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Dream Interpretation: Hair 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Hair? Discover the significance of seeing a Hair in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Hair appears in your dream ✅

Hair symbol
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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes a person's strength and virility. This could also be related to the power of your friendships or romantic relationship. Sometimes it also suggests that you are trying to reshape your life and thinking by eliminating the unwanted thoughts and people from your life.

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🧭 Direction


Hair dreams have multiple meanings depending upon the scenarios. If you are gaining or losing hair in your dream, it depicts you are gaining or losing strength in your waking life. Watch your daily stress symptoms. Relax, breathe, let everything fall into its place on its own.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about hair can evoke various emotions depending on the context. It may bring feelings of beauty, confidence, and self-expression if the hair is portrayed as healthy and well-groomed. On the other hand, if the dream involves hair loss or tangled hair, it may trigger emotions of insecurity, vulnerability, or even fear of aging. Additionally, if the dream focuses on styling or playing with hair, it can generate feelings of creativity, playfulness, or a desire for change. Overall, the emotions associated with a dream about hair can range from positive and empowering to negative and unsettling.





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1 Sep 2024



I had a dream I was preparing to go to a wedding with my dad and his old work friends. We had to go shopping for some formal attire. In the shop there were some women who offered tattoos for people and I decided to get one (even though I would never get one in real life). I asked them to give me a hand tattoo of an Ankh cross (it means eternal life) and instead the woman gave me a tattoo of a stereotypical peace sign. After I got it, the tattoo washed off and I was annoyed and then I realised they decorated my bracelets with spikes on with red swiggly lines. When I got back home, my mum looked drastically different; she had short hair with some of it being shaved off and a neck tattoo of colourful trousers. She even looked skinny and had a white vest and blue skinny jeans on.

22 Aug 2024



A dream that i was preparing for a show at my house and my mom offered to straighten my hair (i have dreadlocks, so it isn't really possible to straighten them.) She thought agree could straighten my hair quickly, but underestimated how much hair i have and then got frustrated with me. She said i should learn to straighten my own hair and i was confused and surprised since she was the one who offered. She just gave up midway through, so i had to finish. Then i asked if she could take some of her stuff upstairs to help with cleaning the house before the show and she got mad at me for that and told me she wanted me to leave the house and end up on the streets. I responded sarcastically. Then, i went upstairs to finish my hair as people started arriving, i only had about a half hour left, so i was rushing and on the last press some of my hair got pulled out and my mom and my aunt saw because they had come upstairs. My mom told me i should be careful or i would go bald. And then i found the bald spot from the hair i had ripped out. The worst part was that straightening my hair had pulled out the ends, so my hair just ended up looking like a short, nappy fro. My mom said i was always like this, wanting things i just couldn't have...

20 Aug 2024



It was my birthday and Salvador and his wife were around, but his wife stayed at a table far away drinking wine by herself. Salvador, Tom and this other person were out sitting at this parklet along a street. I went and joined them and sat by Salvador with Tom across from us. He bent his head really close to me and said to look at his hair. My face was so close to his head and he said, “look, I am balding!” and I saw this very short hair toward the front and it looked like the way Prince Harry’s older brothe rwas aging. I thought Tom thought i was giggling too much at Salvador and he would know how I felt about him. I was afraid to talk to his wife cause I thought she was mad. Then I went adn talked to her and she was enjoying her glass of wine and told me about this movie she had been in. I asked her to join us and she said no, but she wasn’t upset. Me, Tom and Salvador were in this nature setting looking across a big river. There was an old castle in the distance and salvador pointed it out and said it had been flown in from somewhere. Then there was this singing competition along the river and Tom volunteered for it. I forget the rules but I was surprised he wanted to join in.

8 Aug 2024



In the dream there was life as it was, and then an alternate timeline named 'death' in the dream. I was content with life as it was, but then I remembered that I when had this dream before, and I accidentally found my way to the death timeline. I decided to try and remember how I did it. I basically held my breath in the bathtub, and went under the water. There I found myself in the other timeline. This timeline had clear and defined 'stages' to 'life', as I witnessed in someone else for the first time. First, when you're about 30 years old, you find the love of your life and your sex drive increases tremendously. Secondly, sometime a long the way, your head gets chopped clean off, but you keep living with a neck stump. Third and fourth are hazy to remember, but I think it's something about trying your best to improve your wrongdoings and/or improve your physical appearance. Finally, there's death, and here it's usually gruesome and unforgiving, matters the life you've lived. I watched as my 'partner', that I didn't know well, lived a full life, and had a death ceremony. The death ceremony basically includes all family and friends being at the home when death decided to come, and take their life. This includes fire, liquidation, compression to death, etc. As soon as my partner died, I woke up back into my 'normal' life universe. My mom somehow found out about my 'adventure' as she told me to not spend too long in the other universe, as I may not find be able to find my way back. Or worse, I may be unable to distinguish between the realities. We had a family gathering, and my rich uncle from another country (who doesn't exist in real life) is apparently the head of the family. He found out that I'm going between dimensions and cruelly ordered me to stay in there for an indefinite amount of time. Everyone tried to half-ass revolt but wasn't able to change his mind. At the end, I stood up, and speed-walked towards him and started cursing, saying that I will end his life if I did so. As soon as I reached him, his living figure was replaced by a bottle with ashes inside. I blinked and backed away as I saw my mom in awe try to move her way between him and me. As soon as I stepped back, he turned normal again, looking like a human. It seems the closer I got to him in that moment, the more his life fast forwarded in my eyes. I took a few other steps back and he became back to normal again, even though I still had hate and fury in my eyes. He still had his smug grin, but had a touch of fear in his eyes. He ordered everyone to step away from me, and I fled to the bathroom. As soon as I opened the bathroom door, I was grabbed by my hair, and thrown into the bathroom. I seemed to have been thrown into the other dimension again by someone else. I didn't recognize this person, nor where I was. But the uncle seemed to have appeared behind me near the door. Though I was upset, he cooled me down and asked for a chat. I agreed, and he walked with me, and told the other guy I would only be a minute. He said he knew about how dangerous this place was, and how I was bound not to listen, because he knew how curious my soul was. He said that even though I may feel somewhat safe here, that I shouldn't trust the feeling. And the more that I 'experience' this dimension, the worse I would be able to tell, in the future, which world I was actually in, and that they may fuse together indefinitely, and I will go mad. Of course I heeded this information, but it wasn't enough to stop me unfortunately. I visited this dimension enough that I wasn't able to, nor did I have the will to, find my way back to my 'normal' dimension. I lived in the 'death' dimension for years. I saw my grandma (who died in real life in 2018 from multiple sclerosis) die, again, and I was sad for how much pain she probably was in, even though I believed she didn't deserve it. I saw multiple 'partners' pass before I even knew their names. And at the last stretch, I found myself with a 'friend' at work, who has brain damage. We barely talk much, but we still talk. We found ourselves trying to get out of this place, when a correctional officer stopped her. She pleaded that they had the wrong person, and screamed that she was with me, but I couldn't get my mouth to say that I was with her, nor were they listening. I was desperately trying to find the door that I came in from so many years ago, while she's inevitably distracting the officers. At the end I feel bad I was using her for bait, and it made my heart ache, but it was the only thing I could do so that they weren't on my tail too. At least I was better at hiding, I said to myself. -- Many times in the dream, I don't remember exactly where, there were sex scenes with these 'partners'. Headless or not. Also there was a time that the death ceremony was happening in my grandparents house for my grandma, and I was trying to park my car in the back where it wouldn't catch fire, as there was an eternal fire in the backyard.

5 Aug 2024

Make up
Dead Relative


I was with my ex and we were still in a relationship. His two sisters were also in the dream and asking if I would like to get tickets to go to a rave and go out for the day. I was insisting to get my hair and make up professionally done but they were saying we have to be up very early as the minibus was booked. At one part of the dream I was sitting in the chair getting my hair done but it was days before the event and I was thinking that it was not still going to be nice. I was then sitting on a bus with my ex’s sisters and his nan who has passed away and one of their friends. As we arrived, we went in excitedly and were told the tickets were fake and they weren’t even going to open them. The doorman started talking to me about people coming were fake tickets as if I wasn’t with them. We then walked away and my car was there- a hire car that I have recently been driving- and I got in to drive home and realised when I’ve been gone the keys were still in it.

4 Aug 2024



I was staying at this house with these people that weren’t the biggest fan of me. I remember trying to dye my hair red blue and purple. I was told to I needed to find a house through this company, apply for the house and get the house all in the same day which is impossible. There was this snake that needed a home andi was thinking about taking it. This one kid kept hitting and shaking the tank so I was a little scared to pick the snake up, in fear that it right we were the same people. I ended up picking it up and it didn’t try biting me but the snake seemed sick. So I wrapped it in a blanket and it to store person and they said the snake hasn’t eaten much so it was very weak. Then I was at some work function and I kept running into the same guy and we would flirt a little and then go our separate ways. At one point we were up on this hill with loose gravel talking with some other people flirting when no one were paying attention. Then he slide down the big hill made of gravel while smiling but of course our boss Pete yelled at him because we weren’t supposed to do that. Next thing I know I was at school. Apparently I missed the 6 am- 2:30 pm day so I had to do a 2:30 pm- 11 pm school day which suuucked. Nobody told me what my schedule for the day was supposed to be so I spent a while just wondering peaking into teachers classes deciding who to ask where I should be. As I was wondering there was a sign that said not to go down a specific hallway which was odd but then my best friend and a coworker (in real life) showed up at the school. Next thing I know Caitlyn (my best friend) and I are in the room building this GIANT spider made of legos when a teacher walks in and ask if we are learning anything so we tell her some random spider facts and that’s satisfys her and she walks out

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