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Dream Interpretation: Hair 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Hair? Discover the significance of seeing a Hair in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Hair appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

This symbolizes a person's strength and virility. This could also be related to the power of your friendships or romantic relationship. Sometimes it also suggests that you are trying to reshape your life and thinking by eliminating the unwanted thoughts and people from your life.

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🧭 Direction


Hair dreams have multiple meanings depending upon the scenarios. If you are gaining or losing hair in your dream, it depicts you are gaining or losing strength in your waking life. Watch your daily stress symptoms. Relax, breathe, let everything fall into its place on its own.

❀️ Feelings

The dream about hair can evoke various emotions depending on the context. It may bring feelings of beauty, confidence, and self-expression if the hair is portrayed as healthy and well-groomed. On the other hand, if the dream involves hair loss or tangled hair, it may trigger emotions of insecurity, vulnerability, or even fear of aging. Additionally, if the dream focuses on styling or playing with hair, it can generate feelings of creativity, playfulness, or a desire for change. Overall, the emotions associated with a dream about hair can range from positive and empowering to negative and unsettling.





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15 Jul 2024



I dreamt I walked in on his date at his apartment and smashes all his stuff grabbed the girl by her hair and told her to get all her shit out then I found all these things of proof that every girl I thought he cheated on me with was true

12 Jul 2024



Last night was kind of an intricate dream. I had, it was a dream. I was in the warehouse, but of course the warehouse is a lot bigger. But technically, I guess it's not a lot bigger. It's just on the other side, where like the big trucks are and everything. And of course, my boss Tristan is there. And the rest of the team is there there was Jojo and then there was Will and then you also had Sean and Bess and Dawn were there but they kept over to the side a little bit and the bay doors the bay doors I remember seeing like trucks go in and out of them but they weren't loaded with a lot of stuff it was like they were loaded but I can never really see what they were loaded with I remember I was walking through like the warehouse aisles and they looked like they were longer they were higher up but they were like when you went through them they seemed like they were closer and like it was a little darker but not too dark to where it was scary just like darker and so then i remember we were discussing about like new projects and everything and everything was going really well, but I saw that best was trying to pull David aside. I guess to talk some type of crap about me and the more she kept talking shit instead of like my anger I felt like power and almost like energy just waving through me like made my hair, which was like dark brown with like purple going into pink locks and like I just start glowing and she gets mad and matter and I just walk up to her with a smile like I normally do and I tell her that your anger is literally killing you and I’ve done nothing to you. I’ve even stood up for you multiple times, but it’s OK because I forgive you and I turned around and I turned around just confidence the empowerment everything just felt amazing and then after that it was like as I was walking my clothes were shifting into like a more flowy style like long beautiful but airy sleeves like open sleeves like the medieval type style and then like a beautiful strapless mermaid gown but it wasn't a gown it was like more of a sundress again it was really flowy like the midriff was seen it was very almost mermaid slash sea goddess slash Scorpio energy like and it was like a light blush pink at the top and it turned into like that neon pink and then it went down into a purple and the purple went down into like a deep black and it was amazing like my hair was just waving in the energy and I felt so amazing and everybody just looked at me and it's they were happy they I I felt like I actually did something for everyone I saved them. It then time skipped and Tristan and i went on a jeep ride and as we were driving he was telling me about how awesome I am and that my bright personality and overall sexiness is a fucking fire he can’t ignore. We ended up on like a clif with a beautiful view and the ocean was vast but calming and energizing at the same time. He reached over to me wrapping his hands around my waist and kissed me so deeply and passionately I feel it So intense and we have amazing carnal sex and I woke up feeling relaxed and glowing

12 Jul 2024



A guy that I have had a crush on and loved for almost 30 years and I were hanging out. Next thing I know, I’m fighting this girl who is interested in him and pulling out her hair.

11 Jul 2024



Hey. Sorry I haven't said a dream in a while, but this one was very clear to me, so I'll explain. I was back in my old apartment on the first floor. It looked very different though, and it was too different but felt odd. I needed to wash my hair, which in real life I postponed for the morning, but in the dream, I was contemplating on whether to do it there and then. Then when I went to touch my hair, I saw this white gunk covering the underside of my hair. It looked like spoiled milk was on my hair and it solidified. So gross, but I peeled it off with my hands. Kitchen looked the same but there two bedrooms. In real life, the old apartment had two, but this dream had three or four or even five. I went to the one near my old bedroom and that bedroom was a bit bigger. My in real life furniture was there. I collapsed on the bed, not literally, but I laid on there in relief, becuase I thought they renovated the place to have one more bedroom, but i was wrong. My bedroom had a mini closet, window like I always wanted, and door to exit and enter from. I started to love this bedroom. Then I got up and looked around the house to see three more bed rooms. Still saw the old bedrooms though and walk in bathroom I had. In the dream, I didn't want to wash my hair in the bathroom, because of my concerns about it, which I expressed in real life so I didn't. I went into my old bedroom and saw a window there, instead of the sliding door that I was used to seeing. It looked bigger but I didn't want to move into the old bedroom, because of mold issues, so I didn't, and that's true in real life as well. Then, I went outside and when my mom opened the door there was a white car and cops. Cops were there for some reason but were friendly. We thought our old neighbor from the old apartment we were in in the dream was getting arrested for something. My mom was nosy as always but I was even more curious about the apartment and it's strangeness. She went out the door and I told her to "close the door, mom!" Because I didn't want misquotes coming in. Then she did close it. (This is also something I never liked about my mom, opening the door wide for other bugs to come in the apartment, so this is a legitimate concern I had in real life, I guess it goes into my dreams too.) I don't know how to explain this next part. So in real life, the apartment isn't facing the road it's facing another apartment, so the face of the apartment faced a nature perseve we had and another apartment which that apartment faced the road, not ours. You would have to use the little sidewalk we had to go to your building door. In this dream, our old apartment placement was the same but....we had a WIDE concrete area.. like wide enough to fit multiple cars and the shrubs that was in front of our doors were gone and replaced with concrete. That's why we could see the cars park in front... literally in front of our apartment door. There was also a huge roof over the cement area. These things looked mega different to me, but my mother wasn't surprised or concerned about it, she acted like this wasn't weird to her. Then there is the second dream. I walked to the other side to explore the other bedrooms, I opened one of the doors and I can't recall if it was empty or notbut I turned around and turned back out again and I was in a mansion. Like I'm talking, beautiful tapestry, quint dining area, the doors everything looked rich to me. Had a carpeted red french staircase, it just looked beautiful. There was this girl that had everything on but then was naked and told me to get nude as well. Mind you, I'm a bisexual girl in real life, I was getting horny by this in the dream, so stripped until I saw a guy, and the only thing I had on this white thing that looked like a t shirt dress but wasn't thick garment, my bra and underwear, and a tank top that was purple. He came and quickly run through the door, busting it open and ran towards me which made me run up the stairs and into a random bedroom, looked like a boys bedroom if anything, and it didn't feel like mine but I hid there and tried closing the door but he wanted and tried to get in, but I wasn't going to let him in. At first, I thought he was a threat until he said "I saw something disgusting from your window!" He calmed down his voice when he kept telling me it and to open the door, but eventually I did open the door and he was relieved for some reason. He said he saw something gross through the door and dragged me out the bedroom. I then was teleported to a place that looked like Italy and Los Angeles at the same time. I say Italy because it had Italy infrastructure, but also Los Angeles because of the golden state bridge, that huge big red bridge and there was a sidewalk and water in front of me, no barriers from the water to the sidewalk by the way. He took me inside a place that was on the first floor and then looked out the window and looked at the golden state bridge and I saw him on the very top of it, looking down. I knew he was probably going to jump, and I didn't know why. I then was teleported to the second floor to get a better view and then I saw him dive in and jump off the bridge, I started to scream as I teleported back to ground level and go to the peirre. I screamed for someone to swim towards him and someone did, I couldn't swim either and I could see him struggling. I saw his feet go up from the water and back down and I was panicking so I tried to call 911 but it wasn't working. It wasn't working throughout the entire dream I was getting antsy because every time I called it would say "611" "51015" or other numbers even when I put 911 on there, it would change and I would think I'm talking to dispatch, but not. It was so painful seeing his lifeless body and struggle to breathe. The guy took a while to get him on land but eventually he did and put his body on the concrete sidewalk before the hero came out of the water. I still wasn't able to reach dispatch and couldn't tell what time it was because my phone nor my mom phone would say. When she snatched my phone and told me this isn't 911, that I'm calling the VA, I told her every time I called dispatch, it was divert to another number, and I was annoyed she thought I was dumb like that. Finally, I asked someone else to call 911 and they did but when EMT arrived, they said they could do nothing for him, even though they could save his life by doing CPR, which I didn't know how to do properly. Also, when EMT arrived, it looked like there was a door, which confused me because I thought this was real and now it feels like we're in a huge realistic movie scene, even if I saw no cameras and it felt real to me. I thought he was a goner and I felt like I lost a lover so I laid beside him and then I think I blinked or fell asleep and woke up around maybe 5-6am to see the sun rise. I saw the boy come back to life, but I thought he was a ghost, an apparition, so I just smiled and pretended to be happy, when I was sad on the inside. I smiled and hugged him and tried to be lovey dovey as possible to savour the moment with him. Then once I saw someone say "something is off." and everyone started to agree, I didn't see him anywhere. In the dream, I knew it was time to wake up from it, and I tried to stay awake in the dream as long as I could but I couldn't, and so I closed my eyes and opened them, and I left the dream world and woke up in real life the next morning which is today. Additional dream: this dream didn't happen after the second dream, but I don't know where to put it so I'll insert it here. This was a smaller portion dream. I was in the party and walking past people and this guy came up to me and we went to his bedroom and closed the door. There was multiple people there and we were talking into these mics, and said we are doing a podcast episode. The boys the entire time objectified me but I was laughing at their comments and jokes and teasing them back. After most of the left, one guy stayed and gave me some comfort and his number to call for anything. I agreed and we exchanged numbers and I left the bedroom first before he did. I went past the party, dancing for a few seconds, before driving away in a white sedan with the cops coming after me, and then I went to the second dream listed above. Dream bot, please tell me with precision what your interpretation is. Be as long and as descriptive as possible.

11 Jul 2024



I was in this post-apocalyptic setting with friends and familiar co-workers. At some point in the dream, we were instructed on how to twist our hair with this product. We were suggested to do flat twists, but I did individual twists on my hair. One of the guy's twists out was well-defined with the flat twists, so I decided to redo my hair from the individual twists to the flat twists. At another point in the dream, I was dating this guy who seemed similar to one of my co-workers in the IT department. Anywho, my boyfriend seemed to be constantly planning dates with one of my close friends, Lynda, who was also dating someone and reminding us that this was a couples outing, etc. At some point, I questioned why we always plan double-date or partnered events. As someone who’s recently been single, I wanted us to be more inclusive, planning more social gatherings with our friends who aren’t coupled as well, as they’re as much fun, if not more, than our partnered friend. I remember my close friend Lynda agreed with me.

9 Jul 2024

Childhood home
My crush
Living Room


I had a dream I was in my childhood home . There were a group of eligible bachelor's and me and a group of girls had to model for them and they would pick which one of us they wanted to be there wife. We cleared the hallway and there was a black carpet that we put down. All the men were waiting in the living room. A few girls went before me then it was my turn. I started walking but I couldn't walk my best . I have modeling experience in real life so I was trying to do my best catwalk but it was not working . My walk was nice but not what I wanted to do. I walked with 1 outfit on and everything seemed fine. I picked another outfit and this time I put my all into the outfit. I thought the men left because I was taking so long preparing my outfit. But someone said they were still waiting for me. I was relieved they didnt leave. So I told them to play Arianna Grande song -"we can't be friends" the music started and I started walking . I walked into the living room and everyone was kind of shocked but impressed . I did a spin and blew a kiss then I was done. I saw this boy that I had a crush on many years ago in the crowd. He was watching me in shock. Also this famous YouTube influencer was the judge and she liked it but said I looked like a boy with my hair in that ponytail.

9 Jul 2024



I am highlighting my own hair. It’s really hard because I cannot see what I’m doing. I am feeling around my hair for strands and trying to coat the hair with the hair dye. It’s really hard and I’m scared of how the results are going to turn out

8 Jul 2024



last night I had a dream it was a little bit scattered but I remember it kind of started out like driving but it was over like a beachy skyline so basically like I saw the horizon and there was the coast and the water and everything and it felt cool it felt safe and then I remember like kind of like not crashing but flying off of the cliff or like the mountain that we were on but like I was scared but like I knew we'd be okay but I felt like that inertia feeling when you're really falling like that gut feeling in my stomach and when we landed I got everybody together made sure everybody was okay and you know I led us all towards the beach or so towards like a kind of jungly area but along the edge so that we'd be okay and ironically like we ran into my boss and it was him and the people traveling with me I can't remember I know one of them was my dad and the other two people I can't remember I feel like they were like childhood friends I can't remember their names but then with that, I ended up like working with Voss, with Tristan in order to like create shelter and everything, and like I made some nice clothes and of course my hair was amazing and looked gorgeous with like purple and neon pink tips and I just felt and looked so confident and felt like the goddesses like a water goddess and I just felt so empowered to be by the ocean and I felt seductive and attractive. And I remember I was able to change the weather so that we weren't in danger of like any lightning storms or anything or any monsoons or typhoons or anything like that and when night came everybody was asleep and just let me sleep and we had like very, very, very passionate and thorough and just amazing sex and it felt like it was transformative and like an energy surge almost. Like I felt energized if that makes sense. Almost ascended. Afterwards I felt like nervous and guilty because of course I'm married and my dad was not that far away and so as I was walking back to camp I remember hearing and like I believe it was some type of animal or something and feeling some sense of dread so I know I was in trouble but it wasn't like a bad dread it was like you know me and Tristan can handle ourselves type of thing and before we started the fight I woke up.

8 Jul 2024



I had a dream with lice in my head. I was laying down with on of my students and in the pillow I saw a lice. I knew I got lice from this student. I decided to clean my hair. So I put a heavy conditioner and when brushing my hair. Omg a lot of lice keep coming out. Every brush was full of lice. At the end my hair got clean but not completely as I still seeing one or two lice in my hair.

6 Jul 2024



I was at school and everything felt real . I was with my senior friends waiting for them at end of school . When I went out of school gate I saw one of movie actor I m currently watching he was with his friend. He is good looking with eye brows and big ears . In dream he was interested in me but i ignored. Yeah when I went out and saw him . He was sitting near the road and talking to his friend. And I came and tried to brush his hair but he got awkward but then I grab him by his cheeks cutely and softly brush his hair . He was looking at me surprised and innocent mesmerized eyes and I was smiling

2 Jul 2024



I was on the bus going home from school and I see my friends older brother taking out the trash through the window of the bus. we end up making eye contact and I get off tye bus right there and go to my friends house. After making it there, she lets me in and we talk a little bit and I ask her about my hair when she does it, making a joke about my hairline(I have a widows peak) and if she could try to β€œshape it up”. Some older family member of hers suddenly says im not welcome there anymore and they want me to leave. So Malika walks me to the door and I walk home. As I go outside though, It was the dead of night so I have to run home. I also had to crouch down in the dream so no one would find me and try to kidnap me. I finally make it back to my house(old house) and I manage to slip in through the front door. As I make my way upstairs, I notice a bunch of dirty clothes sitting outside my door, which was weird to me. As I begin to take my clothes off and get ready for bed when I hear footsteps and see the light turn on in the hallway. I rush and turn my light off and do my best impression of being asleep in the middle of the night, all while I hear my dad talking to my grandma whos room is a little down the hallway from mine. I couldnt fully concentrate on what they were saying but I believe it was about the dirty clothes on the floor. As I hear him start making his way to my room, I do my best sleeping impression while my eye is moving rapidly, mostly closed but a tad bit open to give off the rem sleep vibe. Before he makes it to my room I wake up.

25 Jun 2024

Being Late
Panic Attack


I dreamed I was running late for work and when I woke up I was still panicking thinking it was a work day cutting my ponytail holder out of my hair to get faster ready took me a while to realize what day it was and that it wasn't a work day

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