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Dream Interpretation: Renovation 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Renovation? Discover the significance of seeing a Renovation in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Renovation appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes a need for change or improvement in your life. It may indicate that you are ready to make some changes in your personal or professional life. Renovation can also represent a desire to start fresh or to let go of the past.

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🧭 Direction


Think about what areas of your life need improvement or change. Are there any relationships, habits, or situations that are holding you back? Consider taking steps to make positive changes in these areas. This dream may also be a sign that it's time to let go of old patterns and embrace new opportunities.

❤️ Feelings

Renovation in a dream can evoke a sense of anticipation and excitement. It signifies a desire for change and improvement in one's life. The feeling of hope and possibility arises as the dreamer envisions a fresh start and the opportunity to create a better environment. There may also be a sense of empowerment and accomplishment as the dreamer takes control of their surroundings. However, renovation dreams can also bring feelings of uncertainty and anxiety, as they involve the unknown and the potential challenges that come with change. Overall, this dream elicits a mix of positive emotions, such as hope and excitement, along with a hint of apprehension.





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Dreams of users containing the word Renovation

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22 Jun 2024



I was at the roof top and fat man was lying at terrace over by neighbour house me and my male cousin was trying to stop him because the terrace was sliding down and it will be very distructive . So the terrace broke and fell down over the neighbour house because of the weight . My cousin hand got fractured and do get lot of hurts . After that accident I got unconscious and I wakeup and saw that my neighbour were renovating home . It was looking like hotel . I got home and sat at dining room suddenly some people of my age came into the room and my other siblings and cousins were already on my room we were enjoying each other company. I started having a conversation with a girl beside me . And we made some plan and had lot of fun but all the people were older than me for some years and we were practicing for some events there were lot of handsome mascular boys . I was cleaning the room it was kind of messy and others were helping me , we were practicing dance and show . Then there was guy he was good looking with fair skin and he was laying down and having fun . I started talking with him and I was touchy with him and asking his age he was very funny and I was laughing and touching him friendly then he suddenly hold my hand cutely and started kissing aggressively I was uncomfortable but from inside I liked it. I always wanted a male friend with whom I can have fun . After some time we were in car , me , my brother and other friends and that guy and a kid . We are rescuing a orange kitten and suddenly got a call I was at the back seat of the car and I started shouting at the phone I was very angry in mood . For comfort I hold the guy hand i do felt good but he started again aggressively kissing my hand i was ok with it but my brother was there so I have to act that I'm uncomfortable. Then the Lil kid said he will take the kitten I don't really want to give him we drove to the kid house . He said his father loves animal . We went his house and sa his father coming home on a motorcycle. The kid went home with the cat and called us inside. The house was familiar but weird anyways we had a meal their and spend a good time with the people.

19 Jun 2024

Abandoned home
Swimming Pool


I dreamt that I visited my hometown of Mocha, Cuba. The town was completely renovated, with all the homes a white color as they were under new construction, my grandpa and uncle observing their hometown with me. Suddenly the homes were finished, and they resembled modern American suburban homes. My grandpa’s old home, which he sold years ago, was uninhabited, and so were all the houses in the town. We entered his old home, my childhood home, and looked at all the new renovations, utilizing a modern/antique style of architecture. The back of the home had several indoor pools, with a pond as well. The backyard was a large collective one, overlooking other homes in the area. The dream ended with me reminiscing at my reflection while peering into the interior of the other homes in the area, with my uncle and grandpa discussing in the large collective backyard.

19 Jun 2024



I dreamt I was at my sisters house with my cousin and we were talking in the living room with her daughter there. I was distracted b'se I could notice signs that another toddler had clearly been there and just things. They must have been older than my niece by a year or two... perhaps a boy. Anyway, this distracted me from being fully present in the room. I needed the toilet and went to the corner of the room, the area that my niece normally goes to when she's pooing in her nappy, and i began pushing. My niece came over and asked me if I wanted to poo, embarrassed that i was about to do it in the corner of the living room that was not hidden, I said yes, held my bottom where a poo was starting to come out and then headed upstairs for the toilet. On my way up my sister asked me to make dessert as she was cooking dinner. In my hurry as I was holding poo from leaving my bottom and hitting the floor, I stopped and asked her what she said. I don't know who replied out of her and my cousin but I just made haste up the stairs. Once I got into the toilet,I realised it had been renovated. The theme was shiny black and silver. I opened the tap to first wash my hands and the water went everywhere. My sister came in to explain how things worked in there and handed me a towel. I think I was frustrated that she didn't tell me before hand. As I proceeded to clean the bathroom I noticed it was now also a wet room combined. I also saw kids trainers in the bathroom and wondered whose they were. Too big for my niece. My cousin came into the bathroom, he was on the phone but helped me clean. We cleaned the entire bathroom, more than what was required. When he left and I sat on the toilet, I think I heard God? And a woman talking. The woman was saying " but I don't think she will help me" and God said, "trust me, just ask". Once I left the bathroom and returned downstairs we continued chatting. Someone asked my sister, maybe even me, I don't know, if her and her husband are ready for another child. She softly smiled and gave a little nod. Once I left, I was walking down the road and a woman stopped me and asked me to follow her. I did without question but inward wonder and curiosity, she walkes ahead of me with her head the whole time. We didn't speak, make eye contact. She led me to a store and asked me if I could buy her somethings. On the counter she placed a box of cigarettes and another 2 items that I don't recall. When I went to pay the card I used didn't work. I told the guy at the till my card doesn't and that I was robbed. Suddenly I turnt to the lady that led me there and said, "you're the person who robbed me, arent you? " with tears down her face she looked at me. Didn't answer and fled the shop. I noticed she was also wearing my jacket. The strange thing about this dream is that a year ago in real life, my cousins house was actually robbed. The robbers took my coat and my card and driving licence. They were never found. And I haven't thought about this in so long.

18 Jun 2024

Serial killer


I was with my mother and brother in the garden from our new villa. My brother was playing with the tire swing, which hang on the biggest tree there, my mother and I just had watched a dokumentation about the house. We sat by the sea, I looked at a part of the rooftop, which was broken and in the garden, the whole villa needed a renovation. My mother said that the sea was going to be pumped out, I looked at her confused, then I realised it and smiled "That means we could seek the corps right?" she nooded, I stood up and walked down to the water. The last owner from the villa was a serial killer and he hide the corpse in the sea and his dungeons.

11 Jun 2024

My crush
Old friend


I was at my house living with my parents and I got to have my old friend group over. The area around our home was getting renovated so there were giant holes in the ground and some of it spread to our yard. I think my friends and I were doing karate moves. I left to smoke weed and while I was gone they kissed one of the girls I had a crush on and I felt left out. I got high on weed and had a hard time keeping up with them while they were doing cool moves. Eventually I got sober but most of them left by then and it was getting dark. I was hoping to get a kiss from my crush because she got to stay later than the rest but I didn't have the courage to ask

30 May 2024



Mum and I were renovating the house, there were white/grey floorboards and barely anything in the house. I went to the Leisure centre down the road in Newhaven, to check the gym prices. There was a massive staircase with 2 rowing machines going down. Lewis was on one of them and he saw me when he came down, did a double take and I smiled. He didn't smile back and seem to ignore me. I went home sad

10 May 2024

Building (Place)


In my waking life my mom just purchased a co-op and is currently going through a renovation process. My my dream it was the most vivid and realistic dream i had of one of my long term goals of building my own mansion. Ib the dream i was choosing furniture, finishes and fixtures. My mom and sister where also choosing thier favorite finishes for their home. My desire is to build 3 homes on one property- for me my mom and sister. In my dreams it was happening full force. I felt the joy of it finally happening. There was no doubt, or uncertainty about the circumstances. It hardly felt like a dream. It felt like my real life situation but for wealthy circumstances truly want and believe is coming my way.

28 Apr 2024



I was in my old house with my parents. I was thinking of ways to update the look of the house. I wanted to turn the garage into a bedroom. My parents were not listening to me. I was thinking of paint colors like a light purple or pink. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. There were a bunch of people in the garage taking a class on how to renovate but the teacher wasn’t saying anything helpful. I just wanted everyone to get out of my house.

27 Apr 2024

New Home


Me and my family just moved to a new place, idk where it was but the new house we were living in was being renovated for some reason. Every day at random times a green fog would randomly appear and if you were outside you had to get inside and put on a gas mask unless your house or the building you were in was airtight. One day I was just outside with someone I can’t remember who it was but that’s when the fog started to appear, everyone started panicking because it was so early in the morning and the fog had never appeared this early before so we weren’t prepared, our house was being worked on so we had to look for a different place to hide. I ran into a small shed with a window and put on a gas mask that our mom made us carry around. I kept seeing people running around in a panic and dropping dead on the floor bc of th fog and then a boy ran into the window begging me to let him In so I did. The boy seemed familiar but because of the fog I couldn’t really tell who he was, I slowly start loosing consciousness and fall asleep. My dream then jumps to a different day, the sun is shining and there are reports from the government that there are no signs of the fog appearing today so everyone is outside celebrating and having fun. Our home was finally finished and so I was in my room trying playing my guitar even though I can’t play In real life but in my dream I was also learning to play but on that day I could play really well. My mom walks in and tells me to go pick up my sister up from school because they had an event after school to celebrate the fog wasn’t there today so me my dad and my brother decided to go and pick her up together. The school was just like a 10 minute walk from our house so we decided to go walking, I decided to bring my guitar for some reason idk why. We said bye to mom and headed to the school for my sister, we arrive at the school and there are so many people outside running around, there are vendors and games for people to play, it was so peaceful but something felt off. We get my sister and decide to get some food so we get in line, a few minutes later the sirens go off and we get alerts on our phones saying that the fog has appeared, we all start panicking and we look around trying to find where to go, here was a jump cut in my dream then we were inside a building, it looked like an office so maybe we were inside the school but idk. The fog slowly started seeping into the room but it wasn’t too bad because a few of us had gas masks so we shared with others also. Someone used a fire extinguisher and that cleared the gas from the room we were in but since we had already inhaled a bit of the gas we weren’t feeling well. I don’t know how long had passed but it felt like hours, the smoke had not cleared yet so we were all trapped there until it left. Our phones didn’t get signal so we couldn’t even communicate with the people outside. We were running low on supplies and it was getting hotter in the room and out of nowhere the power goes out. This is where my dream started getting a bit more weird. We start seeing apparitions of random things and some were familiar to others and they said stuff like “my son or daughter drew this” the gas was messing with our brains at this point or at least that’s what we thought. We were looking in the office for something to eat and in a suitcase we found meat and vegetables, we all start eating it but a few minutes later our stomach started hurting and we all had to use the bathroom. Also while we were eating we were talking about what could be causing the green fog and the residents of this new town we moved in started saying it all began when construction of our house started which was about a year ago or something like that. Thwy we’re all suspicious of us especially my dad because I’m my dream he worked for some big corporation, suddenly we all had to use the bathroom because of the food we ate earlier and ran out the room looking for a bathroom. I found a bathroom that was available and as I sat down there were papers on a counter next to the toilet and so I grab them and turn on the flashlight on my phone and the papers mentioned th company my dad worked for and after that I woke up.

22 Mar 2024



I had a dream that Samuel‘s mom and dad tried to move us back to Jones, which is our old house that we were supposed to live in that they already moved us out of which was something I was kinda OK with, but not really then I realized it wasn’t Jones at all removed in another place again, just for her to prove that she was good at renovations house didn’t even have a roof yet, and it was way too much house for me and Samuel she even had two famous people from a home renovation show come to show how great she is at renovations, whenever I tried to bring this up with Samuel I told him I don’t wanna move. You can’t let this happen either tell him we’re not doing this or I’m leaving and Samuel told me well then just leave I lost it at his mother. I told her she was toxic, controlling manipulative and only used her son in front of the cruise and everything. She desperately tried to talk to the camera and try to tell them I was crazy but I but I told her don’t try to go for them for help I’m talking to you. She told me I had attitude I was like yes I do have attitude. This is 🦄Emily🦄 this is me. This is me not controlling myself for your son after I went up, one side down the other, it was night time now and we were sleeping in the house that she was renovating without a roof both sleeping there me, Sam, Sam, 🐔Mom🐔, and 🦉Dad🦉 after the aftermath Sam’s mom came upstairs with a sappy note and a playlist of songs that made her son think of her I tried to see what bullshit she was trying to tell her son and then doing so it activated the playlist. She heard it and came upstairs thinking that her son was listening to the playlist trying to plead her case that I was the problem and that she was just trying to help, Sam woke up and I lost it again. I told her you were not trying to help you’re doing this for your own gain to show how good you are and you’ve been nothing but moving us around and using your son for your own glorification and I’m done with it, I called her a toxic and she walked away. I went to close the door to apologize to Samuel he stopped me from closing the door. I just wanted privacy to tell him I’m sorry he said no I told him sorry and that I’d see myself out out of his life and he agreed and he took his mom side.

17 Mar 2024

New Job


I had this dream emember pieces and moments not the complete dream it starts off with the people I consider my family but their related to my daughters dads and treat me like I am one of their own his uncle is like my brother his grandmother is who I see as my mom first thing I remember is (my brother and his wife his mother and my kids his son and his brothers kids are all moving into this new place and as we're trying to get the living room ready for renovation the kids are being over active so we tell them to go to their room and we their leaving someone knocks at the door and I go to answer it and it's my daughter's dad who passed away I open the door and ask him what is he doing here and he smiles and replied I came to see you and when I turned around everything was gone and all there was as far as I could see top to bottom solid bright white I couldn't tell the floor from the wall everyone everything Else just vanished the next thing I remember is seeing a couch and me and him walk over to it sit down and I place my head on his shoulder and we just sit there him holding me me my head on him for what seemed like hours and I tell him Im scared he told me not to worry that I'll be ok and I cried to him please Don't leave me please when he says I love you and I'm never gonna leave you I'll always be with you i remember telling him I can't do this without him I remember is him telling me I'm gonna be just fine he'll always be with me and he loves me the last thing I remember him saying after that is she's so beautiful

6 Mar 2024



I dreamt that I needed to take a favourite, beautiful dress to a seamstress to have it altered. I had a favourite seamstress, who unfortunately lived a three-hour flight south, in another state, and who was living in the house I rented when I lived down there. I had been very unhappy in that house, I had suffered a lot of abuse and was terrorised there in real life. But the countryside was beautiful and so I was happy to travel that far for a perfect outcome. Next, I was sitting in the living room of that house, watching the seamstress and an older man negotiate the price of my dress alteration. He wrote it on a brown paper bag, the bag was for the dress to be posted back to me to my northern home address. He had negotiated a great price, but I had to stay for an hour or so in the seamstress's house and do some ironing for him (in real life I had actually taken in ironing while living in that house.) Then the old man left. So I began ironing and chatting happily with the seamstress and her elderly mother. I noticed many improvements and small renovations to the house, it was much prettier than when I had lived in it. It was very much a pretty old ladies house now, full of lace and pretty tiles, knickknacks and doilies, and more open rooms. They took me outside and showed me the much improved garden too, but pushed me around in a wheelbarrow so I wouldn't have to walk. I was really loving being back there, and had a positive feeling there now.

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