the woman gave her the baby. I was still smiling, sweating and breathing hard from the birth and remember wondering where my baby was. I never really came to the full realization that I wasnt going to see my baby - But then I woke up and realized and had a deep feeling of saddness, wondering where my baby was.

2 May 2024



I was in a large shopping warehouse which was structured like a market except it looked like Costco. I was trying to find granola bit all of the options were from brands that use child slave labor so I was trying to find something more. I ran into a guy I've recently met in real life (Ben) and he offered to help me find the granola but he just kept flirting with me but I knew I couldn't get distracted. Then I heard a scuffle and when I looked down the next aisle someone was being attacked by men in fancy jester costumes and dragged into a shadowy entrance to another part of the store I knew I needed to avoid. I quickly left and went to thw bus stop where multiple men were all gathered with sleeping bags. They were homeless but had community amongst each other, Ben was saying it was a dangerous space (the men were all black and Ben and I are white) but I ignored him and offered the men waterbottles I had. The bus was more a water taxi and it took Ben and I to a university/commune.

30 Mar 2024

Heart attack


My step dad was diagnosed with a High blood pressure problem, similar to my real life diagnosis. He was very worried about having a sudden stroke or heart attack. I told that i felt that same fear when i was initially diagnosed and it plunged me into a depression that i am still in. In my waking life, my step dad passed away about 20 years ago. In the dream i started to have a real fear that he was going to suddenly die. The house we were in was unfamiliar, but it was delapidated with damage. Particularly the outside. I kept wqntinh to sit down and tell him thst i thought he was a tough but good dad for me, to make sure he knew, but i felt lile i would need a strong dose of alcohol to get it out, and i couldnt seem to get that. In the yard outside was some event that i was unsure of. Mostly younger people, maybe late high school or early 20s. I went outside, it was hot so i was trying to find a shade spot to sit, and i sat down and was overwhelmed by emotion and started crying. I thonk out of both fear and frustration, and i couldnt keep it quiet so it drew attention. After returning to the house, it was decided that the event was over, sobit was time to ckeam uo the yard. Concerned about my step dad laboring too much i went out to try to help and minimize his work. At first it appeared to be just taking down strings of lights, but looking around it appeared that there were these large metal structures everywhere. The kind that we could not take down.

17 Mar 2024



I was pregnant. I got an app on my phone and I had to complete a challenge in the time restraint or it would corrupt my phone. I was also trying to pack a bag for the hospital because I was going into labor. Nothing I was packing was making sense and I was trying to pack everything into a pillow. I went to my closet to grab clothes but my shirt turned into a blue porcelain cat. I tried getting more clothes and they turned into yellow plastic bunnies. I packed the animal figures anyway and just went without clothes. While I was packing, everyone kept telling me that I had to finish the challenge on the app. I felt nervous because of both time restraints. I was upset with myself because I thought I had already packed a bag for the hospital

6 Mar 2024



So started out I was with the cast of friends and we were in an airport leaving Paris. Chandler was worried about the hotel bill that had come out to $5,000. We said weโ€™d all split it. Then for whatever reason I didnโ€™t leave with them. I stayed in Paris. It was night time. I went to a womanโ€™s apartment. She was some kind of student. Her dad & uncle were looking for her and showed up shortly after I arrived but she left to go somewhere. I went to look for her at an opera house but by the time I got there the performance was over. So I headed back to the apartment to wait. No one was there yet. I sat at a table and then her uncle showed up and then let me know they thought my roommate was planning to kill me. Then she showed back up with her father. She seemed to be on a mission and he was pleading with her to get her to come to her sisters delivery. Her sister was apparently going into labor. We all sat down with her and convinced her to go to the hospital to be there with her sister. We then addressed the issue of if she was planning to kill me and she admitted to it. That she was testing out a contraption that was actually hung over our head. A candle was set to burn a string and release a rock to hit us in the head. And her plan was to kill us all in this way. I guess because we were annoying her. But then she said she wouldnโ€™t be doing now. I guess because we had gotten through to her about her sister. She disabled the rather amateurly made contraption. Then she and her father and uncle headed off to the hospital. I left for work, where I had a big corner office overlooking the ocean and city. I spoke to a male subordinate but I donโ€™t recall what about but I recall him asking me to dinner. The end

4 Mar 2024



i felt a really strong and sharp pain on my lower stomach in my dream, didnโ€™t know what was happening, turns out i was going in labor but in my dream i didnโ€™t know i was pregnant, i had triplets i named them riccardo eros and emily, they were so cute and so good outside, they never cried, they were always smiling, i felt like a hole in my chest when i woke up and didnโ€™t have my babies

2 Mar 2024



I was living in a share house with 2 friends and a bunch of other random women. The share house was in the middle of a giant carpark I know from my waking life. I don't know the friends in real life. One of them was in labor but didn't have a boyfriend. I ran to the kitchen in the share house with 2 trays and put them on the bench and told the ladies in the share house that I would wash them after so leave them there because the girl was in labor. As I walked away I heard one of the ladies we lived with say "See she's fucking lazy I hate her so much." I walked away back to my friends and called emergency services but they didn't answer. I called a different number and was asked what type of help I need. I asked for ambulance and the woman replied "oh she's in labor now isn't she!?" I was left confused as this was the first time I called them. I said yes and told them where I was and they said the ambulance would be there soon and they then hung up. I went back to my friend who was in labor and I was holding her from behind and holding her hands and rocking with her and she was squeezing my hands and I was telling her it's okay sweetheart the ambulance is on the way. The other friend was taking photos of us. My friends water broke and the ambulance arrived.

20 Feb 2024

Giving Birth


I was pregnant but when I was about to give birth, I had a very long labor and my belly shrunk and dรฉcalรฉ small, we realized that it wasnโ€™t a baby in my belly and I felt like an imposter, I felt empty and sad

5 Jan 2024



I wa shaving a sleep over at my great grandmothers house but there was a scary ghost with an axe trying to kill us breaking in through the back door and we had to keep running off or fighting him and there was a bunch of tents in out back yard with the nabors in them and they all didn't believe me for some reason and it was all dark and their faces looked weird and uncanny valley like. The ghost with the axe kept funding us and then there was rotten watermelons with flies inside them and no one beloved me about that either but I broke one open in front of one of my friends a young girl with red hair in long braids and freckles she freaked out and tried to get everyone to be live us but they didn't until they saw it themselves.

28 Nov 2023



I had a dream I was inside a hotel room staying for a few days. I heard noises and went to investigate the room next to mine. Inside I found several dogs kept in a really tiny cage. The dogs were black and brown and were small to medium in size. They were all in poor condition. I took them all into my room and called a emergency vet clinic to take them in and care for them. A women ended up approaching me saying she would not give the dogs up easily. So I argued with her about how poorly they were treated. She was a tall thin woman with bony features and dark medium length hair. Her clothes were styled as though she did a lot of manual labor. A dirty blue tshirt and jeans. Her attitude was not nice.

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